13 research outputs found

    Diurnal dynamics of the Umov kinetic energy density vector in the atmospheric boundary layer from minisodar measurements

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    The diurnal hourly dynamics of the kinetic energy flux density vector, called the Umov vector, and the mean and turbulent components of the kinetic energy are estimated from minisodar measurements of wind vector components and their variances in the lower 200 m layer of the atmosphere. During a 24 h period of continuous minisodar observations, it was established that the mean kinetic energy density dominated in the surface atmospheric layer at altitudes below ~50 m. At altitudes from 50 to 100 m, the relative contributions of the mean and turbulent wind kinetic energy densities depended on the time of the day and the sounding altitude. At altitudes below 100 m, the contribution of the turbulent kinetic energy component is small, and the ratio of the turbulent to mean wind kinetic energy components was in the range 0.01–10. At altitudes above 100 m, the turbulent kinetic energy density sharply increased, and the ratio reached its maximum equal to 100–1000 at altitudes of 150–200 m. A particular importance of the direction and magnitude of the wind effect, that is, of the direction and magnitude of the Umov vector at different altitudes was established. The diurnal behavior of the Umov vector depended both on the time of the day and the sounding altitude. Three layers were clearly distinguished: a near-surface layer at altitudes of 5–15 m, an intermediate layer at altitudes from 15 m to 150 m, and the layer of enhanced turbulence above. The feasibility is illustrated of detecting times and altitudes of maximal and minimal wing kinetic energy flux densities, that is, time periods and altitude ranges most and least favorable for flights of unmanned aerial vehicles. The proposed novel method of determining the spatiotemporal dynamics of the Umov vector from minisodar measurements can also be used to estimate the effect of wind on high-rise buildings and the energy potential of wind turbines

    Dynamics of turbulence kinetic energy from minisodar measurements

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    In the report, spatiotemporal dynamics of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) retrieved from minisodar measurements o

    Influence of the outer scales of temperature and dynamic turbulence on the characteristics of transmitted acoustic radiation

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    In the present work, the problem of propagation of monochromatic acoustic radiation in the lower 500-meter layer of the plain stratified moving turbulent atmosphere is solved by the Monte Carlo method. The influence of the parameters of models of the outer scales of temperature and dynamic turbulence on the intensity of transmitted acoustic radiation intensity is investigate

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the wind velocity variance from the data of acoustic sounding of the atmospheric boundary layer

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    In the report spatiotemporal dynamics of the variance of three components of the wind velocity in the atmospheric boundary layer retrieved from measurements with a Doppler mini-sodar is analyzed. During measurements, the variances of the x- and y-components of the wind velocity were in the range 0.001 ≤ Dx, Dy ≤ 10 m2/s2; for the z-component 0.001 ≤ Dz ≤ 1.2 m2/s2. Their increase in the morning hours (at about 11:00, local time) and in the evening hours (from 18:00 till 22:00, local time) was noticed. This was explained by warming and subsequent cooling of the Earth surface accompanied by strengthening of motion of air masses. At night (from 00:00 till 5:00, local time), 0.01 ≤ Dz ≤ 0.56 m2/s2, which is in good agreement with the literature data. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only

    Experimental and theoretical investigations of the near-ground propagation of acoustic radiation in the atmosphere

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    Near-ground propagation of monochromatic acoustic radiation at frequencies of 300, 1000, 2000, and 3150 Hz along atmospheric paths up to 100 m long is investigated experimentally and theoretically depending on altitudes of the acoustic source and receiver. The experiment was carried out at the experimental site of the Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) using a specially developed setup. The dependence of the recorded sound pressure level on the propagation path length and initial signal power is analyzed. The theoretical analysis is performed by the Monte Carlo method using the local estimation algorithm developed by the authors. The comparison of the experimental and theoretical results shows their satisfactory agreement, which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm and its applicability to predicting the near-ground sound propagation

    Spatiotemporal dynamics of the average and turbulent components of the kinetic wind energy in the lower atmosphere from minisodar data

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    Based on post-processing of diurnal hourly measurements of three wind velocity components and their variances with an AV4000 minisodar in the lower 200-meter layer of the atmosphere, statistical analysis of the turbulent, ЕТКЕ, and average, ЕМКЕ, kinetic wind energy components has been performed. It was shown that for the diurnal period of continuous minisodar observations, the turbulent kinetic energy component in the groundatmospheric layer to altitudes of ~50 m was low. At altitudes in the range from 50 to 100 m, the turbulent kinetic energy ЕТКЕ increased, at altitudes exceeding 100 m, its growth rate intensified, and the maximum ЕТКЕ values were observed at altitudes of 150–200 m. It was established that the results of observations influenced significantly by time of the day. However, at any time, the maximum turbulent energy was localized at altitudes of ~100–200 m, which posed the greatest danger to light small-sized unmanned vehicles. The approach to revealing times and altitudes of maximum and minimum kinetic wind energy values from the minisodar data, that is, the most and least favorable time and altitude range for flights of light small-sized unmanned aerial vehicles has been proposed, and its efficiency has been illustrated

    Dynamics of turbulence kinetic energy from minisodar measurements

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    In the report, spatiotemporal dynamics of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) retrieved from minisodar measurements o

    Dynamics of the kinetic energy flux density vector in the lower 200-meter layer of the atmosphere

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    In the report, the diurnal hourly dynamics of the mean and turbulent components of the kinetic energy flux density vector (the Umov vector) retrieved from minisodar measurements of the 3D wind vector and its 3D variance in the lower 200-meter layer of the atmosphere is analyzed. The results of this analysis can be used to elucidate time periods and altitude ranges of the maximal and minimal values of the Umov vector components as well as the prevailing directions of the total kinetic energy transfer, that is, to detect times and altitudes most and least favorable for flights of unmanned aerial vehicles, to estimate the effect of wind on high-rise buildings and bridges, and to predict the wind energy potential of wind turbines

    Dynamics of total kinetic energy components in the atmospheric boundary layer from minisodar measurements

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    The spatiotemporal dynamics of the total kinetic energy in the atmospheric boundary layer is analyzed in the present work, including the mean kinetic energy component and the ratio of the turbulent to mean kinetic energy components, retrieved by post-processing of long time series of vertical profiles of both average values and variances of the 3D wind vector measured with a minisodar. It can be used to analyze and to predict the dynamics of the wind effect on flying objects in the atmospheric boundary layer

    Influence of the outer scales of temperature and dynamic turbulence on the characteristics of transmitted acoustic radiation

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    In the present work, the problem of propagation of monochromatic acoustic radiation in the lower 500-meter layer of the plain stratified moving turbulent atmosphere is solved by the Monte Carlo method. The influence of the parameters of models of the outer scales of temperature and dynamic turbulence on the intensity of transmitted acoustic radiation intensity is investigate