12,242 research outputs found

    On Nonperturbative Exactness of Konishi Anomaly and the Dijkgraaf-Vafa Conjecture

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    In this paper we study the nonperturbative corrections to the generalized Konishi anomaly that come from the strong coupling dynamics of the gauge theory. We consider U(N) gauge theory with adjoint and Sp(N) or SO(N) gauge theory with symmetric or antisymmetric tensor. We study the algebra of chiral rotations of the matter field and show that it does not receive nonperturbative corrections. The algebra implies Wess-Zumino consistency conditions for the generalized Konishi anomaly which are used to show that the anomaly does not receive nonperturbative corrections for superpotentials of degree less than 2l+1 where 2l=3c(Adj)-c(R) is the one-loop beta function coefficient. The superpotentials of higher degree can be nonperturbatively renormalized because of the ambiguities in the UV completion of the gauge theory. We discuss the implications for the Dijkgraaf-Vafa conjecture.Comment: 23 page

    Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in String Theory

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    We find examples of non-supersymmetric attractors in Type II string theory compactified on a Calabi Yau three-fold. For a non-supersymmetric attractor the fixed values to which the moduli are drawn at the horizon must minimise an effective potential. For Type IIA at large volume, we consider a configuration carrying D0, D2, D4 and D6 brane charge. When the D6 brane charge is zero, we find for some range of the other charges, that a non-supersymmetric attractor solution exists. When the D6 brane charge is non-zero, we find for some range of charges, a supersymmetry breaking extremum of the effective potential. Closer examination reveals though that it is not a minimum of the effective potential and hence the corresponding black hole solution is not an attractor. Away from large volume, we consider the specific case of the quintic in CP^4. Working in the mirror IIB description we find non-supersymmetric attractors near the Gepner point.Comment: Added a few clarification

    Particle production in p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 17 GeV within the statistical model

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    A thermal-model analysis of particle production of p-p collisions at sqrt(s) = 17 GeV using the latest available data is presented. The sensitivity of model parameters on data selections and model assumptions is studied. The system-size dependence of thermal parameters and recent differences in the statistical model analysis of p-p collisions at the super proton synchrotron (SPS) are discussed. It is shown that the temperature and strangeness undersaturation factor depend strongly on kaon yields which at present are still not well known experimentally. It is conclude, that within the presently available data at the SPS it is rather unlikely that the temperature in p-p collisions exceeds significantly that expected in central collisions of heavy ions at the same energy.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Dyon Spectrum in Generic N=4 Supersymmetric Z_N Orbifolds

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    We find the exact spectrum of a class of quarter BPS dyons in a generic N=4 supersymmetric Z_N orbifold of type IIA string theory on K3\times T^2 or T^6. We also find the asymptotic expansion of the statistical entropy to first non-leading order in inverse power of charges and show that it agrees with the entropy of a black hole carrying same set of charges after taking into account the effect of the four derivative Gauss-Bonnet term in the effective action of the theory.Comment: LaTeX file, 39 pages; minor change

    A C-Function For Non-Supersymmetric Attractors

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    We present a c-function for spherically symmetric, static and asymptotically flat solutions in theories of four-dimensional gravity coupled to gauge fields and moduli. The c-function is valid for both extremal and non-extremal black holes. It monotonically decreases from infinity and in the static region acquires its minimum value at the horizon, where it equals the entropy of the black hole. Higher dimensional cases, involving pp-form gauge fields, and other generalisations are also discussed.Comment: References adde

    Generalized Massive Gravity and Galilean Conformal Algebra in two dimensions

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    Galilean conformal algebra (GCA) in two dimensions arises as contraction of two copies of the centrally extended Virasoro algebra (t→t,x→ϵxt\rightarrow t, x\rightarrow\epsilon x with ϵ→0\epsilon\rightarrow 0). The central charges of GCA can be expressed in term of Virasoro central charges. For finite and non-zero GCA central charges, the Virasoro central charges must behave as asymmetric form O(1)±O(1ϵ)O(1)\pm O(\frac{1}{\epsilon}). We propose that, the bulk description for 2d GCA with asymmetric central charges is given by general massive gravity (GMG) in three dimensions. It can be seen that, if the gravitational Chern-Simons coupling 1μ\frac{1}{\mu} behaves as of order O(1ϵ\frac{1}{\epsilon}) or (μ→ϵμ\mu\rightarrow\epsilon\mu), the central charges of GMG have the above ϵ\epsilon dependence. So, in non-relativistic scaling limit μ→ϵμ\mu\rightarrow\epsilon\mu, we calculated GCA parameters and finite entropy in term of gravity parameters mass and angular momentum of GMG.Comment: 9 page

    Conserved current for the Cotton tensor, black hole entropy and equivariant Pontryagin forms

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    The Chern-Simons lagrangian density in the space of metrics of a 3-dimensional manifold M is not invariant under the action of diffeomorphisms on M. However, its Euler-Lagrange operator can be identified with the Cotton tensor, which is invariant under diffeomorphims. As the lagrangian is not invariant, Noether Theorem cannot be applied to obtain conserved currents. We show that it is possible to obtain an equivariant conserved current for the Cotton tensor by using the first equivariant Pontryagin form on the bundle of metrics. Finally we define a hamiltonian current which gives the contribution of the Chern-Simons term to the black hole entropy, energy and angular momentum.Comment: 13 page

    Evaluation of Ocean Color Scanner (OCS) photographic and digital data: Santa Barbara Channel test site, 29 October 1975 overflight

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    A summary of Ocean Color Scanner data was examined to evaluate detection and discrimination capabilities of the system for marine resources, oil pollution and man-made sea surface targets of opportunity in the Santa Barbara Channel. Assessment of the utility of OCS for the determination of sediment transport patterns along the coastal zone was a secondary goal. Data products provided 1975 overflight were in digital and analog formats. In evaluating the OCS data, automated and manual procedures were employed. A total of four channels of data in digital format were analyzed, as well as three channels of color combined imagery, and four channels of black and white imagery. In addition, 1:120,000 scale color infrared imagery acquired simultaneously with the OCS data were provided for comparative analysis purposes

    Brane Cosmology With Generalized Chaplygin Gas in The Bulk

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    We find exact solution of the Einstein equations in the context of the brane world scenario. We have supposed a {generalized chaplygin gas} equation of state for bulk. This study display a constant energy density and pressure for bulk in late time. It is shown that our assumptions impose a specific equation of state on brane. {In this work, we have obtained a decelerate universe in early time and late time.} In the end, it is shown that under some assumption we have equation of state of cosmological constant for bulk.Comment: 11 page
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