155 research outputs found


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    This paper explains the reasons for loyalty programs emergence in retail and their significance to retailers and buyers, as well as the components they consist of. Subsequently, customers’ attitudes on these loyalty programs components on the fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) market in Croatia have been analyzed. Aim of the study was to explore the antecedents of loyal customers and therefore only those espondents who participated in at least one loyalty programs were used for testing the research question of the paper. The results of the conducted research undoubtedly show that, customers appreciate the simplicity in loyalty programs and ask for their transparency. They want to be able to choose rewards within loyalty programs and prefer delayed, but more valuable rewards. It has also been confirmed that customers want to win points in innovative ways. The research results, in view of buyers’ priorities and the factors deemed crucial for the success of such programs on Croatian retail market, can be of use to retailers who wish to improve their loyalty programs. It is clearly evident from the research results on Croatian market what customers consider as important and what they want from a loyalty program


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    Climate change implies a statistically significant change in the long-term mean state or characteristics of the variability of climate elements. It can be caused by natural and/or anthropogenic factors. Recent global warming is often cited as an example of human-induced climate change. Global warming refers to the increasing trend of the average global surface temperature of the Earth, defined as the global average of the mean annual surface temperature of the ocean, usually to a depth of 30-100 cm, and the mean annual surface temperature of the air above the land at a height of 1-2 m above the ground. In 1988, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) established the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which assesses the state of the climate and the risk of climate change caused by human activities.To project climate change, it is necessary to determine the future emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. According to the IPCC, with appropriate scenarios of greenhouse gas emissions, an increase in the average global surface temperature of 1.5 °C to 4 °C is predicted by the end of the 21st century. The purpose of this paper is to show the relationship between the trend and variability of the global average of the mean annual surface temperature on Earth and the trend of the mean annual air surface temperature in Varaždin for the period 1949-2021. The results show significant correlations among them because Varaždin is located in an big area of surface air temperature anomalies which has a significant contribution to a global average anomalies in several last decades


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    Significant and fast changes in the retail market, and especially in the retail market of fashion products, require constant care to create the most effective marketing mix. Consequently, the aim of this paper was to investigate the significance of certain elements of the marketing mix in the retail of fashion products in the Croatian market. For this purpose, empirical research was conducted on a sample of 537 subjects. It was conducted using an electronic questionnaire, which was distributed through the social network “Facebook” and was also e-mailed. The SPSS software package was used for data processing. The research findings indicate that the features of the range as a whole are the most important for consumers in fashion retail. The same research suggests that services to the consumer are somewhat less important while price as an element of the marketing mix in the retail of fashion is the least important element. The research further shows that there is no great importance and significance to the appearance and atmosphere of a retail store for fashion products. The location of fashion retail is important only in terms of the proximity of fashion retail to the place of residence. Although we do not find the importance of promotion as a whole in the retail of fashion products in the Republic of Croatia in the research, we can emphasize that the importance, when it comes to promotion, should be devoted to giveaway programs, seasonal discounts, etc

    Proračun otvora snopa za pokrivanje Jugoslavije sa radio-difuznim programom geostacioniranog satelita

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    Proračun otvora snopa za pokrivanje Jugoslavije sa radio-difuznim programom geostacioniranog satelita

    Comparison of two solid-state bioreactor configurations for white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor cultivation

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    U ovom radu gljiva bijelog truljenja Trametes versicolor uzgajana je u uvjetima fermentacije na čvrstim nosačima u dva različita laboratorijska bioreaktorska sustava (horizontalno-cilindrični stakleni reaktor-HBR i laboratorijski biorektor s pliticama-TBR) s ciljem istraživanja uspješnosti biološke obrade lignoceluloznog materijala. U oba sustava, kao supstrat su korišteni repini rezanci identičnog sastava, početne mase i vlažnosti, dok je kao inokulum korišten isti broj micelijskih diskova čiste kulture T. versicolor TV-6. Oba sustava bila su aerirana na istovjetan način.U horizontalnom bioreaktoru miješanje je provođeno periodično, dok je uzorak u bioreaktoru s pliticama nanesen u tankom sloju te je kao takav bio u statičnim uvjetima tijekom aerobne fermentacije. Tijekom 30 dana fermentacije praćeni su relevantni procesni parametri (temperatura u različitim slojevima supstrata, relativna vlažnost) te gubitak na masi i promjena boje uzorka. Nadalje, određivan je kemijski sastav lignoceluloznog materijala (udjeli vode, pepela, celuloze i pentozana).Primjenom oba sustava postignut je gubitak na masi lignoceluloznog materijala (21,33 % HBR i 46,50 % TBR), povećanje udjela pepela (175,5 % HBR i 78,9 % TBR), smanjenje udjela celuloze (64,65 % HBR i 42,34 % TBR) te smanjenje udjela pentozana (42,39 % HBR i 62,61 % TBR). Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na mogućnost primjene oba sustava za razgradnju i/ili prethodnu obradu lignoceluloznih materijala pomoću gljive bijelog truljenja T. versicolor.In this study, white-rot fungus Trametes versicolor was cultivated under solid state conditions using two different laboratory bioreactors (horizontal cylindrical glass bioreactor and tray bioreactor). The aim of the study was to investigate the biological treatment efficiency of lignocellulosic material. Sugar beet waste of identical chemical composition, initial mass and moisture content was used as a substrate, while the same amount of T. versicolor TV-6 mycelial discs were used as inoculum in both bioreactors. Furthermore, both bioreactors were aerated identically. Bed layer mixing in horizontal bioreactor was performed periodically, while inoculated substrate in the tray bioreactor remained statical throughout the experiment. During 30 days of fermentation, relevant process parameters (temperature in different bed layers and relative moisture) were measured and chemical composition of substrate (% of moisture, ash, cellulose and pentosane), weight loss and substrate color change were determined. Material weight loss (21,33% HBR and 46,50% TBR), ash content increase (175,5% HBR and 78,9% TBR), cellulose content decrease (64,65% HBR and 42,34% TBR) as well as pentosane content (42,39% HBR and 62,61% TBR) were observed in both investigated bioreactor systems. The obtained results indicate that both bioreactor systems can be used for biological degradation and/or pretreatment of lignocellulosic materials using white-rot fungus T. versicolor as inoculum

    Operacijsko liječenje patološkog loma natkoljenične kosti metodom intramedularne osteosinteze - prikaz slučaja

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    Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm with the highest incidence in female population, along with malignant tumors of the female genital tract. Depending on how far the disease has spread, distant metastases are most frequent in the lungs and in the skeleton. Additionally, widespread malignant disease may result in paraneoplastic syndrome with metabolic disbalance of the whole body. A well-known paraneoplastic syndrome that occurs in cancer patients is hypercoagulability, consequently resulting in deep venous thrombosis and embolism. A 52-year-old female patient was admitted to the traumatology unit of the Clinical Hospital Osijek, Clinic of Surgery with intertrochanteric fracture of the right femur. It was a pathological fracture, type 31-A3. Seven weeks prior to admission the patient had had right mastectomy due to malignant carcinoma. After two weeks of cytostatic therapy the patient had cerebrovascular insult that resulted in left hemiparesis, which gradually subsided. It was decided to treat the fracture using intramedullary osteosynthesis with proximal femoral nail. We consider the intramedullary osteosynthesis the method of choice whenever it can be applied, depending on the fracture type. The application of osteosynthesis generally enables earlier patient mobilization. Furthermore, surgical procedure takes less time and blood loss is significantly reduced.Karcinom dojke, uz malignome genitalnoga sustava, maligna je neoplazma s najvećom incidencijom u ženskoj populaciji. Ovisno u stupnju proširenosti bolesti, udaljene su metastaze najučestalije u plućima i skeletu. Dodatni problem koji se može javiti u proširene maligne bolesti je i paraneoplastični sindrom u smislu općeg metaboličkog disbalansa. Nerijetko se paraneoplastički sindrom manifestira hiperkoagulabilonošću, i posljedično dubokom venskom trombozom i embolijskim komplikacijama. Na Odjel za traumatologiju Klinike za kirurgiju KB Osijek liječili smo bolesnicu u dobi od 52 godine. Bolesnica je primljena zbog intertrohanternog loma desne natkoljenične kosti. Radilo se o patološkom lomu tipa 31-A3. Sedam tjedana prije primitka na naš Odjel učinjena je desnostrana mastektomija zbog malignoga karcinoma. Dva tjedna nakon započete citostatske terapije dolazi do cerbrovaskularnog inzulta s posljedičnom lijevostranom hemiparezom blažeg stupnja koja se postupno povukla. Odabrana je metoda intramedularne osteosinteze proksimalnim femoralnim čavlom. Mišljenja smo kako intramedularna osteosinteza treba biti metoda izbora uvijek kada ju ovisno o tipu loma možemo primijeniti. Primjenom takvog osteosintetskog sredstva u pravilu je moguća ranija mobilizacija. Također, trajanje operacijskog zahvata kaoi gubitak krvi bitno su manji

    Operacijsko liječenje patološkog loma natkoljenične kosti metodom intramedularne osteosinteze - prikaz slučaja

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    Breast cancer is a malignant neoplasm with the highest incidence in female population, along with malignant tumors of the female genital tract. Depending on how far the disease has spread, distant metastases are most frequent in the lungs and in the skeleton. Additionally, widespread malignant disease may result in paraneoplastic syndrome with metabolic disbalance of the whole body. A well-known paraneoplastic syndrome that occurs in cancer patients is hypercoagulability, consequently resulting in deep venous thrombosis and embolism. A 52-year-old female patient was admitted to the traumatology unit of the Clinical Hospital Osijek, Clinic of Surgery with intertrochanteric fracture of the right femur. It was a pathological fracture, type 31-A3. Seven weeks prior to admission the patient had had right mastectomy due to malignant carcinoma. After two weeks of cytostatic therapy the patient had cerebrovascular insult that resulted in left hemiparesis, which gradually subsided. It was decided to treat the fracture using intramedullary osteosynthesis with proximal femoral nail. We consider the intramedullary osteosynthesis the method of choice whenever it can be applied, depending on the fracture type. The application of osteosynthesis generally enables earlier patient mobilization. Furthermore, surgical procedure takes less time and blood loss is significantly reduced.Karcinom dojke, uz malignome genitalnoga sustava, maligna je neoplazma s najvećom incidencijom u ženskoj populaciji. Ovisno u stupnju proširenosti bolesti, udaljene su metastaze najučestalije u plućima i skeletu. Dodatni problem koji se može javiti u proširene maligne bolesti je i paraneoplastični sindrom u smislu općeg metaboličkog disbalansa. Nerijetko se paraneoplastički sindrom manifestira hiperkoagulabilonošću, i posljedično dubokom venskom trombozom i embolijskim komplikacijama. Na Odjel za traumatologiju Klinike za kirurgiju KB Osijek liječili smo bolesnicu u dobi od 52 godine. Bolesnica je primljena zbog intertrohanternog loma desne natkoljenične kosti. Radilo se o patološkom lomu tipa 31-A3. Sedam tjedana prije primitka na naš Odjel učinjena je desnostrana mastektomija zbog malignoga karcinoma. Dva tjedna nakon započete citostatske terapije dolazi do cerbrovaskularnog inzulta s posljedičnom lijevostranom hemiparezom blažeg stupnja koja se postupno povukla. Odabrana je metoda intramedularne osteosinteze proksimalnim femoralnim čavlom. Mišljenja smo kako intramedularna osteosinteza treba biti metoda izbora uvijek kada ju ovisno o tipu loma možemo primijeniti. Primjenom takvog osteosintetskog sredstva u pravilu je moguća ranija mobilizacija. Također, trajanje operacijskog zahvata kaoi gubitak krvi bitno su manji

    Stable and unstable rotation of the rigid body: Dzhanibek effect

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    Gibanje krutog tijela u trodimenzijskom prostoru sastoji se od translacije određene točke (najčešće je to središte mase) i vrtnje oko osi koja prolazi tom točkom. Kako bi se pobliže moglo proučavati stabilne i nestabilne osi vrtnje, potrebno je generalno poznavati vrtnju tijela, moment tromosti krutog tijela, te se upoznati sa Eulerovim jednadžbama. Iako je teorijska podloga postavljena čak stoljeće prije toga, fizičku manifestaciju nestabilnosti osi vrtnje primijetio je Vladimir Aleksandrovič Džanibekov 1985. u svemirskoj postaji, te je taj učinak i dobio ime prema ruskom astronautu koji ga je prvi prepoznao. Pomoću Eulerovih jednadžba kao analitičko rješenje, te Poinsotove konstrukcije koja predstavlja geometrijsko pojašnjenje, pokazat ćemo fiziku iza ovog fenomena.Motion of a rigid body in a three-dimensional space consists of translation of a certain point of a body (in most cases center of mass), and rotation around an axis through that point. To closely observe stable and unstable rotation, one must first have general knowledge on rigid body rotation, moment of inertia, and Euler’s equations. Even though Euler set the foundation for rigid body dynamics, physical manifestation of the unstable rotation axis hasn’t been known until 1985, when Russian astronaut Vladimir Aleksandrovich Dzhanibekov noticed the effect, and so the effect was named after him. With the help of Eulers equations as analitic solution, and Poinsots construction as geometrical solution, we will show the physics behind this phenomenon


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    The new coronavirus has spread around the world at an unprecedented speed. Understanding patterns of disease spread is an important contribution to controlling any epidemic, and today\u27s mathematical methods offer a plethora of proven models to choose from. We provide a brief overview of epidemiological concepts, papers pertaining to mathematical modelling, and present a robust, simple mathematical model to model incidence of COVID-19 cases in Croatia during the first year of the disease. For our models, we chose logistic, Gumbel and Richards functions, with parameters generated using the Levenberg-Marquardt iterative method of nonlinear regression. In conclusion, all three models provided adequate estimation of incidence curve and final number of infected during the chosen time period, with relatively minor differences depending on chosen parameters of significance. The model using the logistic function proved to be the most applicable to available data. While no model can give the answers to ending the pandemic, this approach can provide a simple prognostic tool to evaluate interventions and estimate disease spread

    The action of the Museum in the area of Lika

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    Cilj ovog rada je analizirati rad muzejskih ustanova u Lici. Iako su pokušaji pokretanja muzejske djelatnosti na tom području zabilježeni u prvoj polovini 20. stoljeća, nastojanja se realiziraju tek krajem pedesetih i početkom šezdesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Tada se službeno formiraju prve zbirke i muzeji koji djeluju do danas. Rad će predstaviti muzeje u njihovu djelovanju nakon Domovinskog rata i usporediti sa stanjem u prijeratnom razdoblju, ponajviše usporedbom njihova djelovanja, broja djelatnika i broja te sadržaja muzejskih zbirki.The aim of this paper is to analyze the work of museum facilities in LikaSenj County, or its continental part. Although attempts to launch museum activities in this area were recorded in the first half of the 20th century, efforts were made only in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Then, the first collections and museums that form this day are officially formed. The works will present the museums in their work after the Homeland War and compare them to the situation in the pre-war period, mostly by comparing their activity, number of employees, and the number and content of museum collections