625 research outputs found

    Low Lexical Meaning Verbs in the Summary of the “Nation’s Treasures II”

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    Folk creativity of the Albanian folklore has often become a part of literary and linguistic studies. This is because these creations are rich not only in stylistic elements but also in diverse morphological and syntactic structures. It is presented to us in a very diverse way in terms of time constructions and meanings. The crux of this work is the summary of "Nation’s Treasures II" compiled and edited by Father Bernadin Palaj and Father Donat Kurti (1937). Here, the majority of the compilation consists of the Kreshnik’s Epic, or as it is known in the North of Albania, Kreshnik’s Songs. During the morphological analysis of the material, looking into the verses of the Kreshnik’s Songs, we came across some verbal constructions that carry intense values and are often associated with certain features of the Geg dialect. This intensity emerges with aspect nuance, and the verbs that mark ways of action. The followed methods are theoretical and illustrative, verses detached from the original work, of the 1937 edition. Some of the issues discussed in this work are: What is the linguistic perspective of the intensive verbs according to the Albanian language? Which are the intense verbs with more frequent use? At what time and manner are the verbs that indicate the beginning of the action shown? With what verbal constructs do they come up with? How does the problem arise when the intense verbs are associated with non-conjugational, infinitive, and gerund verbal forms

    Master of Science

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    thesisThe Lake Mountains is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) - Salt Lake Field Office's (SLFO) largest management area within the wildland-urban interface. According to Radeloff, Hammer, Stewart, Fried, Holcomb, and McKeefry, the wildland-urban interface (WUI) is "the area where houses meet or intermingle with undeveloped wildland vegetation." The Lake Mountains is a set of mountains bordered on the east by the town of Saratoga Springs and to the north and west by Eagle Mountain City. Due to its accessibility and proximity to residential areas, the Lake Mountains provide an opportunity for different recreational activities, ranging from target shooting, hiking, mountain biking, hunting, camping, bird watching, and viewing cultural resources. Most notably, the Lake Mountains receive 20,000 to 50,000 visitors per year with associated impacts that include public safety hazards, increased potential of wildfire, cultural resource damage, and property damage (e.g., bed post being shot through window), and litter. Currently, the BLM is conducting a Land Use Plan Amendment for 8,124 acres of the Lake Mountains to help mitigate these impacts. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assist the BLM with their plan amendment, as well as the overall management of the Lake Mountains by addressing three objectives: 1) to analyze user preferences for terrain and infrastructure in the Lake Mountains area; 2) to display visitor preferences through recreation suitability maps; and 3) to determine adequate recreation zones based on the data to prevent and reduce recreational conflict within the WUI. I used a mixed-methods approach involving semi-structured interviews (n = 20) and survey questionnaires (n = 405) distributed onsite to a representative sample of Lake Mountains recreationists. The preference ratings for variables contained in the questionnaire were indexed, mapped, and analyzed using traditional recreation suitability mapping (RSM) techniques. The findings showed that target shooters and OHV riders had similar preferences to each other. Moreover, campers and hikers shared similar preferences to each other in this study


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    Main goal of this paper is to make evidence on how motivation as one of the most important practices on human resources has a great impact on individual performance of the public servant in one hand as a organizational level factors and on the other hand as individual level factor and in this case is called public service motivation. Lastly this paper through its a modest contribution tries to emphasize the importance that the public servant performance has on public organization and the great importance that the performance of public organizations has on representing the state face to public. Although that is a growing evidence that high performance work practices affect organizational performance, varying sample characteristics, research designs, practices examined, and organizational performance measures used has led extant findings to vary dramatically, making the size of the overall effect difficult to estimate. So first thing done in this paper is to give the evidence of and different approaches on organizational performance and the presence, sometime directly sometime indirectly of the human resources as an important element of the organizational performance equation. The aim of this paper is to give a overall information that testimonies that there is a strong positive effect of human resources practices on the public organization performance, and also that the individual level factors that influences the individual public servant performance are important in the contribution they give on public organization performance

    Management of the taxation on tourism operators, an important component of revenues and investments in the tourism sector

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    We are trying to bring here the importance that tourism taxation has. Based on the fact that tourism industry is becoming one of the most important branches of the economy, it is essential to find the best solution, the best taxes rates that would encourage tourism development, and the most important part is that this funds should be used to invest, to refund tourism industry. In this way we will have an increase of the income from the tourism. Of course, a strong taxation system will have negative impact on tourism industry. High rates of taxes would have negative impact on competitiveness, and would be a great disaster towards competitiveness and incomes. It is extremely important, to do the best towards the tax system, in this way the tourism could be encouraged. To better understand the system taxation in tourism we did the SWOT analyses. Based on these analysis we are going to bring here some conclusions and recommendations

    Coding variation in ANGPTL4, LPL, and SVEP1 and the risk of coronary disease

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    Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Children of War Veterans in Kosovo

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    The aim of this study was to explore internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescent children of veterans of the war in Kosovo (1998-1999). The results of this study are quite interesting from the perspective of the dilemma for the state of the children of veterans even 15 years after the war ended. Parents’ emotional problems affect the functioning of the family in general and children in particular. Children can react to symptoms of parents by developing different symptoms as trouble sleeping, appetite loss, emotional instability or even problems in development, according to research done on children's reactions to the problems of parents explained by interactions between environment, brain and behaviour driven by trauma.The results of this study have shown that the internalizing problems have not shown gender differences, meantime externalizing problems were found higher in male participants. An interesting finding of this study was the highest scores of emotional problems in children born before and during the war, compare to those born after the war ended. We also found that anxiety problems in children [R2= .83, p < .001] were a significant predictor of internalizing problems. The assessment of the scale of positive qualities [R2= .19, p < .001] was also found to be a significant predictor for externalizing problems.Only 0.8% of the variance of internalizing problems was explained by the income.Considering that the subject of this study were adolescent children of war veterans of the 1999 conflict in Kosovo, we must take into account that the post-traumatic stress disorder is a very frequent problem among war veterans and that its impact on their personal and family life cannot be overlooked


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    “Why do we need to sleep?" From a study of Webb, 1975, related with sleep deprivation, it was concluded that people that were underwent experiment had difficulty in showing attention to the required tasks. The main purpose of the athletes and coaches is to achieve optimal performance during sporting events, so knowing the relation of important factors that have the effects of sleep deprivation on sports performances, it is necessary to recognise them. Loss of sleep can have profound effects on human performance. Volleyball players and coaches believe that adequate sleep is essential for peak performance. Total sleep deprivation has been shown to adversely affect many aspects of behavior, and psychological knowledge. Meeting the needs for sleep facilitates a person's ability to perform a variety of psychomotor work. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation ranging from 30 to 64 hours, significantly affects reaction time. Similar results were found for works that include higher levels of cognitive function. Some studies suggest that sleep deprivation up to 24 hours, there is no evidence that influences the performance of physical exercise, such as muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory power, which must answer the exercises, while some other studies suggested some temporary changes of these skills. Reaction time and anaerobic power are two important factors affecting the performance of many sports


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    Caffeine is one of the most popular psychoactive substances known for stimulating the central nervous system effects. If coffee, tea and soda, only do not provide the desired stimulus effect, consumers are returning a new mode in the use of caffeine, which consists in the consumption of energy drinks. Energy drinks are clear examples of how coffee or soda does not meet proper dose of caffeine to young people. These drinks exceed certain level of caffeine allowed by Adu (Organisation of food and drugs) which should vary with 72mg/12ml drink. Most of them contain high quantity products such as fructose, corn syrups and herbal supplements such as taurine, L-karnitina, xhenseni etc., providing the illusion of a healthy preparation that increases in energy us. Energy drinks are now a top challenge for health providers and the community in general. With this study we hope that the experiment will provide valuable information for volleyball players who use these substances containing caffeine as stimulants for their effects on performance outcomes passes. The hypothesis of this experiment is to be recorded Benj stimulation energy drinks containing caffeine in increasing the speed and quality of following technical element. 16 volleyball players Club Vllaznia, aged 20-25 years, who exercised regularly, will be installed in the area of following and will perform 5 times consecutive passes in a period of about 20 seconds each time and see how will be the number of passes and their accuracy within this time in a predetermined area before (4.5 meter distance, in a square 80 cm x 80 cm, height 3 meters). Experiments on energy drinks (caffeine) relay element to volleyball players, not fully correspond with the hypothesis. Caffeine really gives a significant increase in the speed of passes but on the other hand noted that the accuracy of passes is lower than with out consuming these stimulants

    How to develop the critical use of the web: A practical example

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    Juveniles born after the year 2000 are defined as digital natives due to the ease with which they use the Web. They have, indeed, been able to constantly relate to digital tools since birth and have reached an optimum level of technical ability. Contemporary neuroscience highlights how new media have strongly conditioned the way in which learning takes place and modifies the time taken, styles used and how we understand and analyse the phenomena. Schools have the task, not only of raising awareness, but also that of the ethical and critical use of these media. This means that every student must understand that the Internet is a powerful tool, which provides information, opinions and thoughts, broadening its range to cover the whole world. The ethical use of the Web consists of the distribution of documented and non-confidential information, which respects the privacy and dignity of each single individual. In order to develop these skills, a simple yet extremely effective study unit in the scientific subjects was planned in two countries: in Italy and in Albania. A video was shown to the Italian pupils about tumours, while Albanian children were shown a video about iron. The pupils of both countries were asked to research the topic using the ‘WebQuest’ method, also to create a digital product (video, poster) which summarized the results obtained and to present the information both in English and their native language during a “Teen Conference” attended by a group of experts, their teachers and their peers. Furthermore, they were asked to reflect on the work done. The project was evaluated by a team of teachers. The activity was efficient because it brought into play many key skills and takes advantage of multiple methods