21 research outputs found

    Immunocytochemical Study Of Cb1 Receptors In Rat ‘s Periaqueductal Gray After Cold Stress And Effects Of Peptides Tyr -W-Mif -1 And Tyr -K-Mif -1

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    The immunohistochemical localization of cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) receptors in periaqueductal gray (PAG) of male rats after acute cold stress and effects of endogenous antiopiate peptides Tyr-W-MIF-1 and Tyr-KMIF-1 on nociception was studied. The nociception was measured by the paw pressure test. As control were used intact rats. Stress activates PAG as an important component of the descending inhibitory pain pathway and stress-induced analgesia. CB1 immunoreactivity appeared as puncta and was found in cell bodies, axons and dendrites. The morphometric analysis revealed that acute cold stress increases the density of CB1-immunoreactive neurons in PAG compared with expression in intact animals. Secund, the results showed that Tyr-K-MIF-1 and Tyr-W-MIF-1 decreased the density of CB1-immunoreactive neurons in PAG of control rats, acute cold stress and after acute cold stress and effects of endogenous antiopiate peptides Tyr-WMIF-1 and Tyr-K-MIF-on nociception

    Application of the modeling method to the calculation of the probability of hitting a stationary target during the fire action of a tank squad in defense

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    Introduction/purpose: The theory of direct firing of armored units deals with the calculation of the probability of hitting the target depending on the number of projectiles fired, in certain combat circumstances as well as under certain meteorological conditions. Successful performance of the combat task of armored units in defensive actions against stationary targets depends to the greatest extent on the effectiveness of fire of tank weapons. Under the tactical assumptions that define real combat conditions, i.e., that the attacking formation opens fire from small arms and anti-tank weapons, that the defense is organized in a timely manner on maneuvering ground and in optimal meteorological conditions, and that the tank squad opens fire while stationary, the scientific goal of the research is to determine the probability of hitting and destroying the target as closely as possible depending on the method of determining the distance to the target and the number of projectiles fired. Methods: Mainly applying the method of situation modeling in scientific research, the authors try to determine, as precisely as possible, the percentage of the probability of hitting (destroying) a stationary target, with the first, second, or third projectile. Results: The main scientific contribution of the research would be the determination of various quantitative indicators as significant parameters necessary for a successful design of defense operations of ground army units. Conclusion: By creating an appropriate model for a specific situation in order to solve a problem (combat task), it is possible to precisely determine the probability of hitting and the probability of destroying the target in relation to the number of projectiles fired, as well as the expected consumption of ammunition

    The Endogenous Cannabinoid and the Nitricoxidergic Systems in the Modulation of Stress Responses

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    The effects on stress-induced analgesia (SIA) from endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) and nitric oxide (NO) interaction after 1 h of restraint stress were evaluated in male Wistar rats. The animals were subjected to 1 h of restraint and then injected with different combinations of cannabinoid receptor type 1 agonist anandamide (AEA) or antagonist AM251 along with an NO donor, NO precursor, or inhibitor of NO synthase. Nociception was evaluated using paw pressure (PP) or hot plate (HP) tests. AEA was administered immediately after the end of restraint-SIA (r-SIA). Administration of NO precursor reversed the pronociceptive effect of the CB1 agonist on r-SIA. Both the CB1 antagonist and the NOS inhibitor neutralized the pro-analgesic effect of L-arginine (L-arg). Administration of an NO donor, instead, increased r-SIA. Our experiments confirmed that the endogenous cannabinoid and the NO-ergic systems interact in the modulation of r-SIA. This interaction probably implies NO as a second messenger of the ECS

    Changes in the connective tissue element of the thyroid gland in normal and recurrent euthyroid goiter

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    Goitre recurrence is a common problem following subtotal thyroid gland resection for multinodular goitre disease. The aim of our study was to trace out the ultrastructure of the thyroid gland of man after primary and redo operations for struma nodosa. We undertook the task to study the fine ultrastructural changes taking place in the stromal part of the gland. For ultrastructural examination we used routine transmission electron microscopy. The electron microscopy has been made on Hitachi H-500 microscope Our main goal was to compare the ultrastructural characteristics of the thyroid gland in two different groups - patients with primary disease and patients with recurrence.The results from our research showed that in the first group the stroma was presented by one or two rows of cells in the septum or in small groups in the interfolicular space. Studies by electron microscopically showed that the cells of the stroma had the ultrastructural characteristics of fibroblasts, but there was an increased number cisterne of Granular endoplasmic reticulum, well developed Goldgi complex, as well as relatively small amount of vesicles and vacuoles. The examination of the specimens from the second group showed a much thicker stroma between the follicles. There was an increased amount of stromal cells and collagen bundles in the interfolicular space. The proteoglycan complexes in the extracellular matrix were rarely situated.Our results suggest that the connective tissue of the thyroid gland reacts faster to the changes of the structure of the gland than the epithelial cells of the follicles


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    Abstract Rising interactions of asymmetrical exchange as a consequence of unequal access to economic resource

    Digital Accessibility for People with Special Needs: Conceptual Models and Innovative Ecosystems

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    Digital technologies in present day interconnect globally, providing a dynamic environment to support the educational needs of any learner within a novel technological ecosystem. The paper discusses the identified aspects of providing relevant digital accessibility to learners with various needs by this ecosystem, such as sensor support, knowledge provision from a variety of digital and non-digital repositories, and support to the motivation of the learner to acquire better knowledge in the classroom, museum, or in rehabilitation. A novel tool for assessment of such technological ecosystems, called Accessibility Barometer, is described.</p

    Multicentric survey of patient doses in fluoroscopy guided diagnostic and interventional cardiac procedures: comparison with Diagnostic Reference Levels and follow-up levels for patients at risk for radiation induced skin effects

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    Въведение. Интервенционалните кардиологични процедури, често са свързани с голямо облъчване на пациентите, поради което изискват специално внимание по отношение на защитата от появата на радиационно индуцирани ефекти при пациента.Материали и методи. Проучването на типичните стойности на дозата е проведено ретроспективно, в девет лечебни заведения, с общо четиринадесет ангиографски уредби. За две от най-често извършваните процедури - перкутанна коронарна интервенция (PCI) и коронарна артериография (CA) са изчислени типичните стойности на величините произведение керма-площ (КАП), кумулативна доза (КД) и време на скопия (ВС) и са сравнени с актуалните Национални диагностични референтни нива (НДРН) за България. Извършен е анализ на данните по отношение на риска от възникване на кожно индуцирани ефекти, вследствие на интервенционалните кардиологични процедури.Цел. 1) да се представят и анализират типичните стойности на величината КАП за най-често провежданите кардиологични процедури - перкутанна коронарна интервенция и коронарна артериография в кардиологични отделения с голяма работна натовареност и да се сравнят с НДРН; 2) да се сравнят дозите на пациентите с публикуваните в Наредба 2 нива за проследяване, за установяване на пациенти с риск за възникване на радиационно индуцирани ефекти.Резултати. Резултатите показват, че типични стойности на изследваните величини за PCI и CA при някои от уредбите, са по-високи от НДРН. Във всяко от разглежданите лечебни заведения има пациенти с поне едно превишено ниво за проследяване за процедура PCI.Изводи. Резултатите показват потенциал за оптимизиране, както на работата в отделенията с високи типични стойности на дозата, така и при уредбите с много ниски типични стойности на изследваните величини. При проследените пациенти не се наблюдават оплаквания и поява на радиационно индуциран ефект. Изготвянето и въвеждането в рутинната клинична практика на процедури за рутинно прилагане на „Инструкцията за пациента след проведена интервенционална/и процедура/и с по-голяма степен на сложност и дълго време на скопия“ ще позволи навременна диагностика и навременно лечение на кожните ефекти в следствие на проведените кардиологични процедури под рентгенов контрол. Introduction. Interventional cardiac procedures are often associated with high patient exposure and therefore require special care in protecting patients from radiation-induced effects.Materials and methods. A retrospective study of typical patients’doses was performed in nine hospitals, with a total number of fourteen angiography systems. The typical values for kerma-area product (KAP), cumulative dose (CD) and fluoroscopy time (FT) for two of the most commonly performed procedures - percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary arteriography (CA), were calculated and compared with the Bulgarian National Diagnostic Reference Levels (NDRL). Data analysis, regarding the risk of radiation-induced skin effects due to interventional cardiac procedures, was performed.Aim. 1) to present and analyze the typical KAP values for PCI and CA procedures in cardiology departments with high workload and to compare them with the NDRL; 2) to compare the patient doses with the follow-up levels published in Ordinance 2, to identify patients at risk for radiation-induced effects.Results. The results show that typical values for PCI and CA procedures for some of the angiography systems are higher than the NDRL. In all investigated departments there are patients with at least one exceeded follow-up level for PCI.Conclusions. The results show a potential for optimization in the departments with both high or very low typical dose or FT values. No radiation-induced effect was observed in the followed-up group of patients. The introduction of procedure with "Instruction to the patient after an interventional cardiac procedure(s) with greater complexity and a long fluoroscopy time" for patient follow-up and its regular implementation into the routine clinical practice will help for timely diagnosis and treatment of radiation-induced skin effects after cardiac procedures under fluoroscopy control