35 research outputs found

    Corneal Thickness in Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma

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    Measurements of central cornea thickness (CCT) have a very important value in glaucoma patients; if the central cornea is thinner than it suggests, then the intraocular pressure is falsely low. This study compares the central cornea thickness between patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, open angle glaucoma, angle closure glaucoma and control group. This study included 34 patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, 31 patient with open angle laucoma, 28 patients with angle closure laucoma and 36 normal subjects in a control group. Patients in all groups and also normal subjects in control group had no other corneal disorders, no hystory of trauma, corneal surgery and were not patients with contacts lens use. Patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and also patients with open angle glaucoma had signifficantly lower values of cenral cornea thickness compared with normal subjects in control group. Tomey EM 3000 is a non contact specular microscope which was used to measure central corneal thickness in this study. Pachymetry is an important method for diagnoses of glaucoma and for examination of the intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients, because values of the central corneal thickness affect the exact intraocular pressure readings

    Corneal Thickness in Congenital Glaucoma

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    Central corneal thickness is very important measurement in glaucoma treatment because it influences the eye pressure measurements. A thinner cornea gives us artifactually lower intraocular pressure and a thicker cornea gives higher intraocular pressure reading, so it has to be corrected in both cases. The aim of this study is to compare central corneal thickness between congenital glaucoma patients and normal subjects. Prospective study included 27 patients with congenital glaucoma and 35 patients in control group. First group was subdivided in two subgroups: A ā€“ 8 earlier operated patients, B ā€“ 19 patinets treated with topic therapy. Patients had no other corneal disorders, history of trauma, corneal surgery and they were not contact lens wearers. Measurements were performed by specular microscope Tomey EM 3000 on central corneas. This study showed that patients with congenital glaucoma have lower central corneal thickness than normal subjects. Also, the study showed that antiglaucomatous operation doesnā€™t influence central corneal thickness. Central corneal thickness need to be a routine part of examination measurements because of need to correct intraocular pressure according to it, but also the thinner corneas values can suggest congenital glaucoma diagnosis beside the other parameters

    Corneal Thickness in Pseudoexfoliative Glaucoma

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    Measurements of central cornea thickness (CCT) have a very important value in glaucoma patients; if the central cornea is thinner than it suggests, then the intraocular pressure is falsely low. This study compares the central cornea thickness between patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, open angle glaucoma, angle closure glaucoma and control group. This study included 34 patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma, 31 patient with open angle laucoma, 28 patients with angle closure laucoma and 36 normal subjects in a control group. Patients in all groups and also normal subjects in control group had no other corneal disorders, no hystory of trauma, corneal surgery and were not patients with contacts lens use. Patients with pseudoexfoliative glaucoma and also patients with open angle glaucoma had signifficantly lower values of cenral cornea thickness compared with normal subjects in control group. Tomey EM 3000 is a non contact specular microscope which was used to measure central corneal thickness in this study. Pachymetry is an important method for diagnoses of glaucoma and for examination of the intraocular pressure in glaucoma patients, because values of the central corneal thickness affect the exact intraocular pressure readings

    Uticaj nivoa dobrobiti i stresnih faktora na krvne parametre kod krava tokom laktacije

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference in the value of certain blood parameters in cows in the function of the level of fulfillment of the criteria and the presence of certain indicators of well-being on the farm. Cows in which the farms are not fully satisfied with the principles of the welfare of the metabolic status that indicates that they are significant stress load (the higher the concentration of cortisol), take small amounts of food (lower concentrations of glucose, urea calcium) and spend their own reserves to overcome external factors (higher value of NEFA and BHB) and the maintenance of homeostasis. The metabolic status of cows depends largely on the degree of satisfaction of the principle of the welfare and the presence of indicators of stress and can be a quality indicator in assessing the stress load of cows.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita da li postoji razlika u vrednosti pojedinih krvnih parametara kod krava u funkciji nivoa ispunjenosti kriterijuma i prisustva određenih indikatora dobrobiti na farmama. Krave kod kojih na farmama nisu u dovoljnoj meri zadovoljeni principi dobrobiti imaju metabolički status koji pokazuje da su one značajnije stresno opterećenje (viÅ”a koncentracija kortizola), uzimaju manje količine hrane (niža koncentracija glukoze, uree u kalcijuma) i troÅ”e sopstvene rezerve za savladavanje spoljaÅ”njih faktora (viÅ”a vrednost NEFA i BHB) i održavanje homeostaze. Metabolički status krava u mnogome zavisi od stepena zadovoljenja principa dobrobiti i prisustva indikatora stresa i može biti kvalitetan indikator u proceni stresne opterećenosti krava

    Micro - Focused Phototherapy Associated To Janus Kinase Inhibitor: A Promising Valid Therapeutic Option for Patients with Localized Vitiligo

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    BACKGROUND: Vitiligo is an acquired pigmentary cutaneous disease, characterised by the progressive loss of melanocytes, resulting in hypopigmented skin areas which progressively become amelanotic. Classically, vitiligo treatments are unsatisfactory and challenging. Despite the continuous introduction of new therapies, phototherapy is still the mainstay for vitiligo repigmentation.AIM: The aim of this multicenter observational retrospective study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the nb - UVB micro - phototherapy (BIOSKIN EVOLUTIONƂĀ®), used alone or in associations with an oral Janus kinase inhibitor (Tofacitinib citrate), in the treatment of stable or active forms of localised vitiligo.MATERIAL AND METHODS: Fifty eight patients had been treated with n-UVB micro-photootherapy (Group A); 9 patients had been treated with phototherapy plus Tofacitinb citrate (Group B).RESULTS: Among Group A, 42 patients (72%) obtained a re-pigmentation rate higher than 75%, with a medium value of 77%. 11 patients (19%) achieved a marked improvement of the clinical findings with a repigmentation rate between 50-75%; 4 patients (8%) showed a moderate response with a lesional repigmentation of 25-50%. Only one patient (1%) had a poor response to the phototherapeutic treatmentCONCLUSION: Nb - UVB micro-focused phototherapy is one of the most effective therapeutic options for vitiligo treatment. The association of micro-focused phototherapy to Tofacitinib citrate seems to provide better clinical results in term of repigmentation rate

    Cryptocurrencies: highlighting the perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Digitalisation creates a new environment in which the development of advanced technology is becoming a reality. In that sense, a system of recording information that makes it difficult or impossible to change, hack or cheat is commonly known under blockchain technology. Recently, there has been much hype around blockchain technology since it became helpful for creating digital money, widely called cryptocurrencies. This article stresses the importance of blockchain technology concerning cryptocurrencies, including its impact on Bosnia and Herzegovina. Finally, this article aims to offer potential solutions that might help regulate the cryptocurrencies concerning entity level in Bosnia and Herzegovina


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    The aim of this study is to determine the main factors of development consulting services in Serbia. The verification was done by a procedure, by which have been achieved relevant scientific conclusions ā€“ by data research in the field, where had been respected factor analysis criteria, according to which had been possible adequate conclusions and generalization. Namely, taking into consideration the results of empirical research, it can be concluded the following: Three the most important factors of consulting services development are: education and awareness, developmental projects and affirmation of market business. In regard to actual consulting trends in the countries of our region, as well as a level of consulting development in the EU countries, the market of consulting services in Serbia has not developed significantly in last period. The owners and managers of enterprises still do not feel a need for external services, by which they would resolve business problems

    The innovative and state of the art public access management of Maltaā€™s underwater cultural heritage

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    The obligation to preserve underwater cultural heritage is a core principle of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage. A key element of this obligation is a balance of scientific research, protection, and the promotion of responsible access to underwater cultural heritage sites. Such a balance requires the setting up of a network of communication between the tourism and heritage sectors on the one hand and the maritime and diving communities on the other hand. A variety of approaches have been developed to promote responsible access to underwater cultural heritage sites, and since the vast majority of the public does not dive, this also includes the development of virtual access. In Malta, maritime archaeology can be traced to humble and sporadic beginnings in the 1950s. The following decades brought a growing interest in diving activities and a rising number of diving schools and clubs. Whilst Malta has today established itself as a diving tourism destination, responsible access to underwater cultural heritage sites was not always entrenched in dive operations or institutionally recognized. The protection and management of underwater cultural heritage has recently been firmly established within Heritage Malta, the national agency for museums, conservations, and cultural heritage. This paper is intended to outline the trajectory of Maltaā€™s underwater cultural heritage management and to present the innovative and state of the art public access system that is managed by the Underwater Cultural Heritage Unit within Heritage Malta.peer-reviewe