9 research outputs found

    Investigación de los estereotipos de crueldad de los adolescentes sobre los roles sexuales

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    The relevance of this study is caused by the dramatic picture of the psychological theory of the development of the modern teenager in modern science. Rapidly changing social conditions at the beginning of the third Millennium need scientific understanding of possible future prospects of development of the period of childhood and adolescence. The efforts of those responsible for the training of educators, teachers, child psychologists, support for the institution of the family, conducting comprehensive studies of the modern teenager are needed.  Of particular importance for the future of the theory and practice of upbringing of the teenager deserves the study of phenomenology for the development of a modern teenager, the rejection of rigid social stereotypes that are the choice of positive strategies in the relations with teenagers.  Before the reader is an article in which the authors comprehend the existence of social stereotypes on the issue of gender differences in the manifestation of cruel behavior by teenagers. The authors presented a brief analysis of the scientific problem of cruelty.   The problem field of empirical research is defined in the identification of sexual differences in the manifestation of types of cruelty and sexual differences in the attitude to cruel behavior. The study sample is correctly formed, the author’s methods of ideographic type are presented, which have passed the stage of approbation in numerous studies. This study belongs to the category of point quasi-experiments.  The stages of research are consistently presented. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus.  The main conclusions of the study allow us to comprehend the existing social stereotypes of types of cruelty and attitudes to violence on a gender basis.La relevancia de este estudio es causada por la imagen dramática de la teoría psicológica del desarrollo del adolescente moderno en la ciencia moderna. Las condiciones sociales que cambian rápidamente a principios del tercer milenio necesitan una comprensión científica de las posibles perspectivas futuras de desarrollo del período de la infancia y la adolescencia. Se necesitan los esfuerzos de los responsables de la formación de educadores, maestros, psicólogos infantiles, apoyo a la institución de la familia, realización de estudios integrales del adolescente moderno. De particular importancia para el futuro de la teoría y la práctica de la educación del adolescente merece el estudio de la fenomenología para el desarrollo de un adolescente moderno, el rechazo de los estereotipos sociales rígidos que son la elección de estrategias positivas en las relaciones con los adolescentes. Ante el lector hay un artículo en el que los autores comprenden la existencia de estereotipos sociales sobre el tema de las diferencias de género en la manifestación de conductas crueles por parte de los adolescentes. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis del problema científico de la crueldad. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se define en la identificación de las diferencias sexuales en la manifestación de los tipos de crueldad y las diferencias sexuales en la actitud ante el comportamiento cruel. La muestra de estudio se formó correctamente, se presentan los métodos de tipo ideográfico del autor, que han pasado la etapa de aprobación en numerosos estudios. Este estudio pertenece a la categoría de cuasi-experimentos puntuales. Las etapas de la investigación se presentan constantemente. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados ​​en la evidencia. Las principales conclusiones del estudio nos permiten comprender los estereotipos sociales existentes de los tipos de crueldad y actitudes hacia la violencia sobre una base de género


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    The authors emphasize the relevance of the study by psychologists of the problem experiences of well-being and distress of individuals, in the need to adapt to an ever-changing world, oversaturated with information. At the same time, many people are forced to change the place of residence and living conditions. In addition, in this regard it is important to investigate factors of feeling of subjective well-being of these people, and well as their overall satisfaction with life. The authors presented a brief transactional analysis of the state of scientific problem feeling subjective well-being. The problem field of empirical research is outlined research in establishing links with satisfaction with life and the vitality of the personality of repatriates from different countries. Correctly, a sample of the study was formed, reliable and valid ones were selected psychodiagnostic methods, logically presented stages of the study. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus. Key findings of the study on seniority residence of immigrants in the new country, the level of resilience and psychological well-being, will allow formulating a step-by-step the program of psychological support for immigrants experiencing dissatisfaction with living conditions.Los autores enfatizan la relevancia del estudio realizado por psicólogos sobre las experiencias problemáticas de bienestar y angustia de los individuos, en la necesidad de adaptarse a un mundo en constante cambio, saturado de información. Al mismo tiempo, muchas personas se ven obligadas a cambiar el lugar de residencia y las condiciones de vida. Además, a este respecto, es importante investigar los factores del sentimiento de bienestar subjetivo de estas personas y su satisfacción general con la vida. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis transaccional del estado del problema científico sintiendo un bienestar subjetivo. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se resume en la investigación para establecer vínculos con la satisfacción con la vida y la vitalidad de la personalidad de los repatriados de diferentes países. Correctamente, se formó una muestra del estudio, se seleccionaron métodos confiables y válidos de psicodiagnóstico, etapas lógicamente presentadas del estudio. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados en la evidencia. Los hallazgos clave del estudio sobre la residencia de ancianos de los inmigrantes en el nuevo país, el nivel de resiliencia y el bienestar psicológico, permitirán formular paso a paso el programa de apoyo psicológico para los inmigrantes que experimentan insatisfacción con las condiciones de vida.Авторы подчеркивают актуальность изучение психологами проблемы переживания благополучия и неблагополучия отдельными индивидами, в связи с необходимостью адаптироваться в постоянно меняющемся мире, перенасыщенном информацией. При этом множество людей вынуждены сменять место проживания и условия жизни. И в связи с этим важно исследовать факторы ощущения субъективного благополучия этих людей, а также их общую удовлетворенность жизнью. Авторами представлен краткий транспективный анализ состояния научной проблемы ощущения субъективного благополучия. Намечено проблемное поле эмпирического исследования в установление связей удовлетворенностью жизни и жизнестойкости личности репатриантов из разных стран. Корректно сформирована выборка исследования, подобраны надежные и валидные психодиагностические методики, логично представлены этапы исследования. Качественный анализ эмпирических данных основан на доказательных методах статистического тезауруса. Основные выводы исследования о стаже проживания репатриантов в новой стране, уровне жизнестойкости и психологического благополучия, позволят сформулировать пошаговую программу психологического сопровождения репатриантов, испытывающих неудовлетворенность жизненными условиями

    Investigación de los estereotipos de crueldad de los adolescentes sobre los roles sexuales

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    The relevance of this study is caused by the dramatic picture of the psychological theory of the development of the modern teenager in modern science. Rapidly changing social conditions at the beginning of the third Millennium need scientific understanding of possible future prospects of development of the period of childhood and adolescence. The efforts of those responsible for the training of educators, teachers, child psychologists, support for the institution of the family, conducting comprehensive studies of the modern teenager are needed.  Of particular importance for the future of the theory and practice of upbringing of the teenager deserves the study of phenomenology for the development of a modern teenager, the rejection of rigid social stereotypes that are the choice of positive strategies in the relations with teenagers.  Before the reader is an article in which the authors comprehend the existence of social stereotypes on the issue of gender differences in the manifestation of cruel behavior by teenagers. The authors presented a brief analysis of the scientific problem of cruelty.   The problem field of empirical research is defined in the identification of sexual differences in the manifestation of types of cruelty and sexual differences in the attitude to cruel behavior. The study sample is correctly formed, the author’s methods of ideographic type are presented, which have passed the stage of approbation in numerous studies. This study belongs to the category of point quasi-experiments.  The stages of research are consistently presented. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus.  The main conclusions of the study allow us to comprehend the existing social stereotypes of types of cruelty and attitudes to violence on a gender basis.La relevancia de este estudio es causada por la imagen dramática de la teoría psicológica del desarrollo del adolescente moderno en la ciencia moderna. Las condiciones sociales que cambian rápidamente a principios del tercer milenio necesitan una comprensión científica de las posibles perspectivas futuras de desarrollo del período de la infancia y la adolescencia. Se necesitan los esfuerzos de los responsables de la formación de educadores, maestros, psicólogos infantiles, apoyo a la institución de la familia, realización de estudios integrales del adolescente moderno. De particular importancia para el futuro de la teoría y la práctica de la educación del adolescente merece el estudio de la fenomenología para el desarrollo de un adolescente moderno, el rechazo de los estereotipos sociales rígidos que son la elección de estrategias positivas en las relaciones con los adolescentes. Ante el lector hay un artículo en el que los autores comprenden la existencia de estereotipos sociales sobre el tema de las diferencias de género en la manifestación de conductas crueles por parte de los adolescentes. Los autores presentaron un breve análisis del problema científico de la crueldad. El campo problemático de la investigación empírica se define en la identificación de las diferencias sexuales en la manifestación de los tipos de crueldad y las diferencias sexuales en la actitud ante el comportamiento cruel. La muestra de estudio se formó correctamente, se presentan los métodos de tipo ideográfico del autor, que han pasado la etapa de aprobación en numerosos estudios. Este estudio pertenece a la categoría de cuasi-experimentos puntuales. Las etapas de la investigación se presentan constantemente. El análisis cualitativo de los datos empíricos se basa en métodos de tesauro estadístico basados ​​en la evidencia. Las principales conclusiones del estudio nos permiten comprender los estereotipos sociales existentes de los tipos de crueldad y actitudes hacia la violencia sobre una base de género

    Research of Sex-role Stereotypes of Cruelty of Teenagers

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    The relevance of this study is caused by the dramatic picture of the psychological theory of the development of the modern teenager in modern science. Rapidly changing social conditions at the beginning of the third Millennium need scientific understanding of possible future prospects of development of the period of childhood and adolescence. The efforts of those responsible for the training of educators, teachers, child psychologists, support for the institution of the family, conducting comprehensive studies of the modern teenager are needed.  Of particular importance for the future of the theory and practice of upbringing of the teenager deserves the study of phenomenology for the development of a modern teenager, the rejection of rigid social stereotypes that are the choice of positive strategies in the relations with teenagers.  Before the reader is an article in which the authors comprehend the existence of social stereotypes on the issue of gender differences in the manifestation of cruel behavior by teenagers. The authors presented a brief analysis of the scientific problem of cruelty.   The problem field of empirical research is defined in the identification of sexual differences in the manifestation of types of cruelty and sexual differences in the attitude to cruel behavior. The study sample is correctly formed, the author's methods of ideographic type are presented, which have passed the stage of approbation in numerous studies. This study belongs to the category of point quasi-experiments.  The stages of research are consistently presented. Qualitative analysis of empirical data is based on evidence-based methods of statistical thesaurus.  The main conclusions of the study allow us to comprehend the existing social stereotypes of types of cruelty and attitudes to violence on a gender basis


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    Abstract. The aim of the presented work consists in the analysis of results of long-term monitoring of the members of one of the most important and interesting phytovirus taxons – genus Nepovirus (Picornavirales, Secoviridae, Comovirinae) – which is carried out since 1962 on the planned basis in the south of the Far East (Primorsky krai, Khabarovsk krai, the Sakhalin region) by the Laboratory of Virology of Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia terrestrial biodiversity of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok, Russia). Discussion. Many (it is possible – all) nepoviruses are capable to cause epiphytoties with significant economic damage for world economy. In the current article the organization of nepovirus genome, the principles of their division into three genetic groups (A, B, and C), virion morphology, the principles of division into three beyond density fractions (T, M, and B), the characteristics of phytopathology connected with nepoviruses, their ecology in the south of the Far East (including sources of isolation and vectors) are discussed as well as physical-chemical properties of some the most interesting strains from this region which apparently could represent new species of Nepovirus genus: Phryma asiatica mosaic virus (PhAMV); dayflower mosaic virus (DFMV); foenugreek necrotic spot virus (FoNSV); Capsicum annuum necrotic spot virus (CaNSV). Conclusion. Nepovirus genus is one of the most adapted for circulation in the phytocenoses of midlatitudes having natural reservoir among wild plants and pose serious threat for crops. On the basis of ecological features of nepoviruses the scientifically based list of preventive and protective actions against epiphytoties with nepovirus nature is provided. One of the most important elements of such actions is their planned monitoring at the regional level with obligatory comparison of the received results to universal data

    Comparative Study of the Pharmacological Properties of Luteolin and Its 7,3′-Disulfate

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    The global spread of the metabolic syndrome, oncological and viral diseases forces researchers to pay increased attention to the secondary metabolites of marine hydrobionts, which often have a high therapeutic potential in the treatment of these pathologies and are effective components of functional food. The flavone luteolin (LT), as one of the most widely distributed and studied plant metabolites, is distinguished by a diverse spectrum of biological activity and a pleiotropic nature of the mechanism of action at the molecular, cellular and organismal levels. However, there is still practically no information on the spectrum of biological activity of its sulfated derivatives, which are widely represented in seagrasses of the genus Zostera. In the present work, a comparative study of the pharmacological properties of LT and its 7,3′-disulfate was carried out with a brief analysis of the special role of sulfation in the pharmacological activity of flavonoids

    Natively unfolded human prothymosin R adopts partially folded collapsed conformation at acidic pH

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    ABSTRACT: Prothymosin R has previously been shown to be unfolded at neutral pH, thus belonging to a growing family of “natively unfolded ” proteins. The structural properties and conformational stability of recombinant human prothymosin R were characterized at neutral and acidic pH by gel filtration, SAXS, circular dichroism, ANS fluorescence, 1 H NMR, and resistance to urea-induced unfolding. Interestingly, prothymosin R underwent a cooperative transition from the unfolded state into a partially folded conformation on lowering the pH. This conformation of prothymosin R is a compact denatured state, with structural properties different from those of the molten globule. The formation of R-helical structure by the glutamic acid-rich elements of the protein accompanied by the partial hydrophobic collapse is expected at lower pH due to the neutralization of the negatively charged residues. It is possible that such conformational changes may be associated with the protein function. Prothymosin R (ProTR) 1 is an acidic nuclear protein with wide tissue distribution (1, 2), initially isolated from the rat thymus (3). Although the thymus is the richest source of ProTR, the ProTR gene was shown to be expressed in a wide variety of tissues (4). Despite the exact function of ProT

    Cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis Associated with Coxsackievirus A2: Findings of a 20-Year Surveillance in the Russian Federation

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    Surveillance for acute flaccid paralysis syndrome (AFP) in children under 15 is the backbone of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. Laboratory examination of stool samples from AFP cases allows the detection of, along with polioviruses, a variety of non-polio enteroviruses (NPEV). The etiological significance of these viruses in the occurrence of AFP cases has been definitively established only for enteroviruses A71 and D68. Enterovirus Coxsackie A2 (CVA2) is most often associated with vesicular pharyngitis and hand, foot and mouth disease. Among 7280 AFP cases registered in Russia over 20 years (2001–2020), CVA2 was isolated only from five cases. However, these included three children aged 3 to 4 years, without overt immune deficiency, immunized with 4–5 doses of poliovirus vaccine in accordance with the National Vaccination Schedule. The disease resulted in persistent residual paralysis. Clinical and laboratory data corresponded to poliomyelitis developing during poliovirus infection. These findings are compatible with CVA2 being the cause of AFP. Molecular analysis of CVA2 from these patients and a number of AFP cases in other countries did not reveal association with a specific phylogenetic group, suggesting that virus genetics is unlikely to explain the pathogenic profile. The overall results highlight the value of AFP surveillance not just for polio control but for studies of uncommon AFP agents