269 research outputs found

    Structure of cadmium sulfide nanoparticle micelle in aqueous solutions

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    The structure of cadmium sulfide (CdS) micelle in stable aqueous solution of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid was determined by dynamic light scattering, small-angle X-ray scattering and neutron scattering. The micelle aggregate is a single CdS nanoparticle with an average size of about 3 nm, the nanoparticle organic shell and the solvation shell are about 1 nm and 5 nm thick, respectively. These parameters were confirmed by the scanning semi-contact atomic force microscopy and powder X-ray diffraction studies of dry micelle cores isolated by high-speed centrifugation. The CdS micelle was correctly described by a simple double-shell model and was found to possess the structure corresponding to CdS quantum dots. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media New York

    Кинетика химического осаждения сульфида цинка ZnS

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    The paper is devoted to kinetic methods of chemical bath deposition of zinc sulfide ZnS from aqueous alkaline solutions containing ehylenediamine complex zinc salt Zn(En)n 2+ and diamide of thiocarbonic acid N2H4CS. It is established that the rate of formation of ZnS is weakly dependent on pH, depends on the concentration of the precipitant ((N2H4CS) and decreases with increasing concentration of ligand (ethylenediamine). The calculation of the theoretical curves on the experimentally obtained kinetic equation shows a satisfactory description of experimental data that allows to recommend it to calculate the rate of formation of ZnS in aqueous alkaline solutions of N2H4CS.Работа посвящена исследованию кинетическими методами химического осаждения сульфида цинка ZnS из водных щелочных растворов, содержащих этилендиаминовую комплексную соль цинка Zn(En)n 2+ и диамид тиоугольной кислоты N2H4CS. Установлено, что скорость образования ZnS слабо зависит от величины рН, зависит от концентрации осадителя (N2H4CS) и уменьшается с увеличением концентрации лиганда (этилендиамина). Расчет теоретических кривых по полученному экспериментально кинетическому уравнению показывает удовлетворительное описание полученных экспериментальных данных, что позволяет рекомендовать его для расчета скорости образования ZnS в водных щелочных растворах N2H4CS.This work was done under financial support from RFBR (Project 16-03-00566).Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РФФИ (Проект № 16-03-00566)

    Synthesis of Roxbyite Cu58S32 Thin Solid Films

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    This work was supported by the Government of the Russian Federation (program 211, project # 02.A03.21.0006) and by the state assignment for the Institute of Solid State Chemistry UB RAS

    Transforming educational space under the impact of the pandemic: student and teacher well-being in higher education

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    The article presents the study of some areas of educational space transformation under the COVID-19 pandemic influence. The focus of attention is on such problems as the cognitive well-being of the student, the tutor model of teacherstudent relations in the digitalising educational space, the functioning of academic mobility institution in a pandemic and post-pandemic world. Cognitive well-being of students implies mastering digital literacy with strict adherence to the norms of digital ethics. A tutor in modern education plays the role of not only a developer of an individual educational trajectory, but also a controller and educator. For the successful implementation of tutoring functions, the teaching staff of universities needs additional training. The main trends in academic mobility are internal and virtual mobility. The authors conclude that educational organisations need for adequate infrastructural policy, and educational space – inevitable transformations in budget financing. The results of the article can be used in further research on the higher education transformation problems, in the development of proposals and recommendations for specialists in the of higher education management field for use in practice

    Characteristics of Long-Term Spot Activity on Several Late-Spectral-Type Stars

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    Abstract: We present our analysis of many-year photometry for several dozens of chromospherically active stars that exhibit solar-type activity (from our own observations as well as from data in the literature). Modeling of the distribution of cool photospheric spots, based on the zonal model, was performed, with several hundred models constructed. We find that, for most stars, their spots are located at intermediate and moderate latitudes and that the largest spotted areas can cover from 7 to 58% of the star’s surface. We demonstrate that a latitude drift of spots can be suspected for a number of stars, towards the equator as well as towards the pole; however, the rate of this drift is several times lower than for solar spots. For 15 stars, we detected the presence of activity cycles from 3 to 28 years long that reveal themselves in variations of the system’s brightness as well as in variations of the total spot coverage of the star. This paper is based on a talk presented at the memorial astrophysical workshop “Novelties in Understanding the Evolution of Binary Stars” dedicated to the 90th birthday of Prof. M.A. Svechnikov. © 2023, The Author(s).Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: FEUZ-2023-0019Thus study was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation, theme FEUZ-2023-0019

    Non3 is an essential Drosophila gene required for proper nucleolus assembly

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    The nucleolus is a dynamic non-membrane-bound nuclear organelle, which plays key roles not only in ribosome biogenesis but also in many other cellular processes. Consistent with its multiple functions, the nucleolus has been implicated in many human diseases, including cancer and degenerative pathologies of the nervous system and heart. Here, we report the characterization of the Drosophila Non3 (Novel nucleolar protein 3) gene, which encodes a protein homologous to the human Brix domain-containing Rpf2 that has been shown to control ribosomal RNA (rRNA) processing. We used imprecise P-element excision to generate four new mutant alleles in the Non3 gene. Complementation and phenotypic analyses showed that these Non3 mutations can be arranged in an allelic series that includes both viable and lethal alleles. The strongest lethal allele (Non3∆600) is a genetically null allele that carries a large deletion of the gene and exhibits early lethality when homozygous. Flies heterozygous for Non3∆600 occasionally exhibit a mild reduction in the bristle size, but develop normally and are fertile. However, heteroallelic combinations of viable Non3 mutations (Non3197, Non3310 and Non3259) display a Minute-like phenotype, consisting in delayed development and short and thin bristles, suggesting that they are defective in ribosome biogenesis. We also demonstrate that the Non3 protein localizes to the nucleolus of larval brain cells and it is required for proper nucleolar localization of Fibrillarin, a protein important for post-translational modification and processing of rRNAs. In summary, we generated a number of genetic and biochemical tools that were exploited for an initial characterization of Non3, and will be instrumental for future functional studies on this gene and its protein product

    Activity cycles of late-type stars

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    Рассмотрены методы и результаты исследования холодных пятен, хромосферных неоднородностей, вспышечной активности и их долговременных изменений у звезд поздних спектральных классов.We considered methods and results of the observations of long-term variations of stellar spots, chromospheric inhomogeneities, and flare activity on late-type stars.Работа А. В. Кожевниковой выполнена при финансовой поддержке государства в лице Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (базовая часть госзадания, РК № АААА-А17-117030310283-7), а также Правительства Российской Федерации (постановление № 211, контракт №02.A03.21.0006).Работа И. Ю. Алексеева выполнена в рамках плановой темы ФГБУН КрАО РАН «Магнитные поля и эволюция магнитной активности звезд».Работа О. В. Козловой и И. Ю. Алексеева частично выполнена в рамках проекта «Активность звезд поздних спектральных классов на разных стадиях эволюции» (грант РФФИ 16-02-00689)

    Кинетика химического осаждения сульфида цинка ZnS

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    The paper is devoted to kinetic methods of chemical bath deposition of zinc sulfide ZnS from aqueous alkaline solutions containing ehylenediamine complex zinc salt Zn(En)n2+ and diamide of thiocarbonic acid N2H4CS. It is established that the rate of formation of ZnS is weakly dependent on pH, depends on the concentration of the precipitant ((N2H4CS) and decreases with increasing concentration of ligand (ethylenediamine). The calculation of the theoretical curves on the experimentally obtained kinetic equation shows a satisfactory description of experimental data that allows to recommend it to calculate the rate of formation of ZnS in aqueous alkaline solutions of N2H4CS.Работа посвящена исследованию кинетическими методами химического осаждения сульфида цинка ZnS из водных щелочных растворов, содержащих этилендиаминовую комплексную соль цинка Zn(En)n2+ и диамид тиоугольной кислоты N2H4CS. Установлено, что скорость образования ZnS слабо зависит от величины рН, зависит от концентрации осадителя (N2H4CS) и уменьшается с увеличением концентрации лиганда (этилендиамина). Расчет теоретических кривых по полученному экспериментально кинетическому уравнению показывает удовлетворительное описание полученных экспериментальных данных, что позволяет рекомендовать его для расчета скорости образования ZnS в водных щелочных растворах N2H4CS

    Two Late Quaternary Pollen Records from South-Central Alaska

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    Pollen records from Wonder and Ten Mile lakes, located at aititudinal treeline to the north and south of the Alaska Range respectively, document the vegetation history of a portion of the southern Alaskan boreal forest. The new pollen diagrams indicate a Betula shrub tundra, preceded at Wonder Lake by a sparse herb tundra, which characterized these two areas during latest Wisconsinan times. Populus was in the vicinity of Ten Mile Lake ca. 10,000 BP, but was apparently absent from Wonder Lake. Picea glauca grew at or near Ten Mile Lake by 9100 BP, with P. mariana becoming important ca. 7000 BP. The first forests at Wonder Lake were also dominated by P. glauca and followed by increased numbers of P. mariana. The timing of forest establishment at Wonder Lake is uncertain due to problematic radiocarbon dates. Alnus appears to be common in both regions by ca. 7000 BP. These records suggest that paleo-vegetational reconstructions are more difficult for the southern than northern boreal forests in Alaska because of greater topographic diversity, difficulties with over-representation of some pollen taxa, and problems with radiocarbon dating. Despite these concerns, available data from south-central Alaska suggest that southern and northern forests differ in their vegetational histories. Such differences, when related to temperature fluctuations that have been postulated for the Holocene, imply that the Alaskan boreal forest may not respond uniformly to future global warming.Les inventaires polliniques de Wonder Lake et de Ten Mile Lake, situés à la limite altitudinale des arbres au nord et au sud de la chaîne de l'Alaska permettent de reconstituer l'histoire de la végétation d'une portion de la forêt boréale du sud de l'Alaska. Les nouveaux diagrammes polliniques montrent une toundra arbustive à Betula, précédée au Wonder Lake par une toundra herbacée clairsemée, à la fin du Wisconsinien. Vers 10 000 BP, Populus était dans les environs du Ten Mile Lake, mais était apparamment absent du Wonder Lake. Picea glauca croissait autour du Ten Mile Lake à 9100 BP et P. mariana prenait de l'importance vers 7000 BP. Au Wonder Lake, les premières forêts ont également été dominées par P. glauca, puis par un nombre croissant de P. mariana. La chronologie de !'afforestation est incertaine en raison de datations au radiocarbone douteuses. Alnus semble être une espèce courante dans les deux régions vers 7000 BP. Les inventaires indiquent que la reconstitution de la paléovégétation est plus difficile à faire pour les forêts méridionales que septentrionales de l'Alaska, en raison de la plus grande diversité topographique, la sur-représentation de certains taxons et des problèmes de radio-datation. Les données indiquent tout de même que l'histoire de la végétation des forêts diffèrent au nord et au sud. Ces différences, mises en relation avec les fluctuations de températures présumées de l'Holocène, laissent croire que la forêt de l'Alaska ne répondra pas nécessairement de façon uniforme à un réchauffement climatique éventuel.DbiJibneBbie aiiarpa.viMbi ocaaKOB 03ep Baeae n TeHMaRJi, pacnojioxeHiibix B6JIII3H Bepxiiert rpaiiMUbi Jieca Ha ceBepe H wre A/iflCKiiHCKoro xpeôîa, OTpaacaioT ncropnio pacTHTejibHOCTH KOKIIOH lacr" Sopea/ibHoro jieca AJIBCKH. HoBbie ribiJibuebe anarpaMMbi iiOKaabiBaioT, HTO KycTapmiKOBOfi 6epr30B0fi TyHApe, xapaKTepiioft aJifl 3TMX aByx TeppiiTopufl B Teieime no3iuiero BiicKoiicmia, npemuecTBOBajia B oTaoaceiinnx 03. Banae 6emiaH TpaBHHUCTHa iyHapa. Populus iipopn3parra.n B otcpecruocnix 03. Teii.vianji 10000 /J.H., HO, JlO-BIUHMOMy, OTCyTCTBOBaa B pafione 03. BaHae. 9100 JI.H. B panoHe 03. Tenvianj] H.11I B iienocpeacrBeimoH 6/IH30CTH OT iiero npoH3pacTajia Picea glauca, KOTopan BMepTe c Picea mariana nrpaeT 3Ha'iiiTe/ibnyio pojib B codaBe pacTHTeJibHOCTM OKO/IO 7000 .i.n. B nepBbix Jiecax B paflone 03. BaHae TaKjKe aoMiiiuipoBajia Picea glauca, 110 3aTe,vi pojib Picea mariana iiaHimaeT B03pacacTaTb. Bpe.viH noflB/ieiiHfl jiecoB B panone 03. Banae uoKaiie ycraiiaBJiiiBaeTca iiaaeacHo paaiioyr-jiepoaiibiM McroaoM. Alnus o6pa3yer cooBiuecTBa B06011X pafioiiax OKOJIO 7000 JI.H. nojiyieiuibie aaiiHbie cBiiaeTejibCTByioT 0 TOM, HTO peKoiicTpyKniifl pacTiiTejibiiocTH 6yaer 6ojieecjio>KHon aJin lOîKHbix, ieM aJifl ceaepiibix 6opeajibiibix JiecoB AJIHCKH 1133a SHa'iinejibiioro TonorpafpimecKoro iiecxoacTBa,3aTpyaiieiii!Ji B iiHTepnpeTaumi neKOTopwx nbijibneitbix TaKCOHOB, npoGjieM c paanoyrjiepoaiibiM aaTHpBaiine.M. HeavioTpa tia 3TH npo6jieivibi, nojicpieHHbie aaHiibie noKa3biaiOT, HTO fjopeajibiibie Jieca 11a wre 11 ceBepe ioaciion iacni UetiTajibiion AJIHCKH wweioT pa3Jiiiiyio iiCTopnio. TaKiie pa3Jinmtfl, cBfl3xaiuibie c n3MeiieiijiflMii 3eMJiepaTyp B Teieiuie ro.'ioueiia, cBiiae-Te.TbCTByioT, HTO 6opeajibiibiri Jiec AJIHCKH ,vioxer ne OTBenaTb cienapnio rjio6aJibiioro noTen.ieiina u SyaymeM

    Spot activiy of dwarf stars FR Cnc and V 772 Her

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    Представлены новые многоцветные фотометрические наблюдения двух карликовых активных звезд FR Cnc и V772 Her, проведенные в астрономической обсерватории УрФУ и Крымской астрофизической обсерватории. Получены параметры запятненности фотосфер звезд в рамках зональной модели и выполнен анализ эволюционных изменений пятен на протяжении нескольких лет. Также приводится анализ оптической вспышки, зарегистрированной на FR Cnc в 2010 г.We present new multicolor photometric observations of two active dwarf stars FR Cnc and V772 Her. Observations were carried out at the observatory of Ural Federal University and at Crimean astro-physical observatory. We obtained star’s spot parameters according to the zonal model and analyzed evolutionary changes of spots with time. And we present an analysis of an optical flare, detected on FR Cnc in 2010.Работа А. В. Кожевниковой и В. П. Кожевникова была проведена при финансовой поддержке государства в лице Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации (базовая часть госзадания, РК № AAAAA17-117030310283-7), а также при финансовой поддержке Правительства Российской Федерации (постановление №211, контракт №02.A03.21.0006).Работа И. Ю. Алексеева была выполнена в рамках тематического проекта КРАО РАН «Магнитная активность на звездах»