52 research outputs found

    A Workbench for Corpus Linguistic Discourse Analysis

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    In this paper, we introduce the Swiss-AL workbench, an online tool for corpus linguistic discourse analysis. The workbench enables the analysis of Swiss-AL, a multilingual Swiss web corpus with sources from media, politics, industry, science, and civil society. The workbench differs from other corpus analysis tools in three characteristics: (1) easy access and tidy interface, (2) focus on visualizations, and (3) wide range of analysis options, ranging from classic corpus linguistic analysis (e.g., collocation analysis) to more recent NLP approaches (topic modeling and word embeddings). It is designed for researchers of various disciplines, practitioners, and students

    Social Bots als Stimmen im Diskurs

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    Es werden theoretische und methodologische AnsÀtze vorgestellt, die sich in der diskursanalytischen Auseinandersetzung mit Bots ergeben. Gegenstand des Kapitels sind Social Bots, d. h. keine Chatbots, Intelligent Personal Assistants (z. B. Siri, Alexa etc.) und auch keine reine KI-Textproduktion (z. B. GPT-3). Ausgehend von den diskursiven Bedingungen, unter denen Bots bestimmte Effekte hervorrufen können, werden diskursanalytische Fragestellungen aufgezeigt und diskutiert. Exemplarisch werden AnnÀherungsweisen an den Untersuchungsgegenstand Bot und Methoden aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen vorgestellt

    Swiss-AL : Plattform fĂŒr Sprachdaten zur Analyse öffentlicher Kommunikation in der Schweiz

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)The paper presents Swiss-AL (= Swiss-Applied Linguistics), a platform for research on public communication in Switzerland, which is developed and provided at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). Swiss-AL contains around 4.5 billion words in four languages (German, French, Italian, Romansh). It includes texts published online from the fields of journalistic media, politics & administration, business, science, and civil society. Swiss-AL was developed for discourse studies but is equally an important database for communication and media studies, for example for quantitatively oriented/ standardised media content research. Swiss-AL is currently being developed into an open research data resource for the applied sciences. This includes the further development of a browser-based workbench (access: www.swiss-al.linguistik.zhaw.ch) that allows access to the data and meets the requirements of data and copyright protection in Switzerland and the EU. The article presents the aggregating analysis options that this workbench currently provides and that are particularly applicable to content analysis questions. The article concludes with an outlook on future developments in the area of Open Research Data and outlines planned implementations of FAIR principles

    Respondenz von Philipp Dreesen & Julia Krasselt

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    Tick-Talk: Parental online discourse about TBE vaccination

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    This study aimed to understand parental discourse about vaccination, and to provide guidance for communication that addresses the needs of parents. We analyzed parental discourse on child vaccination in general and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) specifically in a Swiss parental online community. For this purpose, a data set containing 105k posts written by parents between 2007 and 2019 was analyzed using a combination of linguistic discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis. Results show that parents enter into a multidimensional decision-making process, characterized by elaborate practices of negotiation, consideration of vaccination recommendations as well as six distinct influencing thematic factors (vaccination safety, development and control, effectiveness, epidemiology, necessity, alternatives or additional prevention methods). The study shows a clear pattern of seasonality, with parents talking about TBE vaccination mostly triggered by events such as tick bites in spring and summer. From a public health perspective, the study emphasizes the need for sufficient, balanced, and tailored information about TBE vaccination. Online forums provide valuable information about what matters to parents and when, which can help public health authorities and practitioners provide information according to these concerns and enhance health literacy among parents

    Exploration zu deutschen und italienischen Akteursrollen in Covid-19-Diskursen : methodologische Überlegungen und praktische Schlussfolgerungen zur Vergleichenden Diskurslinguistik

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    Im Beitrag werden im Rahmen des Schweizer COVIDisc-Forschungsprojekts die Erkenntnismöglichkeiten der interlingual, intralingual und transnational Vergleichenden Diskurslinguistik aufgezeigt und diskutiert. Im Vordergrund steht die vergleichende Diskursanalyse zwischen Deutsch und Italienisch mit dem Ziel, in der Schweiz zu einem besseren VerstÀndnis von Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten innerhalb der diskursiven Regeln und Sprachgebrauchsmuster zu Covid-19 zu gelangen. Nach einer Darstellung des Untersuchungsdesigns und des Untersuchungskorpus werden mögliche Tertia Comparationis aufgezeigt und diskurstypische Akteursrollen exemplarisch analysiert. Im Fazit werden methodologische und anwendungsbezogene Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst. As part of the Swiss COVIDisc project, this article demonstrates and discusses the possibilities of the Contrastive Discourse Linguistics in interlingual, intralingual and transnational contexts. The focus is on comparative analysis of the German and Italian COVID-19 discourse in Switzerland, with the objective of a deeper understanding of differences and similarities at the level of their discursive rules and patterns of language use. Following a short presentation of the research design and corpus, possible tertia comparationis are pointed out and discourse-typical actor roles are exemplarily analyzed. The conclusions summarize methodological and application-related findings

    Discourse communities in digital transformation : definitions, approaches and purposes

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    In diesem Beitrag wird im Kontext der sprachbezogenen Diskursforschung das Konzept der Diskursgemeinschaft in der digitalen Transformation diskutiert. Unter einer systemtheoretischen Deutung von Digitalisierung wird das VerstĂ€ndnis von 'Diskursgemeinschaft' vertieft. Diese neue Sichtweise erlaubt es, mit Hilfe von BezĂŒgen zur Grundlagenforschung und zur angewandten Diskurslinguistik analoge und digitale AnsĂ€tze zu Diskursgemeinschaften analytisch zu trennen. Der Artikel zeigt grundlegende Unterschiede in der Modellierung des Konzepts 'Diskursgemeinschaft' auf der Basis theoretischer und methodologischer Positionen auf. This article discusses the concept of discourse community in the context of language-related discourse research in the digital transformation. In a system-theoretical interpretation of digitalization, the understanding of 'discourse community' can become more profound. This new insight allows to analytically separate analog approaches and digital approaches to discourse communities with references to basic research and applied discourse linguistics. The article points out fundamental differences in the modeling of the concept of 'discourse community' based on theoretical and methodological position

    Operationalisierung der diskurslinguistischen Kategorie ,Akteur‘ : Triangulation und Reflexion eines drĂ€ngenden Desiderats der angewandten Forschung

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    Der Artikel geht der Frage nach, warum Praxisakteure kaum in die Diskursanalysen involviert werden. Angesichts der abstrakt bleibenden Akteursbegriffe in der Diskurslinguistik wird eine Operationalisierung von ‚Akteur‘ vorgeschlagen, um Akteure als Praxispartner und als UntersuchungsgegenstĂ€nde erfassen zu können. Ausgangspunkt ist die angewandte Diskurslinguistik, die zeigt, dass Transformation von Akteurswissen zu Konkretion und ValiditĂ€t von Akteursbestimmungen beitragen kann. Wie dies konkret umgesetzt werden kann, wird am Beispiel eines transdisziplinĂ€ren Forschungsprojets zu Energiediskursen gezeigt. Im Fazit wird auf die Unterschiede von Forschungs- und Praxisinteressen hingewiesen und die Erfassung komplexer digitaler Akteure als Desiderat hervorgehoben

    Tick-Talk : parental online discourse about TBE vaccination

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    This study aimed to understand parental discourse about vaccination, and to provide guidance for communication that addresses the needs of parents. We analyzed parental discourse on child vaccination in general and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) specifically in a Swiss parental online community. For this purpose, a data set containing 105k posts written by parents between 2007 and 2019 was analyzed using a combination of linguistic discourse analysis and qualitative content analysis. Results show that parents enter into a multidimensional decision-making process, characterized by elaborate practices of negotiation, consideration of vaccination recommendations as well as six distinct influencing thematic factors (vaccination safety, development and control, effectiveness, epidemiology, necessity, alternatives or additional prevention methods). The study shows a clear pattern of seasonality, with parents talking about TBE vaccination mostly triggered by events such as tick bites in spring and summer. From a public health perspective, the study emphasizes the need for sufficient, balanced, and tailored information about TBE vaccination. Online forums provide valuable information about what matters to parents and when, which can help public health authorities and practitioners provide information according to these concerns and enhance health literacy among parents
