874 research outputs found

    In-plane fluxon in layered superconductors with arbitrary number of layers

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    I derive an approximate analytic solution for the in-plane vortex (fluxon) in layered superconductors and stacked Josephson junctions (SJJ's) with arbitrary number of layers. The validity of the solution is verified by numerical simulation. It is shown that in SJJ's with large number of thin layers, phase/current and magnetic field of the fluxon are decoupled from each other. The variation of phase/current is confined within the Josephson penetration depth, λJ\lambda_J, along the layers, while magnetic field decays at the effective London penetration depth, λc≫λJ\lambda_c \gg \lambda_J. For comparison with real high-TcT_c superconducting samples, large scale numerical simulations with up to 600 SJJ's and with in-plane length up to 4000 λJ\lambda_J%, are presented. It is shown, that the most striking feature of the fluxon is a Josephson core, manifesting itself as a sharp peak in magnetic induction at the fluxon center.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Was presented in part at the First Euroconference on Vortex Matter in Superconductors (Crete, September 1999

    Black Hole Thermodynamics and Riemann Surfaces

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    We use the analytic continuation procedure proposed in our earlier works to study the thermodynamics of black holes in 2+1 dimensions. A general black hole in 2+1 dimensions has g handles hidden behind h horizons. The result of the analytic continuation is a hyperbolic 3-manifold having the topology of a handlebody. The boundary of this handlebody is a compact Riemann surface of genus G=2g+h-1. Conformal moduli of this surface encode in a simple way the physical characteristics of the black hole. The moduli space of black holes of a given type (g,h) is then the Schottky space at genus G. The (logarithm of the) thermodynamic partition function of the hole is the Kaehler potential for the Weil-Peterson metric on the Schottky space. Bekenstein bound on the black hole entropy leads us to conjecture a new strong bound on this Kaehler potential.Comment: 17+1 pages, 9 figure

    Single fluxon in double stacked Josephson junctions: Analytic solution

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    We derive an approximate analytic solution for a single fluxon in a double stacked Josephson junctions (SJJ's) for arbitrary junction parameters and coupling strengths. It is shown that the fluxon in a double SJJ's can be characterized by two components, with different Swihart velocities and Josephson penetration depths. Using the perturbation theory we find the second order correction to the solution and analyze its accuracy. Comparison with direct numerical simulations shows a quantitative agreement between exact and approximate analytic solutions. It is shown that due to the presence of two components, the fluxon in SJJ's may have an unusual shape with an inverted magnetic field in the second junction when the velocity of the fluxon is approaching the lower Swihart velocity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Spherically symmetric black holes in minimally modified self-dual gravity

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    We discuss spherically symmetric black holes in the modified self-dual theory of gravity recently studied by Krasnov, obtained adding a Weyl-curvature dependent `cosmological term' to the Plebanski lagrangian for general relativity. This type of modified gravity admits two different types of singularities: one is a true singularity for the theory where the fundamental fields of the theory, as well as the (auxiliary) spacetime metric, become singular, and the other one is a milder "non-metric singularity" where the metric description of the spacetime breaks down but the fundamental fields themselves are regular. We first generalise this modified self-dual gravity to include Maxwell's field and then study basic features of spherically symmetric, charged black holes, with particular focus on whether these two types of singularities are hidden or naked. We restrict our attention to minimal forms of the modification, and find that the theory exhibits `screening' effects of the electric charge (or `anti-screening', depending upon the sign of the modification term), in the sense that it leads to the possibility of charging the black hole more (or less) than it would be possible in general relativity without exposing a naked singularity. We also find that for any (even arbitrarily large) value of charge, true singularities of the theory appear to be either achronal (non-timelike) covered by the hypersurface of a harmless non-metric singularity, or simply hidden inside at least one Killing horizon.Comment: 42 pages, many colour figures. v2: discussion of the conformal ambiguity improved, references added. v3: amended to match published versio

    Lambda<0 Quantum Gravity in 2+1 Dimensions II: Black Hole Creation by Point Particles

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    Using the recently proposed formalism for Lambda<0 quantum gravity in 2+1 dimensions we study the process of black hole production in a collision of two point particles. The creation probability for a BH with a simplest topology inside the horizon is given by the Liouville theory 4-point function projected on an intermediate state. We analyze in detail the semi-classical limit of small AdS curvatures, in which the probability is dominated by the exponential of the classical Liouville action. The probability is found to be exponentially small. We then argue that the total probability of creating a horizon given by the sum of probabilities of all possible internal topologies is of order unity, so that there is no exponential suppression of the total production rate.Comment: v1: 30+1 pages, figures, v2: 34+1 pages, agruments straightened ou

    Holography for the Lorentz Group Racah Coefficients

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    A known realization of the Lorentz group Racah coefficients is given by an integral of a product of 6 ``propagators'' over 4 copies of the hyperbolic space. These are ``bulk-to-bulk'' propagators in that they are functions of two points in the hyperbolic space. It is known that the bulk-to-bulk propagator can be constructed out of two bulk-to-boundary ones. We point out that there is another way to obtain the same object. Namely, one can use two bulk-to-boundary and one boundary-to-boundary propagator. Starting from this construction and carrying out the bulk integrals we obtain a realization of the Racah coefficients that is ``holographic'' in the sense that it only involves boundary objects. This holographic realization admits a geometric interpretation in terms of an ``extended'' tetrahedron.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; v2: minor changes; v3: "extended" tetrahedron interpretation adde

    On the Universality of the Entropy-Area Relation

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    We present an argument that, for a large class of possible dynamics, a canonical quantization of gravity will satisfy the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy-area relation. This result holds for temperatures low compared to the Planck temperature and for boundaries with areas large compared to Planck area. We also relate our description, in terms of a grand canonical ensemble, to previous geometric entropy calculations using area ensembles.Comment: 6 page

    Discrimination between the superconducting gap and the pseudo-gap in Bi2212 from intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy in magnetic field

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    Intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy in high magnetic field (HH) is used for a direct test of superconducting features in a quasiparticle density of states of high-TcT_c superconductors. We were able to distinguish with a great clarity two co-existing gaps: (i) the superconducting gap, which closes as H→Hc2(T)H \to H_{c2}(T) and T→Tc(H)T\to T_c(H), and (ii) the cc-axis pseudo-gap, which does not change neither with HH, nor TT. Strikingly different magnetic field dependencies, together with previously observed different temperature dependencies of the two gaps ~\cite{Krasnov}, speak against the superconducting origin of the pseudo-gap.Comment: 4 pages, 4 eps figure

    Unification of gravity, gauge fields, and Higgs bosons

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    We consider a diffeomorphism invariant theory of a gauge field valued in a Lie algebra that breaks spontaneously to the direct sum of the spacetime Lorentz algebra, a Yang-Mills algebra, and their complement. Beginning with a fully gauge invariant action -- an extension of the Plebanski action for general relativity -- we recover the action for gravity, Yang-Mills, and Higgs fields. The low-energy coupling constants, obtained after symmetry breaking, are all functions of the single parameter present in the initial action and the vacuum expectation value of the Higgs.Comment: 12 pages, no figures. v2 minor correction

    so(4) Plebanski Action and Relativistic Spin Foam Model

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    In this note we study the correspondence between the ``relativistic spin foam'' model introduced by Barrett, Crane and Baez and the so(4) Plebanski action. We argue that the so(4)so(4) Plebanski model is the continuum analog of the relativistic spin foam model. We prove that the Plebanski action possess four phases, one of which is gravity and outline the discrepancy between this model and the model of Euclidean gravity. We also show that the Plebanski model possess another natural dicretisation and can be associate with another, new, spin foam model that appear to be the so(4)so(4) counterpart of the spin foam model describing the self dual formulation of gravity.Comment: 12 pages, REVTeX using AMS fonts. Some minor corrections and improvement
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