3 research outputs found

    Évolution Des Extrêmes Pluviométriques Dans La Région Du Gôh (Centre-Ouest De La Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The GĂ´h region located in western-central Ivory Coast is a region whose economy depends mainly on agriculture, which itself is dependent on the climate. Thus, variation and climate change has a significant impact on crop yields. The objective of this work is to study the evolution of extreme rainfall on rainfall station in the region (Gagnoa station). The calculation of rainfall indices was performed with the software RclimDex. It appears from this study has the Gagnoa station, five (5) of the seven indices calculated namely, the maximum rainfall of one day height (Rx1day), the maximum total rainfall of 5 days (Rx5daiy), the days very rainy (R95) extremely rainy days (R99p) and consecutive dry days (CDD) experienced an increase. While the total annual rainfall (PRCPTOT) and consecutive wet days (CWD) declined. In general, the GOH region is experiencing a decline in rainfall and therefore an increase in dry spells during the rainy seasons

    Hydroclimatologie et dynamique de l’occupation du sol du bassin versant du Haut Bandama à Tortiya (Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire)

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    La présente étude menée sur le bassin du Haut Bandama à Tortiya (entre 8° 40’ et 10° 20’ de latitude nord et 5° et 6° 20’ de longitude ouest) dans la région nord de la Côte d’Ivoire vise à comprendre l’hydroclimatologie et la dynamique de l’occupation du sol en vue de mieux gérer les ressources en eau. Elle se base sur l’exploitation des données pluviométriques et hydrométriques (débits) et des images satellitaires. Ainsi, l’application des tests statistiques de rupture (Pettitt, Lee et Heghinian) montre une modification du régime pluviométrique intervenue au cours des années 1970. Cette modification se traduit par une baisse des pluies allant de 12 % à 22 % selon les stations avec une moyenne de 16,5 % et celle-ci est plus accentuée sur les écoulements (62,5 %) à la station hydrométrique de Tortiya. Les coefficients de tarissement marquent de fortes valeurs (plus de 8 10-2 j-1) après les années 1970. La recharge des aquifères s’amenuise passant d’une infiltration efficace moyenne de 212 mm (1980-1989) à 184 mm (1990-1999). Parallèlement, l’étude diachronique de l’occupation du sol des images satellitaires Landsat de novembre 1986 (capteur TM) et de janvier 2000 (capteur ETM+) sur une zone test du bassin a permis de dégager la tendance générale de l’occupation du sol. Elle se caractérise par une augmentation des habitats (+3,1 %), sols nus ou dégradés (+6,64 %) et cultures (+21,60 %) au profit de la dégradation des classes savane arborée (-29 %) et forêts (-1,38 %). Ces modifications ont une répercussion sur le comportement hydrologique du bassin.This present study performed in the upper Bandama catchment at Tortiya station in Northern Côte d’Ivoire aims to improve our knowledge on hydroclimatic and land cover in order to lead to a better water resources management. It is based on the exploitation of rainfall and runoff data and satellite images. Thus application of statistic tests (Pettitt, Lee, Heghinian) highlights changes in rainfall regime during the 1970s. This modification reveals a decrease of 12 % and 22 % in rainfall depending on the stations (16.5 % in average) causing a stronger decrease in runoff (62.5 %) at Tortiya station. Depletion coefficients become very high (more than 8 10-2 j-1) after the 1970s. Groundwater recharge decreases with an average effective infiltration of 212 mm in decade 1980-1989 and 184 mm in the decade 1990-1999. In the same time, diachronic study of land cover of satellite images from November 1986 (TM sensor) and January 2000 (ETM+ sensor) on test area of watershed allowed to obtain a trend of land cover. The main observed changes are the increase of habitats (+3.1 %), bare soil (+6.64 %) and crops areas (+21.60 %) and inversely a reduction of the area covered by savannah (-29 %) and forests (-1.38 %). These modifications led to changes on hydrological behaviour of catchment

    Hydroclimatologie et dynamique de l’occupation du sol du bassin versant du Haut Bandama à Tortiya (Nord de la Côte d’Ivoire)

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    This present study performed in the upper Bandama catchment at Tortiya station in Northern Côte d’Ivoire aims to improve our knowledge on hydroclimatic and land cover in order to lead to a better water resources management. It is based on the exploitation of rainfall and runoff data and satellite images. Thus application of statistic tests (Pettitt, Lee, Heghinian) highlights changes in rainfall regime during the 1970s. This modification reveals a decrease of 12 % and 22 % in rainfall depending on the stations (16.5 % in average) causing a stronger decrease in runoff (62.5 %) at Tortiya station. Depletion coefficients become very high (more than 8 10-2 j-1) after the 1970s. Groundwater recharge decreases with an average effective infiltration of 212 mm in decade 1980-1989 and 184 mm in the decade 1990-1999. In the same time, diachronic study of land cover of satellite images from November 1986 (TM sensor) and January 2000 (ETM+ sensor) on test area of watershed allowed to obtain a trend of land cover. The main observed changes are the increase of habitats (+3.1 %), bare soil (+6.64 %) and crops areas (+21.60 %) and inversely a reduction of the area covered by savannah (-29 %) and forests (-1.38 %). These modifications led to changes on hydrological behaviour of catchment