162 research outputs found

    Politics of Extraction : Theories and New Concepts for Critical Analysis

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    Deforestation, cattle capitalism and neodevelopmentalism in the Chico Mendes Extractive Reserve, Brazil

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    The recent upsurge of deforestation inside conservation areas requires empirical investigation of the causes and consequences of this alarming process. Local relations between the agents of cattle capitalism, neodevelopmentalism and contemporary deforestation, from politicians and ranchers to the traditional extractive populations of multiple-use conservation areas, are assessed. Whether, when, and how state, market, and cultural institutions support the hegemony of cattle capitalism – and subvert the logic of traditional lived environments – are analyzed. Theoretically, the article shows how moral economic transformations, from rubber tapping to cowboy lifestyles, alongside neodevelopmentalist policies, enable regionally dominant political economies to expand through deforestation.Peer reviewe

    Forests and current transitions

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    This chapter covers the key research trends of critical agrarian studies, agrarian political economy, and related fields, such as forest policy and deforestation studies, on forests and their transformations. Research on forest transitions is divided into two broad categories, deforestation and expansion of tree plantations, which have been mostly distinct areas of interest, but are now converging for various reasons, which the chapter opens up. Currently unfolding forest transitions are historicized. The chapter suggests that critical agrarian studies should continue to expose the drivers behind forest transitions and develop peasant-based alternatives, but also renew itself by incorporating less anthropocentric frameworks.Peer reviewe

    Natural Resources, Energy Politics, and Environmental Consequences

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    Iron WIll

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    "Iron Will lays bare the role of extractivist policies and efforts to resist these policies through a deep ethnographic exploration of globally important iron ore mining in Brazil and India. Markus Kröger addresses resistance strategies to extractivism and tracks their success, or lack thereof, through a comparison of peaceful and armed resource conflicts, explaining how different means of resistance arise. Using the distinctly different contexts and political systems of Brazil and India highlights the importance of local context for resistance. For example, if there is an armed conflict at a planned mining site, how does this influence the possibility to use peaceful resistance strategies? To answer such questions, Kröger assesses the inter-relations of contentious, electoral, institutional, judicial, and private politics that surround conflicts and interactions, offering a new theoretical framework of “investment politics” that can be applied generally by scholars and students of social movements, environmental studies, and political economy, and even more broadly in Social Scientific and Environmental Policy research. By drawing on a detailed field research and other sources, this book explains precisely which resistance strategies are able to influence both political and economic outcomes. Kröger expands the focus of traditionally Latin American extractivism research to other contexts such as India and the growing extractivist movement in the Global North. In addition, as the book is a multi-sited political ethnography, it will appeal to sociologists, political scientists, anthropologists, geographers, and others using field research among other methods to understand globalization and global political interactions. It is the most comprehensive book on the political economy and ecology of iron ore and steel. This is astonishing, given the fact that iron ore is the second-most important commodity in the world after oil.

    The new ‘sustainable communitarian’ logging schemes and their critique inside multiple-use conservation areas in the Brazilian Amazon : preliminary notes

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    Deforestation has risen sharply in Brazil since 2012, and conservation areas are facing increased pressure. This article studies the rise of so-called sustainable', communitarian', and/or cooperative' logging schemes inside multiple-use conservation areas in the Amazon. The findings, based on fresh field research in Acre and Para, reveal conflicts, problems, and risks associated with logging schemes, although they are portrayed in the international timber trade as certified and socio-environmentally sustainable solutions that help conservation. However, the expansion of logging presents a danger for curtailing forest degradation, fires, and corruption that is linked to the fast returns from sale of timber, especially inside conservation areas that have been mostly intact until now. There is an urgent need to change the strategy of promoting logging as a key source of income for forest-dwellers, and a need to change the policies allowing the expansion of sustainable logging'.Peer reviewe

    Inter-sectoral determinants of forest policy : the power of deforesting actors in post-2012 Brazil

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    Typically, forest policy-analysis focuses on the forest industry; however, this article argues that analysis should take into consideration non-forest economic–political sectors, creating an inter-sectoral analysis of pathways. An analysis of Brazil's recent forest governance changes allows to outline the political dynamics, thrust and ideas that most influence the use of forests in a political economy whose overall developmental and environmental policies are defined primarily by agribusiness. The Brazilian Congress passed a New Forest Code in 2012, greatly relaxing the previous Code from 1965. The law-changing project was an illustration of the tension between the large landholders-lobby, and the new sustainability demands of various sorts of “green economy” proponents. The recent framing of forests by the agribusiness lobby and the Minister of Agriculture are assessed to explain why and how the understanding and pathway of sustainability in relation to forest and other land uses has changed since 2012. Studies on the major impacts of the post-2012 forest laws are also reviewed. A novel approach is taken, uniting an analysis of large-scale agriculture, tree plantation companies, and socio-environmentalists. It is shown how the New Forest Code and other measures that have brought together the agricultural and forestry frontiers, policies and vocabularies in Brazil have made their united analysis necessary. Brazil provides an important case to study how some parts of the “brown economy” and “green capitalism” pathways are supporting each other in practice, and how the forest industry has become a key actor in this alliance, to the detriment of “socio-environmentalism”.Peer reviewe

    Elvytystulokset sairaalan ulkopuolella vuonna 2015 Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin alueella

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    Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiiri toteuttaa ensihoitoa yhteistyössä Pohjois-Savon pelastuslaitoksen kanssa. Pohjois- Savon pelastuslaitoksen yksiköt sijaitsevat Kuopion, Varkauden ja Suonenjoen alueella. Muissa Pohjois-Savon kunnissa sijaitsee sairaanhoitopiirin yksiköitä. Pelastuslaitos suorittaa lähes kaikissa Pohjois-Savon kunnissa myös ensivastetehtäviä. Sairaanhoitopiiri toteuttaa kokonaan omana toimintana potilassiirrot. Opinnäytetyö oli rekisteritutkimus Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan ensihoitokeskukselle. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin ensihoitopalvelun suorittamien elvytysten tuloksellisuutta vuodelta 2015. Tutkimme myös primaarirytmin merkitystä sekundaariselviytymisen kannalta, sekä mitkä asiat vaikuttavat elvytyksen tulokseen. Keräsimme myös tietoa hätäkeskuksen tehtävätkäsittelyajoista ja ensihoitoyksiköiden toimintavalmiusajoista. Tässä tutkimuksessa on rajattu pois Pohjois-Savon pelastuslaitoksen ensihoidonyksiköiden suorittamat elvytystehtävät. Opinnäytetyön aineisto on kerätty Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan ensihoidon tilastointiohjelmasta sekä ensihoitokaavakkeista. Sekundaariselviytyjät selvitimme Kuopion Yliopistollisen sairaalan Uranus-tietokannasta. Tutkijoille luotiin omat käyttäjätunnukset tilastointiohjelmaan sekä Uranus-tietokantaan. Ensihoitokaavakkeet saimme valmiiksi arkistosta, muuten etsimme ja analysoimme tulokset itsenäisesti. Opinnäytetyössä tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kvantitatiivista tutkimusmenetelmää. Tulokset esitimme kansainvälisen Utsteinin mallin mukaisesti. Vuonna 2015 Pohjois-Savon alueella, sairaanhoitopiirin ensihoitoyksiköille tehtäväkodilla ”eloton nähty/kuultu” (700A) tuli 96 tehtävää ja ”eloton, löydetty” (700B) koodilla tehtäviä tuli 103. Yhteensä 700A/B tehtäviä tuli 199 kappaletta. Tehtäväkoodi 700B tarkoittaa että potilas on löydetty elottomana, eikä hätäkeskus ohjeista maallikkoelvytykseen. Sairaanhoitopiirin ensihoitoyksiköt eivät aloittaneet elvytystä kertaakaan, kun koodina oli 700B. Tehtäväkoodilla 700A, 44 potilaan kohdalla ensihoito pidättäytyi elvytyksestä. Ensihoitopalvelu aloitti elvytyksen 52 potilaalle, joista primaaristi selviytyi 17 % ja sekundaarisesti 10 %. Tietoja sekundaariselviämisestä ei saatu 6 % kohdalla. Sekundaariselviytyjien primaarirytmi oli yhtä tapausta lukuun ottamatta kammiovärinä. Opinnäytetyön tuloksien pohjalta Kuopion yliopistollisen sairaalan ensihoitokeskus voi arvioida oman ensihoitojärjestelmänsä laatua, sekä verrata sitä muiden aluiden järjestelmiin. Tämän lisäksi ensihoitokeskus voi tehdä arviota, tarvitseeko ensihoitajille lisätä elvytyskoulutusta. Jatkotutkimuksena voisi selvittää Pohjois-Savon pelastuslaitoksen suorittamat elvytykset vuodelta 2015, jolloin koko Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirin alueella tapahtuneet sairaalanulkopuoliset elvytykset tulisi tutkittua.The North-Savo hospital district implements ambulance services in cooperation with the North-Savo rescue depart-ment. The units of the North-Savo rescue department are located in the areas of Kuopio, Varkaus and Suonenjoki. In the other municipalities in North-Savo, the North-Savo hospital district has organized ambulance services. The rescue department organizes first responders’ tasks almost in every municipality in North-Savo. The North-Savo hospital district organizes also patient transfers. Our thesis is a register trial involving the primary care center of University Hospital of Kuopio. The purpose of the research was to chart the results of resuscitation performed by the primary care in the area of the North-Savo hospi-tal district in year 2015. We also researched what was the significance of the primary rhythm in terms of secondary survival and what other things contributed to the result of CPR. We also collected information of task processing times of the emergency response centre and operating stand by times of the ambulance services. In this research we have excluded resuscitation tasks of the North-Savo rescue department. We have collected the material of this thesis in the ambulance program of University Hospital of Kuopio and the emergency care forms. We charted secondary survivals in the Uranus-database of University Hospital of Kuopio. For researchers, own accounts on the ambulance program and the Uranus-database were created. From the emergency care forms we got from the archive, we sought after and analyzed the results by ourselves. The research method in our thesis was a quantitative research method. We have presented the results in the international Utstein-style. In the year 2015 in the area of the North-Savo hospital district, ambulances got alarms with the code “lifeless seen/heard” (700A) 96 tasks and alarms with the code “lifeless, found” (700B) 103 tasks. At all 700A/700B tasks came as 199 tasks. Task code 700B means that the patient has been found lifeless and the emergency response cen-tre doesn`t give instructions to start CPR. Ambulances of the North-Savo hospital district didn`t start CPR at all in tasks when the code was 700B. 44 times primary care didn`t start CPR when the code was 700A. Primary care start-ed CPR to 52 patients, who primarily survived at 17 % and secondarily at 10 %. We didn`t get information of second-ary survivals at 6 % of patients. In every other case of secondary survivals, the primary rhythm was ventricular fi-brillation. Based on the results of the thesis, the primary care center of University Hospital of Kuopio can estimate the quality of its primary care system and compare it to other hospitals’ districts. The primary care center of University Hospital of Kuopio can also estimate if it should it add CPR training for paramedics. As further research one could analyze results of resuscitation tasks of North-Savo’s rescue department in year 2015. And then all resuscitation tasks in the North-Savo province should be investigated