130 research outputs found

    Screening of bat faeces for arthropod-borne apicomplexan protozoa: Babesia canis and Besnoitia besnoiti-like sequences from Chiroptera

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    Background : 45 Microbats (Chiroptera: Microchiropte ra) are among the most eco - epidemiologically important 46 mammals, owing to their presence in human settlements and ani mal keeping facilities . 47 Roosting of bats in buildings may bring pathogens of veterinary - medical importance into the 48 environment of domestic animals and humans. In this context bats have long been studied as 49 carriers of various pathogen groups. However, despite their close association with arthropods 50 (both in their f oo d and as their ectoparasites), only a few molecular surveys have been 51 publish ed on their role as carriers of vector - borne protozoa. The aim of the present study was 52 to compensate for this scarcity of information. 53 Findings : 54 Altogether 221 (mostly individual) bat faecal samples were collected in Hungary and the 55 Netherlands. The DNA w as extracted , and analysed with PCR and sequencing for the 56 presence of arthropod - borne apicomplexan protozoa. Babesia canis canis (with 99 - 100% 57 homology) was identified in five samples, all from Hungary. Because it was excluded with an 58 Ixodidae - specific PC R that the relevant bats consumed ticks, these sequences derive either 59 from insect carriers of Ba. canis , or from the infection of bats. In one bat faecal sample from 60 the Netherlands a sequence having the highest (99%) homology to Besnoitia besnoiti was 61 am plified. 62 Conclusions : 63 The se findings suggest that some aspects of the epidemiology of canine babesiosis are 64 underestimated or unknown, i.e. the potential role of insect - borne mechanical transmission 65 and/or the susceptibility of bats to Ba. canis . In addit ion, b ats need to be added to future 66 studies in the quest for the final host of Be. besnoiti

    Vibrational spectra of C60C8H8 and C70C8H8 in the rotor-stator and polymer phases

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    C60-C8H8 and C70-C8H8 are prototypes of rotor-stator cocrystals. We present infrared and Raman spectra of these materials and show how the rotor-stator nature is reflected in their vibrational properties. We measured the vibrational spectra of the polymer phases poly(C60C8H8) and poly(C70C8H8) resulting from a solid state reaction occurring on heating. Based on the spectra we propose a connection pattern for the fullerene in poly(C60C8H8), where the symmetry of the C60 is D2h. On illuminating the C60-C8H8 cocrystal with green or blue light a photochemical reaction was observed leading to a similar product to that of the thermal polymerization.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2nd version: minor changes in wording, accepted version by journa

    Evaluation of Colour Versions of Wild Sage (Salvia nemorosa L.)

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    In the continental weather zone, more and more frequently occurring extreme conditions require continuous renewal of the market which generates constant challenge for the ornamental plant breeders. Most of the traditionally used decorative ornamental plants are sensitive to these extreme conditions. In 2001, Department of Plant Biotechnology, Debrecen University initiated an interdisciplinary breeding program in collaborations with Zoltan Kovats (he dealt with hungarian drought-tolerant plant species) to produce new or reintroduce forgotten drought-tolerant ornamental species into public parks and roadsides. From ~900 species of Salvia genus, Salvia nemorosa L. has been known as a medical plant, however, because of its high adaptation ability and decorative nature it is a highly recommended ornamental plant as well. Salvia nemorosa L. has a low maintenance, extremely droughttolerant, fast growing plant, generates proper cover, and highly competing weeds on roadsides. Nowadays, 50-60 varieties are available; however this number could be increased by new hybrids. Great morphological and colour variation could be seen within the species, from different white to deep violet. The main goal of this research is the production of elite lines with wide colour and morphological variation in wild sage. We have already obtained 25 different clones for further investigation without eliminating the original plants generating an in vitro gene bank as it has been done by Italian breeders

    Statistical Analysis of Bubble Parameters from a Model Bubble Column with and without Counter-Current Flow

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    Bubble columns are widely used in numerous industrial processes because of their advantages in operation, design, and maintenance compared to other multiphase reactor types. In contrast to their simple design, the generated flow conditions inside a bubble column reactor are quite complex, especially in continuous mode with counter-current liquid flow. For the design and optimization of such reactors, precise numerical simulations and modelling are needed. These simulations and models have to be validated with experimental data. For this reason, experiments were carried out in a laboratory-scale bubble column using shadow imaging and particle image velocimetry (PIV) techniques with and without counter-current liquid flow. In the experiments, two types of gases—relatively poorly soluble air and well-soluble CO2—were used and the bubbles were generated with three different capillary diameters. With changing gas and liquid flow rates, overall, 108 different flow conditions were investigated. In addition to the liquid flow fields captured by PIV, shadow imaging data were also statistically evaluated in the measurement volume and bubble parameters such as bubble diameter, velocity, aspect ratio, bubble motion direction, and inclination. The bubble slip velocity was calculated from the measured liquid and bubble velocities. The analysis of these parameters shows that the counter-current liquid flow has a noticeable influence on the bubble parameters, especially on the bubble velocity and motion direction. In the case of CO2 bubbles, remarkable bubble shrinkage was observed with counter-current liquid flow due to the enhanced mass transfer. The results obtained for bubble aspect ratio are compared to known correlations from the literature. The comprehensive and extensive bubble data obtained in this study will now be used as a source for the development of correlations needed in the validation of numerical simulations and models. The data are available from the authors on request

    The Influence of the Calibration Procedure of a Volumetric Adsorption Apparatus on the Form of the Isotherm and its BET Parameters

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    An up-to-date piston-operated automatic adsorption apparatus has been tested. Statistical analysis of the results has shown that the adsorbate must be considered as a real gas if a precision of 1% in the adsorption isotherm is to be aimed for at points around 1 bar for gases having a second virial coefficient higher than about 30 cm 3 /mol. A quadratic calibration is recommended and the influence of operational variables demonstrated on a few examples. Results can be applied, mutatis mutandis, to any volumetric adsorption apparatus. It has then been shown that the generally applied linear calibration procedure gives deformed isotherms, their evaluation resulting in BET surface areas 2–12% lower than those obtained by subtracting the non-adsorbed part of the adsorbate with the quadratic, real gas, calibration curve. Finally, it has been shown that isotherms determined by the gravimetric method are the same as those determined with the real gas calibration and give the same BET surface areas
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