13 research outputs found

    A LISSAI CSATA (1866. JĂšLIUS 20.)

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    A trianoni békeszerződés és a dunai hajózás

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    The scope of this paper is to analyse the Danube policy of the Allied Powers after the First World War, their intention to create a new international régime, and to hone in on the impact of the Treaty of Trianon, the new Statue of the Danube of 1921 and the distribution of a part of the former Austrian and Hungarian riverine merchant fl eets on the Hungarian navigation on the Danube. Before the end of the World War the Austro-Hungarian riverine merchant fl eet was a dominant factor in the navigation on the Danube. The Allied Powers wanted to break this dominancy and to formulate a new international régime on the Danube favourable for them. These eff orts were present in the peace treaties. The Convention Instituting the Defi nitive Statue of the Danube was signed at Paris in July 1921. The provisions of the Convention formulated by the victors were very unfavourable for Germany, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria. To capitalise on the benefi ts provided for them by the peace treaties and the Convention of 1921 in the Danube navigation, it had to create considerable merchant fl eets for Czechoslovakia, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes and Romania. For this scope the peace treaties provided that Germany, Austria, Hungary and Bulgaria should cede to the interested Allied Powers certain property pertaining to navigation on the Danube. Upon the decision of arbitrator Walker D. Hines of 2 August 1921, Hungary has lost nearly 50 percent of its Danube merchant fleet

    A hadihajó-építés Fiumében 1907-1915

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    Az otrantói ütközet

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    A Szent István csatahajó elsüllyesztése (1918. június 10.)

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    Statisztikai és számítástechnikai módszerek alkalmazása kórházi morbiditás vizsgálatokban

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