351 research outputs found

    The tRNATyr multigene family of Triticum aestivum: genome organization, sequence analyses and maturation of intron-containing pre-tRNAs in wheat germ extract

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    AbstractSouthern analysis of Triticum DNA has revealed that nuclear tRNATyr genes are dispersed at a minimum of 16 loci in the genome. We have isolated six independent tRNATyr genes from a Triticum aestivum library in addition to three known members of the Triticum tRNATyr family. Four of the sequenced tRNATyr genes code for Triticum tRNA1Tyr and two code for tRNA2Tyr. Three genes encode tRNATyr which carry one or two nucleotide substitutions as compared to the conventional genes. The nine Triticum tRNATyr genes possess highly conserved intron sequences ranging in size from 12 to 14 nucleotides. A common secondary intron structure with the 5â€Č and 3â€Č splice site loops separated by five base pairs can be formed by all pre-tRNAsTyr which are efficiently spliced in the homologous wheat germ extract

    Within-Family Environment and Cross-Fostering Stress Affect Behavior and Physiology in Wild Cavies (Cavia aperea)

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    Kraus S, Trillmich F, GĂŒnther A. Within-Family Environment and Cross-Fostering Stress Affect Behavior and Physiology in Wild Cavies (Cavia aperea). Frontiers in Psychology. 2020;11: 178.Stability of personality traits is well-documented for a wide variety of animals. However, previous results also suggest that behavioral phenotypes are plastic during early ontogeny and can be adaptively shaped to the social environment. In cavies (Cavia aperea), it has already been documented that the size at birth relative to siblings (size rank) greatly influences various behavioral and physiological traits that last at least until independence. The aim of the current study was (1) to investigate if behavioral and physiological differences between pups of the same litter persist until after independence and influence development long-lasting, (2) to determine the potential plasticity in response to changes in the early within-family environment by cross-fostering pups either to the same, a lower, or a higher size rank in a foster-family. We measured three behavioral traits (number of interactions with a novel object, distance moved in an open field, struggle docility) and two physiological traits (resting metabolic rate and basal cortisol levels). We predicted that cross-fostering into a litter where pups occupy the same size rank would not change the expression of traits. Cross-fostering to a different size rank should not influence the expression of traits if repeatability measures indicate low plasticity. Alternatively, if the traits are plastic, animals should adjust trait expression to fit with the size rank occupied in the foster litter. Initial differences in struggle docility, distance moved in an open field and in baseline cortisol concentration between pups of different size-ranks did not remain stable beyond independence. In addition, we found remarkable plasticity of the measured traits in response to cross-fostering to the same, a smaller or larger size-rank, suggesting that differences between pups are more the result of social constraints leading to adaptive shaping of individual phenotypes within a family. We also found a significant influence of the cross-fostering procedure itself. Cross-fostered individuals were less bold, grew slower and showed elevated resting metabolic rates. This finding suggests a cautious interpretation of previous cross-fostering studies and stresses the need for proper control groups to reliably separate the effect of cross-fostering per se from those induced by an experimental treatment. Introductio

    Les voyages et lettres de correspondance de John Ray, ou l’émergence des sciences naturelles dans l’Europe du xviie siĂšcle

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    John Ray (1627-1705), Ă©minent naturaliste nĂ© Ă  l’aube de la RĂ©volution scientifique, a rencontrĂ© et entretenu des correspondances avec de nombreux savants de l’Europe. ConsidĂ©rĂ© comme le fondateur de la botanique et de la zoologie modernes, John Ray, surnommĂ© le « Pline anglais », est le premier Ă  proposer un concept prĂ©cis de la notion d’espĂšce. À travers sa correspondance, se dessine un rĂ©seau d’échanges collaboratifs et amicaux participant Ă  la construction collective des sciences naturelles. Ses Lettres Philosophiques nous font dĂ©couvrir le contexte historique et culturel dans lequel ce savoir s’est Ă©laborĂ©, dans le milieu intellectuel protestant oĂč la thĂ©ologie et la science sont Ă©troitement liĂ©es au xviie siĂšcle. Bastion huguenot dotĂ© du premier Jardin du Roy de France, Montpellier Ă©tait devenue la « capitale de la botanique » et attirait les naturalistes de toute l’Europe. John Ray et ses amis viendront y rencontrer Pierre Magnol. Membre de la Royal Society, Ray s’engagera Ă©galement dans la publication d’ouvrages adressĂ©s Ă  un large public : collections de proverbes et de mots, manuels scolaires et dictionnaires en langues vernaculaires

    Jean-AndrĂ© Deluc (1727-1817) et la montagne comme objet d’étude et norme Ă©thique

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    Les montagnes ont longtemps Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©es comme des monuments terribles du sacrilĂšge humain. Une transformation de cette perception s’opĂšre dans le milieu intellectuel protestant britannique au xviie siĂšcle. Les montagnes apparaissent alors comme un ouvrage d’art animant un sentiment de beautĂ©. Issu d’une famille calviniste genevoise, Jean-AndrĂ© Deluc et son frĂšre Guillaume-Antoine font partie des premiers savants Ă  explorer les Alpes. Jouissant d’une grande renommĂ©e de son vivant, Deluc a Ă©tĂ© longtemps discrĂ©ditĂ©, car il cherchait Ă  concilier ses travaux scientifiques avec la GenĂšse. Le rĂ©sultat de vingt ans d’explorations mĂ©tĂ©orologiques en haute montagne est publiĂ© dans Recherches sur les modifications de l’atmosphĂšre. C’est un recueil d’observations de terrain et d’expĂ©riences empiriques, afin de perfectionner les instruments et les mĂ©thodes d’investigation dans les mesures altimĂ©triques. Ce recueil nous rĂ©vĂšle aussi tout un versant d’études anthropologiques sur le genre de vie des habitants des montagnes, sur le savoir-faire des artisans. Les travaux de Deluc exercĂšrent une grande influence sur Horace-BĂ©nĂ©dict de Saussure et Georges Cuvier

    L’aristotĂ©lisme christianisĂ© dans la thĂ©ologie naturelle des xviie et xviiie siĂšcles

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    Le christianisme a Ă©tĂ© longtemps le lieu d’une opposition fondamentale entre l’homme et l’animal, postulant la supĂ©rioritĂ© de l’humain placĂ© au sommet de la crĂ©ation, et dominant la terre et les animaux. Or, l’alliance entre la religion et l’histoire naturelle au xviie siĂšcle a rĂ©introduit l’homme dans la nature, grĂące Ă  la thĂ©ologie naturelle issue de la RĂ©forme. Longtemps considĂ©rĂ© comme marginal, c’est en fait un mouvement intellectuel qui a eu un rĂŽle fondamental Ă  l’échelle europĂ©enne dans l’émergence de la science moderne. L’Ɠuvre du mĂ©decin et pasteur anglais William Derham (1657-1735) participe de l’alliance fĂ©conde entre la biologie gĂ©nĂ©rale d’Aristote et l’apprĂ©ciation judĂ©o-chrĂ©tienne de la nature comme intrinsĂšquement bonne. L’approche Ă©cologique et planĂ©taire de sa ThĂ©ologie physique montre Ă  l’homme qu’il n’est qu’une des CrĂ©atures admirables de l’Auteur de la Nature, une Nature avec laquelle il est en lien et dont il est irrĂ©mĂ©diablement dĂ©pendant

    Adult Zebrafish as a Model System for Cutaneous Wound-Healing Research

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    Upon injury, the skin must quickly regenerate to regain its barrier function. In mammals, wound healing is rapid and scar free during embryogenesis, whereas in adults it involves multiple steps including blood clotting, inflammation, re-epithelialization, vascularization, and granulation tissue formation and maturation, resulting in a scar. We have established a rapid and robust method to introduce full-thickness wounds onto the flank of adult zebrafish, and show that apart from external fibrin clot formation, all steps of adult mammalian wound repair also exist in zebrafish. Wound re-epithelialization is extremely rapid and initiates with no apparent lag phase, subsequently followed by the immigration of inflammatory cells and the formation of granulation tissue, consisting of macrophages, fibroblasts, blood vessels, and collagen. The granulation tissue later regresses, resulting in minimal scar formation. Studies after chemical treatment or with transgenic fish further suggest that wound re-epithelialization occurs independently of inflammation and fibroblast growth factor signaling, whereas both are essential for fibroblast recruitment and granulation tissue formation. Together, these results demonstrate that major steps and principles of cutaneous wound healing are conserved among adult mammals and adult zebrafish, making zebrafish a valuable model for studying vertebrate skin repair

    No aggregate deforestation reductions from rollout of community land titles in Indonesia yet

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    In Indonesia, 60 million people live within 1 km of state forest. The government of Indonesia plans to grant community titles for 12.7 million hectares of land to communities living in and around forests. These titles allow for using nontimber forest products, practicing agroforestry, operating tourism businesses, and selective logging in designated production zones. Here, we estimate the early effects of the program’s rollout. We use data on the delineation and introduction date of community forest titles on 2.4 million hectares of land across the country. We find that, contrary to the objective of the program, community titles aimed at conservation did not decrease deforestation; if anything, they tended to increase forest loss. In contrast, community titles in zones aimed at timber production decreased deforestation, albeit from higher baseline forest loss rates

    Integrated model of the vertebrate augmin complex

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    Accurate segregation of chromosomes is required to maintain genome integrity during cell division. This feat is accomplished by the microtubule-based spindle. To build a spindle rapidly and with high fidelity, cells take advantage of branching microtubule nucleation, which rapidly amplifies microtubules during cell division. Branching microtubule nucleation relies on the hetero-octameric augmin complex, but lack of structure information about augmin has hindered understanding how it promotes branching. In this work, we combine cryo-electron microscopy, protein structural prediction, and visualization of fused bulky tags via negative stain electron microscopy to identify the location and orientation of each subunit within the augmin structure. Evolutionary analysis shows that augmin\u27s structure is highly conserved across eukaryotes, and that augmin contains a previously unidentified microtubule binding site. Thus, our findings provide insight into the mechanism of branching microtubule nucleation

    Doing transnational family im Kontext von Flucht und Krisenmigration: Stand der Forschung

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    In den vergangenen Jahren ist die Zahl gewaltsam Vertriebener stetig gestiegen, und auch die Anzahl der Menschen, die in weiter entfernte Staaten fliehen, hat laut UNHCR weltweit stark zugenommen. In Deutschland wurden im Zeitraum von 2015 bis 2017 fast 1,4 Mio. AsylerstantrĂ€ge gestellt, hauptsĂ€chlich von Menschen aus Syrien, Afghanistan, Irak sowie Eritrea. Aufgrund der AktualitĂ€t des Themas hat sich seit Kurzem eine eigen-stĂ€ndige Forschung zu Flucht und GeflĂŒchteten in Deutschland entwickelt, wobei sich die deutsche Forschungslandschaft ĂŒber die Disziplinen hinweg vor allem auf die Themen Aufnahme und Teilhabe von GeflĂŒchteten in Deutschland konzentriert. Bisher gibt es nur sehr wenige Arbeiten, die sich mit Familien von GeflĂŒchteten auseinandersetzen, obwohl unbestritten ist, dass Familien sowohl fĂŒr die Migrationsentscheidung als auch fĂŒr die Integration und Teilhabe im Zielland eine wichtige Rolle spielen. In Vorbereitung auf eine eigene empirische Studie, die diese ForschungslĂŒcke schließen möchte, wurde das vorliegende Working Paper erstellt. Es fasst die internationale Literatur zu den Fragen nach der Entstehung, Beibehaltung und VerĂ€nderung von transnationalen Familien, den transnationalen Alltagspraktiken sowie UnterstĂŒtzungsleistungen und den Konsequenzen von TransnationalitĂ€t auf die BeziehungsstabilitĂ€t und -qualitĂ€t zwischen Partnern, Kindern und Eltern sowie deren (subjektivem) Wohlbefinden, Einstellungen und Geschlechterrollen zusammen. Das Working Paper versucht darĂŒber hinaus, die AnschlussfĂ€higkeit der vorliegenden Studien zu transnationalen Familien auf den Fluchtkontext herzustellen und ForschungslĂŒcken im Themenfeld transnationaler Familien und Fluchtmigration aufzuzeigen

    Experimental multi-level seismic performance assessment of 3D RC frame designed for damage avoidance

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    This paper experimentally investigates the application of damage avoidance design (DAD) philosophy to moment-resisting frames with particular emphasis on detailing of rocking interfaces. An 80% scale three-dimensional rocking beam-column joint sub-assembly designed and detailed based on damage avoidance principles is constructed and tested. Incremental dynamic analysis is used for selecting ground motion records to be applied to the sub-assembly for conducting a multi-level seismic performance assessment (MSPA). Analyses are conducted to obtain displacement demands due to the selected near- and medium-field ground motions that represent different levels of seismic hazard. Thus, predicted displacement time histories are applied to the sub-assembly for conducting quasi-earthquake displacement tests. The sub-assembly performed well reaching drifts up to 4.7% with only minor spalling occurring at rocking beam interfaces and minor flexural cracks in beams. Yielding of post-tensioning threaded bars occurred, but the sub-assembly did not collapse. The externally attached energy dissipators provided large hysteretic dissipation during large drift cycles. The sub-assembly satisfied all three seismic performance requirements, thereby verifying the superior performance of the DAD philosoph
