4,452 research outputs found


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    This report reviews the Expectation Maximization EM algorithm and applies it to the data segmentation problem yielding the Expectation Maximization Segmentation EMS algorithm The EMS algorithm requires batch processing of the data and can be applied to mode switching or jumping linear dynamical state space models The EMS algorithm consists of an optimal fusion of fixed interval Kalman smoothing and discrete optimization. The next section gives a short introduction to the EM algorithm with some background and convergence results In Section the data segmentation problem is dened and in Section the EM algorithm is applied to this problem Section contains simulation results and Section some conclusive remarks


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    Interests and Policy Clashes in Conflict of Laws

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    Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) cleave glycosidic bonds in glycoconjugates, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides such as cellulose and various hemicelluloses. Mannan is a major group of hemicelluloses. In higher plants, they usually serve as storage carbohydrates in seeds and tubers or as structural polysaccharides cross-linking with cellulose/lignin in cell walls. In industrial fields, this renewable biomass component can be used in various areas such as production of biofuels and health-benefit manno-oligosaccharides; and mannan degrading enzymes, especially mannanases, are important molecular tools for controlling mannan polysaccharides properties in biomass conversion. In this thesis, the evolution, substrate specificity and subfamily classification of the most important GH family, i.e., glycoside hydrolase family 5 (GH5), are presented providing a powerful tool for exploring GH5 enzymes in search for enzymes with interesting properties for sustainable biomass conversion. Additionally, three GH5_7 mannanases from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtMan5-1, AtMan5-2 and AtMan5-6) were investigated in the present study. Bioinformatics tools, heterologous expression, and enzymology were applied in order to reveal the catalytic properties of the target enzymes, increase understanding of plant mannanase evolution, and evaluate their potential use in biomass conversion. This approach revealed: (1) AtMan5-1 exhibits mannan hydrolase/transglycosylase activity (MHT), (2) AtMan5-2 preferably degrades mannans with a glucomannan backbone, and (3) AtMan5-6 is a relatively thermotolerant enzyme showing high catalytic efficiency for conversion of glucomannan and galactomannan making this plant mannanase an interesting candidate for biotechnological applications of digesting various mannans. Moreover, these studies suggest an evolutionary diversification of plant mannanase enzymatic function.QC 20150224</p


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    This project measures the upper bound of exposure time for laser reflection detection in the software DotDetector. Via measurement of the exposure time for which distortion happens in a room lit with everyday light we conclude that the upper bound for exposure times are 100 milliseconds. This value does not change as long as the lighting in the room is the same. As future work this project proposes variable upper bounds depending on secondary lighting in the room. Also we propose automating the colour masking of the detection algorithm.Den hÀr rapporten mÀter den övre grÀnsen för slutartider i den laserljusreflektionsdetekterande mjukvaran DotDetector. Genom att stÀlla upp och mata slutartider vid vilka distortioner uppstÄr i bilden i ett normalt upplyst rum konstaterar vi i rapporten att den övra grÀnsen for slutartdider bör ligga vid 100 millisekunder. Detta vÀrde Àr detsamma sa lÀnge den övriga belysningen i rummet ar densamma. Projektet föreslÄr som framtida utveckling att ge ett variabelt grÀnsvÀrde baserat pa belysningen i rummet. Projektet föreslÄr Àven automatisering av fÀrgaskningen i programmets detektionsalgoritm


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    Projektets utgÄngspunkt Àr ett nytt konstmuseum i Uppsala, i omrÄdet bakom Uppsala centralstation, som nyligen genomgÄtt ett ansiktslyft. Museets lÄngsmala karaktÀr har hÀmtats frÄn det intilliggande godsmagasinet och frÄn tomtens form. Genom byggnaden har ett diagonalt strÄk öppnats, för att ge möjlighet Ät fotgÀngare att passera genom byggnaden och för att skapa liv och rörelse pÄ platsen. Genom fönstren i passagen kan förbipasserande fÄ en skymt av vad som hÀnder inuti muséet. I passagen ligger museets entré, den pedagogiska verksamheten och ett kafé för allmÀnheten. Museets fasad Àr inspirerad av den arabiska mashrabiyan. Byggnaden har fönster lÀngs hela fasaden, som i sin tur Àr tÀckta av skÀrmar tillverkade av strÀckmetall. Ljuset tillÄts komma in i byggnaden samtidigt som strÀckmetallen tÀcker fasaden och bevarar nÄgot av museets hemligheter för förbipasserande. Museets inre vÀggar bestÄr av massiva betongskivor, placerade i ett rutnÀt som fÄtt sin riktning av passagen genom huset. BetongrutnÀtet bildar tvÄ typer av rum, de inre rummen med en mer stÀngd karaktÀr och en traditionell, fyrkantig rumsform, och de yttre triangulÀra rummen som fÄr dagsljus utifrÄn, genom strÀckplÄten som tÀcker de yttre glasvÀggarna. Under kvÀllstid lyser museet sjÀlv upp omgivningarna genom hÄlen i strÀckmetallen.The project is about creating a new art museum in Uppsala, situated in the area behind Uppsala centralstation, where extensive retouching of the area recently was made. The long and slender character of the buildning derives from the shape of the old cargo warehouse next to the museum, and from the shape of the plot. Through the building runs a passage that lends pedestrian a shortcut through it, which will bring life to the area. Along the passage through the museum, the ground floor of the building is entirely covered by windows, in order to give passing strollers a glimpse of what is happening inside the museum. The entrance, the educational activities and the café is situated along the passage. The facade of the museum is inspired by the arabic mashrabiya fenomenon. The exterior facade of the building is entirely covered with windows which in turn are covered with screens of expanded metal. Daylight may enter through the tiny holes in the screens, while at the same time the metal screens manages to keep some of the secrets of the museum from the people passing by. The inner walls, made of concrete, form a diagonal grid inside the building, creating two types of rooms. The inner rooms, which are quadratic and have a more closed and darker character, and the outer rooms which are triangular and receive light from the outside through the expanded metal screens. At nighttime, instead the museum itself lights the place around it


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    The objective of this work was to evaluate and implement a number of energy saving functions for a specific embedded system. The functions were then grouped into a number of energy levels with known properties in terms of functionality, energy consumption, and transition time between the levels. The embedded system consisted of an AT91 ARM9 processor, GSM/GPRS modem, display, Ethernet and other peripheral units. Some energy saving methods that were considered were suspend to RAM, suspend to disk, frequency scaling, and methods for saving energy in the modem, Ethernet, USB and display backlight. The functions were grouped into levels and an interface was specified for controlling the energy level. It proved possible to get known properties within the defined energy levels, even though the paritioning of functions into these levels proved to be sub-optimal in a typical application usage scenario because it was designed for mainly energy consumption, not usage. The final result is a number of energy saving functions grouped into levels, which are controllable via an application interface. Each of the levels have a known energy consumption in both loaded and un-loaded mode


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