24 research outputs found
Interleukin-12 and -23 Control Plasticity of CD127+ Group 1 and Group 3 Innate Lymphoid Cells in the Intestinal Lamina Propria
SummaryHuman group 1 ILCs consist of at least three phenotypically distinct subsets, including NK cells, CD127+ ILC1, and intraepithelial CD103+ ILC1. In inflamed intestinal tissues from Crohn’s disease patients, numbers of CD127+ ILC1 increased at the cost of ILC3. Here we found that differentiation of ILC3 to CD127+ ILC1 is reversible in vitro and in vivo. CD127+ ILC1 differentiated to ILC3 in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-23, and IL-1β dependent on the transcription factor RORγt, and this process was enhanced in the presence of retinoic acid. Furthermore, we observed in resection specimen from Crohn’s disease patients a higher proportion of CD14+ dendritic cells (DC), which in vitro promoted polarization from ILC3 to CD127+ ILC1. In contrast, CD14− DCs promoted differentiation from CD127+ ILC1 toward ILC3. These observations suggest that environmental cues determine the composition, function, and phenotype of CD127+ ILC1 and ILC3 in the gut
Human CD127 negative ILC2s show immunological memory
ILC2s are key players in type 2 immunity and contribute to maintaining homeostasis. ILC2s are also implicated in the development of type 2 inflammation–mediated chronic disorders like asthma. While memory ILC2s have been identified in mouse, it is unknown whether human ILC2s can acquire immunological memory. Here, we demonstrate the persistence of CD45RO, a marker previously linked to inflammatory ILC2s, in resting ILC2s that have undergone prior activation. A high proportion of these cells concurrently reduce the expression of the canonical ILC marker CD127 in a tissue-specific manner. Upon isolation and in vitro stimulation of CD127−CD45RO+ ILC2s, we observed an augmented ability to proliferate and produce cytokines. CD127−CD45RO+ ILC2s are found in both healthy and inflamed tissues and display a gene signature of cell activation. Similarly, mouse memory ILC2s show reduced expression of CD127. Our findings suggest that human ILC2s can acquire innate immune memory and warrant a revision of the current strategies to identify human ILC2s.</p
Innate lymphoid cells: from helper to killer
Five subsets of ILCs are extensively described, Lymphoid Tissue inducer (LTi) cells, cytotoxic NK cells and non-cytotoxic helper ILC1s, ILC2s and ILC3s. So far, the main focus has been on the potent cytokine production by helper ILCs and their plastic nature that allows them to switch function and phenotype upon environmental changes. Recent advances in the field indicate the presence of cytotoxic helper ILCs that are distinct from conventional NK cells. In humans, these cytotoxic ILCs can develop from conventional helper ILCs whereas in mice this remains to be elucidated. In this review we discuss the identification, development and function of cytotoxic helper ILCs subsets in humans and mice
Isolation of Human Innate Lymphoid Cells
Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) are innate immune cells of lymphoid origin that have important effector and regulatory functions in the first line of defense against pathogens, but also regulate tissue homeostasis, remodeling, and repair. Their function mirrors T helper cells and cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes, but they lack expression of rearranged antigen-specific receptors. Distinct ILC subsets are classified in group 1 ILCs (ILC1s), group 2 ILCs (ILC2s), and group 3 ILCs (ILC3s and lymphoid tissue-inducer cells), based on the expression of transcription factors and the cytokines they produce. As the frequency of ILCs is low, their isolation requires extensive depletion of other cell types. The lack of unique cell surface antigens further complicates the identification of these cells. Here, methods for ILC isolation and characterization from human peripheral blood and different tissues are described. © 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc
Identification of human cytotoxic ILC3s
Human ILCs are classically categorized into five subsets; cytotoxic CD127−CD94+ NK cells and non-cytotoxic CD127+CD94−, ILC1s, ILC2s, ILC3s, and LTi cells. Here, we identify a previously unrecognized subset within the CD127+ ILC population, characterized by the expression of the cytotoxic marker CD94. These CD94+ ILCs resemble conventional ILC3s in terms of phenotype, transcriptome, and cytokine production, but are highly cytotoxic. IL-15 was unable to induce differentiation of CD94+ ILCs toward mature NK cells. Instead, CD94+ ILCs retained RORγt, CD127 and CD200R1 expression and produced IL-22 in response to IL-15. Culturing non-cytotoxic ILC3s with IL-12 induced upregulation of CD94 and cytotoxic activity, effects that were not observed with IL-15 stimulation. Thus, human helper ILCs can acquire a cytotoxic program without differentiating into NK cells
Identification of human cytotoxic ILC3s
Human ILCs are classically categorized into five subsets; cytotoxic CD127- CD94+ NK cells and non-cytotoxic CD127+ CD94- , ILC1s, ILC2s, ILC3s, and LTi cells. Here, we identify a previously unrecognized subset within the CD127+ ILC population, characterized by the expression of the cytotoxic marker CD94. These CD94+ ILCs resemble conventional ILC3s in terms of phenotype, transcriptome, and cytokine production, but are highly cytotoxic. IL-15 was unable to induce differentiation of CD94+ ILCs toward mature NK cells. Instead, CD94+ ILCs retained RORγt, CD127 and CD200R1 expression and produced IL-22 in response to IL-15. Culturing non-cytotoxic ILC3s with IL-12 induced upregulation of CD94 and cytotoxic activity, effects that were not observed with IL-15 stimulation. Thus, human helper ILCs can acquire a cytotoxic program without differentiating into NK cells
Cognitive Alexithymia Is Associated with the Degree of Risk for Psychosis
Alexithymia is a personality construct denoting emotion processing problems. It has been suggested to encompass two dimensions: a cognitive and affective dimension. The cognitive dimension is characterized by difficulties in identifying, verbalizing and analyzing emotions, while the affective dimension reflects the level of emotional arousal and imagination. Alexithymia has been previously proposed as a risk factor for developing psychosis. More specifically, the two alexithymia dimensions might be differentially related to the vulnerability for psychosis. Therefore, we examined the two dimensions of alexithymia, measured with the BVAQ in 94 siblings of patients with schizophrenia, 52 subjects at ultra-high risk (UHR) for developing psychosis, 38 patients with schizophrenia and 109 healthy controls. The results revealed that siblings and patients had higher levels of cognitive alexithymia compared to controls. In addition, subjects at UHR for psychosis had even higher levels of cognitive alexithymia compared to the siblings. The levels of affective alexithymia in siblings and patients were equal to controls. However, UHR individuals had significantly lower levels of affective alexithymia (i.e. higher levels of emotional arousal and fantasizing) compared to controls. Alexithymia was further related to subclinical levels of negative and depressive symptoms. These findings indicate that alexithymia varies parametrically with the degree of risk for psychosis. More specifically, a type-II alexithymia pattern, with high levels of cognitive alexithymia and normal or low levels of affective alexithymia, might be a vulnerability factor for psychosis
Stitching of Retinal Images
Cílem této práce je sestavení kompletního snímku sítnice, z několika dílčích snímků. Do této doby neexistuje způsob, jakým by bylo možné zachytit celou sítnici v jednom snímku, proto je důležité, se touto problematikou zabývat. Text představí a detailně popíše metody, algoritmy a knihovny, které byly použity k dosažení požadovaných výsledků. Na závěr textu jsou poté demonstrováný dosažené výsledky. Problém skládání snímků sítnice byl vyřešen extrakcí cév ve snímcích sítnice, vyhledáním klíčových bodů ve snímcích, nalezením společných klíčových bodů, vypočítáním transformační matice a transformací jednoho snímku na druhý. Výsledky celé práce byly také konzultovány s očním lékařem a na základě jeho doporučení byly navrženy další možné kroky, kterými by se práce mohla dále ubírat, které jsou rozebrány v textu. Text poskytne čtenáři znalosti o očním aparátu a také představí oblast barevných modelů, formátů snímků, algoritmů pro hledání klíčových bodů, transformace snímků, dále poskytne možný způsob jak poskládat snímky sítnice a navrhne možné vylepšení.The purpose of this work is to create a complete picture of the retina, by stitching together a number of partial photos. Since there is no working solution which would be able to capture the entire retina in one picture, this is an important problem to cover. The results will be demonstrated at the end of the text. The problem of stitching partial pictures together was solved by extracting vessels in retinal images, finding key points in images, finding common key points, calculating a transformation matrix and transforming one image into another. After a consultation with an ophthalmologist I was able to define steps which will allow me to further improve the work, which are analyzed in texts. The thesis will provide the reader knowledge about the eye apparatus. It will also introduce field of color models, image formats, algorithms for searching for key points, the transformation of the images themselves and it will also provide a possible way to compose retinal images and also suggest possible improvements.
Aberrant characteristics of peripheral blood innate lymphoid cells in COPD, independent of smoking history
Background:Distinguishing asthma and COPD can pose challenges in clinical practice. Increased group 1 innate lymphoid cells (ILC1s) have been found in the lungs and peripheral blood of COPD patients, while asthma is associated with elevated levels of ILC2s. However, it is unclear whether the inflammatory characteristics of ILC1s and ILC2s differ between COPD and asthma. This study aims to compare peripheral blood ILC subsets and their expression of inflammatory markers in COPD patients, asthma patients and controls.Methods:The study utilised multi-colour flow cytometry to analyse peripheral blood ILC populations in clinically stable COPD patients (n=38), asthma patients (n=37), and smoking (n=19) and non-smoking (n=16) controls. Results:Proportions of peripheral blood inflammatory CD4+ ILC1s were significantly higher in COPD patients than in asthma. Proportions of CD4− ILC1s were increased in COPD patients compared to asthma patients and smoking controls. Frequencies of CD117− ILC2s were significantly reduced in COPD patients compared with asthma patients. In contrast, the fraction of inflammatory CD45RO+ cells within the CD117− ILC2 population was significantly increased. Principal component analyses showed that combined features of the circulating ILC compartment separated COPD patients from asthma patients and both control groups. Conclusion:Our in-depth characterisation of ILC1 and ILC2 populations in peripheral blood revealed significant differences in their phenotypes between COPD and asthma patients and smoking or non-smoking controls. These findings suggest a role for both ILC subsets in COPD disease pathology, independent of smoking history, and may have implications for patient stratification and therapy development.</p
Identification of human cytotoxic ILC3s
Human ILCs are classically categorized into five subsets; cytotoxic CD127- CD94+ NK cells and non-cytotoxic CD127+ CD94- , ILC1s, ILC2s, ILC3s, and LTi cells. Here, we identify a previously unrecognized subset within the CD127+ ILC population, characterized by the expression of the cytotoxic marker CD94. These CD94+ ILCs resemble conventional ILC3s in terms of phenotype, transcriptome, and cytokine production, but are highly cytotoxic. IL-15 was unable to induce differentiation of CD94+ ILCs toward mature NK cells. Instead, CD94+ ILCs retained RORγt, CD127 and CD200R1 expression and produced IL-22 in response to IL-15. Culturing non-cytotoxic ILC3s with IL-12 induced upregulation of CD94 and cytotoxic activity, effects that were not observed with IL-15 stimulation. Thus, human helper ILCs can acquire a cytotoxic program without differentiating into NK cells