301 research outputs found

    A brief history of higher education in Osijek

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    The paper presents the results of a research in the use of flaxseed (LO) and rapeseed oil (RO) in a combination with fish oil (FO) in the feeding of laying hens and the effect on the fatty acid profile of egg yolks (∑n-3 PUFA and ∑n-6/∑n-3 PUFA ratio). Nutritional treatments were as follows: C1, C2 = control (5% soybean oil SO), E1 = 1.5% LO+3.5% FO, E2 = 3.5% LO+1.5% FO, E3 = 1.5% RO+3.5% FO, E4 = 3.5% RO+1.5% FO. Feed mixtures for the laying hens were balanced on the basis of a 17% crude protein and 11.5 MJ/kg ME, and the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in the mixtures was as follows: C1 13.64, C2 13.10, E1 2.63, E2 1.53, E3 4.84 and E4 6.21. The combination of the flaxseed oil and fish oil in the feed affected the n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio, making it narrower when compared to the combination of rapeseed oil and the fish oil. The control feed C1 and C2 contained only ALA 3.12 and 4.08%, being without the EPA and DHA fatty acids. The analysis of the fatty acid profiles in egg yolks demonstrated that the eggs contained 1.16 and 1.26% of DHA in addition to ALA, which means that, although in the small amounts, the DHA was synthesized and deposited in the eggs by the laying hens. The following proportions of n-3 PUFAs were found in the eggs of the experimental groups: E1 6.51%, E2 8.30%, E3 5.17%, and E4 3.54%. The n-6/n-3 PUFA ratio in egg yolks decreased from 9.67 and 11.85 (control groups) to 3.08 and 2.57, respectively, for the flaxseed and fish oil treatments and 4.25 and 6.95 for the rapeseed and fish oil treatment. The studies have demonstrated a more efficient deposition of the n-3 PUFAs in the yolks of the E1 and E2 groups, although the ALA was most abundantly present in the total n-3 PUFAs.U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja uporabe lanenoga sjemena (LO) i sjemena uljane repice (RO) u kombinaciji s ribljim uljem (FO) u hranidbi nesilica te utjecaj na profil masnih kiselina žumanjaka (∑n-6 PUFA i ∑n-6 PUFA/∑n-3 PUFA). Hranidbeni tretmani bili su sljedeći: C1, C2 = kontrola (5% sojinoga ulja SO), E1 = 1,5% LO + 3,5% FO, E2 = 3,5% LO + 1,5% FO, E3 = 1,5% RO + 3,5% FO, E4 = 3,5% RO + 1,5% FO. Krmne smjese za nesilice bile su izbalansirane na bazi 17% sirovih bjelančevina i 11,5 MJ/kg ME, a omjer n-6/n-3 PUFA u smjesama bio je sljedeći: C1 13,64; C2 13,10; E1 2,63; E2 1,53; E3 4,84 i E4 6,21. Kombinacija lanenoga ulja i ribljeg ulja u hrani utjecala je na omjer n-6/n-3 PUFA, što ga čini užim u usporedbi s kombinacijom repičina i ribljeg ulja. Kontrolne smjese C1 i C2 sadržavale su samo ALA 3,12 i 4,08%, bez EPA i DHA masnih kiselina. Analiza profila masnih kiselina u žumanjcima pokazala je da jaja, uz ALA, sadrže 1,16 i 1,26% DHA, što znači da se, iako u malim količinama, DHA sintetizirala i odlagala u jajima nesilice. U jajima pokusnih skupina utvrđeni su sljedeći udjeli n-3 PUFA: E1 6,51%, E2 8,30%, E3 5,17% i E4 3,54%. Omjer n-6/n-3 PUFA u žumanjcima smanjen je s 9,67 i 11,85 (kontrolne skupine) na 3,08, odnosno na 2,57 kod tretmana s lanenim sjemenom i ribljim uljem, to jest na 4,25 i 6,95 kod tretmana s repičinim i ribljim uljem. Istraživanja su pokazala učinkovitije taloženje n-3 PUFA u žumanjcima E1 i E2 skupina, iako je ALA bila najzastupljenija u ukupnim n-3 PUFA


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    In this paper, authors summarise studies refferering to enrichment of breast and thigh muscles with carnosine that has an important function in physiological processes. Research has shown that carnosine improves quality of chicken meat. By adding amino acids β-alanine and L-histidine in chickens’ feed, carnosine synthesizes in skeletal muscles, brain, heart muscle and olfactory receptor cells. It has been determined that the content of carnosine depends on the type of muscle (white or dark meat), broiler genotype as well as sex. Chicken meat is sensitive to oxidation processes, but lipid oxidation can be efficiently prevented by enriching meat with carnosine.U radu se istražuje obogaćivanje mišića prsa i zabataka karnozinom, koji ima važnu funkciju u fiziološkim procesima. Istraživanja su pokazala da karnozin poboljšava kvalitetu pilećega mesa. Dodavanjem aminokiselina β-alanina i L-histidina u hranu pilića sintetizira se karnozin u skeletnim mišićima, mozgu, srčanome mišiću i stanicama čula mirisa. Ustanovljeno je da sadržaj karnozina ovisi o tipu mišića (bijelo ili tamno meso) te genotipu brojlera, kao i o spolu. Meso pilića osjetljivo je na oksidacijske procese, ali se lipidna oksidacija može efikasno prevenirati obogaćivanjem mesa karnozinom

    Specifičnosti proizvodnje konzumnih jaja u Republici Hrvatskoj

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    The self-sufficiency and production of table eggs, as well as the balance of imports and exports in the period from 2013 to 2019 are investigated in this paper. In the aforementioned period, egg production increased by 8.3%, which was insufficient for domestic needs, and the market deficit was compensated by permanent imports. Self-sufficiency decreased to 95 and 90%, respectively. The importance of eggs in human diet, as well as their consumption, is also shown. Official statistical data were used to analyse the situation. Linear and exponential functions were used to describe the phenomena. Research has shown the specifics of egg production and consumption in the Republic of Croatia. Annual egg imports ranged from 2.6 to 15.4%. In order for the Republic of Croatia to be more competitive on the European market, it is necessary to intensify egg production and produce eggs more economically. It is assumed that in the coming period there will be an increase in egg production and consumption in the Republic of Croatia and in EU countries.U radu je analizirana samodostatnost i proizvodnja konzumnih jaja, odnos uvoza i izvoza u razdoblju od 2013. do 2019. godine. U navedenom razdoblju je došlo do povećanja proizvodnje jaja za 8,3% što je nedovoljno za domaće potrebe te je tržišni deficit nadoknađen stalnim uvozom. Samodostatnost se smanjila od 95 % na 90%. Nadalje, prikazana je važnost jaja u ljudskoj prehrani, kao i važnost njihove konzumacije. Za analizu su korišteni službeni podaci dok su za opis stanja korištene linearne i eksponencijalne funkcije. Istraživanje je pokazalo specifičnosti proizvodnje i konzumacije jaja u Republici Hrvatskoj. Godišnji uvoz jaja kretao se od 2,6 do 15,4 %. Kako bi Republika Hrvatska bila konkurentnija na europskom tržištu, potrebno je intenzivirati proizvodnju jaja i ekonomičnije proizvoditi. Pretpostavlja se da će u narednom razdoblju doći do povećanja proizvodnje i potrošnje jaja u Republici Hrvatskoj i u zemljama Europske Unije


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    The paper investigates the influence of dietary replacement of 3% sunflower oil (SO group) with 3% milk thistle oil (MTO group) in broiler diets on fattening characteristics and carcass quality. During 42 days of fattening, MTO group achieved insignificantly higher live weight(2.21 kg: 2.19 kg; P>0.05), significantly better feed conversion (1.80 kg: 1.83 kg; P = 0.034) and production number (292.33:285.33; P = 0.013) compared to the SO broiler group. Carcass weight and portion of main parts did not statistically significantly differ between the groups (P>0.05). Market value of carcass cuts and breast fillets was higher in MTO group than in SO group. Lipids of breast and thigh muscles in the SO group contained significantly higher concent.U radu se istražuje utjecaj zamjene 3% suncokretovog ulja (SO skupina) s 3% ulja sikavice (MTO skupina) u hrani pilića na tovna svojstva i kvalitetu trupova. MTO skupina pilića postigla je nesignifikantno veću živu masu (2,21 kg: 2,19 kg; P>0,05) za 42 dana tova, signifikantno bolju konverziju hrane (1,80 kg: 1,83 kg; P = 0,034) i proizvodni broj (292,33: 285,33; P = 0,013) od SO skupine pilića. Masa trupa i udjeli osnovnih dijelova nisu se statistički značajno razlikovali između skupina (P>0,05). Tržišna vrijednost konfekcioniranih trupova i prsnoga filea bila je veća kod MTO skupine u odnosu na SO skupinu brojlera. Lipidi mišića prsa i zabataka sadržavali su značajno veće koncentracije suma n-3 PUFA (2,48% : 1,91%, P = 0,049, odnosno 2,29%: 1,57%; P<0,001) kod SO u odnosu na MTO skupinu pilića

    Results of zeolite application in fattening pigs on deep litter

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    Istraživanje je provedeno na 120 svinja četveropasminskih križanaca oba spola, držanih na dubokoj stelji. Svinje su bile podijeljene u 4 skupine. Prva skupina bila je kontrolna, 2. i 3. skupina dobivale su u obroku prirodni zeolit Anivital (2,5% i 5%), dok je kod 4. skupine po stelji posipan zeolit Aromavital u količini od 3,5 kg/m2 obora. Tijekom provedbe istraživanja obavljena su mikroklimatska mjerenja, kao i mjerenja proizvodnih svojstava tovnih svinja. Po završetku tova svinje su zaklane, a na liniji klanja utvrđena su svojstva kakvoće svinjskih trupova i mesa. Svinje koje su dobivale Anivital u obroku imale su statistički značajno veće (P < 0,05) završne tjelesne mase, veće priraste, nižu konverziju i veću konzumaciju hrane u odnosu na kontrolnu skupinu svinja. Svinje kontrolne skupine imale su najveći udjel mišićnog tkiva u polovicama. Rezultati mikroklimatskih mjerenja pokazuju da su najpovoljniji mikroklimatski uvjeti utvrđeni kod 4. skupine svinja, kod koje je dodavan Aromavital, dok su najlošiji uvjeti bili kod kontrolne skupine. Može se zaključiti da dodatak Anivitala u obroke svinja povoljno utječe na poboljšanje nekih proizvodnih svojstava tovnih svinja. Isto tako, posipanjem Aromavitala po stelji u značajnoj se mjeri poboljšavaju mikroklimatski uvjeti u tovilištu.The research was carried out on 160 four-way crossbred pigs of both sexes, all kept on deep litter. Pigs were divided into 4 groups. The first group was the control, the 2nd and the 3rd were given natural zeolite Anivital (supplemented to diets in the amount of 2.5% and 5%, respectively), while in the 4th group zeolite Aromavital was spread on deep litter in the amount of 3.5 kg/m2 of the pen. During the research period, microclimatic indicators and productive traits of pigs were constantly measured. After slaughtering of pigs in a slaughterhouse, quality traits of their carcasses and meat were determined. Pigs that were given Anivital supplemented to diets had statistically significantly higher (P<0.05) end weights, better gains, lower conversion and better food consumption than the control group. Pigs in the control group had the highest portion of muscle tissue in carcass. Results of microclimatic measurements proved that the most favorable microclimatic conditions occurred in the 4th group of pigs that were given Aromavital, and the worst conditions were obtained in the control group. It is concluded that supplementation of Anivital to pig diets had positive effects on the improvement of some productive traits. Moreover, spreading of Aromavital on deep litter resulted in improved microclimatic conditions within pens

    Utjecaj brzine rasta na svojstva trupova, kvalitetu mesa i profil masnih kiselina broilera

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    This research investigates the growth rate of Ross 308 broilers (Group A 50g weight gain) during a 42-day fattening period and its influence on the carcass traits and technological quality of breast meat by referring to the broiler sex and fatty acid profile in breast and thigh muscles. The portions of breasts, drumsticks with thighs, back, wings (%), and dressing percentage (%) are considered for the assessment of carcass traits. Technological quality is determined by reviewing the following indicators: pH1, pH2, ΔpH, drip loss, and the breast meat color (CIE L*, a*, b*) . This research confirms a significant influence of broiler sex and growth rate on the live weight gain and carcass weight (p˂0.001) and the portions of breasts (p=0.006) and drumsticks with thighs (p=0.004) too. The growth rate has a significant influence on the portions of drumsticks with thighs and wings (p˂0.001). Broiler sex exerts an influence on the differences in drip loss, % (p=0.003) and in the yellowness (p=0.029) of breast meat. There is a positive correlation determined between the pH1 and pH2 (p0.05). Highly significant differences (p˂0.05) are determined, however, in the content of certain fatty acids between the breast and thigh muscles.U radu se istražuje utjecaj intenziteta prirasta Ross 308 brojlera ( 50g prirasta skupina B) u tovu do 42 dana na karakteristike trupova, tehnološku kvalitetu prsnoga mesa s obzirom na spol i profil masnih kiselina u mišićima prsa i zabataka. Karakteristike trupova određene su na osnovi udjela (%) prsa, bataka sa zabatcima, leđa, krila i randmana (%). Za vrjednovanje tehnološke kvalitete korišteni su sljedeći pokazatelji: pH1, pH2, ΔpH, gubitak mesnoga soka i boje (CIE L*, a*, b*) prsnoga mesa. Utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj spola i intenziteta prirasta za živu težinu brojlera, masu trupova (p˂0.001) te udjele prsa (p=0.006) i bataka sa zabatcima (p=0.004). Intenzitet prirasta statistički je značajno utjecao na udjele bataka sa zabacima i krila (p˂0.001). Spol pilića utjecao je na razlike gubitka mesnoga soka, % (p=0.003) i razlike stupnja žutila (p=0.029) prsnoga mesa. Ustanovljena je pozitivna korelacija između pH1 i pH2 (p0.05). Utvrđene su statistički visoko značajne razlike (p˂0.05) u sadržaju pojedinih masnih kiselina između mišića prsa i zabataka

    Quality of Chicken Meat

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    Chicken meat is considered as an easily available source of high-quality protein and other nutrients that are necessary for proper body functioning. In order to meet the consumers’ growing demands for high-quality protein, the poultry industry focused on selection of fast-growing broilers, which reach a body mass of about 2.5 kg within 6-week-intensive fattening. Relatively low sales prices of chicken meat, in comparison to other types of meat, speak in favor of the increased chicken meat consumption. In addition, chicken meat is known by its nutritional quality, as it contains significant amount of high-quality and easily digestible protein and a low portion of saturated fat. Therefore, chicken meat is recommended for consumption by all age groups. The technological parameters of chicken meat quality are related to various factors (keeping conditions, feeding treatment, feed composition, transport, stress before slaughter, etc.). Composition of chicken meat can be influenced through modification of chicken feed composition (addition of different types of oils, vitamins, microelements and amino acids), to produce meat enriched with functional ingredients (n-3 PUFA, carnosine, selenium and vitamin E). By this way, chicken meat becomes a foodstuff with added value, which, in addition to high-quality nutritional composition, also contains ingredients that are beneficial to human health

    Enrichment of table eggs with selenium and lutein – our experiences

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    Received: 2018-05-06 | Accepted: 2018-05-14 | Available online: 2018-11-26https://doi.org/10.15414/afz.2018.21.04.138-141By modifying meals for hens it is possible to influence the content of selenium and lutein in eggs, which enables the production of eggs with an increased share of the desired functional ingredients. Such eggs on the market represent enriched or functional foods that are characterized by preventive action in order to preserve the human health. The results of our research show that the composition of meals affects the content of selenium and lutein in eggs. The use of Se-yeast in hens’ mixtures in the amount of 0.5 mg·kg of feed increases the selenium content in egg whites and yolks by 62.94% and 41.54% in comparison to eggs from hens fed with a conventional mixture. Addition of 400 mg·kg of lutein to a hens' mixture can enrich egg yolk with lutein by 86.93% with respect to eggs from hens fed with a conventional mixture (without the addition of lutein).By designing hens’ mixtures using selenium and lutein having antioxidant activity, it is possible to produce eggs with improved nutritional value and extended shelf life.Keywords: eggs, enrichment, lutein, seleniumReferencesAljamal, A.A., Purdum, S.E., Hanford, K.J. (2014) The effect of normal and excessive supplementation of selenomethionine and sodium selenite in laying hens. International Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 3 (3), 33-38.Chung, H.Y., Rasmussen, H.M., Johnson, E.J. (2004) Lutein bioavailability is higher from lutein-enriched eggs than from supplements and spinach in men. The Journal of Nutrition, 134 (8), 1887-1893. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jn/134.8.1887Fašiangová M., Bořilová G., Hulánková R. 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