139 research outputs found

    A magyar egyenesadók : 1. rész.

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    Magyar Tanítóképző

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    Nevelésügyi Szemle

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    Ünnepi beszéd

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    Painful wound

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    Autor je ukratko prikazao fiziologijsku podlogu nastanka bolnih osjeta, kemijske posrednike neurotransmitere, algogene tvari, živčana vlakna te put boli do moždane kore. Nadalje, također ukratko, opisuje nastanak akcijskoga potencijala te mehanizam djelovanja lokalnih anestetika. Na kraju su spomenute raznolike mogućnosti isključivanja boli na nekoliko razina, te vrste regionalne anestezije koje bi se mogle primijeniti kod kirurškoga zbrinjavanja rane.Within the scope of the 3rd professional training "Wounds", the author gave a review of the physiological grounds of the generation of the sense of pain, chemical mediators - neurotransmitters, alogogene substances, nervous fibres and the pain path up to the cortex. He also described briefly the development of the action potential and the mechanism of action of the local anesthetics. Finally, diverse possibilities of pain exclusion on several levels are presented as well as the types of regional anesthesia that can be applied when the wound is treated surgically
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