232 research outputs found

    Those Who Left and Those Who Stayed: Diasporic ‘Brothers’ Seen as the New Others in the Bosnian Context

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    This article explores the division between the diaspora and the homeland dwellers in the context of post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. More specifically, the focus is on the constructed otherness of perceived co-ethnics who left because of the war (the ‘leavers’) in relation to those who stayed in the country (the ‘stayers’). I argue that the division into stayers and leavers presents one of the most prominent non-ethnically framed Bosnian divisions. The article is based on two qualitative research projects, which I conducted between 2011 and 2016. The narratives selected to support the main argument were taken from my thirty-five interviews with people who experienced displacement. Twenty of these interviews were conducted with people resettled abroad (the diaspora) and fifteen involved people who were repatriated after living abroad for many years (the returnees). The case study thus provides the opportunity to explore the otherness that my interviewees experienced as one of the social divisions based on experiential and socio-economic differences. This type of division can – to some degree – challenge the perceived solidarities based on ethnic sameness among the people who reside in and originate from Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Those Who Left and Those Who Stayed: Diasporic ‘Brothers’ Seen as the New Others in the Bosnian Context

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    This article explores the division between the diaspora and the homeland dwellers in the context of post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina. More specifically, the focus is on the constructed otherness of perceived co-ethnics who left because of the war (the ‘leavers’) in relation to those who stayed in the country (the ‘stayers’). I argue that the division into stayers and leavers presents one of the most prominent non-ethnically framed Bosnian divisions. The article is based on two qualitative research projects, which I conducted between 2011 and 2016. The narratives selected to support the main argument were taken from my thirty-five interviews with people who experienced displacement. Twenty of these interviews were conducted with people resettled abroad (the diaspora) and fifteen involved people who were repatriated after living abroad for many years (the returnees). The case study thus provides the opportunity to explore the otherness that my interviewees experienced as one of the social divisions based on experiential and socio-economic differences. This type of division can – to some degree – challenge the perceived solidarities based on ethnic sameness among the people who reside in and originate from Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Treatment and speech-language development at the children with hearing impairments

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    We analyze the speech-language development of deaf children and children without hearing impairments at the same chronological and mental age. The sample was formed from 27 deaf children from 10-14 years who are involved in regular educational system and 27 children without hearing impairments. We implemented particularities we used the test of speech development (Smiljka Vasic). The children whose treatment began before 18(th) months, realized approximately the same results in development of speech and language same as the persons of the same age without hearing impairments

    Intellectual disabilities: cognition and behavior - strategy of education and treatment

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    This paper addresses different aspects of practical interventions with regard to education and rehabilitation of children with intellectual disabilities which can take place in schools or other rehabilitation settings. The outlined approach is based on the Bruner’s concept of so-called growth sciences which include both the special education and the rehabilitation. The focus is on the theoretical, diagnostic, and rehabilitation strategy, based on the implementation of educational and treatment activities with this population of children. In the light of applied research we try to define interventions in education and rehabilitation of the children with mild intellectual disabilities. The sample was formed of 124 participants in school settings with regard to their cognitive and school achievement. With respect of these results we propose the educational and treatment strategies for these children

    CBRN crime scene management and investigation

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    Investigation of a CBRN incident has to be conducted in a systematic, objective, and timely manner in order to collect, preserve and analyse physical evidence from the associated site to be admissible in a criminal or civil proceeding, as well as in prosecution of acts of terrorism and war crimes. The inherently hazardous character of a crime scene involving CBRN agents adds complexity to investigative actions and requires additional expertise, equipment and conditions. The specific investigation strategies are necessary, together with the adapted CBRN detection equipment and forensics methods and procedures. This paper deals with the management of a CBRN crime scene and the specifics of investigation process, including interfaces between CBRN safety and security, and emergency response. The necessary framework, the conduct of operations, and an integrated command structure are outlined. The role of the technical support organisations with adequate CBRN expertises is emphasised

    Persons with hearing impairments in Europe-social and science perspectives

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    Aim: The study deals with the effects of new system of rehabilitation by using individual dynamic programs through computer technology in the education and rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairments. The sample includes adolescents of both gender distribution with the hearing impairment, average intellectual abilities, between 15 and18 years of calendar age, attending the secondary vocational training school (N=49). Results: The results point to a significant statistical difference between the achievements of the examinees who underwent the classical educational rehabilitation treatment and those whose education was based on individual dynamic programs through computer technology, in favor of the latter. Conclusion: The study deals up with new social, cultural and science perspectives viewed throw the implementation of assistive technology in education and rehabilitation of deaf people

    Assessment of the periodontal health and community periodontal index in the Army of Serbia

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    © 2015, Institut za Vojnomedicinske Naucne Informacije/Documentaciju. All rights reserved. Background/Aim. Promotion of oral health in military population is not only a significant component of general health, but also of the military readiness and represents the strategic orientation of each country. The basic task of military dentistry is to provide oral health of military personnel and to enable their operational readiness at the optimal level. The aim of the study was to assess the periodontal condition in Serbian military population using the community periodontal index of treatment needs (CPITN), and the influence of general life habits and local risk factors on periodontal health. Methods. This prospective cross-sectional pilot study was conducted on 101 examinees at the mean age of 38.94 ± 11.63 years who had dental check-ups at the Dental Clinic of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade. All the categories of military personnel aged 20–64 years were divided into five groups. The frequency distribution of general and local factors on periodontal health, oral hygiene index, and the assessment of the mean number of sextants by CPITN compared to age were examined. Results. The examinees at the age of 51–60 years had the best oral hygiene index (0.95 ± 0.65), whereas the oldest population had the worst (1.63 ± 0.42). Only one person (5.6%) at the age group of 51–60 years had a completely healthy periodontium. Observed in relation to the age groups, the mean values of sextants increased linearly, but in general population, the most frequent CPITN categories were in sextant with the periodontal pockets 4–5 mm (score 3). Conclusions. Compared to the results from other countries shown by the World Health Organization, the periodontal condition in our examinees is below the average. The appropriate preventive program preparation and its implementation are needed, including primarily the appropriate training on oral hygiene, as well as education based on periodontal disease prevention and treatment

    An essay on the anthropology of underground economy: The economic behavior of the tenants of a building in Dorcol quarter

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    U radu se, uz korišćenje etnografskog metoda posmatranja s učestvovanjem, razmatra studija slučaja ekonomskog ponašanja stanara jedne zgrade u centru Beograda. Spoljašnji pokazatelji potrošnje, kao i saznanja istraživača o prihodima izvesnog broja stanara, ukazivali su na zaključak o znatnom udelu sive ekonomije u prihodovnoj strani posmatranih domaćinstava. Namera rada je da, u okviru ovde tek skicirane "antropologije neformalnog prihodovanja", ukaže na manjkavosti zvaničnih statističkih podataka o prihodima građana na osnovu kojih se prave procene visine standarda, ostavljajući van statistike i zvaničnih saznanja veliku oblast neformalnih oblika prihodovanja koji znatnom broju građana u Srbiji omogućava lakše preživljavanje i bolji materijalni položaj od zvaničnih procena. Takođe, jedna od namera rada bila je da, povezujući sivu ekonomiju i političko ponašanje građana, ukaže na činjenicu da je u poslednje dve decenije bunt građana u Srbiji uvek bio motivisan političkim a ne ekonomskim razlozima, što bi se dalo očekivati s obzirom na, u javnom diskursu, često isticanu katastrofalnu ekonomsku situaciju u zemlji. .The paper represents a case study of the economic behavior of the tenants of a building in downtown Belgrade. The data was gathered through ethnographic methods of observation and informal interviews. The external indicators of spending, as well as the researcher’s knowledge about the professions and income of a number of tenants pointed toward the conclusion that informal economy plays a major role in the earnings of the observed households. The goal of this paper is to point out the shortcomings of official statistical data on the income of Serbian citizens on which assessments of the standard of living are based. The outline of an "anthropology of informal earning" is given, and suggested as a way to access information on a wide variety of informal means of acquiring income which are left out of formal statistics, yet enable a significant proportion of Serbian citizens to attain a better standard of living than is suggested by official data. Another goal was to, by making a connection between informal economy and the political choices of Serbian citizens; point out the fact that the revolts occurring over the past two decades were mainly motivated by political and not economic reasons as would be expected. This is especially relevant, keeping in mind the catastrophic economic situation in the country which is often emphasized in public discourse, and taking into account the different events and parameters - starting with the hyperinflation in the first half of the 90’s, international sanctions, the increase in public spending on the part of all the regimes that had been in power, great budget deficits and national debt, up to and including the lack of much needed economic reform. Given all this, it is confounding that economic reasons do not cause the people to revolt, unless, we look to the informal economy which allows a significant number of Serbian citizens to have a more comfortable existence than public data suggests

    What can be done with treatment of attention deficits in persons with visual impairments?

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    The paper focuses the quallity of attention processes in children with visual impairments on special educational, rehabilitational and medical treatment. The subjects of research were 52 examinees from the School for children with visual impairments in Belgrade. In the sample were present 25% of the legally blind children and 75.0% of blind children. The quallity of attention wass estimated by Cancellation test (adapted version which comprise items with geometrical objects). The results of research point out the suxssess of the tested sample on the implemented instrument. Complex, pervasive chronically disturbances such as attention disability with or without hyperactivity at the population with visual impairments need complex oriented team approach in applied treatment such as multidisciplinary team work with special education treatment and medication therapy (psyhostimulanses i atomoxetin) same as multimodal oriented treatment approach

    Intelektualna ometenost - komparativna analiza i sinteza novijih istraživačkih postupaka - iskustva iz naše sredine

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    The problem of this research project is based on the theoretical explanations of the significance of the problem of practical definitions future empirical strategies and conception of special education and rehabilitation. The paper also discuses the trend of analyses concepts of different authors for the research problem. This type of descriptive studies are illustrated in comparation of the defined problem, implemented instruments, tested sample of the research project and in comparation of the key findings and final conclusion remarks.Uvodni stavovi autora istraživanja baziraju se na teorijskom razmatranju značaja ispitanog problema za praktično definisanje pravaca buduće empirijske koncepcije specijalne edukacije i rehabilitacije kao i analize trenda kretanja interesovanja različitih autora za ispitivani problem. Deskriptivne studije ovog tipa prikazane su u odnosu na definisani problem, primenjeni instrumentarijum procene istraživačkog problema, uzorak na kome je istraživanje izvedeno kao i u odnosu na ključne rezultate i finalne pravce zaključnih razmatranja. PR Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179025: Kreiranje protokola za procenu edukativnih potencijala dece sa smetnjama u razvoju kao kriterijuma za izradu individualnih obrazovnih programa