62 research outputs found

    Sliding of temperate basal ice on a rough, hard bed: creep mechanisms, pressure melting, and implications for ice streaming

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    Basal ice motion is crucial to ice dynamics of ice sheets. The classic Weertman model for basal sliding over bedrock obstacles proposes that sliding velocity is controlled by pressure melting and/or ductile flow, whichever is the fastest; it further assumes that pressure melting is limited by heat flow through the obstacle and ductile flow is controlled by standard power-law creep. These last two assumptions, however, are not applicable if a substantial basal layer of temperate (T � Tmelt/ ice is present. In that case, frictional melting can produce excess basal meltwater and efficient water flow, leading to near-thermal equilibrium. High-temperature ice creep experiments have shown a sharp weakening of a factor 5–10 close to Tmelt, suggesting standard power-law creep does not operate due to a switch to melt-assisted creep with a possible component of grain boundary melting. Pressure melting is controlled by meltwater production, heat advection by flowing meltwater to the next obstacle and heat conduction through ice/rock over half the obstacle height. No heat flow through the obstacle is required. Ice streaming over a rough, hard bed, as possibly in the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, may be explained by enhanced basal motion in a thick temperate ice layer

    Quaternary evolution of glaciated gneiss terrains: pre-glacial weathering vs. glacial erosion

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    Vast areas previously covered by Pleistocene ice sheets consist of rugged bedrock-dominated terrain of innumerable knolls and lake-filled rock basins – the ‘cnoc-and-lochan’ landscape or ‘landscape of areal scour’. These landscapes typically form on gneissose or granitic lithologies and are interpreted (1) either to be the result of strong and widespread glacial erosion over numerous glacial cycles; or (2) formed by stripping of a saprolitic weathering mantle from an older, deeply weathered landscape. We analyse bedrock structure, erosional landforms and weathering remnants and within the ‘cnoc-and-lochan’ gneiss terrain of a rough peneplain in NW Scotland and compare this with a geomorphologically similar gneiss terrain in a non-glacial, arid setting (Namaqualand, South Africa). We find that the topography of the gneiss landscapes in NW Scotland and Namaqualand closely follows the old bedrock—saprolite contact (weathering front). The roughness of the weathering front is caused by deep fracture zones providing a highly irregular surface area for weathering to proceed. The weathering front represents a significant change in bedrock physical properties. Glacial erosion (and aeolian erosion in Namaqualand) is an efficient way of stripping saprolite, but is far less effective in eroding hard, unweathered bedrock. Significant glacial erosion of hard gneiss probably only occurs beneath palaeo-ice streams. We conclude that the rough topography of glaciated ‘cnoc-and-lochan’ gneiss terrains is formed by a multistage process: 1) Long-term, pre-glacial chemical weathering, forming deep saprolite with an irregular weathering front; 2) Stripping of weak saprolite by glacial erosion during the first glaciation(s), resulting in a rough land surface, broadly conforming to the pre-existing weathering front (‘etch surface’); 3) Further modification of exposed hard bedrock by glacial erosion. In most areas, glacial erosion is limited, but can be significant beneath palaeo-ice stream. The roughness of glaciated gneiss terrains is crucial for modelling of the glacial dynamics of present-day ice sheets. This roughness is shown here to depend on the intensity of pre-glacial weathering as well as glacial erosion during successive glaciations

    Lithostratigraphy and structure along the Boundary Slide Corridor : background, problems and strategy

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    This report provides an assessment of future scientific studies and proposals for field mapping in and area defined here as the Boundary Slide Corridor (Figure 1), and regarded as a key strategic element within the Moine and Dalradian Basins Project area. The report is focussed on the northern part of the Killin-Crianlarich districts (Sheet 46) and the southern parts of the Loch Rannoch (Sheet 54W) and Blackwater (Sheet 54E) districts, although the corridor extends from the Loch Tay Fault in the east of the Schiehallion district (Sheet 55W), south-westwards to Glen Strae, near Dalmally. It therefore also includes parts of the Schiehallion, Dalmally (Sheet 45E) and Comrie (Sheet 47W) 1:50k geological sheets. The first part of the report is concerned with the depositional history of the Dalradian Supergroup in Neoproterozoic time, and a summary of the main Caledonian structural and metamorphic features. Current understanding of the geology is briefly reviewed and provides the basis for the suggested strategy for future work. Earlier assessments of the Killin district (Sheet 46E, Wain 1999) and a summary of progress in that sheet (Hyslop 2001) are included in that review. In addition the report has the following specific objectives (see Chapters 5-7): • to summarise the stratigraphical and structural problems concerning the Boundary Slide with particular emphasis on the associated stratigraphical omission of significant parts of the Appin and Argyll Subgroups in the Central Highlands; • to discuss possible, testable, hypotheses for the existence and development of the Boundary Slide and its associated stratigraphical omissions; • to suggest key areas in the field where such problems may be addressed and hypotheses tested as part of the Moine Dalradian Basins Project. The report then considers current understanding of the economic geology of the region in light of the revised strategy. Additional background information relating the economic geology is provided in Appendices 1-3

    A new stratigraphic framework for the early Neoproterozoic successions of Scotland

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    The circum-North Atlantic region archives three major late-Mesoproterozoic to Neoproterozoic tectonic episodes, the Grenville-Sveconorwegian and Renlandian orogenies followed by rifting and formation of the Iapetus Ocean, and each is bracketed by sedimentary successions that define three megasequences. In this context, we summarise sedimentological and geochronological data and propose a new stratigraphic framework for the iconic Torridonian-Moine-Dalradian successions and related units in Scotland. The Iona, Sleat, Torridon and Morar groups of the Scottish mainland and Inner Hebrides, and the Westing, Sand Voe and Yell Sound groups in Shetland, form the newly named Wester Ross Supergroup. They were deposited c. 1000–950 Ma within a foreland basin to the Grenville Orogen and, collectively, are in Megasequence 1. Some of these units record Renlandian orogenesis at c. 960-920 Ma. The newly named Loch Ness Supergroup consists of the Glenfinnan, Loch Eil and Badenoch groups of the Scottish mainland, deposited c. 900–870 Ma and are assigned to Megasequence 2. These units record Knoydartian orogenesis c. 820-725 Ma. The regionally extensive Dalradian Supergroup belongs to Megasequence 3; it was deposited c. <725-500 Ma and records the opening of the Iapetus Ocean, ultimately leading to deposition of the passive margin Cambrian-Ordovician Ardvreck and Durness groups.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Data acquisition by digitizing 2-D fracture networks and topographic lineaments in geographic information systems: further development and applications

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    Understanding the impact of fracture networks on rock mass properties is an essential part of a wide range of applications in geosciences from understanding permeability of groundwater aquifers and hydrocarbon reservoirs to erodibility properties and slope stability of rock masses for geotechnical engineering. However, gathering high-quality, oriented-fracture datasets in the field can be difficult and time-consuming, for example, due to constraints on field work time or access (e.g. cliffs). Therefore, a method for obtaining accurate, quantitative fracture data from photographs is a significant benefit. In this paper we describe a method for generating a series of digital fracture traces in a geographic information system (GIS) environment, in which spatial analysis of a fracture network can be carried out. The method is not meant to replace the gathering of data in the field but to be used in conjunction with it, and it is well suited when field work time is limited or when the section cannot be accessed directly. The basis of the method is the generation of the vector dataset (shapefile) of a fracture network from a georeferenced photograph of an outcrop in a GIS environment. From that shapefile, key parameters such as fracture density and orientation can be calculated. Furthermore, in the GIS environment more complex spatial calculations and graphical plots can be carried out such as heat maps of fracture density. Advantages and limitations compared to other fracture network capture methods are discussed

    Streamlined hard beds formed by palaeo-ice streams: a review

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    Fast-flowing ice streams occur within modern ice sheets and also operated in Pleistocene ice sheets. The reconstruction of palaeo-ice streams normally relies on the mapping of mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs) and drumlins composed of soft sediment, mainly till. Analysis of new satellite imagery and digital terrain models, demonstrates the presence of large fields of kilometre-scale glacial lineations comprising rock drumlins, megagrooves and megaridges. In this paper we describe and analyse a number of such ‘hard-bed’ landform systems from the former Laurentide and British–Irish ice sheets, occurring in a variety of palaeo-ice stream settings. These are attributed to erosion of crystalline and sedimentary rock below fast flowing ice streams. Bedrock properties such as hardness, fracture spacing and bedding and their orientation with respect to ice flow have a profound effect on the occurrence and character of elongate rock bedforms. Elongate streamlined forms on hard crystalline rock, as on the Canadian Shield, only form under special circumstances; in contrast, sedimentary strata are highly susceptible to form streamlined hard beds, specifically if bedrock strike is parallel to ice flow. Large-scale elongate rock bedforms are erosional in origin, formed by preferentially focused abrasion or by lateral plucking, depending on bedrock type. Many palaeo-ice stream footprints previously mapped in the Laurentide Ice Sheet on the basis of soft-bed bedforms are shown to be significantly larger, extending up-ice across sedimentary strata and onto Precambrian crystalline rocks. Hard-bed streamlined forms further show that ice streaming does not necessitate a deformable bed, but can equally occur on smooth hard beds

    Drag forces at the ice-sheet bed and resistance of hard-rock obstacles:The physics of glacial ripping

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    Glacial ripping involves glaciotectonic disintegration of rock hills and extensive removal of rock at the ice-sheet bed, triggered by hydraulic jacking caused by fluctuating water pressures. Evidence from eastern Sweden shows that glacial ripping caused significant subglacial erosion during the final deglaciation of the Fennoscandian ice sheet, distinct from abrasion and plucking (quarrying). Here we analyse the ice drag forces exerted onto rock obstacles at the base of an ice sheet, and the resisting forces of such rock obstacles: glaciotectonic disintegration requires that ice drag forces exceed the resisting forces of the rock obstacle. We consider rock obstacles of different sizes, shapes and fracture patterns, informed by natural examples from eastern Sweden. Our analysis shows that limited overpressure events, unfavourable fracture patterns, low-Transmissivity fractures, slow ice and streamlined rock hamper rock hill disintegration. Conversely, under fast ice flow and fluctuating water pressures, disintegration is possible if the rock hill contains subhorizontal, transmissive fractures. Rock steps on previously smooth, abraded surfaces, caused by hydraulic jacking, also enhance drag forces and can cause disintegration of a rock hill. Glacial ripping is a physically plausible erosion mechanism, under realistic glaciological conditions prevalent near ice margins.</p

    Glacial Ripping in Sedimentary Rocks: Loch Eriboll, NW Scotland

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    Glacial ripping is a newly recognized process sequence in which subglacial erosion is triggered by groundwater overpressure. Investigations in gneiss terrain in lowland Sweden indicate that ripping involves three stages of (i) hydraulic jacking, (ii) rock disruption under subglacial traction, and (iii) glacial transport of rock blocks. Evidence for each stage includes, respectively, dilated fractures with sediment fills, disintegrated roches moutonnées, and boulder spreads. Here, we ask: can glacial ripping also occur in sedimentary rocks, and, if so, what are its effects? The case study area is in hard, thinly bedded, gently dipping Cambrian quartz-arenites at Loch Eriboll, NW Scotland. Field surveys reveal dilated, sediment filled, bedding-parallel fractures, open joints, and brecciated zones, interpreted as markers for pervasive, shallow penetration of the quartz-arenite by water at overpressure. Other features, including disintegrated rock surfaces, boulder spreads, and monomict rubble tills, indicate glacial disruption and short distance subglacial transport. The field results together with cosmogenic isotope ages indicate that glacial ripping operated with high impact close to the former ice margin at Loch Eriboll at 17.6–16.5 ka. Glacial ripping thus can operate effectively in bedded, hard sedimentary rocks, and the accompanying brecciation is significant—if not dominant—in till formation. Candidate markers for glacial ripping are identified in other sedimentary terrains in former glaciated areas of the Northern Hemisphere

    Rock fracturing by subglacial hydraulic jacking in basement rocks, eastern Sweden: the role of beam failure

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    Dense networks of dilated fractures occur locally in the upper 5–15 m of bedrock in basement gneisses in eastern Sweden. Near Forsmark, pre-existing sub-horizontal fractures have been jacked open and filled with water-lain sediment, likely during the latest Weichselian glaciation. Despite extensive previous research, it is uncertain whether subglacial hydraulic jacking led to the generation of new fractures, in addition to reactivation of pre-existing ones. Re-analysis of historic photos from excavations near the Forsmark power plant indicates formation of two types of new fracture. Firstly, rock fragments were broken off the main fracture surfaces as existing fractures were jacked open. Secondly, fracture analysis shows that whilst few subvertical fractures occur above tight sub-horizontal fractures, a higher density of vertical fractures occurs above dilated sub-horizontal fractures, suggesting new formation. We apply a model of beam failure theory, borrowed from structural engineering, to constrain potential new fracture generation, using assumptions based on measured water pressure fluctuations from beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. This modelling shows that beam failure is a plausible mechanism for the generation of new vertical fractures during a subglacial water fluctuation cycle under a range of realistic glaciological conditions. This implies that hydraulic jacking can result in further in situ disruption and brecciation of the shallow rock mass, decreasing the rock mass strength and increasing its hydraulic conductivity. Altogether, hydraulic jacking of existing fractures and the formation of new vertical fractures results in effective subglacial mechanical weathering of the shallow rock mass

    Using bed-roughness signatures to characterise glacial landform assemblages beneath contemporary and palaeo ice-sheets

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    Palaeo-glacial landforms can give insights into bed roughness that currently cannot be captured underneath contemporary-ice streams. A few studies have measured bed roughness of palaeo-ice streams but the bed roughness of specific landform assemblages has not been assessed. If glacial landform assemblages have a characteristic bed-roughness signature, this could potentially be used to constrain where certain landform assemblages exist underneath contemporary-ice sheets. To test this, bed roughness was calculated along 5 m × 5 m resolution transects (NEXTMap DTM, 5 m resolution), which were placed over glacial landform assemblages (e.g. drumlins) in the UK. We find that a combination of total roughness and anisotropy of roughness can be used to define characteristic roughness signatures of glacial landform assemblages. The results show that different window sizes are required to determine the characteristic roughness for a wide range of landform types and to produce bed-roughness signatures of these. Mega scale glacial lineations on average have the lowest bed-roughness values and are the most anisotropic landform assemblage
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