209 research outputs found

    On bounded solutions in a given set of systems of differential equations

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    Entirely bounded solutions in given sets of differential systems are proved sequentially. This enables us to Drove several bounded solutions separated in different domains


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    There have been various definitions of screening over the years, but simply what we are talking about in screening is seeking to identify a disease or pre-disease condition in apparently healthy individuals. This concept is now widely accepted in most of the developed word. Used wisely, it can be a powerful tool in the prevention of a disease. Screening has important ethical differences from clinical practice as the health service is targeting apparently healthy people, offering to help individuals to make better informed choices about their health. The module is presenting basic theoretical background necessary for understanding the usefulness of screenings, the screening process, and potential risks, as well as it provides a case study of breastt cancer screening

    Epidemiološki trendi hormonsko odvisnih rakov

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    The incidence of hormone-related cancers tends to be higher in the developed world than in other countries. In Slovenia, six hormone-related cancers (breast, ovarian, endometrial, prostate, testicular, and thyroid) account for a quarter of all cancers. Their incidence goes up each year, breast and prostate cancer in particular. The age at diagnosis is not decreasing for any of the analysed cancer types. The risk of breast cancer is higher in the western part of the country, but no differences in geographical distribution have been observed for other hormone-related cancers. Furthermore, areas polluted with endocrine-disrupting chemicals that affect hormone balance such as PCBs, dioxins, heavy metals, and pesticides, do not seem to involve a greater cancer risk. We know little about how many cancers can be associated with endocrine disruptors, as there are too few reliable exposure studies to support an association.Spolni hormoni so znan in pomemben nevarnostni dejavnik rakov na dojki, jajčniku in endometriju, medtem ko je njihova vloga pri rakih prostate in mod verjetna, a manj raziskana. Vpletenost hormonov v kancerogenezo se nakazuje tudi pri raku ščitnice. Predvidevamo, da se po enakih mehanizmih kot telesu lastni hormoni v nastanek raka vpletajo tudi hormonski motilci. Rake hormonsko odzivnih tkiv najpogosteje povezujemo z izpostavljenostjo PCB-jem in dioksinom, DDT/DDE ter nekaterim težkim kovinam in pesticidom. Incidenca hormonsko odvisnih rakov je največja v državah razvitega sveta. V Sloveniji predstavljajo hormonsko odvisni raki četrtino vseh rakov; njihovo število se z izjemo raka jajčnikov vsak leto veča. Tveganje raka dojk je že več desetletji večje na zahodu države, medtem ko pri ostalih lokacijah med območij ne opažamo pomembnih razlik. Hormonskim motilcem pripisljivega deleža rakov trenutno ni mogoče določiti, saj imamo verodostojnih raziskav pri izpostavljenih, predvsem v kritičnih razvojnih obdobjih, premalo

    Dedni nepolipozni rak debelega črevesa

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    Analysis of the Structures of Switching Power Supplies in the Environment OrCAD/PSpice

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    Import 22/07/2015Diplomová práce se zabývá spínanými napájecími zdroji a jejími vlastnostmi. Na začátku diplomové práce je rozdělení spínaných zdrojů, popsány principy funkcí a základní vlastnosti jednotlivých obvodů. Poté jsou provedeny návrhy obvodových komponentů pro propustný, blokovací a dvojčinný spínaný zdroj. Na jejichž základě jsou zhotoveny simulační modely v prostředí OrCAD/PSpice pro předmět Výkonové polovodičové systémy II. Na konci diplomové práce jsou srovnány simulované výsledky s teoretickými předpoklady.The thesis deals with switching power supplies and theirs characteristics. At the beginning of this thesis is a division of switching power supplies, describes the principles function and the basic characteristics circuits. They are then made suggestions of circuit components for Forward, Flyback and Push-Pull switching power supply. On the basis of simulation models are made in the environment OrCAD / PSpice subject for Power Semiconductor Systems II. At the end of the thesis simulated results are comparing with theoretical assumptions.430 - Katedra elektronikyvýborn


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