7 research outputs found

    Učno E-okolje Slovenščina na dlani: izzivi in rešitve

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    Prispevek izhaja iz treh izzivov, ki jih zaznavamo pri pouku slovenščine v višjih razredih osnovnih šol in v srednjih šolah: kako odpraviti napake knjižne norme, ki vztrajajo v pisnih izdelkih učencev; kako izboljšati frazeološko kompetenco; kako izboljšati sporazumevalno jezikovno zmožnost. Ti izzivi so osrednja točka razvoja sodobnega učnega e-okolja Slovenščina na dlani, ki temelji na jezikovnih in informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologijah ter prinaša podporo prožnim oblikam poučevanja, poučevanju na daljavo, lajša učiteljevo delo, omogoča pa tudi motiviranje učencev prek elementov igrifikacije. V prispevku predstavljamo zasnovo in izvedbo vsakega od štirih vsebinskih sklopov e-okolja: pravopis, slovnica, frazeologija in besedila

    Mână de mână cu Boala Celiacă (BC)

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    Proiectul CD SKILLS PP13 a Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie “Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova și permisă spre traducere din limba engleză cu suportul tehnic al echipei de implementare: Tatiana Raba, Olesea Nicu, Anton Pivtora

    The use of phonomimic method in kindergarten and primary school

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    V magistrskem delu nas je zanimala uporaba fonomimične metode v vrtcu in osnovni šoli. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opredelili pismenost in opismenjevanje, nato pa smo se osredotočili na fonomimično metodo. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli na vzorcu 223 učiteljev razrednega pouka, ki poučujejo v 1. in 2. razredu redne osnovne šole, ter vzgojiteljev v vrtcu v oddelkih drugega starostnega obdobja. Osredotočili smo se na ocene pedagoških delavcev o poznavanju in usposobljenosti za izvajanje fonomimične metode ter njenem vključevanju v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo. Ugotovili smo, da pedagoški delavci srednje dobro poznajo fonomimično metodo, so jo pa po lastnem mnenju najbolj spoznali ravno izven službe (s samoizobraževanjem, delavnicami …). Glede na ocene anketiranih smo ugotovili, da so tudi srednje dobro usposobljeni za izvajanje omenjene metode, izrazili pa so visoko stopnja strinjanja s trditvijo, da se želijo usposobiti oziroma izpopolniti svoje znanje za izvajanje fonomimične metode. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da učitelji razrednega pouka in vzgojitelji fonomimično metodo včasih vključujejo v svoje pedagoško delo. Z vključevanjem fonomimične metode pri otrocih najbolj spodbujajo razvoj artikulacije glasov in slušnega razločevanja, najmanj pa razvoj motorike. Glede na delovno mesto so anketirani ocenili, da učitelji razrednega pouka bolje poznajo fonomimično metodo, so bolje usposobljeni za njeno izvajanje in jo tudi v večji meri vključujejo v vzgojno-izobraževalno delo kot vzgojitelji.The master\u27s thesis deals with usage of the phonomimic method in kindergarten and elementary school. In the theoretical part we first defined literacy, after that we focused on the phonomimic method. In the empirical part we presented the results of the research, which we conducted on a sample of 223 teachers, who teach the first and second grades of elementary school, and the preschool teachers. We focused on the assessment of pedagogical workers about their knowledge and competence for implementing the phonomimic method and its inclusion in educational work. We have learnt that pedagogical workers were familiar with the phonomimic method, but have been dealing with it mostly outside of their workplace (through self-education, workshops ...). According to the respondents’ estimation, we have learnt that they have been quite well equipped for implementing the aforementioned method, but they highly agreed that they have wanted to train or improve their knowledge for carrying it out. The results of the research have shown that sometimes pedagogical workers incorporated the phonomimic method into their pedagogical work. By incorporating the phonomimic method in work with children, the most encouraging were development of voice articulation and hearing distinction, whereas motor skills were the least developed. According to the survey, the respondents estimated that elementary school teachers were more familiar with the phonomimic method and its implementation and were also incorporating it more than preschool teachers


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    V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali mehke veščine z vidika osnovnošolskih učiteljev. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej opredelili kompetence in veščine, nato pa smo se podrobneje osredotočili na mehke veščine. Pojasnili smo razliko med mehkimi in trdimi veščinami, ugotavljali zakaj in katere mehke veščine so pomembne ter kje jih je mogoče pridobiti. Proučili smo učiteljevo vlogo v sodobni šoli in kompetence, ki so pomembne v pedagoškem poklicu, ter predstavili nekaj mehkih veščin, ki jih učitelji potrebujejo pri svojem delu. V empiričnem delu smo predstavili rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli na vzorcu 206 osnovnošolskih učiteljev. Zanimalo nas je, kako učitelji ocenjujejo pomembnost mehkih veščin v pedagoškem poklicu, lasten razvoj in pridobivanje mehkih veščin ter vključevanje mehkih veščin v pouk in spodbujanje njihovega razvoja pri učencih. Ugotovili smo, da so učiteljem pri delu pomembne tako trde kot tudi mehke veščine. Učitelji so ocenjevali pomembnost in sedanjo ter želeno razvitost naslednjih skupin mehkih veščin: komunikacije, timskega dela, ustvarjalnega in kritičnega mišljenja, reševanja problemov, vseživljenjskega učenja in upravljanja z informacijami, upravljanja s časom, prilagodljivosti ter vodenja. Ocenili so, da so navedene mehke veščine precej pomembne pri pedagoškem delu, da so pri njih od delno do kar dobro razvite in da bi jih večino želeli izpopolniti. Učitelji so izrazili, da so mehke veščine najbolj pridobili z izkušnjami na delovnem mestu in izven službe (s samoizobraževanjem, članstvom v društvih …), najmanj pa na fakulteti med študijem. Glede na ocene učiteljev smo ugotovili, da ti v precejšnji meri vključujejo mehke veščine v pouk in jih spodbujajo pri učencih.In the thesis soft skills from the primary teacher\u27s perspective have been researched. Firstly, in the theoretical part the competences and skills have been determined and then further focus has been on the soft skills. This part also explains the difference between soft and hard skills, determines why and which soft skills are important, and where can they be learnt. Moreover, the role of a teacher in a modern school and the competences that are important for the pedagogical process have been studied, and finally, some soft skills necessary for the teacher to master have been introduced. The empirical part introduces the results of the research that has been implemented with the sample of 206 primary school teachers. The aim was to determine how the teachers evaluate the importance of soft skills in the pedagogical process, personal development and acquisition of soft skills, inclusion of soft skills in teaching, and inspiring development of students’ soft skills. It has been established that the teachers find equally important both hard and soft skills. The teachers have evaluated the importance and also the present and desired level of development of the following groups of soft skills: communication, team work, creative and critical thinking, problem solving, lifelong learning and information management, time management, adjustability and leadership. They have estimated that the listed soft skills are significantly important, that they have developed them partly to quite well and that they would like to develop them further. The teachers have expressed that they have mainly acquired soft skills through experience at work and outside work (through self-education, membership in different societies and clubs, etc.) and much less at the faculty during studies. According to the estimates of the teachers it has been established that they in a large extent incorporate soft skills in their teaching and try to stimulate students’ soft skills as well

    Association between the frequency of social network sites use and narcissism among youth in Slovenia

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    Magistrsko delo proučuje odnos med pogostostjo uporabe spletnih socialnih omrežij in narcisizmom med mladimi. Najprej so z metodo analize in sinteze obravnavana spletna socialna omrežja, njihova vloga in vpetost v sodobni družbi ter pogostost njihove uporabe. Izpostavljeni so pozitivni in negativni vidiki uporabe spletnih socialnih omrežij. V nalogi je ugotovljeno, da se raziskovalci v zadnjih letih vse več ukvarjajo s porastom narcistične usmerjenosti v nekaterih zahodnih družbah, različnimi dimenzijami narcisizma in značilnostmi narcistične osebnostne motnje. Posebna pozornost je namenjena odgovoru na vprašanje, kako se narcisizem kaže pri uporabnikih spletnih socialnih omrežij. Ugotovljeno je, da je narcisizem povezan s poudarjanjem samopromocijskih vsebin na spletnih socialnih omrežjih in s ciljem doseganja čim večjega števila virtualnih prijateljev. Na osnovi preteklih raziskav so oblikovane hipoteze, ki so s korelacijsko analizo testirane s sekundarno analizo podatkov nacionalne raziskave Mladina 2010. Najprej je izvedena korelacijska analiza med narcistično grandioznostjo in časom, preživetim na spletnih straneh za socialno mreženje. Nato je preverjena povezavo med narcistično izkoriščevalnostjo in časom, preživetim na spletnih straneh za socialno mreženje. Rezultati pokažejo statistično neznačilne povezave med spremenljivkami, zato so hipoteze ovržene. Sklep naloge je, da mladi v Sloveniji, ki pogosteje uporabljajo spletna socialna omrežja, v povprečju ne izkazujejo višje stopnje narcisizma.In the master`s thesis, based on the analysis of scientific and professional literature, we examined the relationship between the frequency of use of online social networks and narcissism among young people. We addressed and analysed social networks, their role and involvement in late modern society, and the frequency of their use. The positive and negative aspects of online social networks use are also presented. Researchers are increasingly concerned with the rise of narcissistic orientation, different dimensions of narcissism, and the characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder. We examined how narcissism manifests itself in online social networks users. Narcissism has previously been found associated with emphasizing self-promotional content on social networks and with the aim of gaining many online friends. Based on past research, we tested several hypotheses by conducting a secondary analysis of Slovenian Youth 2010 survey data. We performed a correlation analysis between time spent on social networking site, narcissistic grandiosity and narcissistic exploitation. Results indicated there was no statistically significant associations between the variables. Our hypotheses were therefore rejected. It can be concluded that among young people in Slovenia, more frequent social media users do not show higher levels of narcissism

    Učinki spremljanja spletnih video vsebin na učenčevo govorno zmožnost v tujem jeziku

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    Exposure to the target language (TL) is vital in the process of foreign language learning. We cannot achieve a level of speaking proficiency without being exposed to the TL, especially since productive skills such as speaking can only emerge after a sufficient amount of comprehensible input has been received. In the context of formal language instruction, prolonged or extensive TL listening or viewing is rarely conducted, which is why the students’ exposure to the TL via online video content can help provide additional language input necessary for language learning. This MA thesis examines viewing online videos in English in the context of extensive viewing and listening, Krashen’s second language acquisition (SLA) theory and existing research on the effects of video use in foreign language learning. A questionnaire was used in order to determine how much students are exposed to the TL outside of the classroom by watching online video content. Students’ oral grades and their viewing habits were compared in order to determine the effect of online video content on the students’ speaking proficiency. An additional questionnaire was used to determine Slovene EFL teachers’ opinions on the effects of online video content on the learners’ speaking proficiency and their preferences when it comes to the use of video in- and outside of the language classroom.Izpostavljenost ciljnemu jeziku je ključnega pomena v procesu usvajanja tujega jezika. Ne moremo doseči govorne zmožnosti, ne da bi bili izpostavljeni jeziku, ki se ga učimo. Še posebej zato, ker se produktive jezikovne spretnosti, kot je govor, lahko razvijejo samo po zadostni meri prejetega razumljivega vnosa. V kontekstu formalnega poučevanja tujega jezika je dolgotrajno poslušanje ali gledanje v tujem jeziku redko izvedeno, zato lahko izpostavljenost učencev ciljnemu jeziku preko spletnih video vsebin predstavlja dodaten vnos, potreben za učenje jezika. Magistrska naloga preučuje spremljanje spletnih video vsebin v angleščini v kontekstu ekstenzivnega, tj. obsežnega oz. dolgotrajnega gledanja in poslušanja, Krashenove teorije usvajanja drugega jezika in obstoječih raziskav o učinkih uporabe videa v procesu učenja tujega jezika. Da bi določili, v kolikšni meri so učenci izpostavljeni tujemu jeziku izven učilnice preko gledanja spletnih posnetkov, je bil v raziskavi uporabljen vprašalnik. Da bi določili vpliv spletnih video vsebin na govorno zmožnost učencev, so se ustne ocene učencev primerjale z njihovimi navadami na področju spremljanja spletnih video vsebin. Dodaten vprašalnik je bil uporabljen, da bi ugotovili, kakšno mnenje imajo slovenski učitelji tujega jezika glede vpliva spletnih video vsebin na govorno zmožnost učencev in določili preference glede uporabe videa v- in izven učilnice

    Private forest owner characteristics affect European spruce bark beetle management under an extreme weather event and host tree density

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    In the last few decades, an increasing number and intensity of bark beetle outbreaks have plagued the forests of Europe and North America. Bark beetle management is directly related to forest owner characteristics, although this relationship is not well understood. The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of forest owner characteristics on the amount and timing of sanitary felling under different disturbance regimes and quantities of Norway spruce. We combined different databases on sanitary felling, the timing of sanitary felling, and forest owner characteristics for Slovenia from 2014 to 2018 and analyzed the amount and timing of sanitary felling in relation to forest owner characteristics. We found that the timing in winter and the amount of sanitary felling were positively associated with the distance of the owner%s residence to the forest parcel. Larger parcels were more affected by bark beetles but did not have later timing of cutting in the summer period as was hypothesized. The timing of sanitary felling decreased with property size, while with the probability of sanitary felling, the effect of property depended on the ice storm and the amount of spruce. The size of the settlement, the permanent address of the private owner, and timing of sanitary felling were positively associated but also depended on the amount of spruce. Gender and age did not have an important influence on the amount and timing of sanitary felling. Forest owners are an important factor in effective bark beetle management. This study highlights the private forest ownership characteristics that should be emphasized in order to fight bark beetle outbreaks in the event of large-scale disturbances. Governments should support forest owners who are at greater risk of bark beetle outbreaks and less efficient in managing outbreaks. Furthermore, landowner characteristics should be included when forecasting bark beetle outbreaks