10 research outputs found

    Motivation, satisfaction of basic psychological needs and belonging to subculture in extreme sports

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    V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali, kakšno vlogo imajo različni tipi notranje motivacije, zunanje motivacije, amotivacija in pripadnost subkulturi pri zadovoljenosti potreb po avtonomnosti, kompetentnosti, povezanosti in potrebe po telesni pripravljenosti pri ekstremnih športih. Teorija samodoločenosti namreč opredeljuje avtonomnost, kompetentnost in povezanost kot tri temeljne psihološke potrebe, ki naj bi bile povezane predvsem z notranjimi tipi motivacije. Ker naj bi bila subkultura pomemben vidik ekstremnih športov, smo želeli raziskati tudi, kakšna je vloga pripadnosti tej subkulturi pri zadovoljenosti treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb. Boljša telesna pripravljenost je pogost motiv športne dejavnosti, zato nas je zanimalo tudi, kako se s potrebo po telesni pripravljenosti v ekstremnih športih povezujejo različni tipi motivacije za ekstremne športe. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 130 udeležencev, ki se z ekstremnimi športi ukvarjajo tekmovalno ali netekmovalno. Udeleženci so v spletni raziskavi izpolnili Vprašalnik zadovoljenosti temeljnih potreb na delovnem mestu in Vprašalnik športne motivacije, ki smo ju priredili tako, da sta se nanašala na področje ekstremnih športov. Odgovorili so tudi na tri postavke, s katerimi smo merili zadovoljenost potrebe po telesni pripravljenosti pri ekstremnih športih in eno postavko, s katero smo merili pripadnost subkulturi ekstremnih športov. Rezultati multiple linearne regresije so pokazali, da zadovoljenost treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb v ekstremnih športih izmed tipov motivacije najbolje napoveduje amotivacija (negativno) in notranja motivacija za stimulacijo (pozitivno). Zadovoljenost treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb v ekstremnih športih pozitivno napoveduje tudi pripadnost njihovi subkulturi. Izkazalo se je tudi, da notranja motivacija za dosežek pozitivno napoveduje zadovoljenost potrebe po telesni pripravljenosti v ekstremnih športih, negativno pa jo napoveduje amotivacija. Ugotovitev, da igra pripadnost subkulturi ekstremnih športov pomembno vlogo pri zadovoljevanju treh temeljnih psiholoških potreb v ekstremnih športih, vidimo kot glaven doprinos naše raziskave, saj še dodatno pojasnjuje, v kakšnem okolju je na področju športa možno njihovo zadovoljevanje, ki je pomembno za zdrav osebnostni razvoj.In this master thesis, we investigated the role of different types of intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, amotivation and belongingness to subculture in the satisfaction of needs for autonomy, competence, relatedness and physical thriving in extreme sports. Self-determination theory identifies autonomy, competence and relatedness as three basic psychological needs that are especially related to intrinsic types of motivation. As subcultures are an important aspect of extreme sports, we wanted to investigate the role of belongingness to subculture in the satisfaction of these three basic psychological needs. Physical thriving is a common motive for sporting activity, so we were also interested in how different types of motivation for extreme sports relate to the need for physical thriving in extreme sports. 130 people who do extreme sports competitively or non-competitively participated in the study. In the online survey, participants completed a Basic need satisfaction at work questionnaire and a Sports motivation scale, which were adapted to the field of extreme sports. They also answered 3 items measuring satisfaction of the need for physical thriving in extreme sports and one item measuring belonging to an extreme sports subculture. The results of multiple linear regression showed that satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in extreme sports is among the motivation types best predicted by amotivation (negatively) and intrinsic motivation for stimulation in extreme sports (positively). Satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in extreme sports is also positively predicted by belongingness to the subculture of extreme sports. Intrinsic motivation for achievement also positively predicted satisfaction of the need for physical thriving in extreme sports, whereas amotivation predicted it negatively. We consider the finding that belongingness to extreme sports subculture plays an important role in the satisfaction of the three basic psychological needs in extreme sports as a main contribution of our research, as it further clarifies in which sporting environment it is possible to satisfy these needs, which are important for healthy personality development

    Shooting and postprocessing of product photographs

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    Diplomsko delo predstavlja fotografiranje izdelkov za komercialno uporabo. V prvem delu so opisani postopki izdelave domačega studia, oprema, ki jo za to potrebujemo, predstavljeni so osnovi pojmi in delovanje fotoaparata. V drugem delo so predstavljeni različni tipi luči in svetlobni pojavi, s katerimi se pri osvetljevanju izdelkov srečujemo. V zadnjem delu diplomskega dela pa so korak za korakom opisani postopki obdelave fotografij v programskem okolju Photoshop s praktičnimi fotografijami korakov.The thesis presents of photographing products for commercial purposes. The first part describes the process of building a home photo studio, the photographic equipment, basic concepts and the operation of a digital camera. The second part describes different types of light and properties of lights which are used for lightning a product. The last part of the thesis presents a step by step description of digital photography editing using Photoshop with practical examples of product photograph

    Analysis and interpretation of dissolved gases in transformer oil

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    Tekom obratovanja transformatorja je pomembno preverjati stanje transformatorja. V praksi to pomeni, odvzemanje vzorcev olja iz transformatorja in analiziranje v certificiranih laboratorijih. V diplomski nalogi smo si ogledali kako se tvorijo plini v transformatorju, katere vrste plinov se tvorijo tekom različnih vrst okvar, merjenje koncentracije plinov tekom obratovanja transformatorja, odvzem vzorcev olja in interpretacija meritev z Duvalovim trikotnikom in Duvalovim pentagonom. Na podlagi oljnih analiz, ki smo jih izvedli v Kolektor Etri, smo preverili, ali obstajajo odstopanja v koncentraciji plinov na podlagi različnih transformatorskih zasnov po končanih tovarniških meritvah.During transformer operation it is important to monitor condition of the transformer. In practice, this means taking oil samples from the transformer and analyzing them in certified laboratories. In this diploma thesis the following analysis has been done: the formation of gases in a transformer, which types of gases are generated during different types of faults, measurements of gas concertation during operation of the transformer, taking of oil samples and interpreting measurements with the Duval triangle and the Duval pentagon. Based on oil analyzes performed at Kolektor Etra, we checked whether there were deviations in the gas concentration based on various transformer designs after the factory measurements were completed

    The Impact of the Latest 3D Technologies on the Documentation of Underwater Heritage Sites

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    Documenting underwater cultural heritage is a challenging undertaking. Underwater environment is not a man’s natural habitat and special equipment and devices had to be invented so that he could enter and study this environment. Several decades of underwater research and many sacrifices were needed to fully understand the importance of underwater heritage and its protection. The means for accurate documentation underwater are very limited and demanding, due to required technical equipment it is also expensive. Emergence of modern 3D methods and accompanying software tools for processing of 3D data is therefore of utmost importance for documenting and protection of underwater cultural heritage. In comparison to manual and analog methods, 3D methods offer much better accuracy, they substantially shorten the necessary time spent underwater and in this way improve the safety at work as well as lower the entire cost of field work. For illustration of the above development we discuss archeological case studies from the North East Adriatic

    The joint effect of amine and maleimide functional group in aminomaleimide on the curing kinetics and mechanical properties of epoxy resins

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    A new epoxy curing system, combining amine and maleimide functionality into a single molecule, was introduced to broaden current state of the art as regards epoxy, amine and maleimide systems. Curing agent aminomaleimide was tested in the curing process of several aromatic and aliphatic epoxies. Prepared mixtures in different weight (molar) ratios were investigated by nonisothermal differential scanning calorimetry to study and compare curing kinetics of different epoxies. The apparent activation energy was determined by Kissinger method, while Friedman method accompanied by Malék statistical approach was used in confirming the autocatalytic nature of epoxy curing and additional maleimide polymerization at the excess amount of aminomaleimide. Thermo-mechanical properties were determined by dynamic mechanical analysis and the effect of aminomaleimide curing agent compared to curing agent containing only amino functional groups was evaluated. Aminomaleimide showed improvement in the glass transition temperatures and higher char yields due to the involvement of maleimide moiety in the curing process. In overall, aminomaleimide showed the positive one-molecule joint effect of the amino group, behaving as an accelerator, and maleimide group, a mechanical properties enhancer

    Benzimidazole-galactosides bind selectively to the galectin-8 N-terminal domain

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    We have obtained the X-ray crystal structure of the galectin-8 N-terminal domain (galectin-8N) with a previously reported quinoline-galactoside ligand at a resolution of 1.6Å. Based on this X-ray structure, a collection of galactosides derivatised at O3 with triazole, benzimidazole, benzothiazole, and benzoxazole moieties were designed and synthesised. This led to the discovery of a 3-O-(N-methylbenzimidazolylmethyl)-galactoside with a Kd of 1.8%[micro]M for galectin-8N, the most potent selective synthetic galectin-8N ligand to date. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that benzimidazole-galactoside derivatives bind the non-conserved amino acid Gln47, accounting for the higher selectivity for galectin-8N. Galectin-8 is a carbohydrate-binding protein that plays a key role in pathological lymphangiogenesis, modulation of the immune system, and autophagy. Thus, the benzimidazole-derivatised galactosides represent promising compounds for studies of the pathological implications of galectin-8, as well as a starting point for the development of anti-tumour and anti-inflammatory therapeutics targeting galectin-8

    Structure-guided design of D-galactal derivatives with high affinity and selectivity for the galectin-8 n-terminal domain

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    Galectin-8 is a carbohydrate-binding protein that plays a crucial role in tumor progression and metastasis, antibacterial autophagy, modulation of the immune system, and bone remodeling. The design, synthesis, and protein affinity evaluation of a set of C-3 substituted benzimidazole and quinoline d-galactal derivatives identified a d-galactal-benzimidazole hybrid as a selective ligand for the galectin-8 N-terminal domain (galectin-8N), with a Kd of 48 μM and 15-fold selectivity over galectin-3 and even better selectivity over the other mammalian galectins. X-ray structural analysis of galectin-8N in complex with one benzimidazole- and one quinoline-galactal derivative at 1.52 and 2.1 Å together with molecular dynamics simulations and quantum mechanical calculations of galectin-8N in complex with the benzimidazole derivative revealed orbital overlap between a NH LUMO of Arg45 with electron rich HOMOs of the olefin and O4 of the d-galactal. Such overlap is hypothesized to contribute to the high affinity of the d-galactal-derived ligands for galectin-8N. A (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-5-(3- carboxymethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium) (MTS) assay evaluation of the d-galactal-benzimidazole hybrid and an analogous galactoside derivative on a panel of cell lines with MTS assay showed no effect on cell viability up to 100 μM concentration. A subsequent functional assay using the MDA-MB-231 cell line demonstrated that the d-galactal-benzimidazole hybrid and the analogous galactoside derivative reduced the secretion of the proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8 in a dose-dependent manner. Therefore, these compounds represent potential probes for galectin-8N pharmacology investigations and possibly promising leads for the design and synthesis of potent and selective galectin-8 inhibitors as potential antitumor and anti-inflammatory agents

    Benzimidazole–galactosides bind selectively to the Galectin-8 N-Terminal domain : Structure-based design and optimisation

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    We have obtained the X-ray crystal structure of the galectin-8 N-terminal domain (galectin-8N) with a previously reported quinoline–galactoside ligand at a resolution of 1.6 Å. Based on this X-ray structure, a collection of galactosides derivatised at O3 with triazole, benzimidazole, benzothiazole, and benzoxazole moieties were designed and synthesised. This led to the discovery of a 3-O-(N-methylbenzimidazolylmethyl)–galactoside with a Kd of 1.8 μM for galectin-8N, the most potent selective synthetic galectin-8N ligand to date. Molecular dynamics simulations showed that benzimidazole–galactoside derivatives bind the non-conserved amino acid Gln47, accounting for the higher selectivity for galectin-8N. Galectin-8 is a carbohydrate-binding protein that plays a key role in pathological lymphangiogenesis, modulation of the immune system, and autophagy. Thus, the benzimidazole-derivatised galactosides represent promising compounds for studies of the pathological implications of galectin-8, as well as a starting point for the development of anti-tumour and anti-inflammatory therapeutics targeting galectin-8

    Military dictionary by students of defence studies

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    The military dictionary by students of defense sciences was created during the course Slovenian language and Slovenian military idioms (2012/13 and 2013/14) at the Faculty of Social Sciences. It was created by second-year students under the supervision of Dr. Nataša Logar and Dr. Erik Kopač. The starting point for the selection of terms was the Military Doctrine (2006) and the Military Logistics Doctrine (2008). The dictionary consists of 192 terms with definitions and English equivalents. The dictionary is distributed in XML using the TBX (TermBase eXchange) standard for representing and exchanging information from termbases

    Assault-related maxillofacial injuries:the results from the European Maxillofacial Trauma (EURMAT) multicenter and prospective collaboration

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    Objective. The aim of this study is to present and discuss the demographic characteristics and patterns of assault-related maxillofacial fractures as reported by a European multicenter prospective study. Study Design. Demographic and injury data were recorded for each patient who was a victim of an assault. Results. Assaults represented the most frequent etiology of maxillofacial trauma with an overall rate of 39% and the values ranging between 60.8% (Kiev, Ukraine) and 15.4% (Bergen, Norway). The most frequent mechanisms of assault-related maxillofacial fractures were fists in 730 cases, followed by kicks and fists. The most frequently observed fracture involved the mandible (814 fractures), followed by orbito-zygomatic-maxillary complex fractures and orbital fractures. Conclusions. Our data confirmed the strong possibility that patients with maxillofacial fractures may be victims of physical aggression. The crucial role of alcohol in assault-related fractures was also confirmed by our study