28 research outputs found

    The Development of Civil Law in Slovenia. From ABGB to the Civil Code (2012)

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    In last 20 years Slovenian civil law has experienced a revival and it tried to get rid of the former influences of socialism and communism. Slovenia does not have a uniform civil code. Civil law is governed by the four headline acts: Code of Obligation (from 2001 with changes), Property Code (from 2002 with changes), Marriage and Family Relations Act (from 1976, but with last official consolidated text from 2004 and later changes) and Succession Act (from 1976 with changes). Especially noticeable changes were made in the area of property law, which in last 20 years has undergone several substantive changes. The new Code of Obligations has largely succeeded former Yugoslav obligation law, but in some areas it has brought new radical changes (e.g. contract of donation, life care contract, loan agreement). Succession and family law are still governed by the law from year 1976, but family law was subjected important changes, especially regarding the children and foster care. In 2005 an Act on Same sex registered partnership. A new Family Code was also adopted, but the Slovenes in the referendum in March 2012 decided against the new Family code, so that it is now in the process of change. In 2012, a first draft of the Succession Act was also created. It was subjected least changes since [email protected]ät Maribo

    Slovenia: Parental Care in the Context of the Modern Family

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    Razvitak slovenskog sportskog prava

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    The authors addressed the topic of the development of sports law in the Republic of Slovenia, both from historical and analytical perspectives. A new Sports Act (ZŠpo-1) was recently adopted in Slovenia in order to replace a previous – and somewhat outdated – Sports Act (ZSpo). This framework act regulates basic requirements for the organisation and implementation of sports activities. The article includes a presentation of the most important changes that affect the organisation of sports in Slovenia. Other issues related to the area of sports law can generally be solved by applying general provisions (e.g. from Code of Obligations, Criminal Code and other fundamental acts). In addition to the historical development of Sports Act, the article also includes the analysis of some of the most important general acts that can be applied to sports-related issues.U članku autori se bave temom razvoja prava sporta u Republici Sloveniji, s povijesne i analitičke perspektive. Nedavno je u Sloveniji primljen novi Zakon o sportu (ZŠpo-1), koji je zamijenio raniji i pomalo zastarjeli Zakon o sportu (ZSpo). Ovaj okvirni akt regulira osnovne zahtjeve organizacije i provođenja sportskih aktivnosti. Članak uključuje prezentaciju najvažnijih promjena koje utječu na organizaciju sporta u Sloveniji. Ostala pitanja koja se odnose na područje prava sporta općenito se mogu riješiti primjenom općih odredaba (npr. zakona o obveznim odnosima, kaznenog zakonika i drugih temeljnih zakona). Uz povijesni razvoj zakona o sportu, u članku se nalazi i analiza nekih najvažnijih općih akata koji se mogu primijeniti na pitanja vezana uz sport

    The Implementation of the Child’s Right To Be Heard : The Slovenian View

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    The Convention on the Rights of the Child represents a crucial international instrument related to children’s rights. Article 12 enshrined children’s right to express their views or be heard. Right to be heard ensures that children are listened to and taken seriously. They are entitled to give their opinions on all matters affecting them, especially in judicial proceedings. Slovenia adopted a new Family Code (2017) and the Non-Contentious Civil Procedure Act (2019). Both acts brought about essential improvements in the children’s right to be heard. The article offers a general analysis of the conventional understanding of this right, followed by a presentation of its inclusion in the two new legal acts and Slovene contemporary case law

    Tightening Up the Legislative Approaches to Mandatory Vaccination

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    Infektionskrankheiten stehen mit großem Leid und der Sterblichkeit in Verbindung. Mit der Entwicklung der Medizin wurden Impfstoffe, mit denen bestimmte Krankheiten verhindert entwickelt. Im Bewusstsein der Bedeutung der Impfung haben einzelne Staaten das System der Zwangsimpfung, das sich von Staat zu Staat unterscheidet, gesetzlich geregelt. Obgleich die Bedeutung der Impfung, sowhl für jeden Einzelnen, als auch die Gemeinschaft, nicht zu übersehen ist, kann der Patient mit der Impfung, trotz des sorgfältigen Handelns des Arztes, zu Schaden kommen. Folglich haben die Staaten ‘No-Fault-Entschädigungssysteme’, welche die Zahlung von Schadenersatz an Personen, die wegen der Impfung einen Schaden erlitten haben, gesetzlich geregelt. Trotz der Bedeutung der Impfung ist die Anzahl der Eltern, die dem aus verschiedenen Gründen, aus Sicht des Gesetzgebers unberechtigt, entgegenstehen, sichtbar steigend. Hinsichtlich des Genannten und hinsichtlich der Ausbrüche von Infektionskrankheiten, die mit der Impfung verhindert werden könnten, haben einzelne Staaten die Verschärfung ihrer Impfgesetzgebungen in Angriff genommen.Zarazne bolesti povezuju se s velikom patnjom i smrtnošću. Razvojem medicine proizvedena su cjepiva koja mogu spriječiti određene bolesti. Pojedine su države, svjesne važnosti cijepljenja, izgradile sustave obaveznog cijepljenja. Ti se sustavi razlikuju od države do države. Unatoč činjenici da se važnost cijepljenja i za pojedinca i za zajednicu ne može zanemariti, pri cijepljenju unatoč liječničkoj brizi mogu nastati ozljede pacijenata. Stoga su države ozakonile ‘no-fault odštetne sustave’ koji omogućuju plaćanje odštete osobama koje su pretrpjele štetu zbog cijepljenja. Iako je cijepljenje važno, raste broj roditelja koji mu se iz raznih zakonski neopravdanih razloga, protive. S obzirom na navedeno i imajući na umu mogućnost izbijanja zaraznih bolesti, koje bi se mogle spriječiti cijepljenjem, pojedine su zemlje pooštrile zakone o cijepljenju.Infectious diseases are associated with great suffering and mortality. Alongside the evolution of medicine, vaccines have also been developed that can prevent certain diseases. Aware of the importance of vaccination, individual states have legislated for systems of mandatory vaccination, which differ from state to state. Although the importance of vaccination cannot be neglected, both for the individual and for the community, the patient may still be harmed by the vaccine despite careful medical attention. As a result, states have enacted ‘no-fault compensation systems’, which regulate the payment of damages to persons who have been harmed by a vaccine. Despite the importance of vaccination, the number of parents who are opposed to vaccination for various reasons is visibly increasing. With regard to the above and the outbreaks of infectious diseases that could be prevented by the vaccination, some states have tightened up their vaccination legislation

    Sports ombudsman – the case of Slovenia

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    Novi slovenski Zakon o sportu iz 2017. donio je novu pravnu instituciju, ombudsman za prava sportaša. Vlada Republike Slovenije 1. travnja 2018. imenovala je Rožlea Prezelja za prvog ombudsmana za prava sportaša u Sloveniji. Imenovan je za razdoblje od pet godina. Postupak je kod ombudsmana za prava sportaša neformalan, povjerljiv i besplatan. Njegove djelatnosti usmjerene su prije svega brizi za prava sportaša i sportskih djelatnika. Ombudsman za prava sportaša ne može donositi formalne i obvezujuće odluke, ali može davati preporuke, inicijative ili voditi medijaciju i pregovore.New Slovenian Sports Act of 2017 brought the new legal institution, the Sports Ombudsman. On April 1, 2018, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, appointed Rožle Prezelj as the first Sports Ombudsman in Slovenia. He was appointed for a period of five years. The procedure with the Sports Ombudsman is informal, confidential and free of charge. His activities are focused primarily on the protection of athletes and sports workers\u27 rights. The Sports Ombudsman may not render formal and binding decisions, but may make recommendations, initiatives or perform mediation and negotiations

    Use of Polymers and their Composites with Ruthenium Oxide as Active Electrode Materials in Electrochemical Supercapacitors

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    U radu su pripravljene i elektrokemijski ispitane elektrode od različitih kompozitnih materijala potencijalno primjenjivih za izradbu elektrokemijskih superkondenzatora. Komponente kompozitnog materijala su rutenijev oksid i polianilin (PANI) kao elektroaktivne elektrodne tvari, te Nafi on® (etansulfonil fl uorid, 2-[1-[difl uoro-[(trifl uoroetenil)oxi]metil]-1,2,2,2-tetrafl uoroetoksi]-1,1,2,2,-tetrafl uoro- tetrafl uoroetilen) i poli(viniliden-fl uorid) kao veziva. Elektrode su priređene nakapavanjem suspenzije različitih količina rutenijeva oksida u otopinama odgovarajućeg veziva na elektrodu od staklastog ugljika. Polianilin se na tako pripravljenim elektrodama sintetizirao postupkom cikličke voltametrije uz različit broj ciklusa promjene potencijala. Elektrokemijska svojstva kompozitnih elektroda ispitivana su metodama cikličke voltametrije i elektrokemijske impedancijske spektroskopije. Rezultati su analizirani sa stajališta dobivenih specifičnih kapaciteta kompozita te mehanizma elektrokemijskog procesa nabijanja i izbijanja. Pokazano je da elektrokemijska svojstva kompozitnih elektroda ovise u velikoj mjeri o omjerima količina pojedinih komponenti, kao i o vrsti veziva. Najbolja svojstva dobivena su s poli(viniliden-fl uoridom) kao vezivom, kod kojega se postiže mnogo više iskorištenje mase RuO2, a kod najvećeg omjera rutenijev oksid/poli(viniliden-fl uorid) postižu se specifi čni kapaciteti kompozita iznad 500 F/g. Depozicijom polianilina na ovaj kompozit, specifi čni kapaciteti kompozita povećavaju se i do 700 F/g. Razlika u ponašanju između dvaju veziva objašnjena je njihovim različitim fi zikalno-kemijskim svojstvima i ulogom koju imaju u strukturi priređenih kompozita.The composite electrodes consisting of ruthenium oxide and polyaniline as active electrode materials, as well as poly(vinylidene fl uoride) and Nafi on® (ethanesulfonyl fl uoride, 2-[1-[difl uoro-[(trifl uoroethenyl)oxy]methyl]-1,2,2,2-tetrafl uoroethoxy]-1,1,2,2,-tetrafl uoro- tetrafl uoroethylene) as binders were synthesized and investigated as electrode materials for applications in electrochemical supercapacitors. The composite electrodes were synthesized by casting a suspension of different amounts of ruthenium oxide in the solutions of the corresponding binders onto the glassy carbon electrodes. Various quantities of polyaniline were deposited onto the composite electrodes by the cyclic voltammetry method using different number of potential cycles. The electrochemical properties of the composite electrodes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy techniques. The specific capacitances obtained were compared and the charging/discharging mechanism was elucidated. The results show that the overall properties of the composite electrodes strongly depend on the quantities of different components in the mixture and the type of the binder. The best electrochem ical properties were achieved when poly(vinylidene fl uoride) was used as a binder. In this case utilization of RuO2 was maximized and specifi c capacitance higher than 500 F/g was achieved. After the deposition of PANI on this composite, specifi c capacitance was increased to 700 F/g. The difference in the behaviour between two binders is explained by the difference in their physical and chemical properties and the different role they assume in the resulting composite materials

    Family Protection in Slovenia

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