518 research outputs found

    Mathematical solution of direct and inverse problem for transonic cascade flows

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    Turning Research into Practice: Key Strategies for Developing a Shared Vision Approach for Health Education Advocacy

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    Public health studies thus far have not identified methods toward developing a shared vision to reduce health disparities in a unique area such as the U.S./Mexico border region. Purpose: To identify strategies to foster a shared vision among those in the media, the public, and policy arenas to help reduce health disparities in the U.S.- Mexico border. Methods: The Healthy Border 2010 research project included qualitative structured face-to-face interviews with ten individuals, each from Las Cruces, NM, El Paso, TX, and Cd. Juarez, Chih, Mexico, for a total of 30 interviewees from the media, the public and policy affiliations. Participants were identified and selected from the population of agenda-setters in the Paso Del Norte region. A snowball sample was used for studying the sometimes “hidden” population of border region agenda-setters. Data-analysis included extraction, coding, and quantifying of common themes from a transcription of interviews. Findings: Most participants (93%) suggested a systems level approach is required. The second most suggested strategy with 63% of participant support was sensitizing border leaders of the reality of issues in the area. Participants (46%) also suggested networking and media advocacy (40%) strategies as more important than the inclusion of priority audience (23%) or the proper allocation of resources (23%). Conclusion: In review of many current border health issues, there are significant gaps where a clear, shared vision is yet to emerge. When a common vision is well developed in a group or population, that is when genuine cooperative actions foster health policy development

    Social Justice in the Borderlands: How Agenda-setting Theory Might Be Used to Reduce Health Disparities along the U.S./Mexico Border

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    Background and Purpose: Along the U.S./Mexico border, poverty, unemployment, and no to low access to health care is the norm. A primary goal of this article was to discuss a framework based on agendasetting theory to aid community members in getting relevant health care issues on the community “agenda.” To accomplish this, we aimed to better understand the demographics of influential people, or agenda-setters, in the area. Methods: We identified and interviewed 30 agenda-setters in communities on both sides of the U.S./ Mexico border. Health promotion agenda-setting (HPA-S) theories guided our study, and primarily qualitative research methods were utilized to analyzed transcripts taken from individual interviews with. Results: Participants indicated that community members can best advocate for health care resources by creating a shared vision among community members prior to asking for resources- by understanding the priorities of those holding the purse-strings, by framing the community wants within the bounds of those priorities, and by fostering strategic partnerships with influential agenda-setters in their communities. Conclusion: Through application of this framework, community members can increase their social justice by becoming better able to advocate for and obtain needed health care resources


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    The paper considers systems of state support of small business in the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation and Japan. Especially this sector of economy is more vulnerable and dependable on market changes. Small enterprises have limited productive capacities, can not afford high volume expenses for research, design and test works, posses low volume creditworthiness.Approaches to realization of state support of small and middle-sized business in the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation and Japan are similar in a great number of aspects but there are some principal differences. Every country which is mentioned above has various organizational and legislative forms of state support of small business and protection of its interests.The given paper analyzes the existing sources and types of support in respect of small and middle-sized business in the Republic of Belarus, Russian Federation and Japan, contains proposals for improvement of organization of state support of small business in the Republic of Belarus and justifies the necessity of their introduction.Рассматриваются системы государственной поддержки малого предпринимательства в Республике Беларусь, Российской Федерации и Японии. Именно этот сектор экономики наиболее уязвим и зависим от колебаний рынка. Малые предприятия имеют ограниченные производственные мощности, не могут позволить себе большие траты на научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы, обладают малой кредитоспособностью.Подходы к реализации государственной поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса в Республике Беларусь, Российской Федерации и Японии по многим направлениям схожи, а по некоторым – имеют принципиальные различия. В каждой из названных стран существуют различные организационно-правовые формы государственной поддержки малого предпринимательства и защиты его интересов.Проанализированы существующие источники и виды поддержки малого и среднего бизнеса в Республике Беларусь, Российской Федерации и Японии, предложены направления по совершенствованию организации государственной поддержки малого предпринимательства в Республике Беларусь и обоснована необходимость их внедрения

    Exact Solutions to the Sine-Gordon Equation

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    A systematic method is presented to provide various equivalent solution formulas for exact solutions to the sine-Gordon equation. Such solutions are analytic in the spatial variable xx and the temporal variable t,t, and they are exponentially asymptotic to integer multiples of 2π2\pi as x±.x\to\pm\infty. The solution formulas are expressed explicitly in terms of a real triplet of constant matrices. The method presented is generalizable to other integrable evolution equations where the inverse scattering transform is applied via the use of a Marchenko integral equation. By expressing the kernel of that Marchenko equation as a matrix exponential in terms of the matrix triplet and by exploiting the separability of that kernel, an exact solution formula to the Marchenko equation is derived, yielding various equivalent exact solution formulas for the sine-Gordon equation.Comment: 43 page


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    There are definite criteria that help to classify individual entrepreneurs and organizations as small and medium business categories. Definition of an economic management subject as a small enterprise and an individual entrepreneur provides possibilities to obtain tax privileges and other preferences in some countries.The paper considers peculiar features of criteria that allow to define an economic management subject as a small and medium business in Belarus, Russia and Poland. Comparison has been carried out according to such criteria as average manpower, type of economic activity, annual turnover, purpose of the activity and founder staff.The comparative analysis has made it possible to reveal similar features and significant differences between criteria used for definition of small entrepreneurship in the above-mentioned countries. Corresponding conclusions in respect of Belarus are made in the paper. The paper also contains evaluation of application of some criteria in our country.Существуют определенные критерии отнесения к субъектам малого и среднего бизнеса индивидуальных предпринимателей и организаций. В некоторых странах определение субъекта хозяйствования как малого предприятия или индивидуального предпринимателя дает возможность получения налоговых льгот и других преференций.Рассмотрены особенности критериев отнесения субъектов хозяйствования к малому и среднему бизнесу в Беларуси, России и Польше. Сравнение проводилось по таким критериям, как среднесписочная численность работников, вид деятельности, годовой оборот, цель деятельности и состав учредителей.В процессе сравнительного анализа выявлены сходства и существенные различия между критериями отнесения к малому предпринимательству в названных странах. Сделаны соответствующие выводы относительно Беларуси, дана оценка применения некоторых критериев в нашей стране

    Deception and self-awareness

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    This paper presents a study conducted for the Shades of Grey EPSRC research project (EP/H02302X/1), which aims to develop a suite of interventions for identifying terrorist activities. The study investigated the body movements demonstrated by participants while waiting to be interviewed, in one of two conditions: preparing to lie or preparing to tell the truth. The effect of self-awareness was also investigated, with half of the participants sitting in front of a full length mirror during the waiting period. The other half faced a blank wall. A significant interaction was found for the duration of hand/arm movements between the deception and self-awareness conditions (F=4.335, df=1;76, p<0.05). Without a mirror, participants expecting to lie spent less time moving their hands than those expecting to tell the truth; the opposite was seen in the presence of a mirror. This finding indicates a new research area worth further investigation

    Bicycle Tourism: Providing Economic Development Opportunities for Montana

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    Bicycle tourism is gaining momentum in Montana, and not just on the downhill segment. In fact, it could be the new phenomenon in the travel industry. And it\u27s definitely an economic boon: Multi-day bicyclists take longer to get anywhere, thereby showering the communities they stop in with outside dollars

    Loss of angiotensin II type 2 receptor improves blood pressure in elastin insufficiency

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    There is ample evidence supporting a role for angiotensin II type 2 receptor (A