354 research outputs found

    Prawa strony w postępowaniu w sprawie udzielenia patentu

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    The goal of the article was to present the legal position of an applicant in the proceedings for the grant of a patent (the so-called application proceedings, which constitutes the main form of patent proceedings). The article contains a comparative law analysis of the party’s active procedural rights in the patent application proceedings and general administrative proceedings. First, the author explained – controversial in the doctrine – the concept of a party to the patent application proceedings, and then discussed their procedural rights at various stages of the procedure, indicating similarities and differences to the solutions adopted in the general administrative procedure. The topic of the considerations remains valid and important in the era of building an innovative economy.Celem artykułu było przedstawienie pozycji prawnej zgłaszającego w postępowaniu w sprawie o udzielenie patentu. Opracowanie zawiera analizę prawnoporównawczą czynnych uprawnień procesowych strony w postępowaniu zgłoszeniowym (patentowym) i ogólnym postępowaniu administracyjnym. W pierwszej kolejności autorka wyjaśniła budzące kontrowersje w doktrynie pojęcie strony postępowania zgłoszeniowego, a następnie omówiła przysługujące jej prawa procesowe w poszczególnych stadiach postępowania, wskazując na podobieństwa i różnice w stosunku do rozwiązań przyjętych na gruncie ogólnej procedury administracyjnej. Temat podjętych rozważań pozostaje aktualny i ważny w dobie budowania innowacyjnej gospodarki

    Metastable Pores at the Onset of Constant-Current Electroporation

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    Single metastable nanopores, appearing before the actual electroporation under constant-current conditions, are used to characterize the onset of electroporation. Unlike the long-lived electropores typical of the current controlled methods, these pores survive for milliseconds and observing them is possible due to slow development of electroporation, provided by the gradual accumulation of charges on a planar membrane. Analysis of the metastable pore appearance frequency and lifetime shows the first introductory stage of electroporation. During this stage two species of metastable pores open, the majority of very low conductance that seem not fully developed as hydrophilic electropores. The experiments reveal that voltage value defines the electroporation onset while the current value affects the rate of electroporation. Membrane capacitance has a great impact on the membrane susceptibility to the pore appearance, related to its thickness and integrity. Pores of nonperfect membranes appear more easily, but they do not live any longer than others

    Leczenie padaczki dietą: renesans starej terapii

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    Since its introduction in 1921, the ketogenic diet has been in continuous use for children with difficult-to-control epilepsy. After decades of relative disuse, it is now both extremely popular and well studied, with approximately two-thirds of children demonstrating significant seizure reduction after 6 months. It is being used for less intractable seizures in children as well as recently adults. Modifications that help improve tolerability include the medium chain triglyceride diet, modified Atkins diet, and low glycemic index treatment. Major side effects include acidosis, increased cholesterol, kidney stones, gastroesophageal reflux, and growth disturbance. However, these side effects are usually treatable and nowadays often even preventable. Future non-epilepsy indications such as Alzheimer disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, autism, and brain tumors are under active investigation. This dietary treatment for epilepsy has undergone a rebirth. Its widespread use in Poland and Europe is a welcome additional treatment for those with drug-resistant epilepsy.Dieta ketogenna od jej opracowania w 1921 r. znalazła stałe miejsce w leczeniu lekoopornej padaczki u dzieci. Po kilku dekadach względnego zapomnienia, stała się znowu popularna i szeroko badana – u ok. 2/3 dzieci stwierdza się istotne zmniejszenie częstości napadów w ciągu 6 miesięcy leczenia. Dieta ketogenna coraz częściej jest wykorzystywana w leczeniu mniej opornych padaczek, a ostatnio także u dorosłych. Pojawiają się łatwiej tolerowane odmiany diety: dieta oparta na średniołańcuchowych trójglicerydach, zmodyfikowana dieta Atkinsa czy dieta z niskim wskaźnikiem glikemicznym. Do głównych objawów ubocznych stosowania tego typu diety należą: kwasica, hipercholesterolemia, kamica nerkowa, refluks żołądkowo-przełykowy i zaburzenia wzrostu. Powyższe objawy uboczne poddają się obecnie leczeniu, a nawet można im zapobiegać. Bardzo aktywnie bada się możliwości stosowania diety poza padaczką: w chorobie Alzheimera, stwardnieniu zanikowym bocznym, autyzmie i guzach mózgu. Leczenie padaczki dietą przeżywa swój renesans. Należy się spodziewać jej szerszego zastosowania w Polsce i Europie u chorych na lekooporną padaczkę

    Probabilistic grammatical model of protein language and its application to helix-helix contact site classification

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    BACKGROUND: Hidden Markov Models power many state‐of‐the‐art tools in the field of protein bioinformatics. While excelling in their tasks, these methods of protein analysis do not convey directly information on medium‐ and long‐range residue‐residue interactions. This requires an expressive power of at least context‐free grammars. However, application of more powerful grammar formalisms to protein analysis has been surprisingly limited. RESULTS: In this work, we present a probabilistic grammatical framework for problem‐specific protein languages and apply it to classification of transmembrane helix‐helix pairs configurations. The core of the model consists of a probabilistic context‐free grammar, automatically inferred by a genetic algorithm from only a generic set of expert‐based rules and positive training samples. The model was applied to produce sequence based descriptors of four classes of transmembrane helix‐helix contact site configurations. The highest performance of the classifiers reached AUCROC of 0.70. The analysis of grammar parse trees revealed the ability of representing structural features of helix‐helix contact sites. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrated that our probabilistic context‐free framework for analysis of protein sequences outperforms the state of the art in the task of helix‐helix contact site classification. However, this is achieved without necessarily requiring modeling long range dependencies between interacting residues. A significant feature of our approach is that grammar rules and parse trees are human‐readable. Thus they could provide biologically meaningful information for molecular biologists

    Przyczynek do dziejów ołtarza cechu sukienników w kościele farnym w Bieczu

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    The article presents a short outline of the history of the Corpus Christi Collegiate Church in Biecz, which constitutes only an introduction to a wider discussion of the main subject of the text, i.e. the history of the altar and the chapel of the Biecz clothiers’ guild. It is currently held that St. Catherine’s and St. Michael’s chapel was owned by the guild. However, the earliest sources concerning the investigated subject contain a mention of the original Corpus Christi altar founded by the guild. This inconsistency is presumably caused by the co-existence of two guild foundations, initially the Corpus Christi altar, and later the entire chapel. It should also be emphasized that they were located in two different places inside the Biecz parish church. The author did not find any evidence which would suggest that the first altar could survive until today. The article has been enhanced by a source edition: The elders of the clothiers’ guild of the town of Biecz notify Cardinal Frederic of the foundation and provision of the Corpus Christi alter in the Biecz parish church of 1483. The document is stored in the National Archive in Krakow.Artykuł prezentuje krótki zarys historii kolegiaty pod wezwaniem Bożego Ciała w Bieczu, która stanowi jedynie wprowadzenie do omówienia głównego tematu tekstu, czyli historii ołtarza i kaplicy cechu sukienników bieckich. Obecnie przyjmuje się, że kaplica pod wezwaniem św. Katarzyny i św. Michała znajdowała się niegdyś w posiadaniu tego cechu. W najstarszych źródłach dotyczących badanego tematu pojawia się jednak wzmianka o pierwotnym ołtarzu cechowym, pod wezwaniem Bożego Ciała. Niespójność ta wynika najprawdopodobniej z istnienia dwóch fundacji cechowych, na początku samego ołtarza pod wezwaniem Bożego Ciała, a z czasem całej kaplicy. Należy również zaznaczyć, że znajdowały się one w dwóch różnych miejscach we wnętrzu fary bieckiej. Autorka nie natrafiła na jakiekolwiek wzmianki, które świadczyłyby o tym, że pierwszy ołtarz sukienników mógł przetrwać do obecnych czasów. Tekst został wzbogacony o edycję źródłową: Starsi cechu sukienniczego miasta Biecza zawiadamiają kardynała Fryderyka o ufundowaniu i uposażeniu ołtarza pw. Bożego Ciała w kościele parafialnym w Bieczu z 1483 roku. Dokument ten jest przechowywany w zbiorach Archiwum ­Narodowego w Krakowie

    Przyczynek do dziejów bieckiego cechu tkackiego. Spór między Marcinem Foltynowicem a cechem płócienniczym

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    Guild of Weavers was an associations of people who worked in many different places and did a lot for their guild and town. Guild of Weavers was very popular in XVI–XVII centuries in Poland. Guild was composed of masters and students. They have a lot of prerogatives from king and town. This article shows lawsuit between masters in guild of Weavers and one of their member named Marcin Foltynowic in XVII century in Biecz. The author of article presented long way of this litigation, include every part of procedures in court in Biecz. To conclude this article shows hierarchy in guild of Weavers, their members and shows power of guild as an organization of people with the same profession

    Modifying genetic epilepsies - Results from studies on tuberous sclerosis complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is an autosomal dominant neurocutaneous disorder affecting approximately 1 in 6,000 in general population and represents one of the most common genetic causes of epilepsy. Epilepsy affects 90% of the patients and appears in the first 2 years of life in the majority of them. Early onset of epilepsy in the first year of life is associated with high risk of cognitive decline and neuropsychiatric problems including autism. Recently TSC has been recognized as a model of genetic epilepsies. TSC is a genetic condition with known dysregulated mTOR pathway and is increasingly viewed as a model for human epileptogenesis. Moreover, TSC is characterized by a hyperactivation of mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) pathway, and mTOR activation was showed to be implicated in epileptogenesis in many animal models and human epilepsies. Recently published studies documented positive effect of preventive or disease modifying treatment of epilepsy in infants with high risk of epilepsy with significantly lower incidence of epilepsy and better cognitive outcome. Further studies on preventive treatment of epilepsy in other genetic epilepsies of early childhood are considered. This article is part of the special issue entitled \u27New Epilepsy Therapies for the 21st Century - From Antiseizure Drugs to Prevention, Modification and Cure of Epilepsy\u27