125 research outputs found

    The Role of Immigrants in the ‘Take-Offs’ of Eastern European ‘Manchesters.’ A Comparative Case Studies of Three Cities: Lodz, Tampere, and Ivanovo

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    In this paper, we try to identify the institutional offers for emigrants and evaluate the role of immigrants at the time of the industrial revolution in the nineteenth century history of three cities where the dynamic growth and the ‘take-offs’ depended largely on newcomers. In all cases, the industry was the main factor that led to the ‘take-off’ in terms of the number of inhabitants and also the creation of the bourgeoisie as a socio-economic class. In our paper we reveal key institutional and geographical factors that accelerated the unprecedent waves of immigrants (with different strengths in different cities) to these Eastern European ‘Manchesters’ and made their role central to urban economic development. Their activity was the result of advantageous institutional circumstances connected with changes in the borders, the appearance of governments, and new local management being strictly related to changes in customs policy or extraordinary international situations

    Między Rosją a Zachodem. Zmiany w przestrzennym zróżnicowaniu postaw politycznych Ukraińców w ostatnim trzydziestoleciu

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    Rozpad ZSRS i pojawienie się na mapie politycznej Europy niepodległej Ukrainy w 1991 roku otworzyło szeroką dyskusję na temat cech szczególnych tego państwa i jego części. Dla wielu obserwatorów było ono terra incognita, której pojawienie się stanowiło olbrzymią niespodziankę. Dotyczyło to niejednokrotnie również samych mieszkańców Ukrainy, którzy po latach narodowej niewoli i sowieckiej indoktrynacji nie zawsze potrafili odnaleźć się w nowej sytuacji. Jednym z przewodnich motywów dyskusji nad kondycją Ukrainy było jej silne kulturowe, a w konsekwencji również polityczne zróżnicowanie przestrzenne. Dodatkowym impulsem wzmacniającym zainteresowanie tematem stała się polityka Rosji względem Ukrainy

    Odrębność Niemiec Wschodnich w świetle koncepcji długiego trwania

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    The reunification of Germany in 1990 revealed a clear difference between the two parts of the country. This is visible, for example, in the political sympathies revealed during the elections. These differences are most often explained by the 45-year period of the country’s division and the functioning of two different political and socio-economic systems. Nevertheless, the differences between the East and West of Germany were noticed even before 1945. The East later became part of Germany and was initially inhabited by Slavic peoples. The local German society was created by mixing the settlers from the west with the local Slavic people. The relics of this process are linguistic differences (toponymy, anthroponymy, borrowings in local dialects) that persist to this day, as well as different features revealed in genetic research. As a result of the interaction between local conditions and ideas flowing from the West, a completely new settlement, economic and legal system was also created. It can be assumed that the emergence of these conditions also influenced the later development of the socio- -economic and political system in this area. Large unified principalities (Brandenburg, Saxony, Pomerania, Mecklenburg, Prussia) were established in the east, so there was no room for political and systemic pluralism as in the west (free cities, free nobility of the Reich). The local princes gained a dominant position, basing their power on subordinated vassal nobility. There was a weakness of the cities and the bourgeoisie. In these conditions, in the process of the so-called secondary feudalization, formed the separateness of the so-called Ostelbien, associated with the dominant role of the nobility and the manorial serf economy. The liquidation of the feudal system also took a specific form here due to the so-called the Prussian road to capitalism in agriculture. It maintained the privileged position of the nobility (Junkers) in the socio-economic and political life of East Germany. Initially, autocracy was associated with conservative tendencies. Later, above-average sympathies for left-wing movements developed here. The conservatism of the nobility and the rich peasantry coexisted with the leftism of a large number of hired workers in agriculture. The influence of the authoritarian socialist system overlapped with these earlier conditions, partially in harmony with them, further strengthening the separateness of East Germany from the West

    Piotr Eberhardt (1935–2020)

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    Piotr Eberhardt (1935–2020

    Sources of porcine longissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) innervation as revealed by retrograde neuronal tract-tracing.

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    The aim of the present study was to establish the origin of the motor, autonomic and sensory innervation of the L1-L2 segment of the porcine longissimus dorsi muscle (LDM), in order to provide morphological basis for further studies focusing on this neural pathway under experimental conditions, e.g. phototerapy and/or lateral electrical surface stimulation. To reach the goal of the study, multiple injections of the fluorescent neuronal tracer Fast Blue (FB) were made into the LDM region between the spinal processes of the vertebrae L1 and L2. The spinal cord (Th13-S1 segments) as well as the sensory and autonomic ganglia of interest, i.e., dorsal root (DRG) and sympathetic chain ganglia from corresponding spinal cord levels were collected three weeks later. FB-positive (FB+) motoneurons were observed exclusively within the nucleus ventromedialis at L1 and L2 spinal cord level, forming the most ventro-medially arranged cell column within this nucleus. Primary sensory and sympathetic chain neurons were found in appropriate ipsilateral ganglia at Th15-L3 levels. The vast majority of retrogradely traced neurons (virtually all motoneurons, approximately 76% of sensory and 99.4% of sympathetic chain ganglia neurons) was found at the L1 and L2 levels. The morphometric evaluation of FB-labeled DRG neurons showed that the majority of them (approximately 66%) belonged to the class of small-diameter perikarya (10-30 microm in diameter), whereas those of medium size (30-80 microm in diameter) and of large diameter (more than 80 microm) constituted 22.6% and 11.5% of all DRG neurons, respectively. The results of the present study demonstrated that the nerve terminals supplying porcine LDM originated from different levels of the spinal cord, dorsal root and sympathetic chain ganglia. Thus, the study has revealed sources and morphological characteristic of somatic, autonomic and spinal afferent neurons supplying porcine LDM, simultaneously pointing out the characteristic features of their distribution pattern

    Ultrastructural features of supraspinal muscles in rabbits after long-term transcutaneous lateral electrical surface stimulation (LESS)

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    Lateral electrical surface stimulation is one of methods used in the therapy of the progressive form of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) in children and youth. However, there are data suggesting that this method may lead to serious adverse side effects, when used for a too long period of time per day. To clarify this issue, the present study was aimed at disclosing possible changes in the ultrastructural appearance of rabbit supraspinal muscles undergoing long-term stimulation (9 h per day, 3 months), an animal model successfully used to mimic the situation in humans. In comparison to the control animals, muscles of "overstimulated" rabbits exhibited clear signs of microscopical lesions, including depletion and disintegration of myofilaments, proliferation, dilatation and, sometimes, swelling of sarcoplasmic reticulum and/or mitochondria, as well as signs of destruction of the Z line. The above-mentioned abnormalities, especially the signs of degenerative processes associated with the Z line and the observed microlesions strongly suggest that the failure of the long-term LESS therapy of the IS may be attributable to these ultrastructural lesions

    Kardiografia impedancyjna

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    Packet latency of deterministic broadcasting in adversarial multiple access channels

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    We study broadcasting in multiple access channels with dynamic packet arrivals and jamming. Communication environments are represented by adversarial models that specify constraints on packet arrivals and jamming. We consider deterministic distributed broadcast algorithms and give upper bounds on the worst-case packet latency and the number of queued packets in relation to the parameters defining adversaries. Packet arrivals are determined by a rate of injections and a number of packets that can be generated in one round. Jamming is constrained by a rate with which an adversary can jam rounds and by a number of consecutive rounds that can be jammed