126 research outputs found

    Guidelines for assessing favourable conservation status of Natura 2000 species and habitat types in Bulgaria

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    This executive summary describes the methodology for assessing the favourable conservation status of N2000 habitats and species on site level in Bulgaria and gives guidelines for its application. The methodology was developed in the frame of the BBI/Matra project 2006/014 “Favourable Conservation Status of Natura 2000 Habitat types and Species in Bulgaria”. The project was generously supported by the Dutch government under the BBI/Matra programme, which is a combination of two international policy programs of the Dutch government. The objectives and financial resources of the BBI/Matra Programme fall within the remit of the Matra Social Transformation Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and under the International Policy Program on Biodiversity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality

    Ectopic pregnancy after assisted reproductive technology: a retrospective study

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    In this study from 2006 to 2010,1628 IVF-ET cycles were performed in our unit. Long protocol with GnRH agonist plus recombinant FSH, short protocol with GnRH antagonist, short protocol with microdoses of GnRH agonist (flare up), natural modified cycle with GnRH antagonist and hCG were applied. The serum level of the P-hCG was measured 12 days after embryotransfer (ET). When positive, the P-hCG level was determined every 4 days until the ultrasound examination 22 days after the ET. From 1628 IVF - ET cycles, we had 10 tubal pregnancies (0,61%) and one heterotopic pregnancy (HP). Salpingectomy was performed in all patients, 7 had laparoscopy, and 3 underwent emergent laparotomy due to hemorrhagic shock. Regarding the HP patient, an ultrasound scan confirmed a viable intrauterine 8-weeks gestation and an ectopic pregnancy (EP) in the left tube with fetal heartbeat corresponding to gestational age of 7-8 weeks. Laparoscopy with left salpingectomy was performed the following day. The intrauterine pregnancy proceeded uneventfully. The patient delivered by elective Cesarean section at 39 weeks of gestation due to breech presentation. Patients undergoing IVF-ET must be informed of the risk of EP and the possibility of HP should not be ignored


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    The aim of this study is to objectify the functional state of the brain in Ctnegative cases with clinical diagnosis of acute cerebrovascular disease (CVD). The CT scan, cerebral SPECT, brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) and EEG with quantitative analysis (qEEG) were performed in 20 patients with ischaemic CVD. Of them, 6 were with transitory ischaemic attack (TIA), 8 with ischaemic stroke (IS) in the territory of the middle cerebral artery and 6 with brainstem infarction (BI). The zones with increased slow-wave activity described by the brain maps showed a good correlation (r=0,47) with the revealed decreased radiotracer uptake. The investigation of brain perfusion by SPECT alone cannot objectify the brainstem stroke. In these cases, the data from BAEP can help the topical diagnosis. Our results confirm the clinical importance of the qEEG for diagnosis of acute CVD, especially in relation with other electrophysiological and neuroimaging methods

    Manual for Promoting Agri-environment Measures in Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria

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    Tactics of treatment of acute left colon cancer obstruction

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    Back ground: Advanced colorectal cancer is commonly associated with colon obstruction/between 15-20% of patients with colonic cancer/ or/and tumor infiltration to adjacent organs. We set out to study in-hospital morbidity and mortality after operations of acute left colon cancer obstruction.Methods: From 2000 to 2010 the medical records of 204 cases /15.1%/ of acute left colon cancer obstruction were reviewed from total of 1351 patients who were operated from colorectal cancer. Results: The types of operations were a Hartmann procedure in 78 patients /38.2%/, colostomy in 58 patients /29.4%%, a type of colectomy with ileo-coloanastomosis in 54 patients /26.5%/ and a standard resection in 14 patients /6.8%/. The following early complications were occurred: anastomotic leakage in 4 patients, wound infections in 5 patients, dehiscence of operative wound in 2 patients. The in-hospital mortality rate was 11.3%.Conclusions: The emergency management of acute left-sided colonic obstruction remains controversial. The one-stage resection anastomosis which could be subtotal colectomy or segmental resection is useful and the preferred choice for low risk patients. Simple colostomy or Hartmann procedure should be re served for high risk patients. Colonic stenting is the best option either for palliation or as a bridge to surgery

    Vortex-assisted dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction for the determination of molybdenum in plants by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

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    A new procedure for determining trace concentrations of Mo in plants combining dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry is proposed here. An automated discrete sample introduction system using a Flow Blurring® multiple nebulizer (FBMN) and a solenoid valve were used to insert an organic rich phase into the plasma. The experimental conditions for the microextraction procedure were: 0.5% m v−1 of 8-hydroxyquinoline, pH 3.6 and 50 μL of 1-undecanol as the extractant. A limit of detection of the instrument of 0.20 μg L−1, a limit of detection of the procedure of 17 μg kg−1 and an enhancement factor of 246 were obtained employing the developed procedure. Three certified reference materials were used to check the accuracy and no significant differences were found at the 95% confidence level between certified and determined values. The developed procedure was also successfully applied to the determination of Mo in three different varieties of sugar cane leaves samples.The authors express their gratitude to the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior CAPES (Grant CAPES-DGU 243/11) for the research fellowship provided to J.A.V.A.B. J.A.N. is thankful to Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq, Brazil) for financial support. The authors are grateful to the Government of Spain (CTQ2011-23968 and PHB2010-0018-PC) and the Regional Government of Valencia (Spain) (ACOMP/2013/072) for the financial support, Agilent Technologies Inc. for the loan of the ICP-OES spectrometer and OneNeb® (Division of Ingeniatrics Tecnologías S.L.) for the FBMN prototype provided