481 research outputs found

    The design of voting and rating services within Web4Groups

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    The Web4Groups EU supported project is one of the Telematics Application Development Projects of the Fourth Framework Program. The target of the project is to develop a distributed World Wide Web based, non-simultaneous group communication system that can also be considered as a complete redefinition of the traditional communication services like Usenet. The paper provides with a global overview on Web4Groups system and particularly the concepts followed during the design of Voting and Rating services within Web4Groups

    MBONE audiĂł - video konferenciarendszer pilot

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    The MBone is an experimental virtual subnet of the Internet, for the utilization of multicast IP traffic. Multicast is especially suitable for broadcasting data at a high rate to a large number of hosts on the network. Multicast avoids the multiplication of data traffic when sending the same data to several closely situated hosts. Videoconference is the primary application of the MBone. The MBONE videoconference toolkit contains tools for transmitting audio, video, a shared workspace manager, and a session directory which solves the announcement and organization of videoconference events on the MBone. In this paper these tools are described together with our experiences during the broadcast of the JENC7 conference

    MTMT: The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography

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    The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography (Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára, MTMT) is a comprehensive national bibliographic database of scientific publications and citations. Since 1999 MTMT collects data from researchers and institutions, containing almost 5 million records presently. The database is used by all major centres of research: universities and the research institute network of the Academy. Planned legislation states that registering all publications from research using taxpayer money will be required in the future. Data in MTMT can be used for supporting evidence-based management in science, fund allocating for institutions, projects and individuals. This database promotes transparency with displaying scientific output, in the form of statistics, but also enabling access to the articles themselves - the latter residing either at the publisher or at institutional repositories. MTMT supplies data to the electronic proposal management system of the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund and other information systems run by universities or the government

    Brands, networks, communities: How brand names are wired in the mind

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    Brands can be defined as psychological constructs residing in our minds. By analyzing brand associations, we can study the mental constructs around them. In this paper, we study brands as parts of an associative network based on a word association database. We explore the communities–closely-knit groups in the mind–around brand names in this structure using two community detection algorithms in the Hungarian word association database ConnectYourMind. We identify brand names inside the communities of a word association network and explain why these brand names are part of the community. Several detected communities contain brand names from the same product category, and the words in these categories were connected either to brands in the category or to words describing the product category. Based on our findings, we describe the mental position of brand names. We show that brand knowledge, product knowledge and real word knowledge interact with each other. We also show how the meaning of a product category arises and how this meaning is related to brand meaning. Our results suggest that words sharing the same community with brand names can be used in brand communication and brand positioning

    Modelling Cooperative Control Problems in the Cyber Environment: Introduction to Quasi Consensus Networks

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    The paper introduces the novel idea of the application of quasi consensus networks to modelling networked distributed systems. Quasi consensus networks operate alike standard consensus seeking ones without requesting the information state of the contributing systems to converge to a predetermined value. The quasi consensus- modelling paradigm can be used in modelling cooperative control problems in the cyber environment when the achievement of a common value of the information state is not the ultimate goal of the systems operation
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