87 research outputs found

    Natural immunity to malaria preferentially targets the endothelial protein C receptor-binding regions of PfEMP1s

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    Antibody responses to variant surface antigens (VSAs) produced by the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum may contribute to age-related natural immunity to severe malaria. One VSA family, P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein-1 (PfEMP1), includes a subset of proteins that binds endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR) in human hosts and potentially disrupts the regulation of inflammatory responses, which may lead to the development of severe malaria. We probed peptide microarrays containing segments spanning five PfEMP1 EPCR-binding domain variants with sera from 10 Malian adults and 10 children to determine the differences between adult and pediatric immune responses. We defined serorecognized peptides and amino acid residues as those that elicited a significantly higher antibody response than malaria-naïve controls. We aimed to identify regions consistently serorecognized among adults but not among children across PfEMP1 variants, potentially indicating regions that drive the development of immunity to severe malaria. Adult sera consistently demonstrated broader and more intense serologic responses to constitutive PfEMP1 peptides than pediatric sera, including peptides in EPCR-binding domains. Both adults and children serorecognized a significantly higher proportion of EPCR-binding peptides than peptides that do not directly participate in receptor binding, indicating a preferential development of serologic responses at functional residues. Over the course of a single malaria transmission season, pediatric serological responses increased between the start and the peak of the season, but waned as the transmission season ended. IMPORTANCE Severe malaria and death related to malaria disproportionately affect sub-Saharan children under 5 years of age, commonly manifesting as cerebral malaria and/or severe malarial anemia. In contrast, adults in malaria-endemic regions tend to experience asymptomatic or mild disease. Our findings indicate that natural immunity to malaria targets specific regions within the EPCR-binding domain, particularly peptides containing EPCR-binding residues. Epitopes containing these residues may be promising targets for vaccines or therapeutics directed against severe malaria. Our approach provides insight into the development of natural immunity to a binding target linked to severe malaria by characterizing an "adult-like" response as recognizing a proportion of epitopes within the PfEMP1 protein, particularly regions that mediate EPCR binding. This "adult-like" response likely requires multiple years of malaria exposure, as increases in pediatric serologic response over a single malaria transmission season do not appear significant. </p

    Functional Polymorphisms in IL13 Are Protective against High Schistosoma mansoni Infection Intensity in a Brazilian Population

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    IL-13 is a signature cytokine of the helper T cell type 2 (TH2) pathway which underlies host defense to helminthic infection and activates production of IgE in both parasitized populations and in urban settings after allergen exposure.Two functional polymorphisms in IL13, rs1800925 (or c.1-1111C>T) and rs20541 (or R130Q) were previously found to be associated with Schistosoma hematobium infection intensity. They have not been thoroughly explored in S. mansoni-endemic populations, however, and were selected along with 5 tagging SNPs for genotyping in 812 individuals in 318 nuclear families from a schistosomiasis-endemic area of Conde, Bahia, in Brazil. Regression models using GEE to account for family membership and family-based quantitative transmission disequilibrium tests (QTDT) were used to evaluate associations with total serum IgE (tIgE) levels and S. mansoni fecal egg counts adjusted for non-genetic covariates. We identified a protective effect for the T allele at rs20541 (P = 0.005) against high S. mansoni egg counts, corroborated by QTDT (P = 0.014). Our findings also suggested evidence for protective effects for the T allele at rs1800925 and A allele at rs2066960 after GEE analysis only (P = 0.050, 0.0002).The two functional variants in IL13 are protective against high S. mansoni egg counts. These markers showed no evidence of association with tIgE levels, unlike tIgE levels previously studied in non-parasitized or atopic study populations

    Association of the Gene Polymorphisms IFN-γ +874, IL-13 −1055 and IL-4 −590 with Patterns of Reinfection with Schistosoma mansoni

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    Approximately 200 million people have schistosomiasis in parts of Africa, South America, the Middle East, the Caribbean and Asia. Several studies of multiple treatments and reinfections indicate that some people develop resistance to reinfection. Of all the immunologic findings associated with such studies, the most consistent observation is that resistance (usually defined as lower levels of infection upon reinfection) correlates with high IgE and low IgG4 antibodies against schistosome antigens. Our studies test whether single nucleotide polymorphisms residing in the gene or promoter regions of cytokines pivotal in controlling production of these antibody isotypes are different amongst those that develop resistance to reinfection as opposed to those that do not. Through genotyping of these polymorphisms in a cohort of occupationally exposed car washers, we found that men with certain genotypic patterns of polymorphisms in IL-4, IFN-γ, and IL-13 were significantly more likely to be resistant to reinfection than those with different patterns. These data provide initial insights into the potential genetic foundation of propensities of people to develop resistance to reinfection by schistosomes, and offer a basis for further molecular studies of how these polymorphisms might work at the transcriptional and gene product level in cells stimulated by schistosome antigens

    The evolving SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Africa: insights from rapidly expanding genomic surveillance

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    Investment in SARS-CoV-2 sequencing in Africa over the past year has led to a major increase in the number of sequences generated, now exceeding 100,000 genomes, used to track the pandemic on the continent. Our results show an increase in the number of African countries able to sequence domestically, and highlight that local sequencing enables faster turnaround time and more regular routine surveillance. Despite limitations of low testing proportions, findings from this genomic surveillance study underscore the heterogeneous nature of the pandemic and shed light on the distinct dispersal dynamics of Variants of Concern, particularly Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Omicron, on the continent. Sustained investment for diagnostics and genomic surveillance in Africa is needed as the virus continues to evolve, while the continent faces many emerging and re-emerging infectious disease threats. These investments are crucial for pandemic preparedness and response and will serve the health of the continent well into the 21st century

    A year of genomic surveillance reveals how the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic unfolded in Africa

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    [Figure: see text]

    Analysing the eosinophil cationic protein - a clue to the function of the eosinophil granulocyte

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    Eosinophil granulocytes reside in respiratory mucosa including lungs, in the gastro-intestinal tract, and in lymphocyte associated organs, the thymus, lymph nodes and the spleen. In parasitic infections, atopic diseases such as atopic dermatitis and asthma, the numbers of the circulating eosinophils are frequently elevated. In conditions such as Hypereosinophilic Syndrome (HES) circulating eosinophil levels are even further raised. Although, eosinophils were identified more than hundred years ago, their roles in homeostasis and in disease still remain unclear. The most prominent feature of the eosinophils are their large secondary granules, each containing four basic proteins, the best known being the eosinophil cationic protein (ECP). This protein has been developed as a marker for eosinophilic disease and quantified in biological fluids including serum, bronchoalveolar lavage and nasal secretions. Elevated ECP levels are found in T helper lymphocyte type 2 (atopic) diseases such as allergic asthma and allergic rhinitis but also occasionally in other diseases such as bacterial sinusitis. ECP is a ribonuclease which has been attributed with cytotoxic, neurotoxic, fibrosis promoting and immune-regulatory functions. ECP regulates mucosal and immune cells and may directly act against helminth, bacterial and viral infections. The levels of ECP measured in disease in combination with the catalogue of known functions of the protein and its polymorphisms presented here will build a foundation for further speculations of the role of ECP, and ultimately the role of the eosinophil

    Host Determinants of Reinfection with Schistosomes in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    Background: Schistosomiasis is still a major public health burden in the tropics and subtropics. Although there is an effective chemotherapy (Praziquantel) for this disease, reinfection occurs rapidly after mass drug administration (MDA). Because the entire population do not get reinfected at the same rate, it is possible that host factors may play a dominant role in determining resistance or susceptibility to reinfection with schistosomes. Here, we systematically reviewed and meta-analyzed studies that reported associations between reinfection with the principal human-infecting species (S. mansoni, S. japonicum and S. haematobium) and host socio-demographic, epidemiological, immunological and genetic factors.Methodology/Principal Findings: PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Cochrane Review Library and African Journals Online public databases were searched in October 2013 to retrieve studies assessing association of host factors with reinfection with schistosomes. Meta-analysis was performed to generate pooled odds ratios and standardized mean differences as overall effect estimates for dichotomous and continuous variables, respectively. Quality assessment of included studies, heterogeneity between studies and publication bias were also assessed. Out of the initial 2739 records, 109 studies were included in the analyses, of which only 32 studies with 37 data sets were eligible for quantitative data synthesis. Among several host factors identified, strong positive association was found with age and pre-treatment intensity, and only slightly for gender. These factors are major determinants of exposure and disease transmission. Significant positive association was found with anti-SWA IgG4 level, and a negative overall effect for association with IgE levels. This reconfirmed the concept that IgE/IgG4 balance is a major determinant of protective immunity against schistosomiasis. Other identified determinants were reported by a small number of studies to enable interpretation.Conclusions: Our data contribute to the understanding of host-parasite interaction as it affects reinfection, and is a potential tool to guide planning and tailoring of community interventions to target high-risk groups