11 research outputs found

    Religijny aspekt mobilizacji spo艂ecznej a funkcjonowanie afryka艅skich ustroj贸w pa艅stwowych

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    "Aktualna faza funkcjonowania afryka艅skich ustroj贸w pa艅stwowych, przejawiaj膮ca si臋 w dekompozycji ukszta艂towanych i w miar臋 utrwalonych w nast臋pstwie dekolonizacji instytucji oraz stabilizacji niepodleg艂ego bytu politycznego, wi膮偶e si臋 z problemem spo艂ecznej mobilizacji na rzecz transformacji ustrojowej, wymuszanej post臋puj膮cymi procesami globalizacyjnymi. Zagadnienia z tym zwi膮zane obejmuj膮 zar贸wno sfer臋 偶ycia gospodarczego, spo艂ecznego, jak i politycznego. W literaturze przedmiotu znalaz艂y one odbicie w stopniu znacz膮cym i wzgl臋dnie wyczerpuj膮cym. W mniejszym zakresie poruszony zosta艂 natomiast aspekt religijny. Problemy zwi膮zane z 偶yciem religijnym spo艂ecze艅stw kraj贸w afryka艅skich omawiane s膮 w literaturze jako swoiste i autonomiczne wobec funkcjonowania ustroj贸w pa艅stwowych. Chodzi natomiast o to, by uchwyci膰 zwi膮zek aspekt贸w 偶ycia religijnego w tych krajach z przeobra偶eniami spo艂ecznymi."(...

    Evaluation of effectiveness of a toothpaste containing tea tree oil and ethanolic extract of propolis on the improvement of oral health in patients using removable partial dentures

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    The aimof this studywas to evaluate the effect of toothpaste containing natural tea tree essential oil (TTO) and ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP), onmicroflora and selected indicators of oral health in patients using removable acrylic partial dentures. Fifty patients with varying conditions of hygiene were divided into two groups. The study group received the toothpaste with TTO and EEP, while the control group received the same toothpaste but without TTO and EEP. At the first visit, oral hygiene and hygiene of the prostheses were carried out. Control visits took place 7 and 28 days later and compared to baseline. Indexes like API (Approximal Plaque Index),mSBI (modified Sulcus Bleeding Index), OHI-s (simplified Oral Hygiene Index), and DPI (Denture Plaque Index) were assessed in three subsequent stages, and swabs were collected fromfloor of themouth area to assess themicrobiota. After 7 and 28 days of using the toothpaste with TTO and EEP, a statistically significant decrease of the examined indicator values were observed in the study group as compared to the values upon the initial visit. The number of isolated strains ofmicroorganisms in the study group was decreased ormaintained at the same level, whereas in the control group an increase in the number of isolated strains was observed. The observed stabilization of oralmicrobiota in patients fromthe study group confirms the beneficial activity of toothpaste containing EEP and TTO compared to the control group

    Critical Success Factors of the Energy Sector Security Strategy: The Case of Poland

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    The aim of this article is to identify important factors that determine the strategy of the energy sector. It has been assumed that the determinants of this strategy are goals related to the energy security of a European Union member state and the reduction of environmental pollution and anthropogenic pressures. Therefore, this article uses the method of the strategic analysis of critical success factors (CSFs), applied to the energy sector. As the name implies, in this method, factors that determine energy strategies, relating to the economic, technological, political, social and ecological spheres, were identified. Poland served as a case study. Research was carried out by experts in the energy sector and people working with this sector in order to determine the significance of the most important CSFs related to the energy security strategy. This approach is based on an evolutionary approach to creating a security strategy. The proposed analysis is a new proposal for a sectorial analysis based on the application of benchmarking, taking into account, in particular, the current conditions for the development of the energy sector. Our findings indicate that: European Union countries have different energy strategies, resulting from an evolutionary approach. The member states of the European Union create individual solutions in the field of energy strategies, which are conditioned by many factors, the most important of which are the geographic and physical location of a country on the European continent, economic and social contexts, and environmental as well as political conditions. According to Polish experts, the key success factors in building an energy strategy stem mainly from the economic and political areas, followed by the technological area, while the environmental and social areas are the least important. The authors hope that the article will serve to popularize the use of CSFs in scientific research, which can then translate into improved government policies for the energy sector

    Energy System Development Scenarios: Case of Poland

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    Europe鈥檚 ambition to be the first climate-neutral continent and to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 will result in changes to the energy systems of many countries. This overlaps with the principles of circular economy, energy independence, and the continuity of operations enshrined in many national and regional documents. From the above, a scenario based on renewable resources emerges. However, in a country such as Poland, with conventional energy sources and large state participation in the sector, is this feasible? The authors assumed that the urgent need for a turbulence-sensitive analysis of energy sector changes can be met by using a new view, defined by the authors as a matrix of four oceans scenarios. Black, Grey, Red and Green scenarios are determined by the proportion of the state and the local-community sector. Then, assuming the possibility of introducing two of them by 2050鈥擥reen (radical) and Red (competitive)鈥攅mpirical research was carried out on a purposively selected group of experts. The business model of the sector was analyzed in terms of six links that create economic and social value: energy sources, energy producers, transmission networks with infrastructure, energy storage, energy system management and energy consumers. According to experts, development of business model links will be based on the Red scenario. Thus, we get a picture of a model that should be considered by politicians, scientists, as well as a wide audience that absorbs the effects of environmental pollution