1,078 research outputs found

    Decrease of vanillin sucrose intake by victorious and defeated mice: development of anhedonia?

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    Hedonic reactions to various rewards play a key role in various forms of motivated behavior. The influence of repeated experience of social victories or defeats in daily agonistic interactions between male mice on voluntary consumption of vanillin sucrose solution used as hedonic reinforcer was studied. Intake of vanillin sucrose solution was shown to decrease in the winners and losers exposed to social confrontations as compared with the controls. Three days of deprivation failed to restore the intake of vanillin sucrose solution to the control level in the losers and did so in the winners. The results obtained imply that similar reaction of animals to a hedonic non-drug reinforcer may have different motivational origin depending on positive or negative social experience

    Molecular implications of prolonged aggression experience: Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf gene expression in the ventral tegmental area of the victorious male mice

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    Th, Dat1, Snca and Bdnf were the genes whose mRNA levels in the ventral tegmental area of the midbrain were measured in male mice that were victorious in 20 daily agonistic interactions and in a group of such victorious mice that had later not been allowed to fight for 14 days. This experiment demonstrated increased Th, Dat1 and Snca but not Bdnf mRNA levels in the former group as compared to the controls. In the latter group, the expression of the Th and Dat1 genes was still enhanced, while the level of Snca mRNA did not differ from that in the controls. These findings suggest that positive fighting experience enhances the expression of the genes concerned with dopaminergic systems and this enhanced expression is preserved for a long time afterwards. Significant positive correlations were found between the level of aggression and Th and Snca mRNA levels in the winners

    Anhedonia in the shadow of chronic social defeat stress, or When the experimental context matters

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    One of the core symptoms of major depression in human is anhedonia. For that reason, one of the main requirements towards experimental depression models is that they be able to demonstrate anhedonia in animals, that have been exposed to stressful events, and other behavioral changes attributable to a depression-like state. However, the results presented in the literature are contradictory: sweet solution intake, which is considered as a parameter of hedonic/anhedonic behavior in animals, responds quite differently to stressful situations in that it is either unaffected or increased or decreased. Different experimental designs used for the study of anhedonia in male mice exposed to chronic social defeat stress were tried to understand the reasons for so contradictory responses. Anhedonia appears as an abrupt reduction in sweet solution consumption in stressed animals and by failure to attain recovery after deprivation. However, it was also demonstrated that sucrose solution intake and preference strongly depend on the experimental context; that the possible critical factor may be prior acquaintance with the hedonic stimulus – or the lack whereof. Analysis of literature data and ours allowed us to conclude that the lack of a significant decrease in sweet solution intake in stressed animals is no evidence of lack of depression. This decrease is evidence of anhedonia only provided other symptoms of depression are present. Hedonic consumable intake can be decreased over various motivations, conditions or diseases, in particular, a high level of anxiety or pathological aggression

    Application of the Sensory Contact Model for Pharmacological Studies under Simulated Clinical Conditions

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    The sensory contact model allows forming different psycho-pathological states (anxious depression, catalepsy, social withdrawal, pathological aggression, cognition disturbances, anhedonia, addictive states etc.) produced by repeated agonistic interactions in male mice and investigating the therapeutic and preventive properties of any drug as well as its efficiency under simulated clinical conditions. This approach can be useful for a better understanding of the drugs’ action in different stages of disease development in individuals. It is suggested that this behavioral approach and pharmacological designs may be applied for the screening of novel psychotropic drugs. 


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    Anticipating the analysis of the biography of the master overview will be given the existing concepts transculture, select its characteristic features. Thus, the concept of "transcultural" described in particular by the German philosopher Wolfgang Welsch, means allocation of interconnection and interdependence between them typologically similar cultures; he points out that the various ways of life does not end at national borders. Welsh offers a new definition of "culture", the main characteristic of which is transcultural. He contrasts this understanding of the classical concept of culture, formulated by the German philosopher Johann Gottfried Herder. "Gerderovskoe" the concept of culture is based on three axiomatic position. The first is that every culture has always regarded as a national culture, such that substantially differs from other national culture. Secondly, it is homogeneous. Any practices, behaviors and ways of thinking that exist within its borders, are invariant with certain minor variations. Third, the local culture in gerderovskoy concept is seen as separate from other monolithic unity, which can be described through the metaphor of the "sphere".Welsh, offering a new interpretation of the concept of "culture", introduces the metaphor of a "network". He believes that the modern world is a transcultural because is a "network" of cultures, interweaving various threads, which hardens to form a cultural "cocoon". "Cocoon", according to the Welsh, are not uniform. On the contrary, the author insists on the concept of neunifitsirovannosti, introducing the concept of the "new diversity". Considering the theory of Welsh, Russian researcher YY Gafarova, notes that "everyone" cocoon "is unique in its weave, but sometimes almost woven from the same yarns as the neighbor. These "pods" are not closed, have fuzzy, blurred boundaries and are able to break away from its own locus".As noted by JJ Gafarova, "ideas and terminology Welsh in recent years become more and more supporters. In this case, we are talking not only about the use of the concept of transcultural analysis of particular problems, but also the institutionalization of a new field of the humanities – "transculturality studies", ie to establish a research paradigm of modern culture in the paradigm of transcultural".Ukrainian researcher LS Gorbunova identifies the following signs of transculture "Transculture does not exist outside the boundaries of cultures. It exists in each of which the potential of the culture to be different. In order to arrive at an understanding of another culture, it is necessary, first of all, to go beyond the boundaries of their own culture ".An illustration of the idea that the heritage of Gonchar legitimately considered in the context of the concept of transculture, acts vivid episode from the biography of the master. In 1922, as a 11-year-old boy, he has created a model of a rural church, it worked to the smallest detail. I. Potter recreated detail the circumstances and the content of his work: "... sculpted church not only as an architectural object, but also adorned her in the middle: the iconostasis made and painted icons that adorn appropriate for this place. Sculpted priest and dressed in his vestments, and even of the bishop, who was not seen in the church. Sculpted people and on the places. Subconsciously, I played the role of an architect, builder, sculptor, painter, and was also an ethnographer, because it was necessary to mold people in the clothes worn in the village. At the Belfry crepe small bell. In short, everything was like in our village church. In such a creative work I put a lot of energy and time, and so it was for me a very expensive". It is significant that even as a child, I. Potter demonstrates the ability of remote interpretation tradition understands it as the whole phenomenon.In this regard, recall and later statements wizard that his introduction to the religious art going through the ritualtradition. Experience of religious holidays for his whole life will be associated with the beauty of ritual singing, magnificent decoration of the church interior itp Material object – in this case, the layout of the church – emerges as a result of synthesis, binding of sacred art, understanding the importance of each of its component is reflected in the detailed design of the object, which is certainly indicative of the natural endowments of the boy, but, above all, points to his vision of culture as a process where participants are equal. This approach echoes the inherent Transculture state "outsidedness" (a term Bakhtin), which allows to reflect on their own culture, to go beyond its boundaries and make it the object of his rational knowledge.By Remark LS Gorbunova transculture – "is the realm of the metaphysical acts that constitute a free transcultural identity. It is necessary to learn transtsendentirovat on this home, nurturing, warm, home culture, put her reflection: what is it good or bad that you need to save, what can go further, and what can not, on what should be avoided, because it is not meets the requirements of our time".Features free transcultural identity undoubtedly characterize portrait I. Potter, highlighting its number of famouscontemporaries. They are manifested in the ability to go beyond the defined culture, belonging to which was determined for him birth (folk culture), education (academic, realist tradition), the state ideology (the art of socialist realism). This trait was inherent in his nature, but as they grow older, personal formation of such mobility of consciousness becomes more awareness, supported by observations, reflections, civil position. So, who comes from a peasant family, who grew up in a village in Cherkasy region in the bosom of traditional folk art, he learns not to draw from folk artists and copy drawings by famous masters of book graphics, similar to creating original compositions. Copying graphics, the young artist not only honed skills, but also by analyzing the patterns of other authors, drew a lot of ideas for their works. Knowing the tendencies of development of the book charts the beginning of the 1920s, one could argue that in this way an aspiring artist partook not only to the Russian and Ukrainian art traditions, but also indirectly acquainted with the achievements of European art, have mastered by the time the experience of non-European cultures.Стаття присвячена обгрунтуванню вибору методології дослідження спадщини видатного діяча української культури І. Гончара. На основі вивчення творчої біографії майстра виявляються ознаки транскультурного вособистості І. Гончара, аналізується його життєва стратегія, на підставі чого стверджується правомірність розгляду творчої спадщини І. Гончара в парадигмі транскультурного

    History of origin and development of replacement of plants crop rotations is in world agriculture

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    In practice of world agriculture a long ago the known problem of decline of harvests of agricultural cultures at their permanent growing, scientific explanation of this phenomenon became possible only with appearance of natural sciences. At first the declines of harvests bound to the toxic action of root excretions cultures on her repeated sowing, with development of humus theory of feed of plants of diminishing of harvests at the permanent sowing began to explain impoverishment of soil on a humus. During a few centuries the known farmers development the looks in relation to forming of scientific bases of construction of replacement of plants crop rotations in the world systems of agriculture, set history of their development and improvement. The analysis of influence of possibility of optimal satiation of replacement of plants crop rotations is conducted by agricultural cultures on the level of fertility of soil, water and nourishing modes and their productivity. For the terms of the insufficient moistening a positive action is marked black pair on the improvement of the water mode of soil in crop rotations. In historiography the problem of introduction and mastering of replacement of plants crop rotations for the decision of scientific and practical tasks of agricultural production is represented in many-sided aspects, worked out and the recommended replacement of plants crop rotations that are base on zonal principle of development of world agriculture that passed the protracted term of test and counted on various specialization of economies. But for today development of scientific and technical progress requires intensification of agricultural production with the use of intensive crop rotations and growing of high-performance cultures. Hereupon there was a necessity of realization of analysis of the systems of historical value of scientifically-practical knowledge about development and improvement of replacement of plants crop rotations, as it gives an opportunity to work out to recommending a production with the use of the most effective elements of the past on modern agrarian business and allows to forecast them on the future

    The constitutional principle of proportionality in foreign and Russian law: a theoretical and practical analysis

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    O artigo é dedicado a um estudo jurídico comparativo do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses, suas origens, características comuns e distintivas, fundamentos socioculturais e históricos, a aplicação do princípio da proporcionalidade na ordem jurídica russa. Historicamente, as origens (raízes) do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade remontam à doutrina administrativa-jurídica alemã, e o método americano de ponderação como princípio inicial está associado ao direito privado e só mais tarde foi estendido à esfera do direito público. O artigo avalia o impacto desses princípios na doutrina russa e na prática de aplicação da lei.Objetivo: O objetivo principal do artigo é identificar as características gerais e distintivas do princípio europeu de proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, a fim de compreender, com base nisso, o modelo jurídico russo para garantir o equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados.Tarefas: explorar os fundamentos históricos, socioculturais e doutrinários da gênese do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderar interesses; identificar características comuns e especiais características desses métodos; mostrar a influência desses métodos na doutrina russa e na prática da aplicação da lei; comparar o princípio russo de equilíbrio entre interesses públicos e privados com o princípio europeu de proporcionalidade; formular recomendações e sugestões para melhorar as práticas de aplicação da lei na Rússia.Métodos: histórico e jurídico, lógico, formal e jurídico, sistêmico e estrutural, método de pesquisa jurídica intersetorial, método de análise de sistemas.Discussão: o princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de ponderar interesses, embora não pertençam a novos fenômenos do pensamento jurídico, no entanto, devido à sua importância fundamental, tanto nos níveis constitucionais quanto em outros setores do desenvolvimento do direito, estão constantemente no centro do campo de visão do pensamento jurídico. no exterior, bem como na Rússia. O surgimento de várias abordagens para entender a provisão legal da balança de interesses privados e públicos está causando discussões animadas, às vezes bastante acentuadas, no campo científico. O artigo enfoca as características históricas, socioculturais, políticas e legais do desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e o método americano de equilibrar interesses, o que leva a uma interação e convergência próximas, bem como a necessidade de sua pesquisa científica conjunta, o que pode dar um efeito teórico e prático significativo.Conclusão: o artigo afirma que as características distintivas do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade e do método americano de ponderação de interesses não são de natureza paradigmática essencial, o que nos permite concluir que, neste caso, não há fundamento para uma oposição fundamental entre si dos modelos construtivos acima mencionados como métodos de compreensão jurídica. realidade, bem como meios legais para garantir um equilíbrio de interesses públicos e privados. O desenvolvimento do princípio europeu da proporcionalidade tem um impacto significativo na formação do pensamento e das práticas políticas e jurídicas russas no campo da interação entre direito privado e público, garantindo uma combinação orgânica de interesses privados e públicos, o que se reflete na posição jurídica formulada pelo Tribunal Constitucional da Federação da Rússia sobre o princípio de garantir proporcionalidade. observância, equilíbrio de interesses privados e públicos na implementação da regulamentação legal das relações públicas.The article is devoted to a comparative legal study of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, their origins, common and distinctive features, socio-cultural and historical foundations, the application of the principle of proportionality in the Russian legal order. Historically, the origins (roots) of the European principle of proportionality go back to the German administrative-legal doctrine, and the American method of weighing as an initial principle is associated with private law and only later was extended to the public law sphere. The article assesses the impact of these principles on the Russian legal doctrine and law enforcement practice.Purpose: The main purpose of the article is to identify the general and distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests in order to comprehend on this basis the Russian legal model for ensuring the balance of private and public interests. Tasks: to explore the historical, socio-cultural, doctrinal foundations of the genesis of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests; to identify the common and special features characteristic of these methods; to show the influence of these methods on Russian doctrine and law enforcement practice; compare the Russian principle of balance between private and public interests with the European principle of proportionality; formulate recommendations and suggestions for improving Russian law enforcement practice.Methods: historical and legal, logical, formal and legal, systemic and structural, method of interdisciplinary legal research, method of system analysis.Discussion: the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests, although they do not belong to new phenomena of legal thought, nevertheless, due to their fundamental importance both at the constitutional and other sectoral levels of development of law, are constantly in the center of the field of vision of legal thought abroad, as well as in Russia. The emergence of various approaches to understanding the legal provision of the balance of private and public interests is causing lively, sometimes quite sharp, discussions in the scientific field. The article focuses on the historical, socio-cultural, political and legal features of the development of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of balancing interests, which leads to both close interaction and convergence, as well as the need for their joint scientific research, which can give a significant theoretical and practical effect.Conclusion: the article states that the distinctive features of the European principle of proportionality and the American method of weighing interests are not of an essential, paradigmatic nature, which allows us to conclude that in this case there are no grounds for a fundamental opposition to each other of the above-named constructive models as methods of understanding legal reality, as well as legal means of ensuring a balance of private and public interests. The development of the European principle of proportionality has a significant impact and impact on the formation of Russian political and legal thought and practice in the field of interaction between private and public law, ensuring an organic combination of private and public interests, which is reflected in the legal position formulated by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation concerning the principle of ensuring proportional observance, balance of private and public interests in the implementation of legal regulation of public relations

    Role of education in the education of religious identity in the 21st-Century Russian Society

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    The study addresses the directions and priorities of scientific research into the peculiarities of the religious identity of Russian citizens and how it has changed over the past decades. The paper identifies and characterizes the objects of scholarly interest in the study of the formation of the religious identity of Russians. A set of factors affecting religious identity are disclosed, including religious-value norms and attitudes that form in interethnic families. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of taking into account modern trends in the development of religious identity in contemporary Russians in order to determine its prospects in the context of globalization and the development of the market for religious services. The novelty of the study lies in a reconsideration of the conceptual foundations of religious identity development in Russia in the 2000s


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    Objective: The objective of this work was to carry out studies in the field of development of a hydroalcoholic extract from the liquorice root that has a high level of antimicrobial activity.Methods: For the antibacterial study of extracts, we have used the agar well diffusion method. In our research, we have utilized six test-strain microorganisms: Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Proteus vulgaris ATCC 4636, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853, Candida albicans ATCC 885/653, and Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633. Authors have applied vector theory for antimicrobial activity comparison of liquorice root extracts.Results: Phytochemical composition and antimicrobial activity of hydroalcoholic extracts from the liquorice root with the use of different concentrations of ethanol have been studied. The optimal range of ethanol concentration of 65±15% v/v has been found. The dependency between the integral index of antimicrobial activity of the extract and concentration of glycyram and licuroside has been found. The minimal concentration of glycyram and licuroside in the extract has been calculated for an exhibition of the target level of extract's antimicrobial activity, which is 1.0 and 0.11% w/v, respectively.Conclusion: It has been found that the concentration of licuroside has greater influence on the integral index of extract's antimicrobial activity in comparison with that one of glycyram. A highly effective technology for obtaining an extract with target phytochemical parameters has been suggested

    Шляхи вдосконалення методичної підготовки майбутніх учителів-словесників до реалізації компетентнісного підходу

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    In the article, the authors revealed some aspects of improvement in the methodological preparation of future teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature for the implementation of the competence-based approach which is deemed to be constitutive in international educational practice, in particular in Ukraine. Teaching in Ukrainian school is based on competence-based principles. The reform “New Ukrainian School” undertaken by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine aims at establishing school, at which it will be pleasant to study, and which will provide the learners not only with knowledge but also with the respective skills of applying it in everyday life which is changing rapidly in its social aspect, and the skills of being an active citizen of one’s own country. The aforementioned challenges of contemporary life determine the preparation of teachers to the implementation of the competence-based approach into the educational process. In the article, a number techniques are highlighted, notably the types of activities applied at lessons of language and literature using the competence-based approach.У статті автори розкрили деякі аспекти удосконалення методичної підготовки майбутніх учителів української мови і літератури до реалізації компетентнісного підходу, який є провідним у світовій освітній практиці і в Україні зокрема. Навчання в школах України відбувається на компетентнісних засадах. Реформа Міністерства освіти і науки «Нова українська школа» має за мету створити школу, в якій буде приємно навчатись і яка даватиме учням не тільки знання, а й уміння застосовувати їх у повсякденному житті, схильному до швидких суспільних змін, бути активним громадянином своєї держави. Всі ці виклики сьогодення зумовлюють підготовку вчителів до використання компетентнісного підходу в освітньому процесі. У статті розкрито різні шляхи, зокрема наведено види робіт на уроках мови та літератури з учнями на основі компетентнісного підходу