299 research outputs found

    Selection of oviposition sites by libelloides coccajus (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Neuroptera: Ascalaphidae), north of the Alps : implications for nature conservation

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    The survival of peripheral populations is often threatened, especially in a changing environment. Furthermore, such populations frequently show adaptations to local conditions which, in turn, may enhance the ability of a species to adapt to changing environmental conditions. In conservation biology, peripheral populations are therefore of particular interest. In northern Switzerland and southern Germany, Libelloides coccajus is an example of such a peripheral species. Assuming that suitable oviposition sites are crucial to its long-term survival, we compared oviposition sites and adjacent control plots with regard to structure and composition of the vegetation. Vegetation structure at and around oviposition sites seems to follow fairly stringent rules leading to at least two benefits for the egg clutches: (i) reduced risk of contact with adjacent plants, avoiding delayed drying after rainfall or morning dew and (ii) reduced shading and therefore higher temperatures. Furthermore, the study showed that it is possible to successfully create secondary habitats for L. coccajus, as shown by a road verge in one of our study areas. It is likely that other artificial habitats such as abandoned gravel pits and quarries may also provide suitable habitats

    Neophyteninvasion an revitalisierten Flüssen in der Schweiz?

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    Invasive Neophyten sind gebietsfremde Pflanzenarten, die sich schnell ausbreiten und dadurch die einheimische Biodiversität gefährden. Einige Arten verursachen auch gesundheitliche oder wirtschaftliche Schäden. Die Fachstelle Vegetationsanalyse untersucht die Invasion durch Neophyten an revitalisierten Fliessgewässern. Zwei Fallbeispiele zeigten ein scheinbar widersprüchliches Bild. In einer schweizweiten Studie wird die Situation nun genauer untersucht. Die Ergebnisse sind wichtig für zukünftige Flussrevitalisierungen

    Agrotourismus : betriebsübergreifendes Angebot der Sennereien im Schams und Rheinwald

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    Die Käsemeisterin Maria Meyer der Sennerei Andeer wünscht sich schon lange ein agrotouristisches Angebot zur Produktions- und Wertschöpfungskette der Milch. Auch der Naturpark Beverin ist schon seit mehreren Jahren dabei, in Projektarbeiten mit der Hochschule für Tourismus und Wirtschaft (HTW) und der Züricher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW), Ideen für ein solches Angebot zu sammeln. In dieser Bachelorthesis wurde die „Milchstrasse Naturpark Beverin“ als umsetzbares, betriebsübergreifendes Angebot für die Sennereien im Schams und Rheinwald entwickelt.The master cheesemaker Maria Meyer of the Andeer Dairy has long wanted an agrotourism offer on the production and value chain of milk. The Nature Park Beverin has also been in the process of col lecting ideas for such an offer for several years in project work with the University of Tourism and Business (HTW) and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). In this bachelor thesis, the "Milchstrasse Naturpark Beverin" was developed as an implementable, cross-company offer for the alpine dairies in the Schams and Rheinwald

    Covariance patterns between ramus morphology and the rest of the face: A geometric morphometric study

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    OBJECTIVE The growth and development of the mandible strongly depend on modeling changes occurring at its ramus. Here, we investigated covariance patterns between the morphology of the ramus and the rest of the face. METHODS Lateral cephalograms of 159 adults (55 males and 104 females) with no history of orthodontic treatment were collected. Geometric morphometrics with sliding semi-landmarks was used. The covariance between the ramus and face was investigated using a two-block partial least squares analysis (PLS). Sexual dimorphism and allometry were also assessed. RESULTS Differences in the divergence of the face and anteroposterior relationship of the jaws accounted for 24.1% and 21.6% of shape variation in the sample, respectively. Shape variation was greater in the sagittal plane for males than for females (30.7% vs. 17.4%), whereas variation in the vertical plane was similar for both sexes (23.7% for males and 25.4% for females). Size-related allometric differences between the sexes accounted for the shape variation to a maximum of 6% regarding the face. Regarding the covariation between the shapes of the ramus and the rest of the face, wider and shorter rami were associated with a decreased lower anterior facial height as well as a prognathic mandible and maxilla (PLS 1, 45.5% of the covariance). Additionally, a more posteriorly inclined ramus in the lower region was correlated with a Class II pattern and flat mandibular plane. CONCLUSIONS The width, height, and inclination of the ramus were correlated with facial shape changes in the vertical and sagittal planes

    Association of Craniofacial Patterns with the Curve of Spee and the Time Required for Orthodontic Levelling

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    The curve of Spee (CoS) is an important parameter for an individualized treatment plan. The available information regarding a potential association of the depth of the curve of Spee with various skeletal craniofacial characteristics is conflicting and it is also unknown whether certain craniofacial parameters affect the duration of the levelling phase of orthodontic treatment. A prospective sample of 32 patients with mild to moderate crowding that underwent orthodontic treatment with full fixed appliances was used to study these topics. The craniofacial characteristics were captured on pre-treatment lateral cephalometric radiographs and measurements of the CoS were performed on the initial 3D digital dental models using the Viewbox 4 software. Non-parametric statistics and Spearman’s correlations were applied. Weak negative correlations were detected between the CoS depth and the SNA and SNB angles. There was no other association between the CoS and craniofacial parameters, including various anteroposterior measurements. Furthermore, there was no significant association of any craniofacial parameter with the duration of the levelling. Contrary to certain clinical beliefs, it can be argued that the craniofacial characteristics are not associated with the CoS and the time required for its levelling in subjects with moderate pre-treatment CoS depth

    Zukünftige Bestimmungsschlüssel denken mit

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    Die Logik von traditionellen Bestimmungsschlüsseln für Pflanzen und Tiere verzeiht keine Fehler. Eine falsche oder fehlende Angabe und die Bestimmung misslingt. Vor diesem Hintergrund und dank der Möglichkeit von Smartphones und Tablets sind wir daran, die Welt der Bestimmungsschlüssel zu revolutionieren mit Algorithmen, die mit den Benutzern lernen und ihnen dabei auch unsichere oder gar falsche Angaben zugestehen