7 research outputs found

    Chemical Addressability of Ultraviolet-Inactivated Viral Nanoparticles (VNPs)

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    . Thus, inactivation of the virus RNA genome is important for biosafety considerations, however the surface characteristics and chemical reactivity of the particles must be maintained in order to preserve chemical and structural functionality. were shown to maintain particle structure and chemical reactivity, and cellular binding properties were similar to CPMV-WT. applications

    Interaction between a 54-Kilodalton Mammalian Cell Surface Protein and Cowpea Mosaic Virus

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    Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV), a plant virus that is a member of the picornavirus superfamily, is increasingly being used for nanotechnology applications, including material science, vascular imaging, vaccine development, and targeted drug delivery. For these applications, it is critical to understand the in vivo interactions of CPMV within the mammalian system. Although the bioavailability of CPMV in the mouse has been demonstrated, the specific interactions between CPMV and mammalian cells need to be characterized further. Here we demonstrate that although the host range for replication of CPMV is confined to plants, mammalian cells nevertheless bind and internalize CPMV in significant amounts. This binding is mediated by a conserved 54-kDa protein found on the plasma membranes of both human and murine cell lines. Studies using a deficient cell line, deglycosidases, and glycosylation inhibitors showed that the CPMV binding protein (CPMV-BP) is not glycosylated. A possible 47-kDa isoform of the CPMV-BP was also detected in the organelle and nuclear subcellular fraction prepared from murine fibroblasts. Further characterization of CPMV-BP is important to understand how CPMV is trafficked through the mammalian system and may shed light on how picornaviruses may have evolved between plant and animal hosts

    Endothelial targeting of cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) via surface vimentin.

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    Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) is a plant comovirus in the picornavirus superfamily, and is used for a wide variety of biomedical and material science applications. Although its replication is restricted to plants, CPMV binds to and enters mammalian cells, including endothelial cells and particularly tumor neovascular endothelium in vivo. This natural capacity has lead to the use of CPMV as a sensor for intravital imaging of vascular development. Binding of CPMV to endothelial cells occurs via interaction with a 54 kD cell-surface protein, but this protein has not previously been identified. Here we identify the CPMV binding protein as a cell-surface form of the intermediate filament vimentin. The CPMV-vimentin interaction was established using proteomic screens and confirmed by direct interaction of CPMV with purified vimentin, as well as inhibition in a vimentin-knockout cell line. Vimentin and CPMV were also co-localized in vascular endothelium of mouse and rat in vivo. Together these studies indicate that surface vimentin mediates binding and may lead to internalization of CPMV in vivo, establishing surface vimentin as an important vascular endothelial ligand for nanoparticle targeting to tumors. These results also establish vimentin as a ligand for picornaviruses in both the plant and animal kingdoms of life. Since bacterial pathogens and several other classes of viruses also bind to surface vimentin, these studies suggest a common role for surface vimentin in pathogen transmission

    Lysine Addressability and Mammalian Cell Interactions of Bacteriophage λ Procapsids

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    Chemically or genetically modified virus particles, termed viral nanoparticles (VNPs), are being explored in applications such as drug delivery, vaccine development, and materials science. Each virus platform has inherent properties and advantages based on its structure, molecular composition, and biomolecular interactions. Bacteriophage λ was studied for its lysine addressability, stability, cellular uptake, and the ability to modify its cellular uptake. λ procapsids could be labeled primarily at a single residue on the gpE capsid protein as determined by tandem mass spectrometry, providing a unique attachment site for further capsid modification. Bioconjugation of transferrin to the procapsids mediated specific interaction with transferrin receptor-expressing cells. These studies demonstrate the utility of bacteriophage λ procapsids and their potential use as targeted drug delivery vehicles