521 research outputs found

    Viscous Brane Cosmology with a Brane-Bulk Energy Interchange Term

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    We assume a flat brane located at y=0, surrounded by an AdS space, and consider the 5D Einstein equations when the energy flux component of the energy-momentum tensor is related to the Hubble parameter through a constant Q. We calculate the metric tensor, as well as the Hubble parameter on the brane, when Q is small. As a special case, if the brane is tensionless, the influence from Q on the Hubble parameter is absent. We also consider the emission of gravitons from the brane, by means of the Boltzmann equation. Comparing the energy conservation equation derived herefrom with the energy conservation equation for a viscous fluid on the brane, we find that the entropy change for the fluid in the emission process has to be negative. This peculiar effect is related to the fluid on the brane being a non-closed thermodynamic system. The negative entropy property for non-closed systems is encountered in other areas in physics also, in particular, in connection with the Casimir effect at finite temperature.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figure

    CFT driven cosmology and the DGP/CFT correspondence

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    We present a dual 5D braneworld picture of a recently suggested model for a microcanonical description of a 4D cosmology driven by a conformal field theory with a large number of quantum fields. The 5D side of the duality relation is represented by a generalized brane induced gravity model in a Schwarzschild-de Sitter bulk. The values of the bulk cosmological and the induced 4D cosmological constants are determined by requiring the absence of conical singularity at the de Sitter horizon of the Euclidean Schwarzschild-de Sitter bulk. Those values belong to the vicinity of the upper bound of a range of admissible values for the cosmological constant. This upper bound is enforced by the 4D CFT and coincides with the natural gravitational cutoff in a theory with many quantum species. The resulting DGP/CFT duality suggests the possibility of a new type of {\em background independent} correspondence. A mechanism for inverting the sign of the effective cosmological constant is found, which might reconcile a negative value of the primordial cosmological constant compatible with supersymmetry with the one required by inflationary cosmology.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 3 figure

    Isotopic Insights into Biological Regulation of Zinc in Contaminated Systems

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    AbstractAquatic organisms use a variety ofbiogeochemical reactions to regulate essential and non-essential trace metals. Many of these mechanisms can lead to isotopic fractionation, thus measurement of metal isotopes may yield insights into the processes by which organisms respond to metal exposure. We illustrate these concepts with two case studies, one involving an intra- and the other an extra-cellular mechanism of Zn sequestration. In the first study, the mayflyNeocloeontrianguliferwas grown in the laboratory, and fed a diet of Zn-doped diatoms at Zn levels exceeding the requirements for normal mayfly life functions. The N. trianguliferlarvae consumed the diatoms and retained their Zn isotopic signature. Upon metamorphosis, the subimago life stage lost Zn mass either in the exuvia or by excretion, and the Zn retainedwas isotopically enriched. Thus, Zn uptake is non-fractionating, but Zn regulation favors the lighter isotope. Thus the Zn remaining in the subimago was isotopically heavier. In the second study, Zn was adsorbed on the cell walls and exopolysaccharide secretions of cyanobacteria, which favored the heavier Zn isotope.Continued adsorption eventually resulted in nucleation and biomineralization of hydrozincite {Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6}. These case studies demonstrate the utility of Zn isotopes to provide insights into how aquatic insects respond to metal exposure

    Fast Non-Adiabatic Two Qubit Gates for the Kane Quantum Computer

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    In this paper we apply the canonical decomposition of two qubit unitaries to find pulse schemes to control the proposed Kane quantum computer. We explicitly find pulse sequences for the CNOT, swap, square root of swap and controlled Z rotations. We analyze the speed and fidelity of these gates, both of which compare favorably to existing schemes. The pulse sequences presented in this paper are theoretically faster, higher fidelity, and simpler than existing schemes. Any two qubit gate may be easily found and implemented using similar pulse sequences. Numerical simulation is used to verify the accuracy of each pulse scheme

    A comment on multiple vacua, particle production and the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We give an explicit formulation of the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence when there are multiple vacua present in Lorentzian signature. By computing sample two point functions we show how different amplitudes are related by cosmological particle production. We illustrate our methods in two example spacetimes: (a) a ``bubble of nothing'' in AdS space, and (b) an asymptotically locally AdS spacetime with a bubble of nothing on the boundary. In both cases the alpha vacua of de Sitter space make an interesting appearance.Comment: 9 page

    Modelling the probability of microhabitat formation on trees using cross-sectional data

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    The rate of TreM formation per unit diameter growth was modelled as a function of tree diameter at breast height (DBH), and the model was calibrated considering cross-sectional observations TreMs on trees of different sizes. The model predicted realistic TreM formation rates at the tree and stand levels in forests dominated by Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica. This approach opens new perspectives to the analysis of forest biodiversity conservation strategies

    Trace anomaly driven inflation

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    This paper investigates Starobinsky's model of inflation driven by the trace anomaly of conformally coupled matter fields. This model does not suffer from the problem of contrived initial conditions that occurs in most models of inflation driven by a scalar field. The universe can be nucleated semi-classically by a cosmological instanton that is much larger than the Planck scale provided there are sufficiently many matter fields. There are two cosmological instantons: the four sphere and a new ``double bubble'' solution. This paper considers a universe nucleated by the four sphere. The AdS/CFT correspondence is used to calculate the correlation function for scalar and tensor metric perturbations during the ensuing de Sitter phase. The analytic structure of the scalar and tensor propagators is discussed in detail. Observational constraints on the model are discussed. Quantum loops of matter fields are shown to strongly suppress short scale metric perturbations, which implies that short distance modifications of gravity would probably not be observable in the cosmic microwave background. This is probably true for any model of inflation provided there are sufficiently many matter fields. This point is illustrated by a comparison of anomaly driven inflation in four dimensions and in a Randall-Sundrum brane-world model.Comment: LaTeX, 42 pages, 5 .eps figures. v2: typos corrected, references added and 2 new paragraphs in conclusions section. v3: comments about strong coupling and unboundedness of action changed, other minor changes. v4: Comments about strong coupling changed again (2-point functions of metric perturbations do not depend on Yang-Mills coupling

    A Framework for Organizational Compliance Management Tactics

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    Abstract. Organizational compliance with laws, industrial standards, procedures and enterprise architectures has become a highly relevant topic for both practitio-ners and academics. However, both the fundamental insights into compliance as a concept and the tactics for bringing an organization into a compliant state have been described in a fragmented manner. Using literature from various disciplines, this paper presents two contributions. First, it describes the fundamental concepts regarding compliance. Second, it presents a framework in which the various tactics for achieving organizational compliance can be positioned

    Intrinsic and extrinsic properties of quantum systems

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    The paper attempts to convince that the orthodox interpretation of quantum mechanics does not contradict philosophical realism by throwing light onto certain properties of quantum systems that seem to have escaped attention as yet. The exposition starts with the philosophical notions of realism. Then, the quantum mechanics as it is usually taught is demoted to a mere part of the theory called phenomenology of observations, and the common impression about its contradiction to realism is explained. The main idea of the paper, the physical notion of intrinsic properties, is introduced and many examples thereof are given. It replaces the irritating dichotomy of quantum and classical worlds by a much softer difference between intrinsic and extrinsic properties, which concern equally microscopic and macroscopic systems. Finally, the classicality and the quantum measurement are analyzed and found to present some still unsolved problems. A possible way of dealing with the Schr\"{o}dinger cat is suggested that is based on the intrinsic properties. A simple quantum model of one classical property illustrates how our philosophy may work.Comment: 20 pages, no figure. Comments are wellcom

    Entanglement of positive definite functions on compact groups

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    We define and study entanglement of continuous positive definite functions on products of compact groups. We formulate and prove an infinite-dimensional analog of Horodecki Theorem, giving a necessary and sufficient criterion for separability of such functions. The resulting characterisation is given in terms of mappings of the space of continuous functions, preserving positive definiteness. The relation between the developed group-theoretical formalism and the conventional one, given in terms of density matrices, is established through the non-commutative Fourier analysis.Comment: published versio