21 research outputs found


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    Viktor Frankl utemeljitelj logoterapije smatra samonadilaženje ili autotranscedenciju jednu od ključnih čovjekovih vrlina i sposobnosti. Naglašava da čovjek nije instiktivno biće te da je sposoban koristiti razum i donositi odluke. Dalje navodi da je svaki pojedinac odgovoran za svoje postupke te da ima sposobnost birati i izabrati te preispitivati svoje odluke. Jednom njegovom rečenicom bi se mogla definirati autotranscedencija: „Čovjek posjeduje u svakoj životnoj situaciji stanovit djelokrug da premaši pretjesne stege i uvjetovanosti i da nađe nove životne mogućnosti.“ U mnogim biblijskim tekstovima kao i primjerima iz Franklove psihoterapijske prakse nalazimo na fenomen oprosta, primjera autotranscendencije. M. Gandhi kaže; „Slabi ne mogu opraštati. Oprost je odlika velikih.“ Suprotna emocija-mržnje razara čovjekovo vlastito psihičko i duhovno blagostanje te ranjava druge ljude. Ona može biti podloga za nastanak psihosomatskih bolesti i triger za počinjenje najgorih zločina protiv čovjeka i čovječnosti. Prof.dr.sc. Slobodan Lang navodi da se posvetimo razraditi metode dobra a ne proučavati zlo i posljedice istog. U tom smislu, prof.dr.sc. Ivan Urlić psihijatar, u knjizi „Žrtva, osveta i kultura oprosta“ razrađuje proces oprosta te govori da se odvija u nekoliko faza. U tom ozračju završimo s Martinom Grayom: „Opraštaj da oslobodiš u sebi sile ljubavi!“.Viktor Frankl, the founder of logotherapy considered self-transcendence as one of the most important human virtue and ability. He points out that man is not instinctively being and that is capable of using reason and make decisions. He further stated that each individual is responsible for his/her actions and that he/she has the ability to choose and to reconsider his/her decision. Self-transcendence can be defined with this Frankl\u27s qoute: "The man has in any situation a certain scope to exceed too tight discipline and conditioning and to find new possibilities for life." In many biblical texts and examples from Frankl psychotherapeutic practice we find the phenomenon of forgiveness, for example self-transcendence . M. Gandhi said; "The weak can not forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong." The opposite of forgivness is hate. Hatred destroys man\u27s own mental and spiritual well-being and hurts other people. It can be the trigger for the formation of psychosomatic diseases and trigger for committing the worst crimes against man and humanity. Professor Slobodan Lang states that we have to elaborate methods of „good“ and not evil and the consequences thereof. In this view, professor Ivan Urlić psychiatrist, in his book "The sacrifice, revenge and culture of forgiveness" elaborates the process of forgiveness and says that it takes place in several stages. In that light, we finish with Martin Gray: "Forgive so that you unleash the power of love!"

    The effects of plyometric training and repeated sprint training on physical performance

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    Osnovna svrha ovog rada je utvrditi utjecaj treninga pliometrije i treninga ponavljanih sprintova na parametre kondicijskih sposobnosti. Uzorak je sačinjavao 41 student prve godine Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Osim u realizaciji praktične nastave studenti nisu bili uključeni u dodatni oblik tjelesnog vježbanja. Ispitanici su bili raspoređeni u dvije eksperimentalne grupe. Eksperimentalni program treninga trajao je šest tjedana u okviru kojih je ukupno realizirano 18 trenažnih jedinica. Jedna eksperimentalna grupa provodila je treninge pliometrijskog karaktera, dok je druga provodila trening ponavljanih pravocrtnih sprintova. Testiranje kondicijskih sposobnosti provedeno je prije i nakon programa treninga kroz jedan test sposobnosti ponavljanja sprintova, progresivni test opterećenja na pokretnom sagu, testove sprinta na 5, 10, i 25 metara, test agilnosti te skok s pripremom i uzastopne skokove iz stopala. Rezultati su pokazali da je nakon eksperimentalnih programa treninga statistički značajna razlika zabilježena nakon programa pliometrije u odnosu na trening ponavljanih sprintova samo u varijabli skok s pripremom (8,65% vs 2,21%). U varijabli uzastopni skokovi zabilježena je povećana vrijednost s tim da nije zabilježena statistički značajna razlika između inicijalnog i finalnog mjerenja te između različitih tretmana treninga. Slični učinci zabilježeni su u varijablama sprinta s time da su vidljivi određeni trendovi napretka nakon treninga ponavljanih sprintova (5m=0,89%, 10m=1,07% i 25m=1,35%), za razliku od treninga pliometrije koji bilježi nepromijenjene vrijednosti na 5 i 10 metara i 0,27% poboljšanje na 25 metara. Nakon treninga pliometrije i treninga ponavljanih pravocrtnih sprintova zabilježena je stagnacija rezultata u testu 20 jardi. U prostoru funkcionalnih sposobnosti nije zabilježena statistički značajna razlika između programa treninga u nijednoj varijabli nakon tretmana, sa sličnim vrijednostima zabilježenim u sposobnosti ponavljanja sprintova. Nakon šest tjedana treninga pliometrije i treninga ponavljanih pravocrtnih sprintova moguće je očekivati promjene u varijablama eksplozivne jakosti donjih ekstremiteta kod grupe koja je provodila trening pliometrije. Također je uočen i trend napretka u parametrima akceleracije i maksimalne brzine kretanja. Analizirajući razlike među grupama u efektima treninga, trening pliometrije rezultirao je većim vrijednostima u parametrima eksplozivne jakosti u odnosu na trening ponavljanih sprintova, stoga se može i konstatirati da je to modalitet treninga koji će biti opravdaniji za rad na navedenoj sposobnosti, kao što i program ponavljanih sprintova tendira većem poboljšanju u sprintu i testu ponavljanih sprintova od treninga pliometrije radi specifičnosti samih trenažnih podražaja.The purpose of this thesis is to resolve the effect of plyometric training and repeated sprint training on physical performance. The study was conducted on 41 students of the first year of study of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, which, except in the realization of practical training, were not included in the additional form of physical exercise. The subjects were evenly distributed in two experimental groups. The experimental training program lasted six weeks within which the total realized 18 units of training. One experimental group carried out the training plyometric character, while the other carried out training of repeated sprints. Before and after the training program the subjects were subjected to diagnostic procedure which included repeated sprint test, progressive test on treadmill, 5, 10 and 25 meter sprint test, agility test, countermovement jump and successive jumps from foot. The results showed that after experimental training programs a statistically significant difference was noted only after the plyometrics training program compared to the repeated sprint group in countermovement jump (8,65% vs 2,21%). In variable consecutive jumps an increased value was recorded with no statistically significant difference between initial and final measurement and between training sessions. Similar values have been recorded in sprint variables after the training program, with certain trends of progress happened after the repeated sprint training and the specifity of the program itself (5m=0,89%, 10m=1,07% I 25m=1,35%) while plyometric training records unchanged values at 5 and 10 meters, and a 0,27% improvement at 25 meters. After plyometric training and repeated sprint training stagnation of 20 yard test was recorded. There was no statistically significant difference between the training programs in any of the variables after the treatment in functional capacities, with similar measures recorded in repeated sprint ability. After six weeks of plyometric training and repeated sprint training it is potential to anticipate changes in explosive strength of the lower extremities in the group that has been conducting plyometric training. Also trends in increasement in the acceleration area and the maximum speed of movement are observing what indicates the results of this research. By analyzing the percentages among the groups in the effect of training, the plyometric training resulted in higher values in the explosive strength compared to the repeated sprint group, so we can conclude that this will be the training program to improve explosive strength, also as repeated sprint training who tends to improve sprint ability so as repeated sprint ability because of the specific traits of training itself


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    Kronične bolesti i oboljenja trenutno su najveći zdravstveni problem svjetske populacije. Uz navedeno, veliki problem za opće zdravlje populacije predstavlja izuzetno slaba svijest ljudi o negativnim učincima koje izazivaju loše životne navike te smanjena tjelesna aktivnost. Pojava kroničnih bolesti, osobito kardiovaskularnih te malignih oboljenja, direktno su povezani s tjelesnom neaktivnosti pojedinca. Većina ljudi svjesna je činjenice da tjelesna neaktivnost i sedentarni način života dovode do nakupljanja masnog tkiva i pretilosti. No, vrlo je važno upoznati populaciju i sa ostalim, vrlo ključnim pozitivnim učincima tjelesne aktivnosti na zdravstveni status pojedinca.Chronic diseases are currently the biggest health issue among the world population. In addition, the major problem for general health of population is the awareness of people about the negative sideeffects that are caused by bad habits and low level of physical activity. Chronic diseases, especially those of cardiovascular nature and cancers are directly related with the lack of physical activity. The major part of population is aware of negative effects of physical inactivity on weight gain that can lead to obesity. Beside that, it is of crucial importance to educate people about the benefits of regular physical activity, not only for a weight control but prevention of different chronic diseases

    The Effects of Basic Fitness Parameters on the Implementation of Specific Military Activities

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    The aim of this study was to determine whether basic fitness parameters have the impact on the specific military activity such as walking 18km with 25kg of load. The members of Croatian Armed Forces (30 soldiers) were tested before the beginning of the training program. The study has included variables for the assessment of muscular endurance: push- -ups in 2 minutes, sit-ups in 2 minutes, maximum number of pull-ups before dropping from the bar, bench press with 70% of body weight-max number of repetitions, max number of squats for 60 seconds, then the variables for the assessment of aerobic capacity: the 3200m run and relative oxygen uptake using the direct method of measurement on a treadmill as well as the variable for the assessment of body fat (body fat %). As the criterion variable, it was used the 18 km walking with 25 kg of load. The results of the regression analysis have shown statistically significant relation of predictor variables with the criterion variable. The two variables, 3200m run and RVO2 had a significant Beta coefficient. Based on the obtained results it could be concluded that great cardio-respiratory endurance has a much larger impact on the walking length of 18 km with a load of 25kg than other fitness parameters


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    Ne postoji jedinstvena definicija ljubavi, ali je nedvojbeno da je zdrava ljubav preduvjet fizičkog, psihičkog, duhovnog i socijalnog blagostanja, a samim time i preduvjet cjelokupnog zdravlja. S logoterapeutskog stajališta postoje tri dimenzije ljubavi. Fizička komponenta predstavlja nagonsku komponentu koja brine o produženju ljudske vrste, psihička komponenta je prisutna u fazi zaljubljenosti u kojoj vidimo bitne odlike i ljudske osobe te se približavamo psihičkoj unutrašnjosti osobe u koju smo zaljubljeni. Ljubav se u potpunosti očituje kroz duhovnu dimenziju koja svjesno uključuje tjelesnu i psihičku komponentu, te se kroz duhovnu dimenziji odlučujemo za osobu u svim njenim dimenzijama radi njezine jedinstvenosti. Pošto je logoterapijska premisa da je duhovna komponenta čovjeka neovisna o bolestima te nužno zdrava, tako je i ljubav doživljena kroz duhovnu dimenziju nužno zdrava. Duhovna dimenzija ljubavi je svevremenska i neovisna je o svim promjenama fizičke i psihičke komponente koje se protokom vremena događaju (Vukoja i sur 2015). Logoterapija ističe pet izrazitih opasnosti za ljubav. Ubrzan životni tempo ističe pitanje gubitka životne orijentacije i smisla uz stvaranje osjećaja egzistencijalnopg vakuuma, uz zatvoren krug tempa kao uzročnika ovisnosti i neuspjela pokušaja samoizlječenja. Pretjerana seksualiziranost je neuspio pokušaj ostvarivanja ljubavi kroz samo fizičku dimenziju što dovodi do psihičke patnje i izoliranosti duha. Dosada je jedan od vodećih faktora u razvoju psihičkih smetnji i destrukcije ljubavi, jer čovjek u besmislu provodi vrijeme. Negativističan stav i pretjerano potenciranje negativnog u potpunosti prožimlje čovjeka izravno ugrožavajući sve njegove dimenzije. Manipulirana nemoć nastaje produbljivanjem egzistencijalnog vakuuma u potpun gubitak osjećaja za vrijednosti općenito. Frankl navodi da je ljubav je najvažniji element za očuvanje ljudskog života i najvažniji element za očuvanje zdravlja u psihohigijenskom smislu (podrazumijevajući trodimenzionalnost ljudske osobe).There is no single definition of love, but it is certain that a healthy love prerequisite physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being, and therefore precondition of overall health. With logotherapeutic standpoint there are three dimensions of love. The physical component is an innate component that takes care of the extension of the human species, psychological component is present in the phase of falling in love in which we see the essential features of the human person and are approaching the psychological interior of the people in that we love. Love is fully reflected in the spiritual dimension that consciously includes physical and psychological component, and the spiritual dimension decides for a person in all its dimensions because of his/her uniqueness. Logotherapeutic premise is that the spiritual component of human is independent of disease and necessarily healthy, so it is the love experienced with spiritual dimension necessarily healthy. The spiritual dimension of love is timeless and independent of any changes in the physical and psychological components that can occur over time. Logotherapy points out five distinct dangers for love. A fast lifestyle stresses the question of loss of life orientation and the creation of a sense of meaning existence vacuum, with closed circuit tempo as the cause of addiction and failed attempts of self-healing. Excessive sexuality is a failed attempt to make love through a physical dimension, which leads to mental suffering and isolation of the spirit. Boredom is one of the leading factors in the development of mental disturbances and destruction of love, because of spending time in absurdity. Negativistic attitude and over-emphasizing the negative fully impregnates man directly threatening all its dimensions. Manipulated impotence occurs deepening existential vacuum in the complete loss of the sense of values generally. Frankl said that love is the most important element for the preservation of human life and the most important element for health in psychohygienic terms (assuming the three-dimensionality of the human person)

    Usporedba kapaciteta anaerobne izdržljivosti vrhunskih nogometaša, rukometaša i košarkaša

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether there was a difference in anaerobic endurance between soccer, handball and basketball players. One hundred fifty players (mean age: 22.35±4.31 years), 50 from each sport (mean age: soccer, handball and basketball players 23.54±4.19, 20.42±4.48, 23.10±3.63 years, respectively), were members of the highest level of their sport in Croatia; some were members of respective national teams. Participants undertook a 300 yard shuttle run test (300Y) and a maximal blood lactate test (BL). Results showed that there were significant differences in both 300Y and BL scores between the soccer, handball and basketball players. Basketball players (57.04±3.41s) achieved the best results in the 300Y test, followed by soccer (57.06±2.27s) and then handball players (59.53±2.65snl). Post-hoc tests indicated that the soccer players (14.70±2.07) had significantly (p< .05) higher maximal lactate values (BL) than the handball players (13.70±1.83). It is not possible to say that these three sports require equal levels of anaerobic endurance, but it is certainly an important component of performance in each and every one of them. We have concluded that the required anaerobic abilities are different, in all the three investigated sports, which means that the sport-specific demands could influence athletes anaerobic capacity.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li razlika u anaerobnoj izdržljivosti između nogometaša, rukometaša i košarkaša. Stotinu i pedeset igrača (srednja dob: 22,35±4,31 godina ), po 50 iz svakog sporta (srednja dob nogometaša 23,54±4,19, rukometaša 20,42±4,48 i košarkaša 23,10±3,63 godina), najkvalitetniji su u svom sportu u Hrvatskoj, a neki su bili članovi nacionalnih izabranih vrsta. Sudionici su izveli test 300 yard shuttle run (300Y) i izmjerene su im maksimalne vrijednosti laktata u krvi (BL). Rezultati su pokazali da postoje značajne razlike u rezultatima oba testa (300Y i BL) između nogometaša, rukometaša i košarkaša. Košarkaši (57,04±3,41s) su ostvarili najbolje rezultate u testu 300Y, nakon čega slijede nogometaši (57,06±2,27s), a zatim rukometaši (59,53±2,.65s). Post-hoc testovi pokazali su da su nogometaši (14,70±2,07) imali značajno (p<0,05) veće maksimalne vrijednosti laktata (BL) od rukometaša (13,70±1,83). Ne može se reći da ta tri sporta zahtijevaju jednake razine anaerobne izdržljivosti, ali je ona svakako važna komponenta uspješnosti u svakom od sportova. Zaključili smo da su potrebne anaerobne sposobnosti različite u sva tri istraživana sporta, što znači da zahtjevi specifičnog sporta mogu utjecati na anaerobni kapacitet sportaša


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    Cilj ovoga rada je pobuđivanje svijesti populacije o zdravlju, zdravom načinu života te tjelesnom vježbanju kao važnom obrascu koji doprinosi općem zdravstvenom stanju. Globalna neaktivnost bilježi visok porast jer ljudi danas provode sve manje vremena baveći se različitim tjelesnim aktivnostima.The aim of this article is to raise awareness concerning health, healthy lifestyle and physical activity as a pattern that leads to general well-being. Global inactivity has increased as more people spend less time engaged in some type of physical activity

    Effects of two Different 5 Weeks Training Programs on the Physical Fitness of Military Recruits

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    The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of programmed continuous endurance and relative strength training (CERS) with the basic military physical readiness training (BMPR) on the physical readiness. Croatian military recruits (21.3±1.9 years) were divided in the CERS (N=48) and BMPR (N=76) groups. Training sessions were conducted three times a week for a total of 5 weeks. The t-test determined positive training effects for both training programs. Significant positive changes in BMPR group were measured in almost all measured variables. In CERS group, besides the 20 m dash run, statistically significant positive changes were not determined in standing horizontal jump, pull-ups and sit and reach test. The positive training effects in both training groups were achieved because of the low initial physical readiness level of the recruits and a short training period in which the statistically significant differences between programs could not be achieved

    The 360° Performance System in Team Sports: Is It Time to Design a “Personalized Jacket” for Team Sports Players?

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    Elite performance in team sports attracts the attention of the general public. In particular, the best players became incredibly skilled and physically powerful, which is a fact that potentiates the delivery of a product that is considered attractive, exciting, and competitive. Not surprisingly, this is a very valuable product from an economic and social standpoint; thus, all sports professionals are extremely interested in developing new procedures to improve their sports performance. Furthermore, the great interests of the various stakeholders (owners, chief executive officers (CEOs), agents, fans, media, coaches, players, families, and friends) are one of the main reasons for this development under the sports science umbrella and the accompanying sports industry. All their personal performances should be coordinated and put into practice by the sports team. In this scientific and applied study, we primarily dealt with the individual treatment of players in order to improve their personal performance and, consequently, the team’s sporting performance