27 research outputs found

    The K-X-ray intensity ratios as a tool of examination and thickness measurements of coating layers

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    The ED-XRF (Energy-Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence) measurements and the FLUKA simulations have been made to discuss the possibility of recognition of coating layer as well as to its thickness measurement. In this work the IKαI_{K\alpha}(Cu)/IKαI_{K\alpha}(Ag) intensity ratios as well as IKβI_{K\beta}(Ag)/IKαI_{K\alpha}(Ag) and IKβI_{K\beta}(Cu)/IKαI_{K\alpha}(Cu) for copper samples coated with various thickness of sputtered silver have been analyzed. The results show strong dependence of these factors with coating silver layer thickness. The measurements show the performance of this method in archaeometry. Since the use of non-destructive methods during tests on ancient silver artifacts may not supply to obtain reliable bulk results and should be considered applicable for only surface analyses, the measured intensity ratios can be applied as a tool to estimation of surface silver enrichment thickness.Comment: Accepted to publication to the Measurement journa

    FLUKA simulations of the target thickness dependence of Cu-Kβ\beta/Kα\alpha intensity ratios

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    The numerical Monte-Carlo simulations of Cu-Kα\alpha and Cu-Kβ\beta fluorescence lines induced by monoenergetic Am-241 radiation in copper have been presented. The simulations included modeling the Kβ\beta/Kα\alpha intensity ratios for various thicknesses of copper. The results obtained using the FLUKA code were compared to available experimental and theoretical values. A clear relationship was observed between the simulated Kβ\beta/Kα\alpha intensity ratios and the sample thickness: as the thickness increased, the Kβ\beta/Kα\alpha ratio also increased until it reached saturation

    Extramedullary plasmacytoma diagnosed by fine needle aspiration and flow cytometry – case report

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    The case report presents a patient with multiple myeloma (IgA κ type stage IIIA Durie Salmon stage, with ISS3) diagnosed. The patient had a progressive disease in the direction of extramedullary plasmacytoma. The clinical problem during treatment was a different diagnosis by the histopathology result of tumour. The diagnostic fine needle biopsy was made. The samples were examined using the flow cytometry, which showed the presence of monoclonal plasma cells. The finding of a nodule composed of plasmacytoid cells is possible as a result of the cytometric analysis of outcomes obtained after FNA

    Assessment of skin-related toxicity in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab

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    Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) blocking the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pathway, such as cetuximab, have been widely used in recent years for the treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the profile of the side effects of cetuximab affecting the skin and its appendages. We gathered the medical records on skin-related toxicity in 46 patients treated with cetuximab for mCRC in the Department of Clinical Oncology, University Hospital in Krakow in 2009-2013. Skin toxicity was classified according to the National Cancer Institute Common Toxicity Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0. The typical side effects of cetuximab were observed. The most common skin toxicity was an acne-like skin rash (80% of patients) and paronychia (20%). Other side effects were trichomegaly, hypertrichosis, and allergic reactions.In view of high incidence of skin lesions during treatment with cetuximab, it is essential to observe patients carefully and to control the side effects during therapy. Previous experience from clinical trials shows that in some cases proper care and prevention can improve the quality of the patients’ lives.</p

    Design and synthesis of new quinazolin-4-one derivatives with negative mGlu7mGlu_7 receptor modulation activity and antipsychotic-like properties

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    Following the glutamatergic theory of schizophrenia and based on our previous study regarding the antipsychotic-like activity of mGlu7 NAMs, we synthesized a new compound library containing 103 members, which were examined for NAM mGlu7 activity in the T-REx 293 cell line expressing a recombinant human mGlu7 receptor. Out of the twenty-two scaffolds examined, active compounds were found only within the quinazolinone chemotype. 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-6-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-3-methylquinazolin-4(3H)-one (A9-7, ALX-171, mGlu7 IC50 = 6.14 &micro;M) was selective over other group III mGlu receptors (mGlu4 and mGlu8), exhibited satisfactory drug-like properties in preliminary DMPK profiling, and was further tested in animal models of antipsychotic-like activity, assessing the positive, negative, and cognitive symptoms. ALX-171 reversed DOI-induced head twitches and MK-801-induced disruptions of social interactions or cognition in the novel object recognition test and spatial delayed alternation test. On the other hand, the efficacy of the compound was not observed in the MK-801-induced hyperactivity test or prepulse inhibition. In summary, the observed antipsychotic activity profile of ALX-171 justifies the further development of the group of quinazolin-4-one derivatives in the search for a new drug candidate for schizophrenia treatment

    Security theory and practice: Education in the Armed Forces in Poland and in the World in the 21st Century: Selected Issues

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Gwałtowny postęp, który w XXI wieku objął tak wiele dziedzin życia, nie ominął także sfery wojskowej. Siły zbrojne przechodzą bardzo szybkie przemiany pod wpływem nowych osiągnięć naukowo-technicznych i poszukiwania najbardziej efektywnych sposobów ich wykorzystania nie tylko w czasie wojny, ale także pokoju i kryzysu. To wszystko stanowi duże wyzwanie dla twórców systemów kształcenia wojskowego, które należy zorganizować tak, by zapewniały siłom zbrojnym kadrę przygotowaną do sprostania współczesnym wymaganiom. Nie chodzi jedynie o naukę wykorzystania nowych rozwiązań, ale także o tak oczywiste kwestie, jak budowa zdolności przywódczych czy odporności na propagandę i dezinformację, aby nie powodowała ona olbrzymich konsekwencji dla morale kadry dowódczej i szeregowych żołnierzy. Biorąc to pod uwagę redaktorzy tomu, którzy zgodnie z dewizą periodyku starają się łączyć teorię i praktykę bezpieczeństwa, uznali, że warto jest przybliżyć różne aspekty kształcenia w siłach zbrojnych w Polsce i na świecie w XXI wieku."(...

    Analysis of applied empirical treatments against VAP caused by Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Cel pracy. Celem pracy była analiza szczepów A. baumannii, wyizolowanych z próbek szpitalnych z BAL od pacjentów z objawami VAP, hospitalizowanych w Oddziale Intensywnej Terapii (OIT) w szpitalu w Radomiu w latach 2012–2014. Dokonano oceny częstości występowania i wrażliwości na leki tych niefermentujących pałeczek oraz porównano algorytm postępowania przeciwbakteryjnego u chorych z obowiązującymi rekomendacjami. Materiał i metody. Badanie zrealizowane w okresie od 1 stycznia 2012 roku do 31 grudnia 2014 roku, które przeprowadzono w OIT u chorych z rozpoznaniem VAP, miało charakter retrospektywny. Przeanalizowano czynniki obciążające pacjentów, od których izolowano A. baumannii. Wyniki. Przeprowadzono badania u 755 pacjentów z podejrzeniem VAP. U 141 pacjentów z potwierdzonym VAP wyhodowano A. baumannii. Ponadto wśród badanej grupy u 34 osób wyizolowano A. baumannii oraz dodatkowo drugi gatunek innego typu, uważany za czynnik etiologiczny biorący udział w koinfekcji. Znaczna część szczepów A. baumannii wyróżniała się wysoką opornością (> 90%) na wybrane antybiotyki. Analiza zastosowanego leczenia empirycznego wykazała poziom trafności terapii wobec A. baumannii we wczesnym VAP w 31%, a dla pozostałych gatunków w 57%, podczas gdy w późnym VAP trafność terapii wobec A. baumannii wyniosła 11%, a dla gatunków powodujących koinfekcję – 24%. U chorych z wczesnym rozpoznaniem VAP po celowanym leczeniu antybiotykami poprawa stanu klinicznego wystąpiła u 35% pacjentów, natomiast u chorych z późnym VAP – u 61% chorych. Wnioski. W przeprowadzonym badaniu zaobserwowano zakażenia wywołane przez wielooporne A. baumannii u chorych z VAP, co należy wziąć pod uwagę przy wyborze empirycznego leczenia antybiotykowego. Jednocześnie należy uwzględnić lokalne wzorce oporności wielolekoopornych Gram-ujemnych pałeczek powodujących koinfekcje w VAP w leczeniu empirycznym.Objective. The aim of the study was analysis of A. baumannii strains, isolated from hospital samples from the lower respiratory tract collected from patients with VAP hospitalized in Masovian Specialist Hospital’s ICU in Radom between 2012 and 2014. The frequency of occurrence and drug susceptibility of these bacteria was evaluated, as well as the applied empirical treatment and its effectiveness in ICU with the recommendations in effect. Materials and method. Retrospective study was conducted during the period from 1 January – 31 December 2014, in ICU among patients with the diagnosis of VAP, aggravating factors were analyzed and A. baumannii isolated. Results. Studies included 755 patients with the suspicion of VAP. A. baumannii was isolated in 141 patients with confirmed VAP. Moreover, in the examined group, in 34 patients in addition to A. baumannii another strain was isolated, considered as etiological factor participating in coinfection. A considerable part of A. baumannii strains were characterized by high resistance (> 90%) to selected antibiotics. Analysis of the empirical treatment applied showed that the level of accuracy of therapy for A. baumannii in early VAP was 31%, and for the remaining strains – 57%, while in late VAP the sensitivity of A. baumannii was 11% and for the species causing coinfection – 24%. In patients with an early diagnosis of VAP, after targeted antibiotic therapy an improvement of clinical condition was observed in 35% of patients, whereas in those with late diagnosis – in 61% of patients. Conclusion. In the conducted study, infections caused by multi-resistant A. baumannii were observed more frequently in late VAP, which should be taken into consideration while choosing empirical antibiotic therapy. Simultaneously, the local resistance patterns of multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative strains co-infecting VAP should be considered in empirical treatment. Moreover, both additional clinical complication and co-infections contribute to more severe course of diseases

    Participation of gastrointestinal microbiome in the pathogenesis and symptoms of autism according to the theory of brain-intestinal axis interaction

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    Autism is a disorder involving a number of symptoms. It is included in the overall development disorders. The disease is characterized by spreading and progressive behavioural disorders, usually manifesting in early childhood and continuing also through adulthood. Epidemiological data emphasize the importance of the problem and the need to develop studies using modern molecular methods and next-generation sequencing techniques. and in the 1990’s – 10–20 per 10,000. Latest indexes show that child autism and Asperger syndrome affect 1 in 38 children. Recently, there has been published a detailed study on the intestinal microflora in children with autism, showing differences in the spectrum of microorganisms in sick and healthy children. One of the most striking discoveries is the fact that functions of the intestinal microflora and functions of the brain are connected. Therefore, it is possible that microbiome may influence a person’s behaviour and mental health. In the past, the impact of intestinal microflora on the development of autism was ignored, but today it is important. Digestive tract disorders occurring in children with autism can have various natures and locations. As of now, a single autism-specific digestive tract pathology cannot be claimed to exist. As in elimination diets, treatment should be conducted on an individual basis

    Analysis of <i>Acinetobacter baumannii</i> resistance patterns in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in terms of choice of effective empiric antibiotic therapy

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    Introduction Multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from patients has become one of the most hazardous pathogens in health care settings. The aim of the study was to analyze pneumonia caused by Acinetobacter baumannii in patients hospitalized because of exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), who were admitted to the Pulmonology Ward of the Masovian Specialistic Hospital in Radom (MSS). The incidence and drug sensitivity of these non-fermenting rods were evaluated, and compliance with antimicrobial procedure with the algorithm of the guidelines in applicable recommendations, was estimated. This should result in determining the local patterns of resistance and verifying therapeutic procedures in accordance with the assumptions of hospital antibiotic policy. In addition, the study examined the effectiveness of empiric and targeted therapy according to the clinical condition of the patient, and the eradication of A. baumannii, in comparison with the aggravating factors of the patient. Material and Methods The retrospective study included 90 patients with exacerbation of COPD whose etiological factor of infection was A. baumannii, hospitalized in the Department of Pulmonology (MSS) in 2012–2016. Results Studies were conducted on 90 patients with COPD exacerbation from which A. baumannii was isolated. Co-infections with other bacterial species among 41 patients were additionally noted. The majority of A. baumannii strains showed a high resistance (90%) to fluoroquinolones, ceftazidime, piperacillin/tazobactam. For strains causing a co-infection, drug resistance was successively 44–56%, 44%, 44%. All of patients received empirical therapy. The most commonly used drug was amoxicillin with a clavulanic acid, often combined with fluoroquinolone. This type of therapy was effective among 10% of patients. The mortality in this group was determined at 29%. Among 79% of patients with COPD, a targeted therapy was performed which proved to be effective in 58% of treated cases by susceptibility testing. The highest efficacy was observer after the use of colistin and carbapenems. Conclusions In the performed study, the infections caused by multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii, were observed in COPD, which should be taken into consideration in choosing empirical antibiotic therapy. Simultaneously, the local resistance patterns of multi-drug-resistant (MDR) Gram-negative strains co-infecting COPD should be considered in empirical treatment. Moreover, both additional clinical complication and co-infections contribute to a more severe course of diseases. In this study, the mortality percent exceeded 29%