22 research outputs found

    Studies in binary nucleation: The dibutylphthalate/dioctylphthalate system

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    A continuous-flow mixing apparatus has been developed for the study of binary nucleation. This apparatus has been used to investigate the nucleation of mixed dibutylphthalate/dioctylphthalate vapors, and the interaction of the two vapors in particle formation has been demonstrated. A model that considers competition between nucleation and condensation processes during particle formation is applied in the analysis of the experimental results, allowing comparison of the magnitudes of the theoretical and actual nucleation rates in both the single-component and mixed vapor systems

    Anomalous spiked structures in ESR signals from the chiral helimagnet CrNb3S6

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    We have performed X-band electron spin resonance (ESR) measurements on a single crystal of the metallic chiral helimagnet CrNb3S6 from 3.5 to 180 K and for the external magnetic fields Hext , up to 4 kOe, perpendicular to the c axis (the helical axis of CrNb3S6). This field-crystalline configuration is expected to provide the chiral soliton lattice (CSL) state in this system. The main resonance line can be fit with a Dysonian function above Tc = 127 K, but additional features in the spectra were observed below 105 K. Specifically, spiked anomalies superposed on the main signals were observed for magnetic fields between Hc1 and Hc2 that are the appearing and disappearing fields of the spiked anomalies, respectively. The resulting magnetic field vs temperature phase diagram possesses three regions, which are interpreted as different dynamical responses in the CSL phase. In addition, the values of Hc2 are close to those reported by the d2M/dH2 curve [Tsuruta et al., Phys. Rev. B 93, 104402 (2016)]. Furthermore, the field range between Hc1 and Hc2, where the spiked anomalies exist, depends on the field direction and shifts to higher fields when turning to the c axis, thereby providing additional evidence that these spiked anomalies must be related to the chiral soliton dynamics


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    Do particles in cigarette smoke grow larger in humid air? Results of our study indicate that condensation of water vapor on cigarette smoke particles takes place only under supersaturation conditions. Size distributions of smoke particles generated with filters (Wakaba brand, the Japan Tobacco and Salt Public Corporation) were measured by the apparatus shown in Fig.1. The experimental set-up consisted mainly of an ultramicroscopic sedimentation size analyser, a smoking device, two humidifiers and a psychrometer. Each humidifier consisted of a silica gel bed, a bubbler, and two control valves. The relative humidity of the air stream from each humidifier was controlled by adjusting the flow rates of the air streams through the bubbler and the silica gel bed. Supersaturation conditions can be obtained by heating the water in the bubblers. The apparatus was first tested by experiments with sodium chloride particles, generated by atomizing saline solutions and subsequently drying the droplets in a silica gel bed (not shown in Fig. 1 ). Figure 2 shows the measured geometric mean diameter ( number median diameter) of NaC1 particles as a function of relative humidity at 25℃. The results indicate that NaC1 particles have a deliquescent point at about 76﹪ relative humidity, which is in agreement with the value reported in the literature (see, for example, (2)). #B018202