1,018 research outputs found

    Inside the brain of an elite athlete: The neural processes that support high achievement in sports

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    Events like the World Championships in athletics and the Olympic Games raise the public profile of competitive sports. They may also leave us wondering what sets the competitors in these events apart from those of us who simply watch. Here we attempt to link neural and cognitive processes that have been found to be important for elite performance with computational and physiological theories inspired by much simpler laboratory tasks. In this way we hope to inspire neuroscientists to consider how their basic research might help to explain sporting skill at the highest levels of performance

    High sensitivity of 17O NMR to p-d hybridization in transition metal perovskites: first principles calculations of large anisotropic chemical shielding

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    A first principles embedded cluster approach is used to calculate O chemical shielding tensors, sigma, in prototypical transition metal oxide ABO_3 perovskite crystals. Our principal findings are 1) a large anisotropy of sigma between deshielded sigma_x ~ sigma_y and shielded sigma_z components (z along the Ti-O bond); 2) a nearly linear variation, across all the systems studied, of the isotropic sigma_iso and uniaxial sigma_ax components, as a function of the B-O-B bond asymmetry. We show that the anisotropy and linear variation arise from large paramagnetic contributions to sigma_x and sigma_y due to virtual transitions between O(2p) and unoccupied B(nd) states. The calculated isotropic delta_iso and uniaxial delta_ax chemical shifts are in good agreement with recent BaTiO_3 and SrTiO_3 single crystal 17O NMR measurements. In PbTiO_3 and PbZrO_3, calculated delta_iso are also in good agreement with NMR powder spectrum measurements. In PbZrO_3, delta_iso calculations of the five chemically distinct sites indicate a correction of the experimental assignments. The strong dependence of sigma on covalent O(2p)-B(nd) interactions seen in our calculations indicates that 17O NMR spectroscopy, coupled with first principles calculations, can be an especially useful tool to study the local structure in complex perovskite alloys.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, and 3 Table

    Non-equilibrium phase transitions in biomolecular signal transduction

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    We study a mechanism for reliable switching in biomolecular signal-transduction cascades. Steady bistable states are created by system-size cooperative effects in populations of proteins, in spite of the fact that the phosphorylation-state transitions of any molecule, by means of which the switch is implemented, are highly stochastic. The emergence of switching is a nonequilibrium phase transition in an energetically driven, dissipative system described by a master equation. We use operator and functional integral methods from reaction-diffusion theory to solve for the phase structure, noise spectrum, and escape trajectories and first-passage times of a class of minimal models of switches, showing how all critical properties for switch behavior can be computed within a unified framework

    A new method for tracking of motor skill learning through practical application of Fitts’ law

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.A novel upper limb motor skill measure, task productivity rate (TPR) was developed integrating speed and spatial error, delivered by a practical motor skill rehabilitation task (MSRT). This prototype task involved placement of 5 short pegs horizontally on a spatially configured rail array. The stability of TPR was tested on 18 healthy right-handed adults (10 women, 8 men, median age 29 years) in a prospective single-session quantitative within-subjects study design. Manipulations of movement rate 10% faster and slower relative to normative states did not significantly affect TPR, F(1.387, 25.009) = 2.465, p = .121. A significant linear association between completion time and error was highest during the normative state condition (Pearson's r = .455, p < .05). Findings provided evidence that improvements in TPR over time reflected motor learning with possible changes in coregulation behavior underlying practice under different conditions. These findings extend Fitts’ law theory to tracking of practical motor skill using a dexterity task, which could have potential clinical applications in rehabilitation

    CREST-Snow Field Experiment: analysis of snowpack properties using multi-frequency microwave remote sensing data

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    The CREST-Snow Analysis and Field Experiment (CREST-SAFE) was carried out during January–March 2011 at the research site of the National Weather Service office, Caribou, ME, USA. In this experiment dual-polarized microwave (37 and 89 GHz) observations were accompanied by detailed synchronous observations of meteorology and snowpack physical properties. The objective of this long-term field experiment was to improve understanding of the effect of changing snow characteristics (grain size, density, temperature) under various meteorological conditions on the microwave emission of snow and hence to improve retrievals of snow cover properties from satellite observations. In this paper we present an overview of the field experiment and comparative preliminary analysis of the continuous microwave and snowpack observations and simulations. The observations revealed a large difference between the brightness temperature of fresh and aged snowpack even when the snow depth was the same. This is indicative of a substantial impact of evolution of snowpack properties such as snow grain size, density and wetness on microwave observations. In the early spring we frequently observed a large diurnal variation in the 37 and 89 GHz brightness temperature with small depolarization corresponding to daytime snowmelt and nighttime refreeze events. SNTHERM (SNow THERmal Model) and the HUT (Helsinki University of Technology) snow emission model were used to simulate snowpack properties and microwave brightness temperatures, respectively. Simulated snow depth and snowpack temperature using SNTHERM were compared to in situ observations. Similarly, simulated microwave brightness temperatures using the HUT model were compared with the observed brightness temperatures under different snow conditions to identify different states of the snowpack that developed during the winter season

    Lesbian and bisexual women's experiences of sexuality-based discrimination and their appearance concerns

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    Lesbian and bisexual women frequently experience sexuality-based discrimination, which is often based on others' judgements about their appearance. This short article aims to explore whether there is a relationship between lesbian and bisexual women's experiences of sexuality-based discrimination and their satisfaction with the way that they look. Findings from an online survey suggest that discrimination is negatively related to appearance satisfaction for lesbian women, but not for bisexual women. It is argued that this difference exists because lesbian appearance norms are more recognisable and distinctive than bisexual women's appearance norms

    Evidence of strategic periodicities in collective conflict dynamics

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    We analyze the timescales of conflict decision-making in a primate society. We present evidence for multiple, periodic timescales associated with social decision-making and behavioral patterns. We demonstrate the existence of periodicities that are not directly coupled to environmental cycles or known ultraridian mechanisms. Among specific biological and socially-defined demographic classes, periodicities span timescales between hours and days, and many are not driven by exogenous or internal regularities. Our results indicate that they are instead driven by strategic responses to social interaction patterns. Analyses also reveal that a class of individuals, playing a critical functional role, policing, have a signature timescale on the order of one hour. We propose a classification of behavioral timescales analogous to those of the nervous system, with high-frequency, or α\alpha-scale, behavior occurring on hour-long scales, through to multi-hour, or ÎČ\beta-scale, behavior, and, finally Îł\gamma periodicities observed on a timescale of days.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Journal of the Royal Society Interfac

    Measurements of Charged Current Reactions of Îœe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C

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    Charged Current reactions of Îœe\nu_e on 12C^{12}C have been studied using a ÎŒ+\mu^+ decay-at-rest Îœe\nu_e beam at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Center. The cross section for the exclusive reaction 12C(Îœe,e−)12Ng.s.^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N_{g.s.} was measured to be (8.9±0.3±0.9)×10−42(8.9\pm0.3\pm0.9)\times10^{-42} cm2^2. The observed energy dependence of the cross section and angular distribution of the outgoing electron agree well with theoretical expectations. Measurements are also presented for inclusive transitions to 12N^{12}N excited states, 12C(Îœe,e−)12N∗^{12}C(\nu_e,e^-)^{12}N^* and compared with theoretical expectations. The measured cross section, (4.3±0.4±0.6)×10−42(4.3\pm0.4\pm0.6)\times10^{-42} cm2^2, is somewhat lower than previous measurements and than a continuum random phase approximation calculation. It is in better agreement with a recent shell model calculation.Comment: 34 pages, 18 figures, accepted to PRC, replaced with the accepted on

    Ground states of a one-dimensional lattice-gas model with an infinite range nonconvex interaction. A numerical study

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    We consider a lattice-gas model with an infinite range pairwise noncovex interaction. It might be relevant, for example, for adsorption of alkaline elements on W(112) and Mo(112). We study a competition between the effective dipole-dipole and indirect interactions. The resulting ground state phase diagrams are analysed (numerically) in detail. We have found that for some model parameters the phase diagrams contain a region dominated by several phases only with periods up to nine lattice constants. The remaining phase diagrams reveal a complex structure of usually long periodic phases. We also discuss a possible role of surace states in phase transitions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 Postscript figures; Physical Review B15 (15 August 1996), in pres

    Effects of neutrino oscillations and neutrino magnetic moments on elastic neutrino-electron scattering

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    We consider elastic antineutrino-electron scattering taking into account possible effects of neutrino masses and mixing and of neutrino magnetic moments and electric dipole moments. Having in mind antineutrinos produced in a nuclear reactor we compute, in particular, the weak-electromagnetic interference terms which are linear in the magnetic (electric dipole) moments and also in the neutrino masses. We show that these terms are, however, suppressed compared to the pure weak and electromagnetic cross section. We also comment upon the possibility of using the electromagnetic cross section to investigate neutrino oscillations.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX file, no figures, submitted to Phys.Rev.
