147 research outputs found
Nuclear spin warm-up in bulk n-GaAs
We show that the spin-lattice relaxation in n-type insulating GaAs is
dramatically accelerated at low magnetic fields. The origin of this effect,
that cannot be explained in terms of well-known diffusion-limited hyperfine
relaxation, is found in the quadrupole relaxation, induced by fluctuating donor
charges. Therefore, quadrupole relaxation, that governs low field nuclear spin
relaxation in semiconductor quantum dots, but was so far supposed to be
harmless to bulk nuclei spins in the absence of optical pumping can be studied
and harnessed in much simpler model environment of n-GaAs bulk crystal.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Orientational Ordering in Spatially Disordered Dipolar Systems
This letter addresses basic questions concerning ferroelectric order in
positionally disordered dipolar materials. Three models distinguished by dipole
vectors which have one, two or three components are studied by computer
simulation. Randomly frozen and dynamically disordered media are considered. It
is shown that ferroelectric order is possible in spatially random systems, but
that its existence is very sensitive to the dipole vector dimensionality and
the motion of the medium. A physical analysis of our results provides
significant insight into the nature of ferroelectric transitions.Comment: 4 pages twocolumn LATEX style. 4 POSTSCRIPT figures available from
[email protected]
Типовая учебная программа по учебной дисциплине для специальности: 1-23 01 08 Журналистика (по направлениям), направление специальности 1-23 01 08-02 Журналистика (аудиовизуальная)
Enhancement of soft magnetic properties in the selected group of amorphous alloys was examined by different
experimental methods. It was shown that permeability for annealed samples (at Ta for 1 h; 300 K < Ta < 900 K)
plotted vs. Ta shows a maximum at which is 700, 725, 725, and 750 K for Fe82Nb2B14Y2, Fe82Nb2B14Gd2,
Fe82Nb2B14Tb2 and Fe82Nb2B14Dy2 alloy, respectively. For samples after the optimization annealing permeability
is at least 10 times higher than in the as-quenched state. The optimized microstructure is free of iron nanograins
and corresponds to so-called relaxed amorphous phase
Magnetic properties and Moessbauer effect studies of Ce1-xScxFe4Al8 system
The investigations of the magnetic and electrical properties as well as the 57Fe Moessbauer effect are presented for Ce1-xScxFe4Al8 solid solution with 0<x<1 in the temperature range 4-300 K. Magnetic susceptibility follows a Curie-Weiss law above 200 K. The effective magnetic moment decreases with the Sc content. At temperatures lower than 130 K all compounds studied are antiferromagnets. The Neel temperature, TN is not affected by substitution of Sc for Ce. TN has no reflection in any anomaly in ρ(T). The Moessbauer spectra at temperatures lower than TN exhibit one Zeeman sextet related to the Fe nucleus at the 8(f) position. The hyperfine parameters Hhf, IS, QS have been estimated as a function of Sc concentration. The increasing of Sc content diminishes Hhf on the Fe nucleus. The calculations of electron-density distribution along the 〈1 1 1〉 direction in elemental crystallographic cell indicate a remarkable increase of electron charge at the Fe sites with the Sc content increasing. The 40-49° cone angles of the Fe sublattices at 12 K have been estimated from Moessbauer spectra analysis
Magnetic and hyperfine interaction in RFe4Al8 (R = Ce,Sc) compounds
Magnetic properties of ScFe4Al8 and CeFe4Al8 compounds have been studied by magnetization and Mössbauer effect measurements. Magnetic transition temperatures estimated from Mössbauer spectra (B = 0) 170 K for CeFe4Al8 and 225 K for ScFe4Al8 are not confirmed by magnetization measurements. Contrary, the pronounced maxima at Tmax = 130 and 125 K in DC magnetization curves (B = 1 kOe) were found for ScFe4Al8 and CeFe4Al8, respectively. Thermomagnetic, the so-called zero field (ZFC) and field cooling (FC) experiments show temperature-dependent irreversibilities below the "freezing" temperature, Tf, which diminishes with application of external magnetic field. The Mössbauer studies show the coexistence of magnetically (sextet) and non-magnetically (quadrupole doublet) split patterns in the wide temperature range far away from Tmax. All these observations indicate that the systems studied are either a spin-glass or are the mixture of AF and spin-glass state. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V
Luttinger model approach to interacting one-dimensional fermions in a harmonic trap
A model of interacting one--dimensional fermions confined to a harmonic trap
is proposed. The model is treated analytically to all orders of the coupling
constant by a method analogous to that used for the Luttinger model. As a first
application, the particle density is evaluated and the behavior of Friedel
oscillations under the influence of interactions is studied. It is found that
attractive interactions tend to suppress the Friedel oscillations while strong
repulsive interactions enhance the Friedel oscillations significantly. The
momentum distribution function and the relation of the model interaction to
realistic pair interactions are also discussed.Comment: 12 pages latex, 1 eps-figure in 1 tar file, extended Appendix, added
and corrected references, new eq. (53), corrected typos, accepted for PR
Metal site doping in the narrow-gap semiconductor FeGa₃
The effects and feasibility of metal site doping of the tetragonal diamagnetic insulator
FeGa₃ by Fe/Co, Fe/Mn and Co/Ni substitution were investigated by X-ray, electron probe
microanalysis, electrical resistivity, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility measurements.
Substitution of Fe by Co in FeGa₃ does not change its structure type and preserves the
structure of the binary parent compound (FeGa₃), whereas the solubility of Mn in the FeGa₃
structure type is limited to 3 at.% and a finite solubility of Ni in CoGa₃ is not detected.Методами рентгенівського, мікрорентгеноспектрального аналізу, дослідження електроопору, питомої теплоємності і магнетної сприйнятливості вивчено можливість та вплив легування Fe/Co, Fe/Mn і Co/Ni у положеннях атомів металу в тетрагональній структурі діамагнетного ізолятора FeGa₃. Заміщення атомів Fe на Co у сполуці FeGa₃
не змінює її кристалічну структуру. Розчинність Mn у FeGa₃ не перевищує 3 at.%, а розчинність Ni у CoGa₃ не виявлено.Методами рентгеновского, микрорентгеноспектрального анализа, исследования электросопротивления, удельной теплоемкости и магнитной восприимчивости
исследована возможность и влияние легирования Fe/Co, Fe/Mn и Co/Ni в положениях
атомов металла в тетрагональной структуре диамагнитного изолятора FeGa₃. Замещение
атомов Fe на Co в соединении FeGa₃ не изменяет ее кристаллическую структуру. Растворимость Mn в FeGa₃ не превышает 3 at.%, а растворимость Ni в CoGa₃ не выявлено
Quantum corrections to the ground state energy of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate: A diffusion Monte Carlo calculation
The diffusion Monte Carlo method is applied to describe a trapped atomic
Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature, fully quantum mechanically and
nonperturbatively. For low densities, [n(0): peak
density, a: s-wave scattering length], our calculations confirm that the exact
ground state energy for a sum of two-body interactions depends on only the
atomic physics parameter a, and no other details of the two-body model
potential. Corrections to the mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii energy range from
being essentially negligible to about 20% for N=2-50 particles in the trap with
positive s-wave scattering length a=100-10000 a.u.. Our numerical calculations
confirm that inclusion of an additional effective potential term in the
mean-field equation, which accounts for quantum fluctuations [see e.g. E.
Braaten and A. Nieto, Phys. Rev. B 56}, 14745 (1997)], leads to a greatly
improved description of trapped Bose gases.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure
Thermodynamic perturbation theory for dipolar superparamagnets
Thermodynamic perturbation theory is employed to derive analytical
expressions for the equilibrium linear susceptibility and specific heat of
lattices of anisotropic classical spins weakly coupled by the dipole-dipole
interaction. The calculation is carried out to the second order in the coupling
constant over the temperature, while the single-spin anisotropy is treated
exactly. The temperature range of applicability of the results is, for weak
anisotropy (A/kT << 1), similar to that of ordinary high-temperature
expansions, but for moderately and strongly anisotropic spins (A/kT > 1) it can
extend down to the temperatures where the superparamagnetic blocking takes
place (A/kT \sim 25), provided only the interaction strength is weak enough.
Besides, taking exactly the anisotropy into account, the results describe as
particular cases the effects of the interactions on isotropic (A = 0) as well
as strongly anisotropic (A \to \infty) systems (discrete orientation model and
plane rotators).Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure
Dynamic correlations in an ordered c(22) lattice gas
We obtain the dynamic correlation function of two-dimensional lattice gas
with nearest-neighbor repulsion in ordered c(22) phase
(antiferromagnetic ordering) under the condition of low concentration of
structural defects. It is shown that displacements of defects of the ordered
state are responsible for the particle number fluctuations in the probe area.
The corresponding set of kinetic equations is derived and solved in linear
approximation on the defect concentration. Three types of strongly correlated
complex jumps are considered and their contribution to fluctuations is
analysed. These are jumps of excess particles, vacancies and flip-flop jumps.
The kinetic approach is more general than the one based on diffusion-like
equations used in our previous papers. Thus, it becomes possible to adequately
describe correlations of fluctuations at small times, where our previous theory
fails to give correct results. Our new analytical results for fluctuations of
particle number in the probe area agree well with those obtained by Monte Carlo
simulations.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure
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