23 research outputs found

    Prognostic significance of ST segment changes in lead aVR in patients with acute inferior myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation

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    Background: Patients with inferior wall ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are considered to be at lower risk than patients with anterior wall STEMI. Nonetheless, 30&#8211;40% of all acute inferior wall MI cases have a poor prognosis. Aim: To assess the frequency of ST segment changes (elevation or depression) in lead aVR in inferior STEMI patients, and to determine the clinical course and short-term prognosis of such patients. Methods: The study retrospectively analysed the records of 320 consecutive patients with inferior wall STEMI (206 males, 114 females, mean age 65.6 &#177; 11.1 years). Patients were divided into three groups based on treatment: group A, primary percutaneous coronary intervention (134 patients); group B, fibrinolytic therapy (96 patients); and group C, conservative treatment (no reperfusion therapy) (90 patients). The mean time from onset of pain to the first ECG for all patients was 6.1 h. The total number of in-hospital deaths was 29 (9.0%), comprising 11 (8.2%) in group A, seven (7.3%) in group B, and 11 (12.2%) in group C (NS). The mean maximum creatine phosphokinase was 2,021 &#177; 1,837 U/L in group A, 1,734 &#177; 1,581 U/L in group B, and 1,217 &#177; 981 U/L in group C (p = 0.01). The mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 50.2% &#177; 9.0%, 54.9 &#177; 8.6%, and 51.3% &#177; 9.7% for groups A, B and C, respectively (NS). Results: ST segment changes in lead aVR were observed in 135 (42.2%) patients, comprising elevation in 47 (14.7%) patients and depression in 88 (27.5%) patients. The in-hospital mortality rates for patients with ST segment elevation, ST segment depression, and no ST segment changes were 27.7%, 16.5%, and 1.0%, respectively (p < 0.001). For group A, the in-hospital mortality rate was higher in patients with ST segment elevation than in patients with no ST segment changes (15.4% vs 1.2%, p < 0.001). For group B, the in-hospital mortality rates were 33.3%, 12.9%, and 0%, in patients with ST segment elevation, ST segment depression, and no ST changes, respectively (p = 0.006). For group C, the in-hospital mortality rate was higher in patients with ST segment elevation (32%) than in patients with ST segment depression (12.5%) and patients with no ST segment changes (2%, p = 0.006). Logistic regression analysis found that female gender, diabetes, hypertension, lower ejection fraction, and cardiogenic shock on admission were independent predictors of ST segment elevation. Conclusions: ST segment changes in lead aVR occurred in approximately half of inferior wall STEMI patients. The presence of such ST segment changes was associated with a poorer prognosis during the hospital stay, and the changes were not associated with the type of reperfusion treatment.Background: Patients with inferior wall ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) are considered to be at lower risk than patients with anterior wall STEMI. Nonetheless, 30&#8211;40% of all acute inferior wall MI cases have a poor prognosis. Aim: To assess the frequency of ST segment changes (elevation or depression) in lead aVR in inferior STEMI patients, and to determine the clinical course and short-term prognosis of such patients. Methods: The study retrospectively analysed the records of 320 consecutive patients with inferior wall STEMI (206 males, 114 females, mean age 65.6 +- 11.1 years). Patients were divided into three groups based on treatment: group A, primary percutaneous coronary intervention (134 patients); group B, fibrinolytic therapy (96 patients); and group C, conservative treatment (no reperfusion therapy) (90 patients). The mean time from onset of pain to the first ECG for all patients was 6.1 h. The total number of in-hospital deaths was 29 (9.0%), comprising 11 (8.2%) in group A, seven (7.3%) in group B, and 11 (12.2%) in group C (NS). The mean maximum creatine phosphokinase was 2,021 +- 1,837 U/L in group A, 1,734 +- 1,581 U/L in group B, and 1,217 +- 981 U/L in group C (p = 0.01). The mean left ventricular ejection fraction was 50.2% +- 9.0%, 54.9 +- 8.6%, and 51.3% +- 9.7% for groups A, B and C, respectively (NS). Results: ST segment changes in lead aVR were observed in 135 (42.2%) patients, comprising elevation in 47 (14.7%) patients and depression in 88 (27.5%) patients. The in-hospital mortality rates for patients with ST segment elevation, ST segment depression, and no ST segment changes were 27.7%, 16.5%, and 1.0%, respectively (p < 0.001). For group A, the in-hospital mortality rate was higher in patients with ST segment elevation than in patients with no ST segment changes (15.4% vs 1.2%, p < 0.001). For group B, the in-hospital mortality rates were 33.3%, 12.9%, and 0%, in patients with ST segment elevation, ST segment depression, and no ST changes, respectively (p = 0.006). For group C, the in-hospital mortality rate was higher in patients with ST segment elevation (32%) than in patients with ST segment depression (12.5%) and patients with no ST segment changes (2%, p = 0.006). Logistic regression analysis found that female gender, diabetes, hypertension, lower ejection fraction, and cardiogenic shock on admission were independent predictors of ST segment elevation. Conclusions: ST segment changes in lead aVR occurred in approximately half of inferior wall STEMI patients. The presence of such ST segment changes was associated with a poorer prognosis during the hospital stay, and the changes were not associated with the type of reperfusion treatment

    Gender does not influence event-free survival in patients with ischaemic heart disease undergoing non-emergency coronary angiography : a single centre analysis

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    Background: Although gender-related differences in cardiovascular risk in patients with acute coronary syndromes have been investigated several times in Poland, there are few data on the effects of gender on management of patients with stable ischaemic heart disease (IHD). In addition, available data on the prognosis in this condition in men and women are also scarce. Aim: To assess gender-related differences in treatment and event-free survival in patients with IHD undergoing non-emergency coronary angiography. Methods: 960 consecutive patients with IHD undergoing coronary angiography were included. Study end points were ascertained over 4.5-year follow-up in 925 patients, of whom 187 were women and 738 were men. The primary end-point consisted of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, cardiac arrest, PCI, CABG or heart transplantation. Results: Female gender was independently related to higher prescription rate of beta-blockers [odds ratio 1.89 (95% CI 1.08-3.29)], ACE inhibitors [1.47 (1.01-2.16)] and calcium antagonists [1.65 (1.08-2.53)] at the time of coronary angiography. On the other hand, female gender was not independently related to the probability of PCI [1.01 (0.69-1.49)] or CABG [0.91 (0.57-1.48)]. We did not find any gender-related difference in the risk of the primary end point [hazard ratio 0.94 (95% CI 0.67-1.34)] or the three predefined secondary end points. Conclusions: Female gender was independently related to a higher prescription rate of beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists. No gender-related revascularisation was found in respect of myocardial revascularisation. Gender was not an independent factor affecting event-free survival in patients with IHD undergoing non-emergency coronary angiographyWst臋p: Wyniki bada艅 oceniaj膮cych wp艂yw p艂ci na rokowanie u pacjent贸w z ostrymi zespo艂ami wie艅cowymi s膮 sprzeczne. Natomiast wyniki bada艅 oceniaj膮cych wp艂yw p艂ci na rokowanie u pacjent贸w ze stabiln膮 chorob膮 niedokrwienn膮 serca (IHD) s膮 nieliczne i r贸wnie偶 rozbie偶ne. W Polsce nie analizowano dot膮d wp艂ywu p艂ci na rokowanie w tej grupie chorych. Tak偶e wyniki bada艅 dotycz膮cych relacji mi臋dzy p艂ci膮 a cz臋sto艣ci膮 stosowania lek贸w kardiologicznych oraz cz臋sto艣ci膮 rewaskularyzacji mi臋艣nia sercowego nie s膮 zgodne. Cel: Ocena wp艂ywu p艂ci na cz臋sto艣膰 stosowania lek贸w kardiologicznych, cz臋sto艣膰 wykonywania zabieg贸w angioplastyki wie艅cowej (PCI) oraz operacji pomostowania aortalno-wie艅cowego (CABG), a tak偶e rokowanie u os贸b z IHD poddawanych koronarografii w trybie planowym. Metodyka:Do badania zakwalifikowano 960 kolejnych pacjent贸w z IHD poddawanych koronarografii. Chorob臋 niedokrwienn膮 serca zdefiniowano jako co najmniej jedno zw臋偶enie >50% w t臋tnicy wie艅cowej lub zawa艂 mi臋艣nia sercowego lub rewaskularyzacj臋 w wywiadzie. Wyst臋powanie powik艂a艅 sercowo-naczyniowych oceniono u 925 os贸b (738 m臋偶czyzn oraz 187 kobiet). Pierwszorz臋dowy punkt ko艅cowy zdefiniowano jako zgon z przyczyn sercowo-naczyniowych, zawa艂 serca, udar m贸zgu, zatrzymanie kr膮偶enia, PCI, CABG lub transplantacj臋 serca. Wyniki: Kobiety by艂y starsze od m臋偶czyzn (60,6&#177;9,2 lat vs 57,5&#177;10,0 lat,

    Angioplastyka w miejscach rozga艂臋zie艅 naczy艅 wie艅cowych - do艣wiadczenie w艂asne

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    Wst臋p: Celem pracy by艂a ocena bezpo艣rednich oraz odleg艂ych wynik贸w przezsk贸rnych interwencji wie艅cowych (PCI) w zw臋偶eniach zlokalizowanych w miejscach rozga艂臋zie艅 t臋tnic wie艅cowych. Materia艂 i metody: Analiz膮 obj臋to 47 chorych (40 m臋偶czyzn i 7 kobiet) w wieku 54,2 &plusmn; 10,6 roku (37&#8211;81 lat) poddanych zabiegom PCI. Miar膮 skuteczno艣ci zabieg贸w by艂o uzyskanie optymalnego wyniku angiograficznego (zw臋偶enie rezydualne < 20% w naczyniu g艂贸wnym oraz < 30% w bocznicy przy uzyskaniu nap艂ywu obwodowego TIMI 3 w obu naczyniach). W przypadku suboptymalnego wyniku lub powstania dyssekcji zaburzaj膮cej przep艂yw implantowano stent. Wyniki: U 24 chorych (51,1%) skuteczna okaza艂a si臋 angioplastyka balonowa, natomiast u 23 pacjent贸w (48,9%) implantowano stenty: u 20 chorych do g艂贸wnego naczynia, u 3 do obu naczy艅 tworz膮cych rozga艂臋zienie. Optymalny wynik angiograficzny uzyskano w 100% naczy艅 g艂贸wnych (n = 47) i w 85% bocznic (n = 39). W okresie oko艂ozabiegowym wyst膮pi艂y 3 zawa艂y bez za艂amka Q (6,4%) jako jedyne powik艂ania. Ponown膮 rewaskularyzacj臋 naczynia przeprowadzono u 9 chorych (19,15%), w tym u 6 (12,8%) w naczyniu g艂贸wnym, a u 3 (6,4%) w bocznicy. Po 12-miesi臋cznej obserwacji du偶e niekorzystne zdarzenia sercowe wyst膮pi艂y u 12 (25,53%) pacjent贸w. Wnioski: Angioplastyka balonowa w miejscach rozga艂臋zie艅, w razie niezadowalaj膮cego wyniku uzupe艂niona implantacj膮 stentu, jest zabiegiem bezpiecznym i pozwala uzyska膰 dobre wyniki bezpo艣rednie i odleg艂e. (Folia Cardiol. 2004; 11: 1&#8211;8

    Security theory and practice: Special missions unit GROM: an instrument of the security policy of The Republic of Poland. Thirtieth anniversary of the formation

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    Z przedmowy: "W tym roku przypada 30. rocznica powo艂ania do 偶ycia Jednostki Wojskowej GROM. Decyzja o utworzeniu Jednostki zosta艂a podj臋ta przez rz膮d premiera Tadeusza Mazowieckiego 13 lipca 1990 roku. Genera艂 Petelicki do艂o偶y艂 wszelkich stara艅, by nowo powsta艂a Jednostka dor贸wnywa艂a umiej臋tno艣ciami i wyszkoleniem najlepszym jednostkom specjalnym na 艣wiecie oraz by jako r贸wnorz臋dny partner mog艂a z nimi prowadzi膰 zadania na teatrze dzia艂a艅 wojennych. Kolejni Dow贸dcy kontynuowali zamys艂 Genera艂a, utrzymuj膮c najwy偶szy poziom wyszkolenia oraz ci膮gle zwi臋kszaj膮c mo偶liwo艣ci i zdolno艣ci bojowe Jednostki dzi臋ki do艣wiadczeniom nabytym podczas misji oraz licznych szkole艅 w kraju i za granic膮. Budowanie jednostki od pocz膮tku oparte by艂o na najlepszych praktykach i do艣wiadczeniach zagranicznych oddzia艂贸w si艂 specjalnych, w szczeg贸lno艣ci tych ze Stan贸w Zjednoczonych i Wielkiej Brytanii."(...

    How to Improve Efficiency of Analysis of Sequential Data? 1

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    Abstract: In order to extract useful knowledge from large databases of sales data, data mining algorithms (the so-called market basket analysis) are used. Unfortunately, these algorithms, depending on data and parameters, may generate a large number of patterns. Analysis of these results is performed by the user and involves executing a lot of queries on complex data types that are not well supported by commercially available database management systems. To increase efficiency of analysis of data mining results, new index structures need to be developed. In this paper we propose the indexing scheme for non-timestamped sequences of sets, which supports set subsequence queries. Experimental evaluation of the index proves the feasibility and benefit of the index in query processing

    Operation of the maritime safety information systems

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    The marine safety systems, using European Safe Sea Net, help safe datasending. They make planning and guarding marine transport possible. Two systems work in Poland according to this system. They are the Maritime Safety Information Exchange System (SWIB呕) and the Harbour and Cargo Information System (PHICS)

    Zawa艂 serca powsta艂y w wyniku zatoru t臋tnicy wie艅cowej u osoby z migotaniem przedsionk贸w, leczony trombektomi膮 aspiracyjn膮

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    We present the case of a 77 year-old male patient diagnosed with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction of anterior wall due to coronary embolism secondary to paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The patient was qualified for emergent coronaryangiography and aspiration thrombectomy. Due to lack of atherosclerotic lesions and probable embolic origin of the occlusion of the infarct-related artery, the patient underwent a successful thrombus aspiration procedure without stent implantation,followed by oral anticoagulant therapy