920 research outputs found

    Cornelius Lanczos's derivation of the usual action integral of classical electrodynamics

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    The usual action integral of classical electrodynamics is derived starting from Lanczos's electrodynamics -- a pure field theory in which charged particles are identified with singularities of the homogeneous Maxwell's equations interpreted as a generalization of the Cauchy-Riemann regularity conditions from complex to biquaternion functions of four complex variables. It is shown that contrary to the usual theory based on the inhomogeneous Maxwell's equations, in which charged particles are identified with the sources, there is no divergence in the self-interaction so that the mass is finite, and that the only approximation made in the derivation are the usual conditions required for the internal consistency of classical electrodynamics. Moreover, it is found that the radius of the boundary surface enclosing a singularity interpreted as an electron is on the same order as that of the hypothetical "bag" confining the quarks in a hadron, so that Lanczos's electrodynamics is engaging the reconsideration of many fundamental concepts related to the nature of elementary particles.Comment: 16 pages. Final version to be published in "Foundations of Physics

    Driven classical diffusion with strong correlated disorder

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    We analyze one-dimensional motion of an overdamped classical particle in the presence of external disorder potential and an arbitrary driving force F. In thermodynamical limit the effective force-dependent mobility mu(F) is self-averaging, although the required system size may be exponentially large for strong disorder. We calculate the mobility mu(F) exactly, generalizing the known results in linear response (weak driving force) and the perturbation theory in powers of the disorder amplitude. For a strong disorder potential with power-law correlations we identify a non-linear regime with a prominent power-law dependence of the logarithm of mu(F) on the driving force.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures include

    Approach to equilibrium in adiabatically evolving potentials

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    For a potential function (in one dimension) which evolves from a specified initial form Vi(x)V_{i}(x) to a different Vf(x)V_{f}(x) asymptotically, we study the evolution, in an overdamped dynamics, of an initial probability density to its final equilibeium.There can be unexpected effects that can arise from the time dependence. We choose a time variation of the form V(x,t)=Vf(x)+(Vi−Vf)e−λtV(x,t)=V_{f}(x)+(V_{i}-V_{f})e^{-\lambda t}. For a Vf(x)V_{f}(x), which is double welled and a Vi(x)V_{i}(x) which is simple harmonic, we show that, in particular, if the evolution is adiabatic, the results in a decrease in the Kramers time characteristics of Vf(x)V_{f}(x). Thus the time dependence makes diffusion over a barrier more efficient. There can also be interesting resonance effects when Vi(x)V_{i}(x) and Vf(x)V_{f}(x) are two harmonic potentials displaced with respect to each other that arise from the coincidence of the intrinsic time scale characterising the potential variation and the Kramers time.Comment: This paper contains 5 page

    Escape from a zero current state in a one dimensional array of Josephson junctions

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    A long one dimensional array of small Josephson junctions exhibits Coulomb blockade of Cooper pair tunneling. This zero current state exists up to a switching voltage, Vsw, where there is a sudden onset of current. In this paper we present histograms showing how Vsw changes with temperature for a long array and calculations of the corresponding escape rates. Our analysis of the problem is based on the existence of a voltage dependent energy barrier and we do not make any assumptions about its shape. The data divides up into two temperature regimes, the higher of which can be explained with Kramers thermal escape model. At low temperatures the escape becomes independent of temperature.Comment: 4 pages 5 figure

    Unitary transformation for the system of a particle in a linear potential

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    A unitary operator which relates the system of a particle in a linear potential with time-dependent parameters to that of a free particle, has been given. This operator, closely related to the one which is responsible for the existence of coherent states for a harmonic oscillator, is used to find a general wave packet described by an Airy function. The kernel (propagator) and a complete set of Hermite-Gaussian type wave functions are also given.Comment: Europhysics Letters (in press

    Relativistically extended Blanchard recurrence relation for hydrogenic matrix elements

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    General recurrence relations for arbitrary non-diagonal, radial hydrogenic matrix elements are derived in Dirac relativistic quantum mechanics. Our approach is based on a generalization of the second hypervirial method previously employed in the non-relativistic Schr\"odinger case. A relativistic version of the Pasternack-Sternheimer relation is thence obtained in the diagonal (i.e. total angular momentum and parity the same) case, from such relation an expression for the relativistic virial theorem is deduced. To contribute to the utility of the relations, explicit expressions for the radial matrix elements of functions of the form rλr^\lambda and ÎČrλ\beta r^\lambda ---where ÎČ\beta is a Dirac matrix--- are presented.Comment: 21 pages, to be published in J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. in Apri

    Chiral discrimination in optical trapping and manipulation

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    When circularly polarized light interacts with chiral molecules or nanoscale particles powerful symmetry principles determine the possibility of achieving chiral discrimination, and the detailed form of electrodynamic mechanisms dictate the types of interaction that can be involved. The optical trapping of molecules and nanoscale particles can be described in terms of a forward-Rayleigh scattering mechanism, with trapping forces being dependent on the positioning within the commonly non-uniform intensity beam profile. In such a scheme, nanoparticles are commonly attracted to local potential energy minima, ordinarily towards the centre of the beam. For achiral particles the pertinent material response property usually entails an electronic polarizability involving transition electric dipole moments. However, in the case of chiral molecules, additional effects arise through the engagement of magnetic counterpart transition dipoles. It emerges that, when circularly polarized light is used for the trapping, a discriminatory response can be identified between left- and right-handed polarizations. Developing a quantum framework to accurately describe this phenomenon, with a tensor formulation to correctly represent the relevant molecular properties, the theory leads to exact analytical expressions for the associated energy landscape contributions. Specific results are identified for liquids and solutions, both for isotropic media and also where partial alignment arises due to a static electric field. The paper concludes with a pragmatic analysis of the scope for achieving enantiomer separation by such methods

    Exact time evolution and master equations for the damped harmonic oscillator

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    Using the exact path integral solution for the damped harmonic oscillator it is shown that in general there does not exist an exact dissipative Liouville operator describing the dynamics of the oscillator for arbitrary initial bath preparations. Exact non-stationary Liouville operators can be found only for particular preparations. Three physically meaningful examples are examined. An exact new master equation is derived for thermal initial conditions. Second, the Liouville operator governing the time-evolution of equilibrium correlations is obtained. Third, factorizing initial conditions are studied. Additionally, one can show that there are approximate Liouville operators independent of the initial preparation describing the long time dynamics under appropriate conditions. The general form of these approximate master equations is derived and the coefficients are determined for special cases of the bath spectral density including the Ohmic, Drude and weak coupling cases. The connection with earlier work is discussed.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Relativistic Kramers-Pasternack Recurrence Relations

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    Recently we have evaluated the matrix elements ,where where O ={1,\beta, i\mathbf{\alpha n}\beta} arethestandardDiracmatrixoperatorsandtheangularbracketsdenotethequantum−mechanicalaveragefortherelativisticCoulombproblem,intermsofgeneralizedhypergeometricfunctions are the standard Dirac matrix operators and the angular brackets denote the quantum-mechanical average for the relativistic Coulomb problem, in terms of generalized hypergeometric functions _{3}F_{2}(1) $ for all suitable powers and established two sets of Pasternack-type matrix identities for these integrals. The corresponding Kramers--Pasternack three-term vector recurrence relations are derived here.Comment: 12 pages, no figures Will appear as it is in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Special Issue on Hight Presicion Atomic Physic

    Rectification of Fluctuations in an Underdamped Ratchet

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    We investigate analytically the motion of underdamped particles subject to a deterministic periodic potential and a periodic temperature. Despite the fact that an underamped particle experiences the temperature oscillation many times in its escape out of a well and in its motion along the potential, a net directed current linear in the friction constant is found. If both the potential and the temperature modulation are sinusoidal with a phase lag Ύ\delta, this current is proportional to sin⁥Ύ\sin \delta.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, 2 figures include
