14 research outputs found

    New Method for Preparation of Biodegradable Medical Materials Characterised by Highly Developed Porous Structures

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    This study addresses the preparation of biodegradable and highly porous materials with the chemical purity required for medical materials. The solution method for producing porous structures with table salt was modified through the application of plasticisers in the technological process. In this paper the term medical materials includes dressing and implantable materials as well as scaffolds for tissue culture. A new method is proposed using polymers such as poly(D,L-lactide) and dibutyrylchitin to produce porous structures with enhanced absorption properties

    Biological properties of low-toxicity PLGA and PLGA/PHB fibrous nanocomposite implants for osseous tissue regeneration. Part I: evaluation of potential biotoxicity

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    In response to the demand for new implant materials characterized by high biocompatibility and bioresorption, two prototypes of fibrous nanocomposite implants for osseous tissue regeneration made of a newly developed blend of poly(L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) and syntheticpoly([R,S]-3-hydroxybutyrate), PLGA/PHB, have been developed and fabricated. Afibre-forming copolymer of glycolide and L-lactide (PLGA) was obtained by a unique method of synthesis carried out in blocksusing Zr(AcAc)4 as an initiator. The prototypes of the implants are composed of three layers of PLGA or PLGA/PHB, nonwoven fabrics with a pore structure designed to provide the best conditions for the cell proliferation. The bioactivity of the proposed implants has been imparted by introducing a hydroxyapatite material and IGF1, a growth factor. The developed prototypes of implants have been subjected to a set of in vitro and in vivobiocompatibility tests: in vitro cytotoxic effect, in vitro genotoxicity and systemic toxicity. Rabbitsshowed no signs of negative reactionafter implantation of the experimental implant prototypes

    Problems of decentralization in healthcare

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    The structure and properties changes of fibres and textiles using biochemical methods

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    Materia艂y konferencyjne zosta艂y wydane jako numer specjalny czasopisma "Ochrona przed Korozj膮 - 9s/A/2006".Stosowanie metod biochemicznych w przemy艣le w艂贸kienniczym cieszy si臋 wci膮偶 nies艂abn膮cym zainteresowaniem. Jest to spowodowane m.in. przez fakt, 偶e stwarzaj膮 one mo偶liwo艣膰 ograniczenia uci膮偶liwo艣ci dla 艣rodowiska ze strony wielu proces贸w produkcyjnych. Om贸wiono przydatno艣膰 kilku grup enzym贸w w operacjach wyko艅czania w艂贸kien bawe艂ny, lnu, we艂ny i jedwabiu. Na podstawie obraz贸w, uzyskanych technik膮 skaningowej mikroskopii elektronowej (SEM), przeanalizowano wp艂yw obr贸bki enzymatycznej na zmiany struktury powierzchni w艂贸kien. Przedstawiaj膮c obrazy mikroskopowe przekroju poprzecznego w艂贸kien lnu, wyja艣niono wp艂yw obr贸bki enzymatycznej w艂贸kna na efektywno艣膰 nast臋pnych operacji oraz na cechy u偶ytkowe wyrob贸w lnianych.Application the biochemical methods leads to minimizing the impact of finishing processes on the environment through reducing the chemical agents concentration and water and energy consumption. The possibility of enzymes using in various textile wet processes was discussed. Surface morphology of cotton, linen and silk fibers was examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The analysis of SEM images exhibit the significant changes of the enzymatic treated fibres surface structure. The results of different enzyme application systems on the linen fibers were discussed. On the basis of SEM images of the linen fibres cross sections the improvement of linen fibres and textiles properties were explain. The case of enzymatic treated silk using in non textile application was described

    Political will against funds deficiency::Health promotion for older people in Bulgaria

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    In Bulgaria, health promotion and health education have received less attention in comparison to other public health areas, which has resulted in a small health promotion budget and consequently, in limited health promotion initiatives. This country report draws upon several national reports focused on the Bulgarian health system, and other country specific sources in order to outline the major institutional and financing challenges for health promotion in Bulgaria, and specifically for health promotion for older adults. As evident from this review, the programs and activities oriented toward health promotion for older adults are inconsistent and incomprehensive. The existing programs are mostly in the form of isolated small-scale projects aimed at enabling older workers to reach the statutory retirement, or supporting retired citizens to maintain their health and well-being. Effective strategic vision, coordination and stable funding in the area of health promotion for older adults is indispensable for helping Bulgarian seniors to live longer and healthier