210 research outputs found
Irradiation of malignant exophthalmos in the course of Graves Basedow disease
AimTo present results of irradiation of ophthalmopathy in the course of Graves-Basedow disease performed in the Radiotherapy Laboratory in University Children's Hospital in Cracow by staff of the Oncology Clinic, Collegium Medicum Jagiellonian University (CM UJ).Material and MethodDuring the period of 2000–2003 therapeutic irradiation of the retrobulbar area was performed in 121 patients with malignant exophthalmos using a total dose of 20 Gy/ 10 fractions of 6 MV photonic beam in the Radiotherapy Laboratory in University Children's Hospital in Cracow. Execution of the treatment plan was controlled by in vivo dose measurements using semiconducting detectors, MOSFET type. Radiotherapy was preceded by intravenous corticosteroid therapy (Solu Medrol) with a dose of 2g/ week for 4 weeks.ResultsDuring the irradiation treatment 9 patients (7.4%) developed an acute post-radiation reaction of transient character. Ophthalmological control examination revealed an improvement in 97 patients (80.2%) in the form of reduction or total regression of ophthalmopathy symptoms; in 21 other patients (17.3%) stabilization was noted and progression in 3 (2.5%).ConclusionsRadiotherapy is a well-tolerated method of ophthalmopathy treatment in the cour se of Graves-Basedow disease. Efficacy of radiotherapy as an exclusive method of malignant exophthalmos treatment seems to be lower in comparison to irradiation combined with corticosteroid therapy
Z dziejów średniego szkolnictwa bibliotekarskiego. Liceum bibliotekarskie w Krakowie (1947–1960)
In the period shortly after the WWII , secondary schools in librarianship had a substantial part in the education of future library staff for libraries. The present article attempts to provide an insight into this particular period with the case example provided by the Cracow-based Liceum Bibliotekarskie (library specialized high school in the Polish educational system). The evaluation is mainly based on available archival material. The following aspects of the functioning of the school are discussed: creation, initial organization and management of the school, supervision within the structure of national educational system and the reasons behind its dissolution. In addition, core curricula, the school’s staff and the quality of education are discussed, as well as brief profiles of its pupils and graduates are provided. The article also presents brief profiles of the school’s directors and distinguished teachers. Though it is hard to say that the overall performance of the school can be unequivocally summarized, its merits and contribution to the educational system at the times of post-war scarcity of qualified librarians can hardly be overlooked. It should be believed that the present humble contribution of the present authors to the general study on the history of librarianship schools in Poland will stimulate other researchers to take on further research on the subject and formulate more in-depth analyses.W okresie powojennym istotną rolę w przygotowaniu kadry bibliotekarskiej odegrały placówki oświatowe kształcące na poziomie średnim (licealnym). Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą przybliżenia tego okresu na przykładzie krakowskiego liceum bibliotekarskiego. Opracowanie oparte jest głównie na materiałach archiwalnych. Omówiono takie aspekty funkcjonowania szkoły, jak jej tworzenie, organizacja i zarządzanie, nadzór zewnętrzny oraz powody jej rozwiązania. Poruszono też zagadnienia programów nauczania, kadry pedagogicznej i jakości kształcenia oraz charakterystyki uczniów i absolwentów szkoły. Nakreślono sylwetki dyrektorów i bardziej znaczących pedagogów. Jakkolwiek całościowa ocena działalności szkoły nie rysuje się jednoznacznie, trudno nie docenić jej zasług w okresie braku wykwalifikowanych bibliotekarzy. Należy przypuszczać, że ten skromny przyczynek do dziejów szkolnictwa bibliotekarskiego pobudzi badaczy do dalszych poszukiwań i pogłębionych analiz
Early predictors of adverse left ventricular remodelling after myocardial infarction treated by primary angioplasty
Background: Progressive left ventricular dilatation (PLVD) occurs after myocardial infarction
(MI), and this may take place in the area of primary percutaneous coronary intervention
(PCI). The factors predicting PLVD after primary PCI still need to be clarified. The aim of the
study was to assess the prevalence and to define the baseline clinical and echocardiographic
predictors of PLVD in patients with STEMI treated by primary PCI.
Methods: Of the 90 patients initially selected for the study 88 (29 women and 59 men, mean
age 67.1 ± 5.6 years) with first ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with
primary PCI were examined. Echocardiographic examination was performed in all patients at
discharge (M1) and after 6 months (M2). The following factors influencing PLVD were
evaluated: type of infarct-related artery (IRA), infarct size expressed as wall motion score index
(WMSI) ≥ 1.5, left ventricular end-diastolic volume index (LVEDVI) ≥ 80 ml/m2, ejection
fraction (EF) ≤ 45%, restrictive pattern of transmitral flow, time to reperfusion, left ventricular
mass index (LVMI) ≥ 125 g/m2 and coronary risk factors.
Results: The overall prevalence of PLVD (according to the criterion of 20% LVEDVI increase
from M1 to M2) was 24%. Univariate regression analysis revealed that the following were the
significant baseline M1 predictors of adverse PLVD: left anterior descending as IRA (relative risk:
rr = 2.3, p < 0.05), WMSI ≥ 1.5 (rr = 4.29, p < 0.005), EF ≤ 45% (rr = 2.89, p < 0.005) and
a restrictive pattern of transmitral flow (rr = 2.4, p < 0.01). Multivariate logistic analysis
showed that the only independent determinant of PLVD was WMSI ≥ 1.5.
Conclusions: Both regional and global left ventricular systolic dysfunction indices as well as
severe left ventricular diastolic abnormalities but not left ventricular dilatation at discharge
are significant predictors of adverse cardiac remodelling after STEMI in patients treated with
primary PCI. However the only independent determinant of PLVD was WMSI ≥ 1.5 expressing
the infarct size. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 238-245
The symptomatology of aneurysmal bone cyst : the value of diagnostic imaging
Background: An aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) is a benign lesion occurring mainly in children. Generally it is found in the metaphyses of long bones and in flat bones. Osteolysis, bone expansion, thinning of the cortex, osseous septa and fluid levels belong to the typical imaging findings in ABC cases. The purpose of the study was to determine the value of imaging methods: plain x-ray films, US, CT and MRI for the diagnosis of aneurysmal bone cyst and to work out the diagnostic algorithm for an ABC suspected on plain radiograms. Material/Methods: The material consists of 72 patients (44 boys, 28 girls) aged 2-23 years (mean age 12 yrs) with bone lesions diagnosed as aneurysmal bone cysts on pathologic examination. In all patients, plain radiographs were performed, in 26 - sonography (US), in 41 - computed tomography (CT), in 8 - magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). All the examinations were analyzed according to own system of evaluation of typical presentation in the particular methods. The histopathological diagnosis was established after biopsy or surgery. Results: The aneurysmal bone cysts were most frequently located in the long bones of the lower limbs (43%), in the long bones of the upper limbs (26.4%) and in flat bones (25%). The localization was mainly in the bone methaphyses (56.6%). On pathological examination, primary ABC was diagnosed in 65.3% of cases, secondary ABC in 23.6%, ABC and concomitant osteitis in 7%, ABC and giant cell tumor in 2.7%, ABC and chondrosarcoma in 1.4%. The application of four methods resulted in 72.2% consistency between diagnostic imaging and pathological examination. In case of only one method used the consistency was 75% for MRI, 63% for CT, 55.4% for plain films and 50% for US. In 100% of misdiagnosed cases there were no septa within osteolytic lesions on plain films, whereas in 43.8% features of malignancy were found. In 53% of misdiagnosed cases no fluid levels were observed on CT and in 69% on US. Conclusions: 1. The diagnosis of aneurismal bone cyst based on plain radiography is possible in cases with typical radiological signs. 2. Application of other methods significantly increases the percentage of correct diagnoses. 3. Lack of fluid levels does not exclude the diagnosis of ABC. 4. Imaging features of malignancy do not exclude the diagnosis of ABC
E-integracja czy e-wykluczenie? Krakowskie środowisko emerytowanych bibliotekarzy i świat nowych technologii informacyjnych (wyniki badań ankietowych)
The article presents the results of a questionnaire of a group of Kraków retired librarians (age 60+). The aim of the research was to check the librarians computer skills and knowledge particularly the operate of such programs and applications as Word, PowerPoint, Excel, their ability to use the Internet and to solve tools technical problems. The research enabled to evaluate the range of digital divide in the society of retired librarians.W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań ankietowych przeprowadzonych w grupie emerytowanych bibliotekarzy bibliotek krakowskich pokolenia 60+. Badania miały na celu sprawdzenie umiejętności obsługi komputera w ww. grupie, wiedzy związanej z programami i aplikacjami komputerowymi (np. Word, PowerPoint, Excel), dostępu i korzystania z Internetu, samodzielnego radzenia sobie w sytuacji awarii sprzętu komputerowego. Badania posłużyły ocenie, w jakim stopniu wykluczenie informacyjne dotyka środowisko emerytowanych bibliotekarzy
Biblioteki na Krymie
The article is a review of selected Crimean libraries. The most important events from their history have been discussed. Based on the available literature and information on their internet home pages, the contemporary library structure and functions as well as their activities including services, library processes, educational, methodological, scientific and editorial activity have been described.Artykuł jest przeglądem najważniejszych i najciekawszych bibliotek Krymu. Omówiono w nim najistotniejsze wydarzenia z historii wybranych bibliotek. W oparciu o dostępną literaturę i informacje zamieszczone na stronach internetowych przedstawiono ich obecną strukturę i działalność: prace biblioteczne, usługi, działalność oświatową, metodyczną, naukową i wydawniczą.
Zalecenia dietetyczne dotyczące spożywania jodu — w poszukiwaniu konsensusu między kardiologami a endokrynologami
Iodine is one of the essential bioactive components of the diet which has an effect on the synthesis of the thyroid hor- mones, and the latter affect proper development and functioning of the organism. If iodide intake is below 50 μg/day, the thyroid gland cannot maintain adequate synthesis of thyroid hormones. The 1992/1993 Polish Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders study results were a direct reason for resumption of compulsory table salt iodination. Table salt is the commonly used iodine carrier. According to the World Health Organization recommendations, daily salt intake should not exceed 5 g of sodium chloride (2 g of sodium) per person. Reduction of dietary sodium intake may thus prevent cardiovascular disease. Actions are also being taken to increase the intake of other natural iodine carriers (milk, mineral water). Alternative iodine sources in the diet include codfish, Alaska pollock, salmon, eggs, wheat bran, broccoli, dried pea seeds, and hazelnuts. Iodination of mineral water and milk, as well as biofortification of the selected vegetables and feeding flock and cattle by food rich in iodine should be concerned according to salt restriction diet. It is also justified to introduce iodination of mineral water and milk, as well as biofortification of selected vegetables and feeding flock and cattle with food rich in iodine to provide adequate iodine intake in the setting of coexisting recommendations to reduce salt intake. Jod jest pierwiastkiem należącym do niezbędnych bioaktywnych składników diety, który ma udział w syntezie hormo- nów tarczycy, a te z kolei wpływają na prawidłowy rozwój i funkcjonowanie organizmu. W sytuacji gdy spożycie jodków jest mniejsze niż 50 μg/dobę, gruczoł tarczowy nie jest w stanie utrzymać syntezy hormonów tarczycy na prawidłowym poziomie. Wyniki badań z lat 1992–1993 Polskiej Komisji ds. Kontroli Zaburzeń z Niedoboru Jodu były bezpośrednim powodem powrotu do obowiązkowego jodowania soli kuchennej. Sól kuchenna jest powszechnie stosowanym nośnikiem jodu. Zgodnie z zaleceniami Światowej Organizacji zdrowia dzienne spożycie soli nie powinno przekraczać 5 g NaCl (2 g Na) na osobę. Kontrolowanie zawartości Na w diecie jest metodą prewencji chorób układu sercowo-naczyniowego. Równocześnie są prowadzone działania służące zwiększeniu spożycia innych naturalnych nośników jodu (mleko, woda mineralna). Alternatywne źródło jodu w diecie to między innymi dorsz, mintaj, łosoś, jaja, otręby pszenne, brokuły, suche nasiona grochu i orzechy laskowe. Zasadna jest idea wdrożenia jodowania wody mineralnej i mleka, a także biofortyfi- kacji wybranych warzyw oraz podawania jodu trzodzie i bydłu w celu zapewnienia jego odpowiedniej podaży w związku z zaleceniami ograniczenia spożycia soli kuchennej.
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