217 research outputs found

    Entangling power and operator entanglement in qudit systems

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    We establish the entangling power of a unitary operator on a general finite-dimensional bipartite quantum system with and without ancillas, and give relations between the entangling power based on the von Neumann entropy and the entangling power based on the linear entropy. Significantly, we demonstrate that the entangling power of a general controlled unitary operator acting on two equal-dimensional qudits is proportional to the corresponding operator entanglement if linear entropy is adopted as the quantity representing the degree of entanglement. We discuss the entangling power and operator entanglement of three representative quantum gates on qudits: the SUM, double SUM, and SWAP gates.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Version 3: Figure was improved and the MS was a bit shortene

    A solution of the coincidence problem based on the recent galactic core black hole mass density increase

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    A mechanism capable to provide a natural solution to two major cosmological problems, i.e. the cosmic acceleration and the coincidence problem, is proposed. A specific brane-bulk energy exchange mechanism produces a total dark pressure, arising when adding all normal to the brane negative pressures in the interior of galactic core black holes. This astrophysically produced negative dark pressure explains cosmic acceleration and why the dark energy today is of the same order to the matter density for a wide range of the involved parameters. An exciting result of the analysis is that the recent rise of the galactic core black hole mass density causes the recent passage from cosmic deceleration to acceleration. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this work corrects a wide spread fallacy among brane cosmologists, i.e. that escaping gravitons result to positive dark pressure.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Drag Force in a Charged N=4 SYM Plasma

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    Following recent developments, we employ the AdS/CFT correspondence to determine the drag force exerted on an external quark that moves through an N=4 super-Yang-Mills plasma with a non-zero R-charge density (or, equivalently, a non-zero chemical potential). We find that the drag force is larger than in the case where the plasma is neutral, but the dependence on the charge is non-monotonic.Comment: 16 pages, 1 eps figure; v2: references added, typos fixed; v3: more general ansatz, new nontrivial solution obtained, nonmonotonicity of the drag force made explicit in new figure, version to appear in JHE

    From Fundamental Strings to Small Black Holes

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    We give evidence in favour of a string/black hole transition in the case of BPS fundamental string states of the Heterotic string. Our analysis goes beyond the counting of degrees of freedom and considers the evolution of dynamical quantities in the process. As the coupling increases, the string states decrease their size up to the string scale when a small black hole is formed. We compute the absorption cross section for several fields in both the black hole and the perturbative string phases. At zero frequency, these cross sections can be seen as order parameters for the transition. In particular, for the scalars fixed at the horizon the cross section evolves to zero when the black hole is formed.Comment: 36 pages, 4 figures, argument about minimally coupled scalar absorption cross section clarifie

    Stretched Horizon and Entropy of Superstars

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    Amongst the class of supergravity solutions found by Lin, Lunin and Maldacena, we consider pure and mixed state configurations generated by phase space densities in the dual fermionic picture. A one-to-one map is constructed between the phase space densities and piecewise monotonic curves, which generalize the Young diagrams corresponding to pure states. Within the fermionic phase space picture, a microscopic formula for the entropy of mixed states is proposed. Considering thermal ensembles, agreement is found between the thermodynamic and the proposed microscopic entropies. Furthermore, we study fluctuations in thermodynamic ensembles for the superstar and compare the entropy of these ensembles with the area of stretched horizons predicted by the mean fluctuation size.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, 2 references adde

    Typicality versus thermality: An analytic distinction

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    In systems with a large degeneracy of states such as black holes, one expects that the average value of probe correlation functions will be well approximated by the thermal ensemble. To understand how correlation functions in individual microstates differ from the canonical ensemble average and from each other, we study the variances in correlators. Using general statistical considerations, we show that the variance between microstates will be exponentially suppressed in the entropy. However, by exploiting the analytic properties of correlation functions we argue that these variances are amplified in imaginary time, thereby distinguishing pure states from the thermal density matrix. We demonstrate our general results in specific examples and argue that our results apply to the microstates of black holes.Comment: 22 pages + appendices, 3 eps figure

    The calibration of the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory using uniformly distributed radioactive sources

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    The production and analysis of distributed sources of 24Na and 222Rn in the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) are described. These unique sources provided accurate calibrations of the response to neutrons, produced through photodisintegration of the deuterons in the heavy water target, and to low energy betas and gammas. The application of these sources in determining the neutron detection efficiency and response of the 3He proportional counter array, and the characteristics of background Cherenkov light from trace amounts of natural radioactivity is described.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figure

    Note on New Massive Gravity in AdS3AdS_3

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    In this note we study the properties of linearized gravitational excitations in the new massive gravity theory in asymptotically AdS3AdS_3 spacetime and find that there is also a critical point for the mass parameter at which massive gravitons become massless as in topological massive gravity in AdS3AdS_3. However, at this critical point in the new massive gravity the energy of all branches of highest weight gravitons vanish and the central charges also vanish within the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions. The new massive gravity in asymptotically AdS3AdS_3 spacetime seems to be trivial at this critical point under the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions if the Brown-Henneaux boundary conditions can be consistent with this theory. At this point, the boundary conditions of log gravity may be preferred.Comment: v3 typos corrected, refs added, version to appear in JHE

    Chiral Gravity in Three Dimensions

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    Three dimensional Einstein gravity with negative cosmological constant -1/\ell^2 deformed by a gravitational Chern-Simons action with coefficient 1/\mu is studied in an asymptotically AdS_3 spacetime. It is argued to violate unitary or positivity for generic \mu due to negative-energy massive gravitons. However at the critical value \mu\ell=1, the massive gravitons disappear and BTZ black holes all have mass and angular momentum related by \ell M=J. The corresponding chiral quantum theory of gravity is conjectured to exist and be dual to a purely right-moving boundary CFT with central charges (c_L,c_R)=(0,3\ell /G).Comment: 21 pages, published version, typos corrected, more reference adde

    Spinning Strings as Small Black Rings

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    Certain supersymmetric elementary string states with spin can be viewed as small black rings whose horizon has the topology of S^1 \times S^{d-3} in a d-dimensional string theory. By analyzing the singular black ring solution in the supergravity approximation, and using various symmetries of the \alpha' corrected effective action we argue that the Bekenstein-Hawking-Wald entropy of the black string solution in the full string theory agrees with the statistical entropy of the same system up to an overall normalization constant. While the normalization constant cannot be determined by the symmetry principles alone, it can be related to a similar normalization constant that appears in the expression for small black holes without angular momentum in one less dimension. Thus agreement between statistical and macroscopic entropy of (d-1)-dimensional non-rotating elementary string states would imply a similar agreement for a d-dimensional elementary string state with spin. Our analysis also determines the structure of the near horizon geometry and provides us with a geometric derivation of the Regge bound. These studies give further evidence that a ring-like horizon is formed when large angular momentum is added to a small black hole.Comment: LaTeX file, 31 pages; v2: references to earlier work adde
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