18 research outputs found

    Research and development PETRA IV. Magnets, Girders and Vibrations

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    PETRA IV at DESY: Research and development progress regarding magnets, girders and vibration issue

    Compact and low Consumption Magnet Design - The DESY Experience

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    During the last ten years a variety of electromagnets has been ordered to upgrade the PETRAaccelerator into a synchrotron light source, to build up a new branch at the FLASH acceleratorfacility and to install the new European XFEL.The talk will give an overview of the ingredients which are necessary for developing andmanufacturing magnets. Two septum designs will be presented to discuss how electricitycosts can be reduced without losing machine performance. Furthermore design studies ofcombined function magnets and a permanent magnet design that could replace a quadrupoleelectromagnet to save energy costs will be shown

    Suche nach der My -e -Konversion im SINDRUM-II-Spektrometer

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    Magnet Design for the PETRA IV Storage Ring

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    The proposed PETRA IV electron storage ring that will replace DESY’s flagship synchrotron light source PETRA III will feature a horizontal emittance as low as 20 pmrad. It is based on a hybrid six-bend achromat lattice. In addition to the storage ring PETRA IV, the Booster Synchrotron and the corresponding transfer line will be renewed. Overall about 4000 magnets will be manufactured. The lattice design require high-gradient quadrupoles, which are unfeasible with conventional steel, used traditionally for normal-conducting magnets. The required gradient is safely reached with the poles, made of Permendur. The bending magnets for the storage ring will be based on permanent magnets. This contribution presents the electromagnetic design of the magnets for the storage ring and booster synchrotron

    Status of the Hard X-Ray Self-Seeding Project at the European XFEL

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    A Hard X-ray Self-Seeding setup is currently under realization at the European XFEL, and will be ready for installation in 2018. The setup consists of two single-crystal monochromators that will be installed at the SASE2 undulator line. In this contribution, after a short summary of the physical principles and of the design, we will discuss the present status of the project including both electron beam and X-ray optics hardware. We will also briefly discuss the expected performance of the setup, which is expected to produce nearly Fourier-limited pulses of X-ray radiation with increased brightness compared to the baseline of the European XFEL, as well as possible complementary uses of the two electron chicanes

    Status of the PETRA IV Machine Project

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    DESY is planning the upgrade of PETRA III to a fourth generation light source, providing high brightness, quasi diffraction limited hard X-ray photons. The project is underpinned by the construction of a new storage ring PETRA IV, based on a 20 pm accelerator lattice using a hybrid 6-bend achromat concept. We review here the status of the machine project, the latest development in the different technical subsystems, the status of the engineering integration and the plans for the implementation of the new ring in the existing PETRA III tunnel

    Status Update of the SINBAD-ARES Linac Under Construction at DESY

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    ARES (Accelerator Research Experiment at Sinbad) is a linear accelerator for the production of low charge (from few pC to sub-pC) electron bunches with 100 MeV energy, fs and sub-fs duration and excellent arrival time stability. This experiment is currently under construction at DESY Hamburg and it is foreseen to start operation by the beginning of 2018 with the commissioning of the RF-gun. After an initial beam characterization phase, ARES will provide high temporal resolution probes for testing novel acceleration techniques, such as Laser driven plasma Wake-Field Acceleration (LWFA), Dielectric Laser Acceleration (DLA) and THz driven acceleration. In this work we present an overview of the present design of the linac with a special focus on 3D integration and planned installation phases of the beamline