8 research outputs found

    Leadership in medicine

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    Leadership is one of the important forms of personal development. Today's changes are leading to continuous improvement of educational services. Students are a special population group that can be judged by society as a whole. Youth is a reflection of all the processes that take place in the country, how society cares for development and what it does, and the corresponding result can be obtained. Youth development is influenced by: family, upbringing, school (or other educational institutions), environment, environment, economic and social status of society. Negative changes in society also leave their mark on student youth. However, much depends on the individual. For example, people's perception of problems is completely different. For some, solving them can lead to frustration and frustration, while others make them stronger and more motivated. In today's context, we believe that the issue of leadership plays an important role in the formation of personality. It should be noted that humanity is evolving and new challenges are emerging to address the needs of society for young people who are ready to improve, to work on new technologies and inventions. Of course, there is a special emphasis in every developed country on the training of a health professional

    Effect of stress on the occurrence of cardiovascular disease

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    Every day the modern person is exposed to stressful situations. In transport, at work, coming out of the entrance or even in our own apartment, we constantly feel stress, no matter what the profession of a person in which social and living conditions she lives, the stress accompanies her at every step. The most stressful thing is affecting the cardiovascular system, the kidneys and the digestive system

    Effect of stress on the occurrence of cardiovascular disease

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    Every day the modern person is exposed to stressful situations. In transport, at work, coming out of the entrance or even in our own apartment, we constantly feel stress, no matter what the profession of a person in which social and living conditions she lives, the stress accompanies her at every step. The most stressful thing is affecting the cardiovascular system, the kidneys and the digestive system

    Teaching Foreign Languages in Medical Education Institutions

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    Мета статті полягає у виявленні важливих стратегій, підходів, форм, методів та засобів у формуванні особистості студента-медика. Для дослідження основ викладання іноземних мов застосовано спостереження, порівняння, аксіоматичний та гіпотетико-дедуктивний методи. Результати дослідження полягають у визначенні процесуальних основ та дослідженні сучасних платформ, які можуть використовуватись у підготовці медиків. Виявлено, що евристичні методи викладання найкраще підходять для роботи зі студентами медичних закладів освіти. Практичне значення дослідження базується на формуванні порад у викладанні іноземних мов студентам-медикам. Подальші наукові розвідки вбачаємо в дослідженні організаційної теорії медичних колективів.Introduction. We believe that formation of the personality of the future physician consists of professional skills, psychological preparation for the future profession and communicative skills. It is revealed that knowledge of a foreign language is an obligatory part of training of future physicians. The purpose of the paper is to identify important strategies, approaches, forms, methods and tools in shaping the personality of a student-physician. Research methods. To study the basics of teaching foreign languages, observations, comparisons, axiomatic and hypothetical-deductive methods were used. The results of the study are to determine procedural foundations and research of modern platforms that can be used in training of physicians. Modern strategies that are used in teaching foreign languages, include: metacognitive, cognitive, and socio-affective. The most important approaches used in the study were identified: communicative and culturological. It is impossible to imagine teaching foreign languages without modern forms, namely: blogging, round table, interviews, research work and teamwork. The article describes platforms that help students acquire their knowledge around the world: Coursera, MOOC, Prometheus. Important attention in our study is focused on the sygospedical method, the method of projects and empirical methods (prognostication, empathy). It is noted that espirical methods occupy a prominent place in formation of the personality. Modern learning devices include: tablets, telephones, computers, projectors, electronic boards, as well as textbooks, notebooks and handouts. We believe that for the desired results you need to listen to students, pay attention to their interests and hobbies, constantly develop and become interested in modern trends and technologies. It is important to remember that medicine is a top priority in the development of society. Conclusions. Teaching foreign languages in medical education institutions should be based on modern strategies, approaches, forms and methods of work that will motivate them to learn the language. The use of electronic means will allow you to use time efficiently, share material with students quickly and create new projects. It is revealed that heuristic teaching methods are best suited for working with students of medical education institutions. The practical value of the study is based on formation of tips for teaching foreign languages to medical students. Further scientific research are seen in the study of the organizational theory of medical teams

    Organizational-Pedagogical Bases of Communicative Culture Formation of Medical Colleges Students in Great Britain and the USA

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    З’ясовано організаційно-педагогічні основи формування комунікативної культури студентів у медичних коледжах Великої Британії і США та можливості творчого використання елементів прогресивного американського та британського досвіду в контексті досліджуваної проблеми в Україні. Окреслено теоретичні основи та виокремлено історичні етапи розвитку організаційно-педагогічних основ формування комунікативної культури студентів медичних коледжів у Великій Британії та США. Охарактеризовано нормативні основи формування комунікативної культури студентів у медичних коледжах Великої Британії та США. Узагальнено змістові основи формування комунікативної культури студентів у медичних коледжах Великої Британії та США. Виявлено процесуальні основи формування комунікативної культури студентів у медичних коледжах Великої Британії та США. Визначено можливості творчого використання елементів прогресивного американського та британського досвіду щодо формування комунікативної культури студентів у медичних коледжах України.The thesis is devoted to the the organizational and pedagogical bases of communicative culture formation of medical colleges students in Great Britain and the USA and the possibilities of creative use of American and British progressive experience in the context of the research problem in Ukraine. The theoretical bases and historical stages of the organizational and pedagogical bases of students’ communicative culture in medical colleges in the UK and the USA are outlined. It is found out that communicative culture is seen as a social phenomenon and the component of person’s development in the national scientific thought. Communicative culture is considered in the context of the organizational theory in the foreign research and is defined as strict norms and rules of corporate ethics. It is proved that this category is often replaced with the concepts of "communicative skills" and "communicative ability" in the medical vocabulary of Great Britain and the USA. It is determined that communicative culture formation is a complex process of person’s development of communicative qualities, communicative knowledge, abilities and skills with the aim of realization them at practice. The normative bases of students’ communicative culture in medical colleges in the UK and the USA are characterized. The official documents were analyzed for forming measures and syllabuses that are directed with the aim of increasing the quality of students’ communicative culture in order to outline the normative principles of students’ communicative culture formation in medical colleges in the UK and the USA. The skills of interpersonal communication, effective interaction with the patient which is based on humane attitude and communicative skills are common to both countries. The content bases of students’ communicative culture in medical colleges of the UK and the USA are overviewed. The procedural bases for the development of students’ communicative culture in medical colleges of Great Britain and the USA are explored. The state educational standards, curriculum and plans of medical colleges in Great Britain and the United States were analyzed to summarize the content and procedural bases of student’s communicative culture. It is approved that common to both countries is the combination of high-quality clinical training with communicative one, that is aimed at communicative motivation formation and humanistic values, mastering communicative skills, techniques of verbal and nonverbal communication, the development of communicative independence, critical thinking and leadership qualities of a medical worker. The procedural bases (strategies, principles, forms, approaches, methods and means) of communicative culture formation of medical students in the UK and the USA are analyzed. It is proved that procedural bases of the development of students’ communicative culture in medical colleges of Great Britain and the USA are common. The possibilities of creative use of American and British progressive experience in the context of the research problem in Ukraine are revealed

    Financial and economic changes of today

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    In today's dynamic global world, financial and economic systems are undergoing profound changes caused by many factors, including technological advances, geopolitical shifts, demographic changes, and environmental challenges. The purpose of this paper is to explore and analyze the current financial and economic changes shaping our world, identifying key trends, challenges, and their implications in a broader context. Through a comprehensive literature review, empirical analysis, and case studies, the paper explores the complex interrelationships between the various drivers of change and their impact on financial markets, economic policy, and the dynamics of social development. By examining both macroeconomic indicators and micro-level phenomena, this study aims to provide valuable insights for policymakers, businesses, investors, and individuals navigating today's complex financial and economic landscape. The 21st century has witnessed unprecedented changes in the global economic system, marked by technological breakthroughs, geopolitical changes, and social transformations. These developments have not only changed financial markets and economic systems, but also created new challenges and opportunities. In this context, it becomes necessary to comprehensively examine the nature and implications of these changes

    Formation of personal culture of medical university students

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    У статті описано модель формування особистісної культури студента-медика. Названо три основні фундаментальні основи студента-медика. Визначено теорію холізму та терапевтичну комунікацію як основні аспекти комунікативної фундаментальної основи. Когнітивна теорія, теорія організації та критичне мислення визначені як частина мотиваційної фундаментальної основи. Елементами ціннісної основи названо соціальну ментальність і деонтологічну модель. Охарактеризовано нормативні, змістовні та процесуальні аспекти формування особистісної культури студента-медика. З’ясовано, що невід’ємною частиною нормативного елементу є основні норми та офіційні документи. Названо перелік умінь для формування мотивації, комунікативних умінь і цінностей студентів-медиків. З’ясовано, що одновимірний підхід може бути використаний для формування особистісної культури студента-медика. Дисципліна «Основи розвитку особистості» названа одним із шляхів формування та підвищення особистісної культури студента-медика. Визначено, що процесуальний аспект складається з різних прийомів, методів, принципів, засобів, форм і підходів. Визначено теоретичні основи формування особистісної культури студента-медика. Розкрито основні шляхи підвищення особистісної культури студента-медика. Дано поради щодо використання основних прийомів, методів, форм і засобів формування особистісної культури студента-медика.It is described the model of formation a medical student’s personal culture in the article. There are named three main fundamental foundations of a medical student. The theory of holism and therapeutic communication are determined as the basic aspects of communicative fundamental foundation. Cognitive theory, organization theory and critical thinking are defined as the part of motivational fundamental foundation. Social mentality and deontological model are named as the elements of valuable foundation. There are characterized normative, substantive and procedural aspects of a medical student’s personal culture formation. It is found out that main norms and official documents are an integral part of normative element. The list of skills is named for forming motivation, communicative skills and values of medical students. It is found out that one dimensional approach can be used for forming a medical student’s personal culture. The discipline “The basis of a personal development” is named as one of the ways to form and improve a medical student’s personal culture. It is determined that procedural aspect consists of different techniques, methods, principles, means, forms and approaches. The theoretical foundations of a medical student’s personal culture formation are determined. The basic ways of improvement a medical student’s personal culture are revealed. Tips are given on the use of basic techniques, methods, forms and means of forming a medical student’s personal culture

    Глобальна англійська мова як засіб міжкультурної та професійної комунікації

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    Об’єктом дослідження є англійська мова як засіб міжкультурної та професійної комунікації. Предмет дослідження – зміст, форми, методи й засоби навчання майбутніх фахівців міжкультурної та професійної комунікації англійською мовою. Метою проєкту є дослідження лексико-граматичних особливостей англійської мови при її використанні як засобу міжкультурної комунікації в академічному та професійному середовищах, а також можливостей використання концепцій «базового словника», «базової граматики», «контрольованої / корпоративної мови» при навчанні студентів та аспірантів