92 research outputs found

    Changes in the pain threshold in rats in the 1-week development of experimental blast traumatic brain injury

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    Today, during the war in Ukraine and around the world, a large number of explosive devices are used, as a result of which both the military and the civilian population are affected. Medium and severe injuries are diagnosed by doctors quickly. But with a mild injury, the victims often do not consult a doctor in time. However, previous studies have established that even a mild blast traumatic brain injury (bTBI) leads to significant disturbances of various brain functions, in particular central sensitivity to pain, the pathogenesis of which currently requires detailed investigation. So the aim was to establish changes in the pain threshold in rats at 1-week of the course of blast-induced brain injury in the experiment. Materials and methods: The study was performed on 18 adult male Wistar rats (mass 220-270 g) in compliance with international rules of animal keeping and humane attitude

    Intégration des composantes de la pathomorphologie, de la médecine légale et de la physiologie pathologique dans les conditions du processus éducatif

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    Afin de mettre en œuvre l'approche des compétences dans l'enseignement des disciplines médicales en phase de formation médicale de premier cycle, devant le personnel scientifique et pédagogique chargé de l'intégration des connaissances professionnelles, les compétences et les réalisations de la continuité entre les disciplines médicales de base et professionnelles

    Today and Future Neutrino Experiments at Krasnoyarsk Nuclear Reactor

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    The results of undergoing experiments and new experiment propositions at Krasnoyarsk underground nuclear reactor are presentedComment: 4 page

    Histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the rats brain after air shock wave impact.

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    The using of explosive substances and devices can lead to brain injuries, the diagnosis of which requires the determination of primary biomarkers. Therefore, the aim was to establish and study histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the rats brain after exposure to an air blast wave. The study was carried out on 18 male Wistar rats, which were randomly divided into two groups: sham (n=9) and experimental (n=9). The animals of the experimental group were anesthetized with halothane and gently fixed in a horizontal position on the abdomen with the front part of the rat's muzzle at a distance of 5 cm from the device opening and subjected to an excess pressure of 26-36 kPa. Animals of both groups were decapitated, brains were removed, fixed, histopathological and ultrastructural analyzes were conducted using standard methods. Intergroup differences were assessed by MannWhitney U-test. Light microscopy revealed primary lesions in the form of small focal, multifocal hemorrhages, cerebral vessel ruptures and microscopic ruptures of the brain substance. In almost all brain samples, there is a significant saturation of the venous vessels with the presence of erythrocyte stasis. Violation of the blood-brain barrier, the presence of edema of the perivascular space, and petechial hemorrhages in the neuropil were registered ultrastructurally. Based on the study results, a morphological algorithm for assessing primary histostructural intracranial brain injuries and their consequences after exposure to an air shock wave was proposed. The injuries were found to be caused by the direct traumatic effect of the air shock wave. In the acute post-traumatic period, histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the brain can manifest as changes in neurons and in the blood-brain barrier and be accompanied by perivascular multifocal small-focal hemorrhages, neuropil ruptures, edema of pericellular and perivascular spaces, which together can be considered as biomarkers of primary traumatic changes after exposure to an air shock wav

    Histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the rats brain after air shock wave impact

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    The using of explosive substances and devices can lead to brain injuries, the diagnosis of which requires the determination of primary biomarkers. Therefore, the aim was to establish and study histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the rats brain after exposure to an air blast wave. The study was carried out on 18 male Wistar rats, which were randomly divided into two groups: sham (n=9) and experimental (n=9). The animals of the experimental group were anesthetized with halothane and gently fixed in a horizontal position on the abdomen with the front part of the rat's muzzle at a distance of 5 cm from the device opening and subjected to an excess pressure of 26-36 kPa. Animals of both groups were decapitated, brains were removed, fixed, histopathological and ultrastructural analyzes were conducted using standard methods. Intergroup differences were assessed by Mann-Whitney U-test. Light microscopy revealed primary lesions in the form of small focal, multifocal hemorrhages, cerebral vessel ruptures and microscopic ruptures of the brain substance. In almost all brain samples, there is a significant saturation of the venous vessels with the presence of erythrocyte stasis. Violation of the blood-brain barrier, the presence of edema of the perivascular space, and petechial hemorrhages in the neuropil were registered ultrastructurally. Based on the study results, a morphological algorithm for assessing primary histostructural intracranial brain injuries and their consequences after exposure to an air shock wave was proposed. The injuries were found to be caused by the direct traumatic effect of the air shock wave. In the acute post-traumatic period, histopathological and ultrastructural changes in the brain can manifest as changes in neurons and in the blood-brain barrier and be accompanied by perivascular multifocal small-focal hemorrhages, neuropil ruptures, edema of pericellular and perivascular spaces, which together can be considered as biomarkers of primary traumatic changes after exposure to an air shock wave

    Pathomorphological markers of blast-induced brain injury

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    Background. Recently, interest in blast-induced brain injuries has been increasing due to military events and the use of explosive devices in eastern Ukraine. Considering the diagnostic uncertainty regarding the specific signs of brain injury after the distant action of an blast shock wave, the danger of prognostic consequences, the increase of the cases of explosive injury number, we consider that selected for study topic is relevant. Objective. Purpose – determination of pathomorphological changes of the brain after the action of the blast wave. Methods. To solving this purpose, a retrospective analysis of 280 cases of fatal military blast injuries was conducted. We selected 6 cases for microscopic examination of the brain. For histological examination, samples were taken from different parts of the brain

    Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiomyopathy in Rats: Behavior of the Animals in the Open Field

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    Under conditions of the open field test, 30 control Wistar rats and 30 rats with experimental cardiomyopathy (CMP) were examined with recording of four behavioral indices, (i) number of crossed squares (intensity of locomotion), (ii) number of rearings (vertical stands), (iii) number of examined holes in the arena, and (iv) number of grooming episodes, within a 28-day-long observation period. The CMP state was induced by five i.p. injections of 5.0 mg/kg of doxorubicin with one-week-long intervals. As was found, all behavioral indices of control rats demonstrated considerable (sometime statistically significant) variations within the observation period (this fact has probably attracted insufficient attention in analogous experiments with long-lasting observation periods). The development of doxorubicininduced CMP resulted in considerable suppression of all types of behavioral activity, relatively moderate within the first week of observation and dramatic within late phases of the observation period. The dynamics of the numbers of rearings and grooming phenomena were complex, with noticeable increases on days 3 and 14. The dynamics of the numbers of rearings and inspection of the holes in both experimental groups were significantly dissimilar, which indicates that these behavioral phenomena are related to different aspects of the research/orientatinal activity. In general, a state of increased anxiety followed by the development of a depression-like state was observed in CMP rats. These negative shifts in behavioral activity are believed to result from general CMP-induced insufficiency of blood supply of the brain and development of hypoxia in the latter; specific direct effects of doxorubicin on some cerebral structures seem to be unlikely

    Subcarrier Wave Quantum Key Distribution in Telecommunication Network with Bitrate 800 kbit/s

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    In the course of work on creating the first quantum communication network in Russia we demonstrated quantum key distribution in metropolitan optical network infrastructure. A single-pass subcarrier wave quantum cryptography scheme was used in the experiments. BB84 protocol with strong reference was chosen for performing key distribution. The registered sifted key rate in an optical cable with 1.5 dB loss was 800 Kbit/s. Signal visibility exceeded 98%, and quantum bit error rate value was 1%. The achieved result is a record for this type of systems

    MHD characteristics of compression zone in plasma stream generated by MPC

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    An investigation of local MHD plasma parameters in flow and characterizations of plasma streams, generated by different types of plasma accelerators and magneto-plasma compressors, is one of actual and important from point of view basic plasma dynamics research and plasma applications in different technologies. The present paper devoted to analysis of magneto-hydrodynamic characteristics of the plasma stream generated by the MPC compact geometry. Such important parameters as spatial distributions of electric current and spatial distribution of electromagnetic force in plasma stream, plasma density and velocity in compression zone have been investigated.Исследование локальных МГД параметров плазмы в потоке и характеристик плазменных потоков, генерируемых различными видами плазменных ускорителей и магнито-плазменных компрессоров, является актуальной фундаментальной задачей физики плазмы. Настоящая работа посвящена анализу магнито- гидродинамических характеристик плазменного потока, генерируемого MПК. Были исследованы такие важные параметры, как пространственные распределения электрического тока и электромагнитной силы в плазменном потоке, плотность плазмы и скорость в зоне компрессии.Дослідження локальних МГД параметрів плазми в потоці та характеристик плазмових потоків, що генеруються різними видами плазмових прискорювачів і магніто-плазмових компресорів, є актуальною фундаментальною задачею фізики плазми. Дана робота присвячена аналізу магніто-гідродинамічних характеристик плазмового потоку, який генерується MПК. Були досліджені такі важливі параметри, як просторові розподіли електричного струму та електромагнітної сили в плазмовому потоці, густина плазми та швидкістьу зоні компресії