2,336 research outputs found

    Chiral zero-mode for abelian BPS dipoles

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    We present an exact normalisable zero-energy chiral fermion solution for abelian BPS dipoles. For a single dipole, this solution is contained within the high temperature limit of the SU(2) caloron with non-trivial holonomy.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure (in 2 parts), presented at the workshop on "Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD", 21-27 Jan. 2002, Stara Lesna, Slovaki

    The Parkes HI Zone of Avoidance Survey

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    A blind HI survey of the extragalactic sky behind the southern Milky Way has been conducted with the multibeam receiver on the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. The survey covers the Galactic longitude range 212 < l < 36 and Galactic latitudes |b| < 5, and yields 883 galaxies to a recessional velocity of 12,000 km/s. The survey covers the sky within the HIPASS area to greater sensitivity, finding lower HI-mass galaxies at all distances, and probing more completely the large-scale structures at and beyond the distance of the Great Attractor. Fifty-one percent of the HI detections have an optical/NIR counterpart in the literature. A further 27% have new counterparts found in existing, or newly obtained, optical/NIR images. The counterpart rate drops in regions of high foreground stellar crowding and extinction, and for low-HI mass objects. Only 8% of all counterparts have a previous optical redshift measurement. A notable new galaxy is HIZOA J1353-58, a possible companion to the Circinus galaxy. Merging this catalog with the similarly-conducted northern extension (Donley et al. 2005), large-scale structures are delineated, including those within the Puppis and Great Attractor regions, and the Local Void. Several newly-identified structures are revealed here for the first time. Three new galaxy concentrations (NW1, NW2 and NW3) are key in confirming the diagonal crossing of the Great Attractor Wall between the Norma cluster and the CIZA J1324.7-5736 cluster. Further contributors to the general mass overdensity in that area are two new clusters (CW1 and CW2) in the nearer Centaurus Wall, one of which forms part of the striking 180 deg (100/h Mpc) long filament that dominates the southern sky at velocities of ~3000 km/s, and the suggestion of a further Wall at the Great Attractor distance at slightly higher longitudes.Comment: Published in Astronomical Journal 9 February 2016 (accepted 26 September 2015); 42 pages, 7 tables, 18 figures, main figures data tables only available in the on-line version of journa

    Stellar and Gas properties of High HI Mass-to-Light Ratio Galaxies in the Local Universe

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    We present a multi-wavelength study (BVRI band photometry and HI line interferometry) of nine late-type galaxies selected from the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog on the basis of apparently high HI mass-to-light ratios (3 M_sun/L_sun < M_HI/L_B < 27 M_sun/L_sun). We found that most of the original estimates for M_HI/L_B based on available photographic magnitudes in the literature were too high, and conclude that genuine high HI mass-to-light ratio (>5 M_sun/L_sun) galaxies are rare in the Local Universe. Extreme high M_HI/L_B galaxies like ESO215-G?009 appear to have formed only the minimum number of stars necessary to maintain the stability of their HI disks, and could possibly be used to constrain galaxy formation models. They may to have been forming stars at a low, constant rate over their lifetimes. The best examples all have highly extended HI disks, are spatially isolated, and have normal baryonic content for their total masses but are deficent in stars. This suggests that high M_HI/L_B galaxies are not lacking the baryons to create stars, but are underluminous as they lack either the internal or external stimulation for more extensive star formation.Comment: 29 Pages, 59 Figures. Accepted for publication in AJ (to be published ~April 2006

    Calorons, instantons and constituent monopoles in SU(3) lattice gauge theory

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    We analyze the zero-modes of the Dirac operator in quenched SU(3) gauge configurations at non-zero temperature and compare periodic and anti-periodic temporal boundary conditions for the fermions. It is demonstrated that for the different boundary conditions often the modes are localized at different space-time points and have different sizes. Our observations are consistent with patterns expected for Kraan - van Baal solutions of the classical Yang-Mills equations. These solutions consist of constituent monopoles and the zero-modes are localized on different constituents for different boundary conditions. Our findings indicate that the excitations of the QCD vacuum are more structured than simple instanton-like lumps.Comment: Remarks added. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the stability of Dirac sheet configurations

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    Using cooling for SU(2) lattice configurations, purely Abelian constant magnetic field configurations were left over after the annihilation of constituents that formed metastable Q=0 configurations. These so-called Dirac sheet configurations were found to be stable if emerging from the confined phase, close to the deconfinement phase transition, provided their Polyakov loop was sufficiently non-trivial. Here we show how this is related to the notion of marginal stability of the appropriate constant magnetic field configurations. We find a perfect agreement between the analytic prediction for the dependence of stability on the value of the Polyakov loop (the holonomy) in a finite volume and the numerical results studied on a finite lattice in the context of the Dirac sheet configurations

    Center Vortices, Nexuses, and Fractional Topological Charge

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    It has been remarked in several previous works that the combination of center vortices and nexuses (a nexus is a monopole-like soliton whose world line mediates certain allowed changes of field strengths on vortex surfaces) carry topological charge quantized in units of 1/N for gauge group SU(N). These fractional charges arise from the interpretation of the standard topological charge integral as a sum of (integral) intersection numbers weighted by certain (fractional) traces. We show that without nexuses the sum of intersection numbers gives vanishing topological charge (since vortex surfaces are closed and compact). With nexuses living as world lines on vortices, the contributions to the total intersection number are weighted by different trace factors, and yield a picture of the total topological charge as a linking of a closed nexus world line with a vortex surface; this linking gives rise to a non-vanishing but integral topological charge. This reflects the standard 2\pi periodicity of the theta angle. We argue that the Witten-Veneziano relation, naively violating 2\pi periodicity, scales properly with N at large N without requiring 2\pi N periodicity. This reflects the underlying composition of localized fractional topological charge, which are in general widely separated. Some simple models are given of this behavior. Nexuses lead to non-standard vortex surfaces for all SU(N) and to surfaces which are not manifolds for N>2. We generalize previously-introduced nexuses to all SU(N) in terms of a set of fundamental nexuses, which can be distorted into a configuration resembling the 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole with no strings. The existence of localized but widely-separated fractional topological charges, adding to integers only on long distance scales, has implications for chiral symmetry breakdown.Comment: 15 pages, revtex, 6 .eps figure

    Towards a Full Census of the Obscure(d) Vela Supercluster using MeerKAT

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    Recent spectroscopic observations of a few thousand partially obscured galaxies in the Vela constellation revealed a massive overdensity on supercluster scales straddling the Galactic Equator (l \sim 272.5deg) at cz18000cz \sim 18000km/s. It remained unrecognised because it is located just beyond the boundaries and volumes of systematic whole-sky redshift and peculiar velocity surveys - and is obscured by the Milky Way. The structure lies close to the apex where residual bulkflows suggest considerable mass excess. The uncovered Vela Supercluster (VSCL) conforms of a confluence of merging walls, but its core remains uncharted. At the thickest foreground dust column densities (|b| < 6 deg) galaxies are not visible and optical spectroscopy is not effective. This precludes a reliable estimate of the mass of VSCL, hence its effect on the cosmic flow field and the peculiar velocity of the Local Group. Only systematic HI-surveys can bridge that gap. We have run simulations and will present early-science observing scenarios with MeerKAT 32 (M32) to complete the census of this dynamically and cosmologically relevant supercluster. M32 has been put forward because this pilot project will also serve as precursor project for HI MeerKAT Large Survey Projects, like Fornax and Laduma. Our calculations have shown that a survey area of the fully obscured part of the supercluster, where the two walls cross and the potential core of the supercluster resides, can be achieved on reasonable time-scales (200 hrs) with M32.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication, Proceedings of Science, workshop on "MeerKAT Science: On the Pathway to the SKA", held in Stellenbosch 25-27 May 201

    Analysis of time-profiles with in-beam PET monitoring in charged particle therapy

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    Background: Treatment verification with PET imaging in charged particle therapy is conventionally done by comparing measurements of spatial distributions with Monte Carlo (MC) predictions. However, decay curves can provide additional independent information about the treatment and the irradiated tissue. Most studies performed so far focus on long time intervals. Here we investigate the reliability of MC predictions of space and time (decay rate) profiles shortly after irradiation, and we show how the decay rates can give an indication about the elements of which the phantom is made up. Methods and Materials: Various phantoms were irradiated in clinical and near-clinical conditions at the Cyclotron Centre of the Bronowice proton therapy centre. PET data were acquired with a planar 16x16 cm2^2 PET system. MC simulations of particle interactions and photon propagation in the phantoms were performed using the FLUKA code. The analysis included a comparison between experimental data and MC simulations of space and time profiles, as well as a fitting procedure to obtain the various isotope contributions in the phantoms. Results and conclusions: There was a good agreement between data and MC predictions in 1-dimensional space and decay rate distributions. The fractions of 11^{11}C, 15^{15}O and 10^{10}C that were obtained by fitting the decay rates with multiple simple exponentials generally agreed well with the MC expectations. We found a small excess of 10^{10}C in data compared to what was predicted in MC, which was clear especially in the PE phantom.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Proceedings of the 20th International Workshop on Radiation Imaging Detectors (iWorid2018), 24-28 June 2018, Sundsvall, Swede

    Application of the Large-N_c limit to a Chiral Lagrangian with Resonances

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    It is shown that the implementation of the Large--NcN_c approximation helps to get insight into the structure of, in principle, any QCD-like theory. As an example, we will compute the NLO corrections to L10L_{10} in the chiral limit with a Lagrangian with Resonances.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at the International School of Subnuclear Physics (Erice 2002). To be published in the Proceeding

    A Morphological-type dependence in the mu_0-log(h) plane of Spiral galaxy disks

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    We present observational evidence for a galaxy `Type' dependence to the location of a spiral galaxy's disk parameters in the mu_0-log(h) (central disk surface-brightness - disk scale-length) plane. With a sample of ~40 Low Surface Brightness galaxies (both bulge- and disk-dominated) and ~80 High Surface Brightness galaxies, the early-type disk galaxies (<=Sc) tend to define a bright envelope in the mu_0-log(h) plane, while the late-type (>=Scd) spiral galaxies have, in general, smaller and fainter disks. Below the defining surface brightness threshold for a Low Surface Brightness galaxy (i.e. more than 1 mag fainter than the 21.65 B-mag arcsec^(-2) Freeman value), the early-type spiral galaxies have scale-lengths greater than 8-9 kpc, while the late-type spiral galaxies have smaller scale-lengths. All galaxies have been modelled with a seeing-convolved Sersic r^(1/n) bulge and exponential disk model. We show that the trend of decreasing bulge shape parameter (n) with increasing Hubble type and decreasing bulge-to-disk luminosity ratio, which has been observed amongst the High Surface Brightness galaxies, extends to the Low Surface Brightness galaxies, revealing a continuous range of structural parameters.Comment: To be published in ApJ. Inc. three two-part figure